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    1. Lazaro1505 3 yrs ago


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In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

The Chosen Hunter

After a couple of seconds squatting around, awaiting a oh so glorious answer from none other than their ‘captor’, the Chosen went ahead to listen to a couple of sentences being thrown around the room by a few others, although, he did chuckle mentally to himself about the comment relating to the ‘elephant of the room’, or in this case, Luthor’s bald head. He especially poke fun at this very fact earlier within his own head as well, and well, you couldn’t blame him. As if Luthor needed some sort of shield to protect himself from everyone in this room, he could very well just point his head forward and reflect all the attacks heading towards him back at their sender.

Now, enough jokes, a… ‘sufficient’ enough answer had arrived, and well, not one the one he wanted. Other than some minor details such as the company this man works for being ‘LexCorp’, the transition from here to the glass cage (to which, he still felt as if this man was using a stick to poke the very agitated animals in the same room and have them fight against each other. Hey, still entertainment for him) and to here inside this very room. If using some sort of device to temporarily paralyze them was considered ‘rough’ and a ‘precautionary measure’. Hmm, maybe he can press more information about that. Although, the bounty part definitely caught his attention. They were claiming another trophy for this man…? Heh, he definitely came to the right person then.

For once, the Hunter responded with “I see, and yet, you still went ahead and grabbed some folk who is otherwise could be called ‘above average’ at best, and yet, expect them to work on the same efficiency as the stronger individuals now. I suppose you do have some sort of plan regarding the use of all our abilities considering that doesn’t seem to be the specific criteria you are looking for. But, I have one more question-” the Chosen stopped a bit in his sentence, before moving his right hand to directly the back of his neck (even though his hood hid said neck), and tapped it as to explain his point, before saying out loud “-What is it exactly that you used to ‘tranq’ us with. Must have been one hell of a device, considering the very fact that Mr. Big Balls over there received some sort of ‘shock therapy’ to his head now, so, it wouldn’t be much to guess that you also have stuck us all with the same thing now. Let me guess, one of your ‘precaution methods’, or do you do this to everyone you meet up with? And don’t let me get started on how you managed to find us in the first place The Hunter finished, his face being rather blank as of the moment, and one that seems to be more… was it focused?

But, he did stand up to his full height, stretching somewhat as the cracking of his ligments and bones could be heard. Yet again, a smile creeped onto his face, as the ‘man’ finished with “Although, if it’s a bounty you are looking to be claimed, you have come to the right individual. Dhar-ll Vallino, Chosen Hunter of the Elders, at your ‘service’ the Chosen said, before squatting back down to half height as to continue the ‘conversation’. He did mentally note the words coming out from Sougo, something relating to the ‘dangerous bounty’. Heh, if it bleeds, he can kill it… after all, there was little that escaped his clutches more than once, and the only person who managed to do so multiple times was none other than that Commander. But soon, the Commander will get what’s coming to them, and he’ll make sure he will be the one who claims his rightful prize.

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

The Chosen Hunter

Before arrival, a couple of hours ago

The place was… in chaos. Fires were spread throughout the entire small ‘town’ made up of poorly put together houses made of scrap and old buildings from a less modern age, as well vehicles, either broken or dirtied were scattered about. But there was more to this scene than just that, and it’s the very fact of the very tragedy occurring here. A nearby man was running from something, panic and fear within his very breath as he maneuvered around the side of the building, hoping to escape whatever was chasing him. He didn’t expect this to happen, he thought he would be safe here, safe from the hands of ‘Advent’, he only wanted to keep him and his family away from their clutches, hearing about the crimes and deaths they caused, the experiments done upon them as if they were human Guinea pigs, mere playthings to them, to so many people, and he didn’t want his own family to suffer the same fate.

He thought by staying within one of the many Resistance Safe Havens, he’ll finally have a chance to lay low while the war for humanity’s freedom occurs outside, eventually coming back once everything was done. But no, he didn’t expect this… to be separated by his family and friends, all alone while they are either being killed without any hint of mercy, or being ‘captured’ and prepared for whatever experiments they have in store for them. However, something did stop the man, who was currently approaching the corner of the building he was hiding behind. It was… eccentric and heavy breathing. That was before he jumped back a bit, as a fist that broke through the corner of the brick wall he was hiding behind, falling onto his back and slowly inching backwards, as the thing that came out was hideous.

It was as if the creature was made of pure muscle, easily dwarfing him in size, the alien creature was staring upon its environment, looking for the very thing that caught its attention, before settling its eyes on him. The man tried to get back, away from what appears to be Death itself, arriving to claim it’s due, and yet, not even a full scream was shed as the alien grabbed onto the man’s legs, pulling the man back, before being brutally slammed onto the floor three times, sickening cracks of bone and limbs breaking, before being thrown like a ragdoll behind the alien and back into the hole it came from. A life… gone that easily. Many years of existence, and now, it came to an unforeseen and unfortunate end.

Some distance away, only a chuckle was heard, as a lone figure lowered his rifle, watching upon the similar acts of chaos with Advent Troopers and aliens alike shooting down civilians, or in particular cases, beating up and knocking out some people to bring back as prisoners. The Chosen Hunter could only watch with amusement at the familiar sight of death occurring over there, the man merely muttering to himself “It appears like Advent’s minions and meat shields are enjoying their new ‘play dates’, especially since they aren’t getting the bite back. Even the so called ‘Resistance Soldiers’ can barely hold the line before getting overrun. No wonder why the Resistance was failing before- And, as if to answer his question, the familiar hum of a aircraft coming down from above caught his attention. It appears they arrived just on time to deal with the enemy forces here.

Well, you know what they say. One more hunt, one more chance to claim the life of the real ‘big-game’ now, nothing like those brutish Berserkers or the annoying Chrysallids. Now, he’s finally gonna get a real fight here. The Chosen merely raised their rifle once more, the weapon trained upon the very craft used to deploy soldiers that belonged to none other than Xcom, the only competent ones bringing the fight to the table now. Skirmishers? Nothing more than a disorganized group of traitors attempting to fight back against the Assassin. The Reapers? Merely a berry bush thorn to the finger, nothing to major other than the great annoyances they cause from time to time. The Templars? Don’t let him get started upon them now. But Xcom… the same faction who not only brought a real threat to the Elders, but also gained the aid of all the other factions at the same time as well, and uniting them together.

Clearly, the Commander has something that was making the Elders quake in their collective ethereal underwears if they want them back and captured, away from leading Xcom to victory. Usually, they are the ones pulling all the shots in these kinds of situations, and it is almost always expected to see them here trying to put a Randy to this. And here they were, a six-man squad repelling down from the ramp of the aircraft, and getting ready to engage the alien forces. The Chosen Hunter gave a signature smirk of his, as he trained his rifle onto the head’s of the soldiers deployed. It was so easy… to just pull the trigger, and without warning, end a life.

