Avatar of Leolycan
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    1. Leolycan 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current I will be MIA till sunday. Will get replies up promptly after.


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I'll get my init up at some point. Power to half of our town (luckily my half- joy) is down till at least tomorrow.
*raises hand*
I thought AI was a wolf this whole damn time! Fuck me.
Dominous narrowed his eyes in the direction of the Spacewolf who spoke, gripping tightly onto his tabard in a quick reflex of anger. Slowly, his pride subsided as he shrugged off the accusations- but he could not let such proclamations go without reprisal.

"Careful, Son of Russ," The Verdant angel warned, "Barking is unbecoming of the Emperor's chosen." He fell to silence as other brother's about the cabin began speaking, taking a chance to survey those he had come to serve with.

As the other brothers began speaking of oncoming tactics, Dominous couldn't help but breath a inaudible sigh of relief, "I have no experience with this Xenos ilk, but it sounds like an ambush would be in order. Much harder to accomplish as we'll be on their turf, but if we were to lure them into an enclosure..." The Angel trailed off in thought. Despite his lack of experience with these 'Tau', he new that the enemies of man could be crafty. In his chapter's tireless search for redemption in the eyes of their Holy Patron, he had encountered the cryptic Eldar and their proficiency for shadier tactics. It's possible their vessel had already been noticed by their enemies, and they were attempting to prepare a counter assault. Nodding at the thought, he continued, "But we must tread cautiously. A wanton charge may see us outflanked and maneuvered. It might be smart to perform recon, and discuss tactics from there- though I shall be offer my services regardless of our path."

Even now, his anxiety grew. He was by no means fearful- the God-Emperor would not see his faithful children fall... But he couldn't help but feel that not everything was as it seemed. Still, he returned to his silence once more, focusing now on the subtle sounds of the vessel as his mind narrowed it's focus to the battle below.
Creativity is taking a nap today. I'll try and post tomorrow after work.

We're still waiting on a few people. I don't mind waiting.
Shhh! Don't spoil the plot you ass.
Beneath his cowl and deep-verdant armor, Dominous sat silently as he reflected upon the Inquistor's words. Even now, he was ever vigilant- often gazing upon his 'brothers' with a mixture of caution and skepticism, but he was aware of the task that the Emperor had set before him. It would be his divine directive to shelter and aid his fellow Astartes of many chapters- though the ones that caught his attention most fervently were those of the Space Wolf chapter. Even now, past visions of his conquest over another Wolf brought an idle grin to his visage, but beneath his hooded helm, no one would know. Instead, he kept himself to the rear of the squad, the last to enter the vessel as he took a seat nearest the door.

"Do not be over-eager, brothers. The enemies of man shall fall before our wrath... Lest you bore us all with your prattle on the descent," His sullen and somber tone resonated within his vox transmission as he settled back onto his acquired seating. Even now, he took great care to not sully his tabard, looking down over the chapter's marking that adorned his breast as he rested a hand upon the cloth. With a closing of eyes, he began to silently recite litanies to only himself- his prayers in true and honest yearning. Even now, his thoughts lingered on the brothers that had fallen before him and beside him, returning their gene-seed with a mixture of pride and lament. But only in death does service end, and in death the ultimate reward: to give one's life in service to the almighty God-Emperor. Repentance is all that a Dark Angel could want, a glorious death in the name of the sovereign whom their traitor brother's scorned.

"To remake that which was broken. To earn the trust of the Emperor once more," He quoted in a hushed whisper, inaudible through vox as his eyes opened to the pict-feeds and displays that now graced his vision. "Witness me, Lion- as we bring glory to the Imperium, and I to our chapter.
I like keeping people guessing. I hate being predictable, and I want people to be asking question.
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