Avatar of Leaves
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1131 (0.33 / day)
  • VMs: 2
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    1. Leaves 9 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current It's been a while since I roleplay'ed. With filing for unemployment, a lot of free time has opened up. I hope I can join despite the rep sheet I have for being inactive for some time.
7 yrs ago
I'm just going to drop this. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Is there someway that I can report the person below me?
7 yrs ago
This roleplay gives out free cookies. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Trapped in TV Land Cliche roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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Interacting with:@floodtalon

"I wouldn't go so far as to call it hospitable in forcing others into contests, but it is better than the latter," Feya tuned in. She listened to Bullet Bill's words as he scoffed. Though Feya wished to compete, if her crewmates were to disagree, they would have had to fight. The fitness woman took account of the forty hours needed for the log pose. That was very generous information given to them. Bullet Bill might have been a bit over-confident, but he demonstrated fairness.

Or so he was showing at the moment. The subordinates of Bullet Bill did not move until both RR and KK's crew moved closer. If Bullet Bill called it, everyone could become severely hurt. Before taking any other step forward, Feya leaned back onto the ground. She pressed her hands against the floor and moved them behind her walk. In order to succeed in the games, she needed to train as much as she could before arriving at the destination.

The woman proceeded to crab-walk along with her crew. Her palms were becoming dirty and ashy from the floor. Supporting her weight and trying to follow everyone's speed was becoming a nuisance. Fortunately, they arrived at a gate and Feya's hands were met with a nice, smooth floor. She dropped down and sat on the floor; taking a few breathing exercises, she didn't take the chance to notice the scenery around her.

"Hey, Slick and Kite! I left my weights at home. I need to bench press you guys."

Fitness Feya


Interacting with:@floodtalon@Gardevoiran

Feya rolled her pupils to the left and right on the regard of the man's bizarre behavior. The mention of fruits and vegetables resulted in the Krunch's doctor stumbling over. The fitness woman kept her eyes to a thin squint. She continued to the doubt the medical prowess of the drunken doctor. The cereal captain seemed fine with his doctor. He announced the drunk's sharing personality on his inventory of alcoholic beverages.

Feya then listened when she heard about the supposed eight healthy recipes. She was a little unimpressed with the quantity. Eight did not seem like a fair amount considering the average person eats three meals a day. Nodding her head, she accepted the offer. Although, not long she didn't realize she was about to be roped into a long celebration. She knew her crewmates and suspected the party was going to last for a while. And of course, it did, for two hours.

After the celebration died down, she found herself in total disbelief. The two ships came across an island with a huge structure taking most of it. A nice castle loomed over and touched the sky. Her eyes dazzled when she spotted an amazing symbol in the distance. "Now that's what you call a jolly roger!"

Feya was referring to the image of a cannon with flexing arms. If she had commandeered her own ship, she would've definitely added some dumbells or muscular arms in a flexed position. She acknowledged that the crew associated with that flag must be real fit nuts like her. Clapping her hands together, she couldn't hold her excitement.

Feya listened to the noises directed by the Krunch's Hachirou. Her ears picked up several faint footsteps. Progressively, it turned into a march and thunderous noise. The fitness woman's eyes lit up when she could hear the cracks of hundred men nearing the shoreline. This might have been the first time since she noticed over a hundred pirates in a single location. The overall scene of this army appeared dangerous. She would have suggested the captains of the ship retreat or start moving in another direction, but she kept quiet.

She witnessed all the men stop their tracks due to the call of their captain. Feya truly wanted to see the owner of the jolly roger. There must've been a lot of fitness knowledge coming from this one individual. In a minute, the supposed guy made his debut. He had broadening arms with ink on his biceps. The fitness woman distorted her face to demonstrate confusion. "...This guy skipped leg day. That's kind of obvious."

Feya shook her head and understood that she couldn't become too picky. It looked like the guy might have some tips regarding upper body strength. "They haven't attacked yet so maybe they're frie..." The physician became interrupted as two cannon balls splashed against the water near them. It occurred right after the man introduced himself and snapped his fingers together. "Never mind. It looks like they want to fight."

Feya sighed, she began to kneel down to the floor. She abrubtly started her workout regimen. Her first set was 200 crunches. "5...6...7...8." The fitness woman continued to count in order to get ready for the possible fight. Throughout her breathing and grunting, she could still hear the short fellow with his threats and backstory. Feya pursued her training, but stopped when her ears picked up something.

She stood back up and peered her head over the railing. "Wait, what?"

"That is y'all think that you can best me crew in a contest of strength and skill."
"-best me crew in a contest of strength and skill."