Although, not everything goes to plan, as something bite the back of his own neck with an accompanying buzzing that annoyed the hell out of him. Quickly turning around to face whatever was doing that, he found nothing, and yet, the pain wouldn’t go away. It was as if an Elder was standing in front of him, making him beg in his own knees in front of the psionic power. In fact, the pain was so similar to that, he could only kneel down as the pain was overwhelming and too great for even him to handle. The last thing he saw before blacking out, was the Xcom soldiers engaging Advent within the Safe haven, an large explosion accompanying the start of the battle. And then… darkness

Present time

In what appeared to be hours asleep, the Chosen Hunter finally woken up from his state of dormancy, eyes darting around, as the blue skinned man gotten up (although slowly due to the pain still affecting him a bit) from the floor, hand resting over his pistol, Darkclaw, as he investigated his new environment. Well, whatever it was, it was sure not the Safe Haven within Brazil, or even outside for that matter. A singular glass cage… and in it, the strangest things he have ever seen before in his life mixed in with humans. The latter he was all but used to, and yet, the former was filled with a wide variety of folk. Large man sized rats, some furry human thing, he’ll, even a grey human with a cross for a face and floating disembodied hands. Seems like they were ‘handy’ with what they got, hehe.

Anyway, it appeared like they were all caged in here, like beasts. Also like beasts, most of the folk here started acting no better than savage animals when cornered, ’biting’ and ‘snarling’ at each other, the most notable of which being repaid in kind by being the most targeted out of everyone here, a normal old man with a bat of all things. Clearly, Luthor, who have them trapped here here, cared not about the ‘quality’ of his ‘wares’, only that he has enough of it. And he couldn’t agree more, seemed like they were better used as cannon fodder at this rate, especially after seeing how much pain that man went through, he may as well believe that the man was watching them at this very second, looking at them through the cameras.

Of course, as usual, he kept to himself, mostly not wanting to be a part of this nonsense, and merely taking a look at some notable individuals here, thinking about the potential ‘trophies’ he can claim, such as that white haired man’s katana, that even made his sister’s own katana look pale in comparison. And he definitely had the strength to back up his own bark. The joy in what could be a new opportunity of hunting dangerous ‘game’ was already apparent to him, a smirk on his face as he wondered about telling the Elders of this new planet and- No, he wouldn’t do that. Why ruin all the fun he can have by himself at this very moment, when he has an entire planet to himself, without even having to claim the body of the Commander for the Elders. He’ll most likely wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon, although, he needs to make sure to claim his own freedom first from the hands of this ‘Luthor’ as well.

Wasn’t long before someone eventually came to ‘pick them up’ and bring them to Luthor, being guided by some woman who clearly looks like she was done with the chaos they have been causing to each other so far, and went into a elevator. He once again had to keep his distance from the others, who knows what kinds of abilities they got under their belt. But even then, he wasn’t scared of this, merely cautious and wanting to be the one at a more comfortable distance. Pissing off this amount of people right at this very second would ensure a one-way ticket back to his stronghold to eventually be revived once again, losing out on this chance to being on another world. And he wouldn’t want that to happen now.

Finally, they reached the main man’s room, rather fancy for his own tastes, reminds him of the higher class citizens within Advent’s cities. And the main man sitting down as if he held all the cards in his favor within the very room even when outnumbered and possibly outmatched, at least, what it looks like so far. Although, it wouldn’t be a surprise if he went to shoot the man’s head only for it to bounce off like the reflecting looking dome it is. Unusually bright as well. Well, may as well perform introductions, as the Chosen approached Luthor’s table, a small grin accompanying his face as he went to stop a couple of feet away. Now, Dhar-ll was by no means, a ‘short individual’, especially after going through the Elders little experiments to ‘create’ him. He would have easily dwarfed the size of most people in the room, standing at the size of 9’2’ feet tall, definitely not short by any means. And yet, to put some, ‘humor’ into this, the Chosen crouched down in some sort of squat to have his head be on the same level as Luthor, before saying out loud.

“And I’m sure you have a lot to talk about as well. Especially since this doesn’t seem like the ‘average’ job employment meeting as it looks like so far. I second the statement coming from the ‘Purple haired stripper’ as well, you surely must have something important to say of you have people such as the like’s of me in one large group. Although, I do have a few questions of my own… what was going through your own head for the recruitment process for some of the folk here. Clearly, they don’t look like they can hold a proper engagement with a real combat force unless they get lucky now, and we all know how unforgiving lady lucky can be at times as well. Did ‘anyone with combat experience’ was the only criteria to fit this bill, or are you planning on giving them some gear as to make their lives a bit easier. Oh, and while you are thinking of an answer, make sure to fetch some cheese for the rodent currently going through your fruit bowl, pretty sure big rats like them gonna need all the food they can get. The Hunter finished saying, merely mentioning Dris at the end, as he awaited an response. And he was downright ready to laugh if Luthor had decided to bring normal people into the fray and have them babysit the weaker ones as if it was their duty to begin with.

Interacting with:

@Spooky Birb, @Second2Last
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Alex Redd, ‘professional’ thief

Location: “Gotham city… my home. As for specifics, I believe I was near none other than ‘Wayne Tower’ itself… was it a good idea to be robbin someone near the very place which is owned by an orphan who lost their parents to a robber now?”

Mood: “I just need some quick cash, and then I’ll be fine to continue on. Although, not happy someone else is going after the same target.”

Health: “Been keeping up with my exercises, so things aren’t as bad physically wise. Maybe I could use a bit more sleep tonight after this robbery”

Interacting With: “Some xenomorph looking woman and another thief going after my target…”

Another day… another time to be alive right now. Well, he wished he wasn’t alive in this kind of state, but hey, anything to make a living out here in the city with the highest crime rate in the whole world, at least, for him. Not like he could afford leaving the entire place… and he much rather live underneath something that is a roof than out in the alleyways and in the trash, certainly far better to have been known as someone infamous (or not as infamous) like a bandit than a total nobody at all. The beginning of the day went fine, woke up in the same old ‘one star’ apartment building he has been living in for years now, having been interrupted in his sleep a couple of times due to his neighbor and their ‘buddy’ testing the bed springs again for the 2nd time in the week. It’s like they didn’t have anything better to do.

Anyway, there he was, preparing for yet another day of the same routine, eat the cereal that was affordable with a budget such as his, recount the money hidden somewhere (location shall not be mentioned, you thieves!) just in case someone tried stealing from it and reset all his progress back to zero, and cleaning his ‘equipment’ for ‘work’ today. What kind of work? Well, it’s a rather common way for others to get by in this city if they weren’t as fortunate enough to have a good childhood or school life.

