Avatar of LG


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current Think I’m gonna get back into 1x1 RPs again.
4 mos ago
1 like
1 yr ago
Anyone wanna work these hours for me?
1 yr ago
If something isn't for you, then just move on lol. Or do your own thing.
1 like
1 yr ago
Club going up... on a Tuesday.


Yo, what's up? The name's Day (or you can call me LG). I've been roleplaying for a good while and I've got experience in Group and 1x1 RPs. These days, I'm more inclined for 1x1s or small groups (3 people max)
PM me for Discord or if you want to plot or chat!

Current RPs:
Power Rangers Crystalizers (Group)
Badges & Ribbons w/ @knuxieh (1x1)

Most Recent Posts

Less than 4 days remaining!

Less than 5 days remaining!

Final updates on submissions: PM me your character sheets by Monday, March 6th @ 8 AM CST. I'll be announcing the cast later that day.
@Duthguy I will give this a look definitely!
@BenG85 The Zords will be based on Kiramager as well, but "original" in name, yes. I can only take credit for some of the graphic designs you see in the initial post, like this for example:

I've gotten better over time, definitely. Hoping to continue to improve. I've done intro videos as well for previous iterations and hope to do another one for this RP. I like making sure everyone is hyped and excited for the story! :D
@BenG85 You can just google "Kiramager" and find a plethora of them.
Looking forward to it!

Okay everyone, I’ve decided to let the deadline for CS to be by next Monday so you guys can have about a week to finish up. If you have any questions post them here or shoot me a PM.

Yeah, @Damo021. I’m leaving submissions open for about another week or so! Feel free to read through everything. I’ll have a definitive deadline relatively soon after I finish up some things.
😂 Feel free. I’ll be accepting CS submissions for the next week or so. Don’t forget to PM them to me.
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