"-crew in a contest of strength and skill."

"-contest of strength and skill."

Pumping her arms up and down, adrenline began to overide her emotions and actions. "Yes!" She grabbed the shoulders of one of her nearby crewmates, Slick Drake. Feya squeezed roughly on the bone. "Did you hear that?" Shaking the shoulder uncontrollably, she let go after a few seconds. Directing her attention, she cupped her hands over her mouth and leaned over the railing. "I accept! You had me going there for a second!"

She then slapped Bonesword on the back. "This is amazing news! We can't keep them waiting for too long!" Feya basically sang that last sentence off-key. Like how she usually she does, she acted out without thinking. She jumped over the railing and dove into the water to swim to the shore.

Fitness Feya


Interacting with:@Spiffy

Feya remained quiet throughout the exchanges between the two crews. The friendships between men were peculiar. Thought the feelings were probably cordial, they did seem like to curse on each other a lot. Feya blinked a few times, her eyes had to keep adjusting to the talking badger. It seemed like every pirate crew had to have a non-human character. Red Rum has a pint-size skeleton kid and they have a literal badger. This is essentially what's to come from now on in the Grand Line.

Feya folded her bottom lip over the top on. She heard the suggestion about teaming up. She wasn't really certain what that implied. Was this temporary or would the two crews officially join together? She did not expect a merger so quickly into her new-found pirate life. Fortunately, having more allies will prove useful against all threats.

Feya sucked air through her teeth when she noticed Cedric become disappointed by the absence of alcohol. The fitness woman clapped her hands together. "Why are you sulking? You don't need alcohol to celebrate. One beer bottle is basically eating six slices of bread. We can celebrate by feasting on some fruits and veggies!" She suggested.

Fitness Feya

Stranger Crew

Interacting with:

Feya placed her hands behind her back. She raised an eyebrow at the cereal captain; his obliviousness to Bone's skeleton body took her attention. She observed all of the other's reactions. They certainly proved to be strange, probably stranger than her crew. Feya folded her bottom lip over to the left side. The woman could not understand the drunken ramble of the doctor.

Alcohol poisoning was a serious problem. As a doctor, he shouldn't be promoting health risks like that. It would almost be as similar to her eating something without regarding the nutritional chart beforehand. Feya shook her head and followed the direction of her crew.

Marcus gritted his teeth, he witnessed the monster push back Kurt with ease. It was an unsettling sight to see how strong this forest being presented itself. The teen felt weak and stupid; he wanted to move, but could not find the courage to do so. His mind kept telling him to move forward though his body was rejecting his thought process. His legs shook and vibrated a bit.

He placed both of his hands on the tree trunk. Marcus was still in the branches, watching everything from above. He kneeled down slowly to get some blood in his calves. Knowing that his feather powerup was still intact, he stepped off the branch. Marcus then began gliding in the air; it was a lot different than flying. More so, the air current was basically carrying him.

Using the momentum and speed of his flight, he stretched out his hands to glide over Kurt and Ally. He sailed over to the monster. Though his body was not prepared, he had already begun his assault. He elbowed the horned creature in the chest before falling to the floor behind it. He scraped his elbow and knees. Knowing the feather power wouldn't really give him an offensive play, he began crawling away and up on his feet. "I'll worry about the girl!" He exclaimed.

The monster was focused on the giant lizard monster. He expected that one would become the most troublesome given its size. Even then, he found himself distracted by the other pests. First, a woman of hard metal got between them. Then a flying male struck him in the chest. The attack was awkward and not very clean. The monster simply laughed it off. "Is this it?" He could see the kid crawling away. Most likely, the flying boy realized he wasn't cut out to fight him.

The being heard the kid then speak about saving the little girl. He scoffed, "He chooses not to fight me so he decides to be a hero another way. Doesn't that make you mad? Don't worry, I will kill him the same." The forest monster proceeded to rush forward. Its arms retracted back as it prepared to give Ally a whopping punch.

The computer lab remained as busy as usual. About half of the store did share looks with each other regarding the strange man kicking the door down. His scent of cigarettes did force people to give him slight glances. The loud kick did make people wonder if a scene was going to occur. Once they realized that it was another computer nerd, they brought themselves back to their screens. One particular customer did not appreicate the rule-breaking.