And that was none other than robbery. Preparing the gas mask and grabbing his custom rifle and sheathed bayonet, putting both within the backpack, he decided to bring his ukulele as well. If he couldn’t find some good targets today, he could just provide entertainment to some streetfolk for small coin. Although, he need to make sure he is ready in the chance someone tries to pull the ole switcharoo on him. And now, returning to the present. Here he was, walking down the streets in his classic hoodie and jeans, is looks already seeming suspicious enough to look like someone who would rob you, especially down here in Gotham City. But some folk know best, and rather turn blind eye to such things. He couldn’t blame them, out here, much better being alive than dead.

It didn’t seem like he found any good targets so far, at least, not until he got closer to the Wayne Tower, what could be considered, well, for him, the center of all greed in the city. That’s where the billionaire Bruce Wayne lives, pretty famous man. Going out to parties, drinking pina co latas and all this fancy shit, while people like him are suffering out here in the streets, scraping by with barely enough to survive. But out here, it’s survival of the fittest, and Wayne was just given the ‘top dog’ position ever since his birth. Lucky bastard. Anyway, before he lost track, he found a potential target.

Some strange lookin woman, looked like her brain was shaped to be a banana or something. Weird, and the clothes and attitude surely didn’t fit as well. But, a target is a target, and it looks like no one is around to help them. So, quickly going through his bag, equipping his gas mask, grabbing his rifle and attaching the bayonet to the weapon, he was just about to start the good ole fashioned robbery, when he found another man, doing exactly that. Not surprising to see two people going after the same person, or maybe it was? He was clearly surprised by this.

But he wouldn’t let this stop him… he needed to survive after all. One missed chance could spell disaster if he couldn’t find more targets to steal from. So, he needed to take this risk. Approaching the two, the man aimed his rifle forward, mostly at the other man with the weapon considering he is the most apparent threat so far. He then said out loud “I’m sorry, I believe what he is trying to say, is that your ‘property’ belongs to me, and that he should leave at this very moment if he savors his own life. Beat it chump, I’m here to claim my prize, and I’m not letting some two-bit junkie attempting to threaten someone while failing miserably at the same time get this payout. Now, move along… or do I have to show you the proper way of threatening someone? as he kept his rifle trained upon the other man. Now, as much as it seemed like he would just go ahead and fire, he wanted to play the intimidation game. After all, being in the receiving end of the gun either ends in two ways, either A, this man clearly wasn’t expecting someone opposing him, and would run away. Or B, this man is either too high or too stupid to know the risks, and attempt to start a fight. We’ll, if it does come down to that, he’ll make sure he remains the last one standing in this…

@SomeMekBoy @Yamperzzz
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Dismas, the Highwayman

The Highwayman merely gave an nod of acknowledgment to the first line Baldwin had said, no longer leaning against the very glass wall that was keeping everyone trapped inside. There was more to think about as well, such as who was this Luthor individual even was in the first place. Well, they just have some sort of influence or power if they were capable of setting up all this, but that’s all he got for now. Dismas was unsure of whether or not there was more planned in store for them or means of containment… other than what appears to be the bandit-mouthed man suffering from that ‘shake’, but that appears to be all. Perhaps some form of discipline routine… who knows. But, he did respond to his ally back within the Estate “And together… we shall fall. Wouldn’t have it any other way. Much better dying alone with no one even knowing you are gone, that’s for sure.”

Dismas merely took out his dagger after saying that, now taking the time to spin it around in his hands, and even throwing it into the air before catching it with finesses and a sense of what was considered to be mere instinct at this point. He did take a couple of seconds to stop and look back upon the purple shorty, whose name was ‘Poppy’, like that one flower. Did the Plague Doctor use one of those before? For their mask or something? Eh, best not think about something so trivial at this very moment… considering Poppy was accusing him of being nothing better than a ‘Bandit’.

That certainly got his attention. But, here comes Baldwin once more with his speeches to calm down the mood now. Heh, he did miss listening to the former king’s words after setting off on his own after dealing with whatever the hell was down in the ‘Darkest Dungeon’. “Considering our predicament, I would much rather focus on whatever the hell is going on first and save stealing loot after we all get out of this and preferably with our minds and limbs intact.” The Highwaymab responded as well in accordance with the Leper.

Although, it appears that the entire situation wasn’t completely over, as the next couple of sentences that came out of Poppy’s mouth surely brought a chuckle to the man. He let this small chuckle occur for a good couple of seconds, before responding with “I’m a man who much rather show both his bark and bite at the same time, and mostly against those who warrant it. Save the useless talk for later when you can actually show off your finesse with the sharpened blade, slicing against the throat of your enemy. As for the hammer…” The Higwayman merely gave a glance towards the weapon being mentioned, then responding with “Weapon’s a bit too large and heavy for my own taste. Much rather stay light on my feet than weighed down by armor and a large weapon… if you want greater details on how that feels like, ask Baldwin over here. Plus, what use would I even have for it here? Not like that there is a conveniently placed shop within this ‘prison’ now. Or maybe they did open a ‘new shop’ a couple of feet over there.” With Dismas pointing towards a random direction, mostly as part of his own joke.

But, Baldwin pulled him back to attention, mostly regarding the crowd. He merely gave another glance their way, before looking back at Baldwin and saying “They are sure ‘lively’ folk to hang around with. Reminds me of those rookie adventurers I was tasked with guiding them through a easy job within the Ruins. Heh, it was pretty funny seeing them face against a ‘Ghoul’ and one of the recruits complaining about being hit by a skull to the… well, skull. Guess that ‘rattled’ them so much, they were ‘scared out of their own skin’.” Another one of the Highwayman’s finest jokes in such a seemingly tense situation, a classic.

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Name: Alex Redd

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Canon: Dc Oc

Main Thread or Sandbox: Sandbox, likely waiting in a alleyway to ambush someone

Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY): Gotham City, as said above, waiting to steal someone’s entire life’s savings now.

Personality: A man with a trait that most would relate to “Ask few questions firsts, then shoot a few seconds later after asking the questions”… Alex is certainly a man who often wishes for a good life for himself. A bit selfish, although, for reasons mostly relating to his own background, Redd is a man who sees robbing others as a way to further his own survival, after all, it’s what he has been doing for the last couple of years in his life, starting small of when he was a young child who stole food in case he got hungry and his Dad couldn’t get enough to feed him. Often saying many big words and attempting to seem like the top dog in the room, it’s mostly an act that is more or less intended to intimidate others in his path and get them to do things the way he want it to. And he isn’t certainly one to simply lay down and get kicked over and over again while doing nothing. He merely wants to get enough to not only live by, but, if he ever wanted to live a happy life and possibly start a family as well, then he’ll commit many sins and thefts just to make sure that those he love wouldn’t suffer the way he did.

