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<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

You don’t have anything super important going on?

Nothing that I can't put off until later.
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

I should really sit down and make sure I figure out how to get this place locked in here so I don’t forget how to get back…

I can tag along and make sure you get back if you want.
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

*Raises it up inquisitively*
You mean this specifically? No, I won’t. I wouldn’t. But I know of a place where I can get a lot of scrap metal that wouldn’t disrupt the balance of technology here too terribly.

That would probably work. Be careful to not get cut on it.
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

That’s actually part of why you don’t have to do that. I can muster up some junk to sell, I think…
*Takes out the gadget I mentioned before that I was given to travel dimensions*

You probably shouldn't sell that.
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

You don’t have to do that.

I can charge interest if you feel like you're taking advantage.
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

I’ve gotta scrounge up money somehow first. Do they use coins?

Yeah, copper. I'll loan you some.
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Well the whole reason I’m interested is because I want to find a reason to take this off.

We can make a quick trip if you want to. But you're going to be in charge of heavy lifting around here until that runs out of battery.
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Okay. Maybe it’ll be a bit hard then…

Go a bit further up the road and you'll get to "the big city." They'll have a wider selection, but no power suits.
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Maybe. When you say they’re “rustic”, how much are we talking?

Running water, no electricity.
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

I need to get… Things to barter with first. But thanks for the heads up.

That's going to be hard to find, right?
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