A male probably in his early twenties stood up from his computer. His browser currently showed an opened page on Facebook and two other tabs for Pinterest and an article on what's the best fruit to put in a salad. His attire was one that screamed hipster. His bald, black head was covered by a beanie. His eyes were surrounded by a thick, black eyeframe though it did not carry any lenses. His wrists were covered in rubber bands with several quotes supporting his favorite tv shows. Lastly, the dude wore suspenders. A lot of other qualities were definite about the guy, but you get the picture.

He took out what appeared to be a giant battery. Placing it into his mouth, one would realize that it was just a pocket vape machine. White smoke drifted out of the hipster's nostrils as he confronted the owner of the cyber cafe. "Hello, sir. I would just like to inform you that the gentleman came in and has already broken a rule. There is clearly no smoking here. I don't like cigarrette smoke nor do I like second-hand smoking." His voice seemed flamboyant and light.

Todd the owner was helping someone else at the moment. A much, younger woman with colored highlights. She pouted and tried to show the man that she was speaking first; however, it seemed the hipster did not care at the moment. Todd was not sure what to do at the moment. Does he kick out Julian?

Health: 975/1300
Mana: 1482/1900
Renn: 573 Renn
STATs Tree:

✧ DAY 7 - Genesis City, Inn "Eden Hall" - 8AM-12AM ✧


Dubstepp casually woke up without any drowsiness. He simply sat up on his bed and looked around the room for a moment. He couldn't help but hope that the surrounding walls would transition into his old room. He managed to go to sleep early this time, but even then, he couldn't shake the feeling. He scratched his head roughly, not quite sure how to handle himself. He had been counting the days since the incident.

"Happy One Week Anniversary," he muttered. Dubstepp hurried to the shower room to cleanse his body of possible bed bugs and lint. The shower remained cold yet refreshing against his bare skin. He closed his eyes for the entire experience. Despite some slight differences, the water did seem real. Dubstepp continued scrubbing roughly, not certain if he was truly making any progress. He wondered if just stepping into the shower would classify a player as clean. Dubstepp would still need to apply scrubs and shampoo. It would seem unsightly if he didn't.

He returned outside with his proper clothes on after his long shower. Luckily, there were no water bills he had to answer toward. He could take baths as long as he wished. Dubstepp walked down the street; this particular time, he did not have a destination. The whole day yesterday focused on shopping alone. Window browsing, shopping for specific items, and talking to the clerks took a lot of his time. Dubstepp did not have anything on his schedule. He practically had everything he needed for a dungeon trip. And he was becoming very frugal with his money, he expected he should save some money for emergencies.

Thinking back to the quests offered around this time, he found no solution to his unproductiveness. All the quests weren't going to cut it for him. They would have taken a while to complete. He then remembered Watchmaster Loran. The musician thought back to his first quest; standing around and guarding the place only for a handful of Renn. He snapped his fingers and chose that he could help him out again. The job was simply easy and did earn Renn. Hopefully, this second quest will give Dubstepp an advantage or give him more of a footing into Loran's trust.

Dubstepp scratched his head again for the second time today. There was still the problem of doing something until tonight. Walking more down the street, he realized he came across the pub that he visited a few days ago. He blinked his eyes, trying to recall the performance he initiated. Not a lot of people were present at the time, but they still gave a round of applause. Not sure if NPCs have a taste of music or they are just programmed to like anything.

Dubstepp tapped his waist, his mind was rambling right now on what to do. He began to check his stats and noticed his music skill. He initially picked the skill for his love of music, but probably would have chosen another useful option considering as of a week ago this turned into life or death scenario. Thinking more about it, Dubstepp finally gave in and decided to have an ounce of courage. This was a special day after all. The musician needed to do something amazing on his one week anniversary of surviving this hell hole.

He walked further down the road before stopping. He witnessed a lot of foot traffic through the streets. Pedestrians spoke to each other as they crowded the streets. Some of them must have had jobs to start or others were trying to get to a specifc store. Dubstepp hugged the walls of one of the buildings. He took some quick breathing exercises and calmed his nerves. Unequipping his lute, he started to strum his fingers against the wire.

"Meet me by the pool table,
Tell you about them old fables,
when we were able and grateful,
reading the bible, becoming too playful,
now we've been disabled,
necks wrapped in cables,
Big Boss took your Paypal.
He got us stuck in April,
bending over for too much ----.
It's pretty fatal.

They say jump and we say how high,
because all they see is small fry,
and we don't know how to multiply,
we just standby and comply,
to the Big Guy,
when he crucifies us in July and
denies our supplies for black and bow ties,
watching us as we lie and try to pass by with tongue ties and broken cries,
must exemplify and modify and satisfy the golden alumni,
Boss tells us to retry and expects a nice reply,
I say "I smell pork" because this is a ------ pigsty.