Equipment: An makeshift rifle that he uses, compact enough to hide inside a pocket as well as a bayonet to attach to the front. Also comes equipped with his classic hoodie as well as a couple mags, a gas mask, and finally, a ukulele that he calls ‘Viva La Familia’

Attributes: Other than being somewhat trained in order to shoot rifles as well as being quite handy in craftswork and jury-rigging… he is just a normal old man with normal old abilities. Certainly someone who isn’t expected to ‘survive’ long within the world. Also good at playing the ukulele.

Biography: Even before he was born into this world, he was given the short stick in life and was left at a disadvantage compared to most other people. Having his own mother abandoned him, and his father being a lower class individual who works at a local mechanics shop fixing vehicles at a low price, he certainly didn’t get the good childhood most people wanted in life. And yet, his father still tried to provide him the bare minimum just to live a somewhat comfortable life, and even spending some time with young Alex and doing his best to raise a child the right way. Although, even after all the ‘songs’ he played for Alex with his ukulele, that was later passed on to him, as well as getting cash to support him, it didn’t account for the inevitability of death… and it seemed like death came in early to reap some souls. At the age of 16, Adam had to resort to.. less than legal ways of acquiring cash in order to support his own lifestyle, moving from job to job, construction work, garbage cleaning, and even robbing people. Robbing… that’s where he figured out his true calling. Why must he go through all this effort, all these jobs just to only get a couple of dollars of pay… when he can easily earn hundreds through the misfortune of others. And from then on out, he had decided just that… robbing people… nothing more, nothing less.

Other: He often loves playing music using his ukulele… copying popular songs and attempting to recreate them his own way.
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Now, as of currently, Dismas was still leaning upon the very glass wall of the cage that he found himself within. In all honesty, Dismas didn’t like one second he spends… waiting here within the cage, as if he was nothing more than a animal kept in here as if for amusement, especially when the other ‘animals’ in the corner there were trying to start a fight now, seeing the bad-mouthed club wielding man threatening some sort of disgusting looking rat creature.

He already had enough with the swine people of the Warrens, so seeing another creature of animal and human nature sickened him a bit. But it was definitely far easier on the eye than the swine folk, that’s for sure. It was then, he had noticed a familiar face along with a new one approaching him. And out of the people he could have met, this certainly brought a small smile to his face seeing someone that wasn’t out for his blood or gold.

“Baldwin… I suppose it is nice seeing you again. It is fine seeing you again, thought I was the only one back home dealing with this shit… Dismas said with a small chuckle accompanying it, taking a second glance behind Baldwin with a curious glance, seein they bat wielding man get knocked out with some sort of spell or something related to it after the former had dodged an attack. Heh, definitely a storm brewing up… and if this ‘Luthor’ doesn’t come soon, then everything is sure to boil over and certainly make things worse for everyone here, not just him.

It’s when Dismas finally taken full notice of the companion following Baldwin around, some sort of short individual with a rather large hammer. Hell, he was sure that it was more than twice their own size, and as much he would want to think that using such a weapon would be highly inefficient and ineffective due to one’s size and seemingly the weight of the weapon, he couldn’t help but whistle at the very sight of the individual carrying around the hammer. Taking a glance towards Baldwin once more, he said ”Making new allies already…? Honestly, should have expected them to be bored out by your words quicker than standing next to you, but I suppose some people just like poetry. Anyway, the name is Dismas… a… ‘changed’ Highwayman, you got a name? Dismas finished with a question.

(Don’t know what was Peanut’s username again, so just @ Smoking Peanut)
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
“Stop me if you've heard this one before:”

Bad guy crashes party, kidnaps princess, makes dramatic exit. Plucky, handsome hero gives chase.”

“Epic quest ensues.”

“But, funny story…”

“Yeah, I'm the bad guy.”

Name: Crow! The Baddest Guy in the whole Planet! Greatest sky pirate that has ever lived upon this planet!

Age: This evil has existed for apparently 21 whole years! Crazy huh

Gender: Death and destruction… that’s is his only gender! (Also Male)


Main Thread or Sandbox: Sandbox, random alleyway in Gotham city

Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY): Where is your character starting out? Please name a specific location and the city. If you have trouble with this, feel free to ask staff in the Discord - or if you're not in our Discord yet, shoot me a DM on here and I'll give you an invite. Also please state whether your character just woke up here, or if they've been here for any amount of time. Make sure to specify the amount of time as well!

Personality: Crow is what would call an good ole’ fashion classic villain who enjoys, well, being an villain, relishing in acts of villainy such as kidnapping princesses, building large death machines to beat up the super ‘zeroes’, or just kicking down random trash bins (he however, does not kick any bins within his own base. Can’t let garbage pile up everywhere). He is shown to take being a villain in an openly delightful way, and cares about his reputation as one the most, especially if some random hero comes along that he doesn’t know of and humiliates him in the act, simply not letting go until he had done twice the humiliating to them! Crow is also, like many other villains, an power hungry individual with, as one can tell, with a bit of an ego, one who especially likes being reminded of himself such as using the color purple a lot when making machines or even basing his creations such as his mechs on himself.

Yet, this is just one side of the coin, is an more nicer side. Towards his minions and even captives, he is rather kind towards them, often giving them rewards and things like satisfaction pay along with benefits for good work, and even giving them V.I.P status, making sure his minions are kept happy and loyal through such. After all, an happy minion is an loyal minion. And regarding captives, he often treats them with respect, and he is surprisingly true to his word, such as sharing half of an sunken treasure to the insect kingdom after finding it, and cares for others greatly, although he may act like an nice individual at times, he often tries to deny it or lie for reasons behind it just so he can maintain his villain persona, and isn’t above mocking or threatening his minions if they fail at an task. In fact, he doesn’t truly consider himself to be evil, and is just an misguided ‘kid’ (his true age isn’t known, but I’ll shall be using 21 as his age for the rp) who inspired to continue his family lineage of sky-pirates and villains, and set himself off to be one of the greatest ever known. Yet, he is completely capable of changing, and depending on how he interacts with others within said location as well as relationships (the friend kind) with others, will change who he shall become in the future. An evil genius praised for his machines and treatment of his minions? An villain who gains an heart of gold and redeem himself? Or an cold-hearted bad guy who betrayed others to get what he wants?

All in all, within a nutshell, Crow is an baddie with an heart of… well, not entirely gold, but there is something good within him, and whether or not it’ll mean something here, it’s unknown for now.

