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    1. LeiaHair 9 yrs ago


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Post it in OOC first and then we will go from there!
@LeiaHair this is the wrong dragon moon! This was my first attempt at my idea! Let me send you the real one
@Silentfeather Maybe eventually. But the dragons will not be in game at the start. Just FYI. Make your person. Where the story starts, dragons are just something from myth.
@RedXIII Sounds about like you understand. The only thing I am going to clarify that it is not about the skill of the writer, because there are some people who have great ideas and logical actions, but maybe their writing is just average.... while others may be amazing writers but their logic in some actions are subpar.... I am looking at the actions the character took, not the writer's ability.

1. I want a writer to stay true to their character. If they write that their character is a coward in their CS or they show that in their writing, I do not want them to suddenly become the most brave person out there just to escape a consequence.

2. Just like in our world, you can't just walk up to say a famous actor and stab them. Most actors have guards, security systems, and likely have taken personal self defense trainings. I expect that if someone is going to say... poison another character, they will need to show us in narration how they get the poison, how they plot and plan.... then how they carry out that plot, put their plan into action, and finally the deed itself... and then their own escape. And there is a lot that can go wrong and a lot of NPCs that can stop them along the way. On top of that, there are always people around... a scullery maid, a passing guard, the stable boy, etc.... to avoid that kind of NPC attention, they are really going to have to go all out to show how they logically avoided all of that.
@redxiii......... It can be all three. I prefer to only get involved if there is an issue... but if someone goes out of their way to set another character up, role plays out say over like 12 posts, and the other player doesn't do anything about it or logically gets trapped in a checkmate situation but still doesn't want to die, I expect the attacker to contact me first and I will decide if it was logically set and there is no other option and give them my blessing. But if the victim then says "OH WAIT, my character is going to do XYZ to get out of it" and it make sense, then I will rescind my blessing and allow for the victim to live. BUT say they couldn't come up with a way out of it but still didn't want to die, the last resort is going to be to roll a dice to see if they succumb to their wounds.

Does that clear it up?

As for battle, that is all going to be a game of chance unless you go in like "I want my character to lose an arm...." or "I want him to die on the battle field". But by riding your character off to war or willingly participating in a duel, you understand (like you would if you were the person doing the activity) there is a risk you won't come back from it.
@RedXIII Deaths between players will be agreed upon. That being said, if someone does a heck of a job writing up a plot, executing it over many, many posts, and gets my blessing after the other player disagrees, then there could be an instance where a character dies when a writer did not agree to it. HOWEVER, I will expect a heck of an RP chess game and for a checkmate... there will always be an opportunity for a writer to convince me of a logical way out of the death to continue on, and thus it would only be an attempt. And for shits and giggles, we can also roll a dice to see if the injury kills or not. As a writer, I like the challenge of having to think on my feet.

As GM, I want to make sure that there is proper build up and logical writing in all aspects, especially murder or battles.. but deaths may also come from me as GM in terms of an NPC or if we end up on battle fields and a player hasn't decided they wanted to take a hit, I like to roll dice (just something for random sake, no skill points or anything of that nature) to determine if someone dies or is injured or scared for life or loses a limb.... etc. For this sort of thing, it is final but you will have plenty of warning and we will be in very good OOC communication (I like to make the dice rolling part fun!).

I don't want you to feel like once your character is dead, you are done! This is an on going story and we are going to be moving through time as well... some characters may make it to old age, but die there. I am asking people to join for the sake of a story, not their character, if that makes sense. That is way I am totally okay with you all having as many named characters as you want. And deaths will not happen like RIGHT off the bat. They will be for plot driving only.

I have about 70 years worth of story options for us to explore, based off what you players write.... and then more from there if people want to continue on. In about 10-15 in character years, our scope will expand to include the Reach and the Westerlands, then chapter two will have the Vale, the Riverlands, and Essos, and then lastly, chapter three is the North and beyond, opening up our story to characters from all over Westeros (and beyond).

Does that answer your question?
Just go into edit and erase the post
@Silentfeathercan you copy and paste your Character into a PM To me and then erase it from the characters. I don't want to confuse anyone.
@Silentfeather Okay! So.... we have a few things to go over on your character. I want to help you out bc I enjoy your writing in Outlaws. Let me get home and I will PM you with some things.
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