Prisoned from 9-to-5,
yet I'm still alive learning how to survive and thrive
on diners, drive-ins, and drives
because in time, I'll be able to afford proper delights
for future wives and cooler lives,
only few days of filing archives,
and their backs will know knives.

Not talking in the murderous sense,
but I am on that war fence,
Climbing the ladder so watch your manners,
because I will be the last laughter,
and after, I'm much faster to gather backers,
never meet a better rapper slacker known to master
what matters, never staggers against whackers and attackers,
more fame than Saturn or the latter,
rather chug the Jaeger
than become a hungry actor down the crapper.

Watch me flow onto a new pattern,
the old kid from that new tavern,
coming for your position,
so listen to my prediction
so you can set some provisions
and pray to your religion,
I am the most voted,
money in my pocket, totally loaded
Sorry to say: "YOu've JUST BEEN DEMOTED."

Dubstepp felt that this was a worthy note to leave on. His fingers came to stop once he chose to take his bow. Some individuals stayed and listen while others kept moving forward. "My name is Dubstepp; thank you, everyone." He did not unequip his lute as he still had more lines on his mind. A smile was written across his face. With some performances now and then, he would accomplish his goal in no time.

So he spent the entire afternoon performing to the passerby. The hours went by until he had to stop for the better of his health. His fingers were beginning to get blisters and his voice was cracking a bit. Dubstepp really had not done this for more than ten minutes. Fortunately, it looked like some people appreciated his music. Dubstepp bowed again to signal the end of his presentation.

He took the rest of the day to calm his vocals by drinking some water from a bar. The musician simply waited until the time came by for him to pick up the quest. He looked at his wrist to see the time. There was no wristwatch attached to him, but he did like pretending. "Oh, it's almost 8:30. I better take my leave."

It probably wasn't though it felt like it. Dubstepp marched his way to Loran's position. There was no hesitation as he knew where the place was. The trainer hoped that the Watchmaster remmembered him. It's been less than a week, but almost a week. (If that makes sense...) The trainer saw the important NPC from a distance. Shifting his arms back and forth, he proceeded to jog over to Loran's position.

"Trainer apprentice slash musician reporting for duty. Need me to stand around again?" Dubstepp joked. He certainly was not sure if Loran was the joking type. They barely had any conversation last time he volunteered for service. "So what's the suspicious activity?" He questioned.

Dubstepp used no Renn.
Dubstepp has 573 Renn left.

Health: 975/1300
Mana: 1482/1900
Renn: 573 Renn
STATs Tree:

✧ DAY 6 - Genesis City, Inn "Eden Hall" - 8AM-7PM ✧


Dubstepp’s eyes repeatedly opened. His eyes closed shut once the beaming rays of the sun poured through the window. He shifted his body and laid on the bed with his back against the mattress. He stared up at the blank ceiling; he proceeded to sigh followed by a long yawn. With no further indications, he probably could have been fooled if he first woke up to the ceiling. It looked similar to the one in his bedroom. That was a given seeing as how they were both white canvases.

Dubstepp sat up, stretching his neck and arms because he acknowledged today was going to be busy. He turned his entire body and pressed his feet against the carpet. He performed his daily routine of morning preparation. Even though he lived in a simulator, he couldn’t help but to maintain his hygiene. His body was like clockwork, he needed to shower, brush his teeth, and comb his hair normally.

After he completed the mundane tasks, he equipped his regular clothing onto his person. Entering the streets, he found himself blinded again by the sun. Nothing but zeros and ones, but yet it still gave him a headache. His eyes adjusted to the brightness as he carried himself through the streets. The musician did not necessarily have a plan made out like usual. Thanks to the dungeon, he came across a large sum of money. More than likely, he is going to be able to purchase whatever he needs without any worries.

Dubstepp sucked air through his teeth. He did remind himself not to spend too much at the first store he steps into. All this money is going to have to spread through all his needs: magic, food, armour, and everything else. Walking along the pavement, he decided to take a stop. Stepping into a familiar building, he greeted his tutor of magic arts. Samantha the Beastmaster eagerly greeted one of her pupils. A fair and short conversation erupted between the two.
Most of it was Dubstepp recalling what had happened during his dungeon completion and Samantha’s duties as the Beastmaster. As she spoke, Dubstepp found himself looking behind her. He did enjoy small talk, but he wasn’t sure how much time he had. The tamer still needed to visit other places. Without becoming too rude, Dubstepp directed the talk into the available tamer spells. Samantha responded with a smile and showed what she could train her pupil, while also providing the cost.