Equipment: Mechanical Suit:
Crow’s main way of fighting super-lameos without the use of his awesome mechs and vehicles, aka, infantry combat. And with his mechanical suit, it puts him at an advantage than he would normally fighting without his suit. Here is an small list of what he is capable of when wearing said suit (which is, almost all the time):

-Superhuman physical traits/Armor/Shock absorbers:
At the base level, is none other than his very armor and suit, which at base, grants him an rather large increase to all his physical capabilities. Starting with the standards, running is rather easy, it’s like he is not even breaking an sweat at all, having loads of stamina to go around and perform things such as parkour (with the suit actually not doing much to hinder the agile capabilities of the user) and jumping. Also on that note, Crow can jump pretty high, well, not too high, but enough to scale an one story building on his own with an leap. His strength is also increased as well, being capable of punching through (without his mechanical and large right hand) concrete with little effort, and kick people who get too close for comfort.

But the real kicker here is the defenses that the suit provides, which was especially made to defend against that of physical damage. Being created with an strong combination of alloys and materials, as well as being outfitted with an shock absorber, it allows him to essentially take on attacks that deal kinetic energy such as punches or kicks, or even things like force blasts and bullets leave nothing, not even an scratch, on his armor. And if it manages to get past the shock absorber, his armor at the very least would protect him from the incoming damage or he is smart enough to dodge to the side like some funny blue eyed skeleton man. The main weakness however, is both, an overwhelming amount of kinetic energy that can upset his armor and get past his shock absorbers, or electricity, which can outright shutdown his device and render him more vulnerable to physical attacks. Also, with this suit, he is immune to explosives as well as fall damage. Also, his suit is powered by Anti-Matter (definitely safe)

-The ole rock em sock em!:
His right fist (to which, half of it is simply gone, replaced with either an smaller and normal sized mechanical arm or in this case, a rather large fist) is an rather powerful tool within his arsenal, capable of hitting extremely hard than what his left fist is capable of doing, launching average sized humans and cars into the air and punch holes into concrete walls with an single power-fist. And if that’s not enough, just wait until you learn more about the special attributes this baby can do. The first of with, is, if you think the normal punch is already strong enough, he has an charged punch that allows him to deal extra damage, giving an extra oomph to his hits. He can also cause an explosion when his fist either contacts with something or reaches the apex of its punch, essentially becoming an certain angry Pomeranian hero people may or may not know of. The next one is an rocket punch, which essentially allows him to make his punches become an ranged attack, disengaging his right fist from his wrist and sending it forward for an rocket-fueled punch, before magnets pull the fist back to its place. Has potential for range but perhaps one can disrupt the return of the punch. And finally, he can overwork the mechanisms within his arm to essentially send out an flurry of punches in his enemy’s direction, dealing even more damage than normal with the add bonus from the extra attacks, although such an attack disrupts his the grenade launcher mechanism in his arm for an turn, rendering his ranged capabilities disabled. He can also replace his metallic arm with other weaponry such as attaching a chainsaw or replacing it for a laser arm.

He is also capable of having two effects at once, although it would overwork his mechanism and for next post and make unable to make an melee attack with his right fist next turn, making him either use his normal arm or ranged attacks.

-Grenade launcha of evil!
An internal mechanism with micro converters and nano-machines inside (while also being powered by Anti-Matter), he is capable of creating, most importantly, explosives from inside, and firing it from his arm directly at his foes, with an internal storage of being able to fire six explosives from his arm, with one charge recharging an turn, and us it to his advantage. The first one is an regular style pill Grenade, an 3 second fuse grenade that bounces off walls and moving about due to gravity, can be used to shoot over an wall and bounce an grenade towards an foe (or explode on contact against them), and can also be used in order to perform an explosive jump, blasting himself into the air using the explosive immunity with his armor, and jump to even greater heights than he could normally. Next is the Gyroc Missle, an self-propelled missile that explodes upon contact with either an foe or the ground. Another is the stick grenade, an gooey like explosive that sticks to surfaces and is remotely detonated by Crow using an internal trigger, can make for more precise explosive jumping or blow up an entire building if ya like. And finally, is Assault Fire, which is just ditching the Grenades entirely and firing forth an hailstorm of high caliber bullets capable of achieving the same effect as that of anti-tank rifles. How he doesn’t die to the recoil, no one knows. Each grenade type uses an single charge, and without any charges, he is unable to perform an move relating to them, and, on a side note, he can only have six explosives up at once.

Orbital Cannon:
The strongest tool in his kit, the Orbital Cannon is an one time use ability in an singular battle, that takes time to charge after it’s called upon (two turns), but once it does, it sends forth a devastating beam of pure energy down upon someone, or someones, unlucky enough to be standing upon where it’s main target is. Can be used to deal incredible damage in a few turns or as an way to wreck an fortification rather easily with little effort.

Attributes: Evil Supergenius intellect:
It’s no surprise that Crow has a rather large noggin, creating everything by himself such as large mechs and orbital cannons to pretty much anything he can think of. If he puts his mind to it, he is capable of performing rather incredible things, and back where he is from, his inventing with machinery, vehicles, weapons, and robots, and such grants him such an high reputation amongst many other high-class villains and respect from them. He is also surprisingly quick on his feet as well regarding actions as well as calculations about what to do, such as quickly reprogramming the mechanisms of an mech and using it against an foe, or understanding how something works and either utilize its strengths or exploit its weaknesses, there is no shortage of what he can do in order to make either the perfect weapon to create, or the perfect plan to rule over the world! Also, he can repair things rather easily as well.

The best Pilot around!:
No surprise here as well, Crow is capable of piloting all sorts of vehicles, such as large mechs and fortress sized aircraft, to even things like common cars, as long as he knows it, he can use it. And if not, well, that isn’t gonna stop him from learning how to use it in under 5 minute within a stressful situation.

Agility/reaction speed:
Crow is definitely not one that is lacking in agility and reaction timing, even when not wearing his superpowered suit of evil. With him capable of even dodging bullets without his suit, dodging lasers being sent his way, and doing all of this with a sense of style behind his movement, what isn’t there he can’t do… although, his limitations are there, and without his suit, anything heading his way is bound to be some great danger to him.

Biography: ”Want me to tell you more about how great and awesome I am? Oh… you just wanted to know how I got here… Hmph, fine, I suppose every great villain must start somewhere. Anyway, if all started when I kidnapped the princess… and I remembered it like yesterday:
Begin flashback;
It was another beautiful day within the city of Macro City. An large metropolis like kingdom ruled over by the fair and kind Princess Mayapple, who, for joke purposes, is essentially what one thinks of when they think of an lameo called “Princess Peach”, blah, who even gives a character that name which essentially becomes PP if you only use the first two letters. Anyway, the city was rather peaceful, or well, peaceful as an metropolis can be with the flocks of pidgeons in the air and cars on the highways driving around, however, this place was about to get one of many rather large wake up calls that plague the city.

