Avatar of Leophael
  • Last Seen: 12 mos ago
  • Joined: 2 yrs ago
  • Posts: 163 (0.23 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Leophael 2 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current Sometimes I choose not to wear pants because pants are society's worst invention.
2 yrs ago


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Interest CHECKcheckCHECKcheckCHECK-a-CheckItOut!

Interested in:
Supernatural Horror
Supernatural Fantasy
Superhero Sterff
Medieval Settings
Modern Setting

Less Interested in (but still open to):
Futuristic settings
Slice of Life

Not interested at all in
Military RPs
Canon Character RPs
Pokemon RPs

Most Recent Posts

The best sleep I ever get is typically when I've been awake for a solid day and a half straight. It's not an often occurrence, but when that situation presents itself, the resulting sleep is magical.
It was a radical quest to discover dark desires that would cause damage to one's soul! Body odor was stanky, but we soldiered on passed the sweaty goblins. Questionable puddles formed under our large muscles mass, yet the awesomeness radiating outward
I know the RP says Full, but it seems like some players/characters haven't posted for weeks and, in some instances, up to a month. Are you looking for more players? Who all is still in? Any replacements needed?

Link's eyes were wide as he witnessed one of the bouncers being taken away by Talia's skillful use of her instrument. Impressive, he thought. Unfortunately, while he was distracted with her maneuver, the remaining bouncer had just the opening he needed to succeed in his aggressive advance. Just as the goon drove his shoulder into Link's torso, The Finger, attempted to slam down his namesake on his assailant's back before being driven to the ground.

"You piece of-" Link growled after his back landed with a thud against the hard floor while he tried to awkwardly move to counter the brute's attempts at grappling. Trying to be agile with severely and awkwardly weighted digits was particularly challenging. At close range, the finger-bats were hardly ideal. He quickly and willfully forced his fingers to deflate.

Instead of bludgeoning balloons of musculature, he silently commanded them to harden and morph into sharp-tipped organic stakes akin to railroad spikes. With the goon on top of him wildly striving to execute a submissive hold, Link attempted to take one of his needle-tipped fingers and stab them into the brute's meaty shoulder.
I'm about to attempt a post in a second. Just a heads up: I am back on vampire shift again this week so some lag may be inevitable, but I think I'm getting the hang of this sleep cycle! Way more energized today than I've been in a while.
I was originally hoping to get this started by this weekend, but complications have arisen in my schedule. I still want to play this game and I'm glad interest in it exists, however I can no longer accurately predict a start date. As soon as I can resolve some offline issues and carve out the time GMing needs, I'll get the OOC up and I'll be sure to tag everyone who took interest. Thanks!
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