Dubstepp swiveled his head back and forth. Weirdly, he learned how to increased his monster summoning cap despite him only having Totoro in his party. It would come in handy if he does come across another addition. He began contemplating what issues he has had during battle. Realizing one specific problem, he chose to learn how to restore his monsters’ mana. Totoro always seemed to run out during battle.

Finally, Dubstepp increased his monster cap for the third time. This meant he could now carry four monsters in his pocket. ”I’m not sure why I learned this spell. All I have is Totoro in my party and I’m not really desperate to find another one. I’m really picky, all I have been finding are wolves or different variations of.” Samantha listened to his concern and said some advice that helped out Dubstepp.

She mentioned the vast world of monsters. There is bound to be some he doesn’t like or that he feels wouldn’t be a great fit. ”Patience is a virtue,” she shrugged her shoulders. Dubstepp smirked, he agreed with the mantra. Saying his goodbyes, he headed out. He did not do much walking before entering yet another building.

Fortunately, all of the masters of discipline were close together. For a while, he contemplated on what discipline to learn. Fire and Ice demonstrated many destructive possibilities. He couldn’t learn the pure magic ones such as holy. After a moment of thinking, Dubstepp decided to go with air. It provided more benefits and would become a great use to him in the future. As a trainer, he saw great potential in it.

He greeted the master of air and showed his eagerness in learning the fundamental. The master’s name was Gaan; he proved to be extremely optimistic. His entire attitude was elevated almost like air itself. His smile wore wide and proud. Not knowing each other, the short talk ended really quick. Gaan revealed the available spells. Dubstepp didn’t take too much time; he simply learned the first two just to get an idea of the power.

”Looks like I have another master,” Dubstepp spoke to himself as he exit the building. He proceeded to trot down the path. He already equipped himself well enough with new spells. He snapped his fingers and remembered something significant. As he was walking through, he saw the recognizable pet shop.

He walked in and walked out without buying anything. He would have loved to receive a new pet, but the spells he just learned put him a few hundred Renn behind. Even then, they did not seem like they would fit his personality. He remembered what his master said. Dubstepp guessed he would find a suitable companion during his next dungeon raid.

Dubstepp arrived later in an armour and weapons business establishment. Being an individual that depended on animals, the store did not seem extremely important at the time. Though there was no harm in browsing the place. Looking at the mannequins, he did find a particular hat. The headwear would give him a boost in ranged weaponry. The musician couldn’t help but to smile knowing that this would become extremely useful. He proceeded to buy some special gloves and a full set of leather armour. The clerk of the store appeared to be a very clumsy female NPC.

Her black hair flowed side to side during her head movements. Her name was Cheyenne and she did have trouble forming words. She complimented on Dubstepp’s purchases and had her own insight on each item. Her friendliness was pleasant to be around. The day was getting late so Dubstepp couldn’t stay talking. He ended the conversation short and exited the store. The musician did feel bad, but he knew he would return again.

Before returning to his bed, he did grab a few food items for his next dungeon raid. He needed to stock up on food just so he doesn’t find himself starving or asking his fellow players for scraps. He bought some bags of pet feed for Totoro knowing he had an appetite too. Before ending the day, Dubstepp ate a pot pie and returned to bed.

Dubstepp used 125 Renn [Increased Monster Summoning Cap 1(5)]
Dubstepp used 125 Renn [Restore Monster Mana (5)]
Dubstepp used 200 Renn [Increase Monster Cap 3 (8)]
Dubstepp used 25 Renn [Wind Push (1)]
Dubstepp used 50 Renn [Wind Blade (2)]
Dubstepp used 80 Renn [Sharpshooter’s Hat]
Dubstepp used 100 Renn [Leather Armour]
Dubstepp used 100 Renn [Cutthroat’s Gloves]
Dubstepp used 5 Renn [Pet Feed]
Dubstepp used 5 Renn [Pet Feed]
Dubstepp used 5 Renn [Pet Feed]
Dubstepp used 5 Renn [Pet Feed]
Dubstepp used 10 Renn [Fresh Fruit]
Dubstepp used 10 Renn [Fresh Fruit]
Dubstepp used 15 Renn [Chicken]
Dubstepp used 10 Renn [Dried Biscuit]
Dubstepp used 360 Renn [Totem of Haste]
Dubstepp used 10 Renn [Pot Pie]

Dubstepp has 573 Renn left.