“Enter Me!”

As an figure jumped through an window, or well, two actually, with the one jumping carrying the other individual. The entire scene was under the effect of some sort of time stop, or scene pause if you can call it that. The main figure was none other than some man outfitted within purple armor, and his notable features being an enlarged right fist that seems more mechanical than his left, as well as two headlamp like structures on the top of his helmet, looking like some sort of megaman robot master. An arrow then appeared within the air and pointed towards the man, with the word ‘Our ‘protagonist’: Crow, Super-Villain and equal opportunist kidnapper’ to the side of it, as the disembodied voice said

“That’s me, Crow, one of the best villains around in Macro City. And no… I’m not a robot… don’t know why people confuse an clearly obvious super-genius compared to an robot of all things. I’m what you call an top-dog around here, and inside this kingdom, this is the territory I ‘own’, or well, own after going ahead and taking over the world. Now, you may be wondering, what exactly I’m doing here, well, that’s simple. I’m simply doing the age old and classic villain tradition of none other than the Princess here.”

To which, another arrow appeared and pointed towards the individual he was kidnapping, an brown haired woman with an crown on the top of her head and wearing an pink dress of what the standard Princess wear, to which, said ‘Our Damsel in Distress: Princess Mayapple: Ruler of Macro City and expert go-kart driver’, who was rather displeased about being kidnapped right now.

“That there is Princess Mayapple, my favorite person to kidnap. She rules over Macro City using kindness and peace instead of force, bleh, makes me sick thinking of that. Just who in their right mind tried to rule a kingdom like that? You wouldn’t go anywhere with it. Also, she often calls me an ‘friend’, to which of course not she is. She is merely trying to get me to not be evil, yeah, that’s right. And also, she isn't usually like this, but maybe it’s because I kidnapped her while she was making some speech about… I dunno, ‘woption centers?’ Couldn’t hear an thing about it. Although it’s still pretty nice she invites me to sporting events, go-kart races, and other casual get-togethers.”

“Ok, I think that’s all for now, time go on and actually blow some things up already!”

As the scene finally unfroze, Crow now falling down unfrozen, shards of glass flying through the air as the man was laughing throughout the entire fall, before landing onto the city streets below with the impact doing nothing to him.

“Ah, nothing like dramatic exits by jumping through windows and having no-fall damage as well.”

“You should have been more careful, Crow, you could have accidentally gotten someone hurt or either one of us. And all that property damage you are causing.”

“Yeah, yeah… I’m pretty sure this city has enough funds to replace a few lousy windows. Nonetheless, let’s continue on to my latest machine that is sure to blow the mind of Mack in one way or another, both of which, are still delightful to see before his untimely demise!”

Crow said, continuing running along the city streets, and along the way, found some rather pitiful resistance in the form of the policemen and police robots. Although, a couple of minutes with an newfound species of ‘flying’ humans and cars, along with some explosions to accompany such an occasion, Crow finally reached his location, jumping up to get into the cockpit of an rather large Mech like robot colored purple and outfitted with rather large guns on both its arms and shoulders. He was just preparing to turn on the machine when a loud.

“Hold it there Crow!”

As the scene froze again, this time, moving down to the ground and next to some individual in blue armor, armored with an rather large sword held within his left arm, while he pointed towards Crow with his right and free arm. It’s then, yet again, another arrow appeared and pointed towards the newcomer, with the title of ‘Our ‘Antagonist’; Mackintyre Donald Mulder: Knight in shining armor and total loser’

“May I need to say more about this total lameo?”

And yet again, the scene unfroze.

“Give up Crow! You know that you will eventually be defeated like I have done so many times in the past before!”

As the mood of Mayapple brightened up a bit and she said

“My hero!”

Yet, Crow merely gave an small smirk of what one could relate to an evil smile and said.

“Oh really then? Let’s see if you can get past latest machine that is surely to put an end to your heroism, I call it Armageddon…”

“Then a fight it shall be… en guarde!”

And with that, an large battle was sure to arrive, except, we can’t show it due to the lack of budget upon our end.. and.. wait, where did Crow go?

Flashback end:

“And from there, I suddenly woken up in some strange forest… and you wanna know what’s even weirder, I met this strange two-tailed cat-thing (Julia) that shot fire at me. Of course, with my intellect, I managed to ‘hire’ the creature to become one of my ‘minions’ and from there, we just uh… didn’t do much for the most part. I still don’t get why she eats raw meat of all things… hmm, Nevermind that. Nonetheless, thought I escaped from the stinking forest, only to wake up on another planet of all things. And that’s my life story… but who cares whether or not I’m back home yet, at least they got air conditioning here!.”

Other: Crow can, and will, steal your social security number with just a few taps in the keyboard.

Also, helmet-less Crow:
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Natal, the Last Hunter

Current Mood: Greatly Confused
Physical Health: Physically fit as a rhino
Mental Health: As fine as a nomadic lone hunter would be

Before… all of this, he was alone, by himself, as always. He was currently traversing through the untamed wilds of the woods, slowly traversing the landscape as the man followed a trail of blood, as from the sky, his faithful companion was traversing the air, following him from above. As of now, he was currently hunting down yet another beast, one that will feed him and allow him to continue his own survival within the unforgiving woods. One dies, and with that death, another lives. Such how they circle of life is out here.

And yet, it was rather strange when something had stung him on the back of the neck. Yet, he wasn’t visibly disturbed by such. Perhaps it was a night insect that he had disturbed and as such, got stung in return. It wouldn’t matter much, he had a far higher pain threshold than most others due to the blessings of the spirits that make him stronger, and as such, it wouldn’t bother him and disturb him from his task. And yet, that pain didn’t go away, slowly growing in intensity, that even his own higher pain threshold wasn’t enough to stop him from recoiling in pain, and stopping in his spot as of a result from such pain. From above, seeing their companion in such a state, Wind flew down from the sky, the Eagle descending down and landing next to its owner, making small squaks that seem to be that of concern and worry, as Natal felt himself to begin slowly losing consciousness. It wasn’t long after, that his body systems finally failed him, and into darkness he went.

For what seemed to be an unknown amount of time later that seemed endless, he had finally woken up, eyes slowly opening as the very senses in his body returned to him. And what a strange place he had woken up to. Surrounded by stranger men and creatures, and encased seemingly in some sort of clear cage shaped like that of a square. The man slowly took a few steps away from the closest individual, his right hand drawing a iron dagger that has seen it’s fair share of use, alert and ready to slice at the nearest hostile that comes into range. And yet, nothing ‘hostile’ came after him, for everything here was greatly confused, just like he was. Perhaps they were taken as well? But why…?

