Avatar of Lawless
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Aihara
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 82 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Lawless 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current You...are the real ghost


I don't know what to put here. I wanted to put a story about an alligator falling in love with a jellyfish, or a story about Ruby and Sapphire, but I don't think I will. Not right now. Sorry if you came here expecting an interesting read.

Anyhow on to me. Hello, I'm Lawless, I'm a boy who's fallen madly in love with a girl. The more I push, the more she pulls away.

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Yeah, read and noticed your post a while ago (yesterday) and know we wait
Okay so I set it up so William is awaiting Raphael
Christopher tried to manage a shriek of terror but it was muffled by William's hand as the man's body fell to the floor and William pulled back. He looked to the window which he had managed to prevent being unraveled "Get a new one and everyone gets jealous." he spoke to himself before grabbing one of Chris's legs. He then began walking towards the basement, dragging the body down a flight of stairs before he cleared his throat. He made his voice softer before speaking "Hurry up everyone!" He said and for a moment only, there was a smile on all of the slaves' face when he opened the door. Their smile faded when they saw him and he tossed in Christopher with a single hand as if the man was nothing. When the man plopped down on the ground the light went off as did the air conditioners. "You fight for freedom but this is as close to freedom as you can get. The same freedom you imposed upon cattle for feeding and milking purposes." William's voice had returned to normal and it howled through the entire basement.

He closed the door behind him and locked it, they had ventilation but they would be just as hot as it was outside as punishment. It was how he rewarded failed assassination attempts. William sighed "Ugh, And somehow I managed to buy yet another one who'll await my demise" he said as he waited for the human delivery services.
In Junkyard 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Ahhh, sorry didn't catch that! Will do so, apologies! Didn't know Alexis was even in the city yet D:
Okay, then that is good! ^o^ Post soon as I get back.
In Junkyard 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Solara had run into an odd alien, one that looked oddly enough like her, well more like that of an Asari. Blue skin, rather than her uncharacteristic green. He however was not an Asari though, she could tell easily by two things that gave him away easily if he had ever been trying to disguise himself which he was not. He was male, and he had hair. He kinda looked funny looking and automatically piqued her interest. He had asked her a silly question, perhaps to make her laugh or maybe he was just naive. Probably wasn't here long, according to John. He hadn't introduced himself, nor did he leave a name. "When you find out, let me know. I'd rather not be stuck here either." she had told him and had calmly told him that she'd be at the same spot tomorrow to pick up some meat. She would later refer to him only as the blue man, and Sandra easily passed him off as being a stalker.

Solara eventually made it back to the apartment where the group stayed, it was a cozy little place. Well really every place appeared cozy after sleeping on a rock on top of a hill of garbage looking out for giant man-eating cockroaches. Naturally she took the most comfy looking bed for herself and they were happy to give it to her. They wanted to give her everything, and they still couldn't quite figure out why. It was rather too easy, so extremely easy but things weren't as peachy as she thought. Apparently there was a limit to how much you could make a person give you stuff without giving in return. Obsession. As a child still learning, Solara didn't know what it meant nor did she ever think it would be so easy to bring on. She was still learning and what girl, guy even, didn't want to have the world if they could? She was testing her abilities and if she could have the world she wanted everyone in it, even that hungry little alien tat worked the butcher shop.

Driven by lust, John entered her room at nightfall. He moved so lightly that his shoes made the sound of a feather touching the floor as he walked. He was too skilled for an ordinary man, he was a thief. John was wearing all dark colored clothes, red shirt blue jeans and black shoes. Solara was sound asleep when someone else laid down on the bed beside her. She was no wearing her spacesuit and was in nothing but a white T-shirt and glow-in-dark blue panties. John ran his index finger lightly down her luscious green lips as if he was telling the sleeping girl to be quiet. She didn't snore, in fact she made the lightest sounds possible to say that she was breathing. He moved closer so that his body was up against her before he pressed his mouth to hers before moving back just as quickly. It was that first kiss to see if he could actually do it, and he could. He was stirring a bee hive and the danger that it presented was a turn on and for John, a challenge. He ran a hand down her figure, it was less modest than what her spacesuit let on.

Then her head turned away from him as his hand rested on her butt, his heart was racing with good competition. So dangerous but it was too late and he had come too close. He was not about to fold just yet, not yet. He pulled her body closer to him and then silently ran his hand up her to her neck before turning her face to him. Both hands on both sides of her face, he leaned his head to the side and kissed her deeply. Running his tongue into her mouth along her human shaped teeth he felt hers a massaging his own which made him pull back in shock. Was she awake? The thought never occurred that he was moving too quickly, hi heart was getting the better of him. When he drew back his heart almost jumped out of his chest, she was looking back at him. He could see the whites of her eyes staring back at him lovingly as her arms went around his waste and pulled him back in for a kiss. She shoved her mouth into his and his chest into hers. Their hearts were beating in tandem and the rhythm was fluctuating drastically. He could feel her now, even without touching her and she him.

Then darkness began to fill her eyes "Em..brace..eternity" she broke the kiss shortly to whisper to him before continuing. Natural instinct was taking over, not just for him but her too. She could see feel that her eyes had shocked him, scared him to death even but it mattered not as such feelings soon began to fade as his hands began to slip underneath her shirt. He lifted her shirt off but she had no interest in undressing him, it was unnecessary. Suddenly he could feel himself slipping away and it felt like she was forcing herself inside his head, in a space where there was only enough room for him alone. His hands stopped cold in their tracks as he struggled to stop the psychological onslaught as she moaned loudly as if the pain that he was feeling was pleasure to her. As if they were suddenly feeling two very different things. Her eyes reverted back to normal shortly after but her breathing was much heavier than it was at first. Sweat soaked the bed sheets and the pillow that she and he were laying on. Just as John's eyes closed, so did hers. She was asleep, just as she had been at the start.
But of course! I just had to call dibs before anyone else! Slaves apparently go by fast, The new slave trade D:
Kiwani, is it alright if William takes Raphael as his slave?
Blood splattered upon the man's face, William's blood. Blood that William thought he would never see agan, even upon his death. This however wouldn't be his death, actually far from it. With his right hand William removed the spike from his chest as the man went for the taped up window. It was easy to predict since it was insurance for humans to make sure they had killed any vampire they had thought they subdued. Rule 1: Always burn the body. William knew the rules, he grew up with the rules. Just as the man reached for the window William had his arm and pulled the man to his knees despite the man's strength. His strength was great for a human but it was a joke for vampires.

"Really Christopher?" William held up the silver spike so that the man could see the necklace and he held it extremely close to Chris's face as if the man was allergic. William let go of the man but Chris remained on his knees and began to kiss William's feet but his master pulled away. "Do you believe in God?" William asked aloud and the man shook his head "Would God really allow this?" Christopher asked. "You don't believe in God and you thought this would work, maybe God doesn't believe in you" William said before he sank his teeth into the man's neck. The man let out a loud grunt but nothing more as his skin grew extremely pale.
Hmmm, well I wanted any slaves, Potato but it might be a good idea to go with Misu
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