Dubstepp learned Increase Monster Summoning Cap 1 (5) - User is allowed to summon 2 Monsters simultaneously. Passive.
Dubstepp learned Restore Monster Mana (5) - User restores mana in target Monster. 100MP.
Dubstepp learned Increase Monster Cap 3 (8) - Consumable Spell, can only be learned once and disappears after one use. User is allowed to keep 1 additional Monster. 600MP.
Dubstepp learned Wind Push (1) - User makes the air push forward. 50MP.
Dubstepp learned Wind Blade (2) - User summons a razor wind to slash a target, dealing moderate damage. 100MP.

Health: 975/1300
Mana: 1482/1900
Renn: 1806 Renn
STATs Tree:

Health: 528/1200
Mana: 000/300
STATs Tree:

Dubstepp found the battle easing toward a certain victory. Becoming a trainer might have been the smartest choice considering the events that transpired. Those that chose classes specializing in close-ranged combat were forced to the frontlines. The individuals committing to the tank role such as the paladin and the swordsman were guaranteed to take damage. If luck ran out, the tanks would probably die first in combat. Then soon to follow are the ranged fighters utilizing magic and arrows.

Dubstepp recognized that it was an ugly thought, but this is what had been brought to his attention. Throughout the entire game, the musician had yet to take damage. Fortunately, Totoro proved a valuable asset in defense. Dubstepp imagined smooth sailing throughout if he just focuses on training monsters. With enough training, he might become untouchable. He smiled at the thought, regaining his full attention to the battle. A dart held in his hand as he contemplated on throwing it or not.

Just then, Dubstepp gritted his teeth. His knees buckled and bumped into each other. He witnessed the wolf-beast smack the paladin off to the side. The musician suspected the boss would continue to damage Dirk; however, another approach was shown entirely. After tossing the tank aside, the Fenrir’s Herald made a beeline through the group. ”Bastard,” Dubstepp muttered. His teeth were clenched as he wasn’t prepared for the wolf to just change targets. The wolf hybrid pushed two other players out of the way before making contact with the healer of the group. Dubstepp grunted, watching Karma get struck by a vicious claw stripe. He called out to his pet to follow pursuit, but thankfully, his rabbit was not needed at the time.

It seemed the final strike from the wolf hybrid was more of a desperation attempt. There remained only so much health in the boss that he died almost instantly. His attempts at killing Karma concluded unsuccessfully. A clear blessing as the death of a healer so early in the game would have meant an early death for everyone. Dubstepp panted after the flying pixels demonstrated the death of the boss.

Everyone appeared dumbfounded like Dubstepp. More than likely, they couldn’t believe the boss became defeated. Although, Dubstepp turned motionless because of one reason. The method in which Fenrir's Herald just directed his attention to Dubstepp worried him. He immediately recognized the superior AI. Fenrir’s Herald only targeted Karma because it acknowledged his healing capabilities.

This completely changed Dubstepp’s confidence. Sooner or later, this meant the enemies of Talrae would attack him head-on. He eyed the ground and floor, he sort of blocked everyone out as he began thinking. Blinking twice, he snapped out of his thought process before he was in too deep. Putting his focus onto elsewhere, he witnessed the spawn of multiple chests, relieved that the game rewarded them for their victory.

Dubstepp headed over to the see the collection until something transpired. The game annoyed him by placing all of the loot into the possession of Reylan. Dubstepp’s annoyance clearly showed on his face; his teeth ground in place. ”Am I being punked right now?” The musician whispered to himself. Sighing, he rubbed the back of his neck. He was not sure making a scene would benefit him.

His mood slightly became better when Reylan did give him his share. Though, Dubstepp squinted his eyes when he got his loot. Compared to the others, Dubstepp was the only member of the party that gained one item. His head swiveled when he speculated that this was because he wasn’t a member of their guild. ”Hmm, okay then.” He nodded as he talked mentally.

Turning his head, he looked over his shoulder to see Karma crying out. His health dropped a significant amount, but luckily, he issued a healing spell to himself. Shaking his noggin, he walked over to Aster who lent the abilities to the group. She informed the party of her rare item that teleported everyone to town. ”Took the time to mention that,” Dubstepp commented.

With a flashing glow, Dubstepp transitioned to the city. It was remarkable; the musician came speechless by the transportation. So many hours of walking were regained because of one single item. Dubstepp released a short chuckle as he admired the city lights. Even though they weren’t real, he felt a lost warmth. “Thanks, Aster.” Dubstepp thanked his fellow player and began walking down the street without another word.