It was then, a strange voice came from nearby, and looking towards it revealed some woman in strange cloth. And speaking the strange language that some travelers and strangers to the woods would say, they said something about… ‘Luthor’ calling them up? Was this the individual that trapped them here? But why would they want to meet up with them? Shouldn’t they have already proven themselves to be far superior, if they had already caught these many individuals and at once he may say.

Especially if the man was capable of harming an individual, even without being in eyesight, after watching a man who clearly ran his mouth a bit too much now, and got rewarded with pain. That was something to be wary of. And so, without another word being shed, the tribal decided to explore his new environment now, listening to sounds of conversation and what appears to be strange noises coming from nearby with the dancing green armies knight, the man walked up to one of the walls. Hmm… perhaps he can try and explore the top to see if the glass was weaker uptop, as he began to call upon the animal spirits of the wild to his aid.

If successful, he would have found a dark green glow to envelop his arms and legs, occasionally flaring our, as if the energy was waiting to be used, to be utilized into a different form. Merely willing the energy into the shape he wanted, his hands and feet began to slowly form the green energy, slowly forming itself into that of seemingly, a set of lizard like limbs covered in scales. However, if one were to look at the underspot of of them limbs, they would have found it to be similar to that of a gecko’s limb. Placing his hands onto the glass wall, he would have begun to traverse the wall up and towards the roof, mostly taking a look around and occasionally tapping upon the glass itself in curiosity. No words were shed from him.

(Open for interaction)
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Dismas, the Highwayman

Current Mood: Somewhat annoyed, calming down from initial awakening
Physical health: 37/37, healthy
Mental health: 20/100, slightly stressed

Darkness… a thing that has existed with mankind for all of its years. Within it, lies many horrors and beings that go unnoticed by the human eye, unless, if one were to purposely go into such danger within the very crevices they hide within. And he was all but used to facing against such a threat. Yet, once again, he finds himself in strange darkness, seemingly floating across the very air itself, or was void the better term for it? He couldn’t tell, for all of his senses had failed him, and he couldn’t even open his own eyes or twitch even a single limb. It was as if he was left floating adrift, left alone… with no sense of ‘direction’ or ‘location’, he just existed, a fate worse than death. Before this, he was sitting alone, tending to a campfire near a road, having just slain a group of bandits that had attempted to gain wealth from his own misfortune. Heh, as if they had a chance against this veteran who went to the very depths of the Earth itself and defeated what most others would call a ‘God’, yet, all it took was a sharpened blade and a well-placed shot in order to render it dead for the count.

And yet, here he is… seemingly stung by something that had knocked him out for the count. Was he dead? Did he meet his demise to an untimely and unpredictable event? Was he… finally gonna meet Reynauld once again… no, it wasn’t true. Especially for the fact that he was just regaining control to his limbs and senses, the sounds of breathing entering his ears once more, and what appears to be voices. Quickly awakening, adrenaline was rushing through the man’s veins as he shot up from his prone position, quickly getting into a fighting position with him drawing both thunder and lightning from their respective holsters, the dagger and flintlock pistol ready to claim the life of the closest man that attempted to get close.

And yet, instead of someone being nearby to face him, he was placed in a far stranger environment. A glass cage, and along with him, were even stranger figures. The Highwayman did not put down his guard at all, keeping an eye on everyone nearby and checking behind his back to make sure nothing was sneaking up on him. But the voice had snapped him to attention, belonging to some woman who was gonna have them meet up with someone named ‘Luthor’. From what appears to be happening as well as the words alone, he can probably tell this is some sort of shady business now, whether or not it’s an actual business. Whoever this man was, he clearly had the resources and time in order to capture the lot of them and put everyone here in a glass cage as if it would stop them. Well, he escaped from his share of prisons alone, so he was sure he can get out of this small annoyance like any other.

Taking a glance to the rather overconfident and rudely mouthed man that is sure to make even the filthiest of Bandits speechless at his words, he certainly gave a small sigh as the man finally got his karma, seemingly from something like that of the cultist’s magic and fell to the floor. If anyone wants to help him, it wouldn’t be him. He was far more busy in figuring out what this place is.. as he ignored the weirdly dressed man in blue nearby speaking about a ‘spandix’ of all things, and started to take a look around, mostly by testing the glass cage with his dagger, aiming to see if it were to scratch. If it did, perhaps with their combined efforts and coordination, they can break through out of this place, although, after seeing what happened to the club wielding man, he wasn’t one to risk getting stopped before they can even make a crack within the wall.

And so, with a sigh, the Highwayman decided to go to one of the walls of the cage, putting his weapons away, before leaning against said wall. Only giving a couple glances around and paying kind to conversations around him, he can only say to himself:

“Out of all the things I could have been going through right now… being in some glass prison with many other people of strange origin is surely not one of them. Heh, guess fate does has many surprises now…

(Open for interaction)
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Name: Dhar-ll Vallinor, The Chosen Hunter

Age: “Rather rude to be going around, asking everyone the same question about their age… but all I would say is that I was born sometime around the year of ‘2028’ back where I hail from.”

Gender: “Do I need to wear some lipstick and dance around like a ballerina now in order for you folk to understand what is clearly in front of you? If you couldn’t tell already, I’m a Male, you surely must be ‘surprised’ considering how blind you appear to be.”

Canon: Xcom 2: War of the Chosen

Main Thread or Sandbox: “I suppose I’ll have a bit more fun being thrown into the main conflict of this entire thing…”

Personality: The Chosen Hunter is what many people would call, the ‘stereotypical’ rebellious teen who acts like they are edgy, but in fact, well, he actually still is somewhat, but god damn, does he like talking a lot. Being rather talkative (as said earlier), Dhar often likes making small quips and jokes when poking at a current situation, often doing things such as making fun of individuals who miss him or retorting in return after being hit, that he’ll hit his own shots far better than the one he received earlier. And he surely isn’t one to lose his cool to temper or be easily swayed by others (unless violence is involved), and his rebellious nature surely doesn’t help a bit. Often doing things on his own, occasionally he would aid someone from time to time, but he almost always expect to be paid back once the time calls for it, or if it would mean winning a battle.

In battle, he is often smug and cocky, usually showing off the skill and power he has within battle, and going off on a show as to give others the reason to think of him as the greatest sharpshooter out there. But, if there is one thing he doesn’t like, and that’s being hit, he would complain about it before responding in turn and attempting to regain some of his ‘lost valor’. However, some traits remain from the time he was still human,with Dhar-ll knowing when not to press the situation any further if one is in a state of distress, as well as ‘showing kindness’ by helping folk out from time to time. And he is always one who likes to share stories of his own hunts back where he hails from, often taking keen interest in people who had gone through the same difficulties as him. With the Hunter around, he is bound to make things a bit more ‘interesting’.

