Avatar of Liseran Thistle
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 362 (0.16 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Liseran Thistle 6 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Oh man I am so tired but oh well sleep is for the weak
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5 yrs ago
god i haven't been online in AGES
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5 yrs ago
I have lots more writing on wattpad by the same username if you guys wanna read some more of my writing
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5 yrs ago
I have lots more writing on wattpad by the same username if you guys wanna read some more of my writing
6 yrs ago
Hey did you guys know I have art on my profile.


Hello, My name is Liseran. I'm a writer, an artist, and I usually spend my time fucking off and watching cat videos instead of doing my homework.

I have a Deviantart @LiseranThistle, please consider checking my artwork out if you like my profile picture.

Most Recent Posts

hello, its me again. I have a character now so I was wondering when I can join the rp?

Okay i edited again.

Okay so i edited it a little so now i think I fixed most of the problems with the sheet!

I'm interested in joining the RP!
Hi! To those wondering where the hell In Stereo is after I said the hiatus was over, guess what, I lied its not over and it'll keep going on for quite awhile maybe all the way throughout this summer, But worry not, it's not cancelled, nothing is being thrown out the window, I'm simply just taking a very long break from it in order to complete school work.

This, however, does not mean there won't be any content from my side at all. I'm working on a few CS for a small side story thats completely disconnected from In Stereo and the Paradox Universe as a whole, and I hope people will really dig it. when I have time for In Stereo again, it'll pick up right where it last left off (With a quick summary for those who will have probably forgotten the story so far), and the small side story will be continued somewhere else as a whole book that people can read in their free time on Wattpad.

Eris sat there at the table, their hands clutched tightly together as they digested the story that Charlton took great care to tell.“So…” They began after a short pause. “You knew my granddad when he was younger?”

Charlton nodded, chuckling bitterly. “I knew him very well. We made slow friends at first, but I soon grew used to his pompous nature with time.” He sighed, settling back into his seat. Eris thought that maybe telling the story was taking a lot out of him, but he soon straightened his back out. “I remember the day that Eric first showed up at the record store. He and Thaddeus were the very best of friends.”

“And then my gramps died, right?” Eris asked. Charlton shook his head, sadly.

“No. It was something much darker than death that ruined their friendship, I’m afraid.”


Charlton was tending to some of Thaddeus’ clothing in his small room that he shared with his brother. He had been tasked with cleaning all of his clothing for a week, and all Charlton could do was seethe silently at himself for opening his big mouth at the wrong moment. Though that was the least of his problem, noting the newest addition to the record shop, there was still the issue of Eric and Thaddeus. They were both grating on Charlton’s nerve, and belittled him to no expense, though nowadays it seemed to come from a place of familiarity.

Water sloshed onto the floor as he scrubbed extra hard on the satin fabric of Thaddeus’ shirt. He had lied when he claimed to know more than him about clothing material, but Thaddeus would be the one to pay for it in the end. This shirt was going to be more than just ruined when it was returned to him. The door downstairs opened with no warning, though Charlton could already tell by the heavy tread who it was.

“What do you want, Eric?” He had asked him without looking up from his handiwork. “I’m busy with something here, if you couldn’t tell. Also, knock next time, why don’t you?” Eric ignored him, and walked into the room, seamlessly hopping over the larger puddle of water on the floor.

“I’ve got another proposition for you.” Eric announced, taking a seat on Charlton’s bed.

Shaking his head, he spoke. “I already told you, I’m not interested. Besides, it’s just a gathering full of stuffy rich folk like yourself, what do I have to do with any of that?” He said. For the past few days, Eric had been inquiring to him about a “small get together” with “family associates” and practically badgering him to attend. Charlton was more than against the idea.

“I’ll pay you if you come with me.” Eric told him, crossing his arms.

Charlton snorted. “What am I, some kind of escort service now? I’m already cleaning Thad’s shirts-”

“And doing it quite poorly if I have anything to say about.”

“-and now you want me to follow you around some lame family reunion cause you’d be bored?” He took the shirt out of the water, and wrung it out like a towel. “Why not just skip the whole event entirely and do something else for once.”

Eric was quiet for a moment, as if contemplating that very sentiment. “Like...what? What else could I possibly do in this dead end town tomorrow when that reunion hits?” He scoffed. “Go see a movie? Walk around a park? I’d rather not have people gawking at me, the whole time, Charlton.”

He sighed, stood up, and flung the shirt somewhere into a corner before turning to Eric. “Then just...I don’t know. Hang out with me tomorrow?” He suggested. “I’m going to one of those jazz concerts that’s been touring around the country for awhile. It ain’t a movie, but it also ain’t a reunion. You should come along.”

Eric tilted his head to the side, in mock consideration. “I could...I suppose I could follow you along to whatever commoner’s soiree you’re attending.Besides it sounds a lot better than listening to nothing but ‘Classics’ for the whole evening.”

“Wait, do rich folk really just sit around all day listening to Beethoven and the like ‘cause they’re too good for other types of music?” Charlton laughed. “That’s one of your funnier jokes, Eric.”

Eric stood. “No, we don’t spend all our time doing that, and- you know what. Never mind. I don’t have to explain anything to you. Just know, my parents are very stuck in their ways, and their tastes, and I want no parts of it.” he crossed his arms, hearing no more of Charltons teasing.

“Alright then, it’s settled. You’ll come with me to the Jazz concert instead of the stuffy rich people meeting.” Charlton stood up, stretching his arms in the air. “There’s gonna be a few friends of mine tagging along, however. You might even know a few of them.”

Eric thought there was no way he would know anyone associated with Charlton, of all people. But he would soon come to learn he knew Charltons friends a lot better than Charlton did.


Welp Its been quite a while since I've posted anything but I finally have some time now to just write seeing how all my classes are all but finished.

Go watch Dororo, seriously season 2 just dropped guys its a good ass show.
Okay I finally made time to make a post thank goodness!
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