While walking, his pet rabbit followed through. Dubstepp took some steps and coughed, ”Sorry, pal. I think I’m going to venture alone for right now.” His rabbit monster growled in return. ”See ya later, buddy.” Dubstepped teased. With one snap of fingers, Totoro got sent back to his owner’s pocket.

Dubstepp then began humming to himself as he walked the almost empty streets. He wondered if he should start shopping for supplies. He did not know what exactly he needed and he did not feel like rushing. The teen stopped in place with his hands in his pockets. Smacking his lip, he tried thinking what he could do at such a late hour.

Swaying his head to the left and right, he guessed that looking in the morning would be the best bet. He would not have to rush. Another positive is that he could better understand how to spend his money. Pulling out a handful of coins, he was thankful for the money he received. Maybe he could build his spells? Or he could add another member to his arsenal?

Dubstepp told himself to stop thinking. He needed to vent. The musician headed down the road more. He wanted to get away from the others but find a safe place. Browsing the other buildings, he found a secluded bar. It did not look like it had much business. If anything, people were actually leaving to their rooms for the night. Sighing, Dubstepp nodded his head and walked inside.

He took a seat at the bar. Cracking his knuckle, he waited for the bartender to ask him what he wanted. With a grunt, the server pondered what the trainer was thirsty for. Dubstepp responded quickly with a vanilla answer. ”Just an ale, please.” The bartender understood and completed the order within a few seconds. The only people inside the bar was the bartender himself, Dubstepp, and a few others.

While sipping on his drink, Dubstepp paid the bartender plus a tip for his services at such a late hour. Looking around, the place was barrenly proving a quiet experience. Dubstepp spotted a lot of empty seats. Something caught his eye though. In the corner of the stage, a wooden platform stood. It was a stage accompanied by a lute and a stool.

”Mind if I-” Dubstepp pointed his thumb to the stage. The bartender shrugged his shoulders. With that, the musician downed his drink with a few gulps. He climbed onto the stage and sat on the stool. He nestled the lute onto his lap. With a sigh, he began strumming it a bit.

“I’ve always meant well,
Running a thousand tall tales,
Under a spell,
No wonder I can’t yell,
Look at me starting to dwell,
Dramatic as Adele,
Catching feelings, that’s what smells,
No cologne or hair gel,
Fighting and sleeping in hotels,
Got a secret to tell,
In this hell,
I find myself fragile like an eggshell,
No mito, no powerhouse cell,
Doesn’t look well

I stand here worrying,
As death is hurrying,
And I’m left carrying,
All this stress and whatnot.
Filled my head with broken thoughts,
What is happiness, I forgot,
Go ahead and take my mugshot,
Cuz’ I’m on an onslaught,
cannot spot or slot a winning jackpot,
Cannot knot this grinning ascot,
Always losing, a not hot shot,
Mask emotions like a robot.

I try to keep appearances,
Confidence is in the clearances,
Though I still climb those pyramids,
I’m in a deep abyss,
Counting ticks, watching ABC for kids,
Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
This is how I spend my time,
Making rhymes, vodka with just a hint of lime,
Then a stomach ache, faces fake, too much stake,
Drowning lakes and loud earthquakes keep me awake,
I wait for daybreak, trying to smell the pancake
But all I can sniff is a mistake and hard to keep keepsakes,
Do myself a favor and do a retake on this remake, scratching myself a sweepstake,
As I take the coffee break and watch my intake,

Yeah, I’m fighting this unwanted mood,
How can I reach the altitudes with this broken attitude,
Trying to get screwed and pursued,
All I get is sued and misused, chewed like barbecued food
C’mon dude, ain’t that rude,
Solitude is tattooed in clear view,
One thing I have is gratitude

Because I can now handle worse,
Hit me with that remorse, divorce, and all-powerful force,
Bright side, sent to the hospital with a wet nurse,
Make a report, putting the G back in G-force,
I’m not good at sports,
But I’ll make a touchdown.
Dubstepp is the noun, hands down,
take you downtown, all smiles--no frown,
Backseat playground.
Take this red nose because I’m no clown,
But I’m a king so give me my crown.”

Dubstepp stopped strumming. He took a breath and looked out of the stage. Getting back to his feet, he placed the lute back. Without anything else, he headed out to his room.

Dubstepp used 7 Renn [Ale]

The monster began approaching the teenagers. As it advanced, heavy thudding was made from beneath its feet. It was almost as if the ground itself shook. Its jaw lowered to release a heavy roar. The size of the beast was overwhelming to look and hear at. "You had your chance to run," he mocked. The forest monster picked up his speed as he began closing the distance between himself and the teens.