Motivation: “Mhm… maybe collecting a few more ‘trophies’, especially that of not my own world, would be something to look forward to. Although, I’m not really as motivated as others would be in this situation”


-Darklance: His own pride and Joy… Darklance is a specialized magnetic sniper rifle built for his own use. Using an advance state of the art propulsion system as well as being enhanced by the strange aura that the Hunter seems to give off, this rifle is not only deadly accurate, but capable of piercing through even the toughest of physical armors that protection (like walls) can offer, even going so far as to create large holes in brick walls due to the damage it causes. Having only three shots loaded at the same time, it makes up for it with the ability to allow him to retain his accuracy, even while moving from location to location, as well as even missed shots dealing (although minor) damage to foes. All in all, this rifle is the perfect weapon for any anti-infantry sharpshooter, and especially so for the Hunter.

-Darkclaw: A strange looking revolver-like pistol that the Hunter often uses, this plasma firing pistol has the unique trait of completely ignoring the armor of the target, and hitting the individual as if it was hitting bare skin. Not only this pistol is capable of dealing good damage when in close range, but it also has a secondary shot, which fires a tranquilizer that ‘Daze’ the opponent when hit, taking them out for the count and for (varying amount of turns, with weaker foes having 2 while stronger ones either having 1 or getting ‘Stunned’ instead, having less accuracy and vision and being unable to use their more powerful abilities), which pairs in well with another ability of his.

-Concussion Grenade: A standard issued Concussion Grenade, it is essentially like the tranquilizer shot of the Darkclaw, but far longer in range of effect and can even Daze more than one foe. Only usable once per battle.

-Hunter’s combat suit: No Hunter is complete without their ‘gear’ on their person, and what better gear to wear than the Hunter’s Combat Suit. By providing protection with alien alloys formed into a set of armor that covers most of his body, it's highly resistant to physical and even plasma/explosive based damage, although the armor is still capable of being ‘shredded’ reducing the amount of ‘defense’ he has when taking attacks. This suit’s upside is that it also allows the Hunter to remain mobile even when wearing a strong suit, as well as allow him to dodge attacks as normally. It also comes equipped with an grapple hook system on his left arm, pulling him to advantageous and hard to reach locations as well as even tying up enemies with it. Perfect choice for him…

-Fusion ‘Knife’: In the off-chance he finds himself completely disarmed and put into face first of combat, he’ll still have one more weapon left in store. A ‘small knife’ (which is a bit larger to the average sized human being, considering he is twice the size of a normal human being), the knife, while rather weak, has a small plasma enhanced blade that improves the cutting power of the knife, and while against heavier and stronger armor, it will have difficulty slicing through, against normal human skin and fabric, perfect to slice through.

-The ‘Chosen’ Sharpshooter: The Chosen Hunter is greatly known for his unnatural ability to hit his shots, in fact, he seems to be able to hit targets even before they move, as if he knows where they would go next. Adding this along with a powerful and accurate sniper rifle as well, and capable of hitting foes from even a mile or two away, there’s nothing that stopping from this Chosen from ruining your day.

-Enhanced Physical capabilities: As standard for the Chosen, being twice the size of a normal human being, and definitely not lacking in the physical department either. With him capable of easily out-strengthening and immobilizing a normal human being, he surely at least have something going for him if found in close combat.

-The Elder’s Blessing: Another part of his transformation into a ‘Chosen’, Dhar-ll is immune to both mental and perceptual impairments, things such as being blinded by a flash bang, stunned by an attack, mind controlled, drinking alcohol, and all that. Essentially, he is immune to it all, but other things such as mental attacks dealing damage instead of debuffing him or being suppressed by an enemy soldier would still bring some trouble to his aim or fighting capability.

-Interrogation: Another standard ability that all Chosen have, with this, once he gets close enough, he is capable of using psionic energy to ‘tear’ a metaphorical hole into someone’s head, and access a wealth of information for him to use such as memories within it. Has a higher chance of working when the enemy is under the effects of being dazed or some sort of imariment in combat, while working less on those who are used to being attacked in the mind by psionic users.

-Chosen Strength/Weaknesses: The Chosen Hunter has specialized ‘abilities’ that grant him an advantage in battle, as well as weaknesses to come along with it, with the following being shown:

-Regeneration: A passive ability, each turn, the Hunter slowly regains health from damage caused to him from attacks, occasionally returning him back to full health. So, if you don’t take him out quickly, he’ll just get back right up again.

-Summoner: With this ability, he is capable of summoning the soldiers of his own world, and using them in order to fight for his side within combat. Depending on the strength of the unit summoned, he will either only summon three (which are on the levels of cannon fodder or meat shields) to one unit (which are more stronger and powerful and can either be strong in physical or have great psionic potential. (The Avatars or any other special ‘unit’ such as the Alien Rulers would not be able to be summoned as a part of this). This ability can only be used once in a battle.

-Planewalker: An ability with a three turn cooldown, with this, he’ll disappear into a bright purple glow, before teleporting and reappearing somewhere else in the area, most often a good vantage point. He can teleport pretty far as long as he remains line of sight with the intended location, or it’s close enough to teleport through safely (such as walls, but must be at least a few feet away to do such).

-Bewildered: When attacked by more than three, well, attack in the same term, whether from the same person or combined together by other individuals, the damage would be increased significantly for every attack (for example, if one were to shoot him with a revolver, and then fire with their rifle, and if someone else were to hit him with a sword, the next attack would deal extra damage. Does not include attacks performed very quickly in a time frame, such as a multitude of punches)

-Highly-Flammable: Fire is not his ally, dealing extra damage to him, as well as burning for longer. Also disrupts his aim considering, well, he is on fire. Why else would he be disrupted?

-Pinned-down: In close combat, while he is comfortable with taking down one individual, if there is more than one individual very close (such as melee range) to him, he would be unable to use not only his own rifle, but to take the action necessary to move out of it unless he deals with one of the attackers first (Only the Planewalker ability can avoid this, but even then, that’s when it’s not being used)

Biography: “You’re awfully pushy for information now… usually, I’m the one doing the interrogations around here. But, may as well share what I have before arriving here. I was sent by the Elders to one of the Resistance’s safe havens in order to.. well, best not to hide any secrets now. I was essentially sent to ‘cull the herd’, watching the Advent ‘peacekeeper’ forces sent do exactly just that, waiting for the eventual arrival of Xcom to save the day. And just when I was about to engage them… well, you can tell what happens from there.”
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