He held his arm out as the arrows struck. His tree=trunk of arms were able to deflect them easily. During that moment, his throat vibrated. The bastard chuckled, not phased by the desperate attack. It demonstrated as he kept pushing eventually getting into close vicinity to Kurt.

Figuring that the man sporting the lizard skin had the most physical strength out of all the teens, he chose him as the first target. He simply lifted one leg, stamping to Kurt's chest to knock him into the surrounding trees.

The kids around the unconscious girl blinked a few times at the question. They did not expect the teenager to become interested in the sacrifice. Most of them growled and began stepping closer to the electric woman. "We first need to cut her wrists." One of the kids spoke up. His head swiveled to the left and right, he overall became concerned if this woman was trustworthy.

If you were a bit of a knowledge seeker, or you considered yourself as a bookworm, you probably would find a home at the city's library. The place remained quiet for your avid reader. People who were regulars would isolate themselves in the private desks. It was just one of the gifts the library had to offer. A lot of politicians donated to the building thus giving the library more essentials.

As of now, the library stood two stories high. There were long tables in the middle for anyone to read out in the opening. Around the corners of the building, private study rooms were available. These rooms had specific rules regarding that a single person couldn't use it; they needed to have more than one person given that it's for study groups.

Not that many employees resided in the book place. There was the librarian in the front, helping out others with questions. Some employees were picking up abandoned books on the table and returning them to the shelve. All that could possibly be heard was the constant page flipping or an allergy sufferer.

Entering the cyber cafe meant getting hit by a cloud of cotton candy scent. The place that allowed the use of their computers recently passed the rule that people can vape or smoke hookah inside. Clouds of smoke reached the ceiling and would then disipate. Usually, they had a fruity flavor attached to them: Apple Jack cereal, cherry, etc. There were a handful of employees.

One was directed to the front to receive payment. He was also in charge of distributing the snacks. They had several junk food items for sale. On top of that, they ordered a shipment of refrigerated coffee and energy drinks. This really hit it off with the regulars. The other employees walked around seeing if everything was up to the code and standard of the place. They also made certain that people were not using the computer after the amount that they paid for.

Some individuals found the computers to use for college work. It was concerning how one could focus in this place. Everyone else would happidly play one of the roleplaying games downloaded on the computer. The sound of people munching on their snacks was unavoidable too.

Health: 600/800
Mana: 200/1200 >> 1200/1200 >> 1050/1200
Renn: 368 Renn
STATs Tree:

Health: 395/700
Mana: 000
STATs Tree:

Dubstepp froze for a few seconds. He launched two more darts at the wolf hybrid in the middle. The musician did not even put any thoughts toward his actions. This battle was becoming a bit tiresome and difficult. The team had yet to defeat one of the other minions. He watched his rabbit monster's health begin to decrease through every turn of attack. He was not sure whether or not to pull him from the battle.

Using a few breathing exercises, he started to think more accurately about his next idea. He remembered something of vital importance. He checked his inventory and found his wooden talisman. Dubstepp held out in front of his person and yelled out the name of the object: "Wooden Talisman!" As if screaming out the object made it work faster, Dubstepp could feel his mana regenerating to its complete maximum.

After having plentiful of mana juice, Dubstepp put most of his moves into healing his monster.

Dubstepp was satisfied with the progress the team was making. It looked like the others had defeated the guardians. All that was left was the big boy. His ears listened to the words of Reylan. Dubstepp cracked a smile, he acknowledged that this was going to go down easily. This monster wasn't going to be able to withstand the dps of everyone.

Dubstepp prepared himself and ordered Totoro to charge. The rabbit monster did a hefty roar and rushed to the boss monster. It's legs padded on the floor; its ears stood up as he bared his fangs at the boss monster. Dubstepp went along with Reylan's suggestion and began tossing more of his darts. This guy needed to go down and the only way the musican could make sure of that was to never let it rest.

If they already killed it before the guardians, the boss monster might have not become enraged. Dubstepp sighed, not lking the level, health, and mana boost that was given to him. This seemed like a huge false advertisement. More than likely, this was the game devs trolling the first levels.


Dubstepp throws darts at [Fenrir's Herald].
Dubstepp uses Wooden Talisman.
-Throws 1 Dart
-Throws 2 Darts
Dubstepp casts Heal Monster on [Totoro]
Dubstepp casts Heal Monster on [Totoro]
Dubstepp casts Heal Monster on [Totoro]

Totoro attacks [Fenrir's Herald].
Dubstepp throws at [Fenrir's Herald].
-Throws 5 Darts

- 7 darts lost from inventory

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