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Kiyomi Sato-Hon,
Hokage apprentice,
Leader of Team 2.

Laying on her back, Kiyomi stared at the ceiling. She couldn't get the idea out of her head. She had been responsible for Katsuko's death. Yumi's loss of memory and what else? Narrowing her eyes, she tried to find a reason to make it up. A way that she could make things better, but she couldn't turn time back. It had happened and she had to live with the consequence and result. Though she disliked what they were. Sighing, she closed her eyes and suddenly fell like her room was too small. It felt like a prison that kept her in such a gloomy mood. Getting up, Kiyomi thought about what she could do. Hayate was together with Mimi in Amegakure. As was Kensuke. And going to Amegakure wasn't an option while she had been tasked to help Tatsuya. Who wasn't in a good mood either, at least the last time they had spoken. HIsoka was also at Amegakure and as she kept trying to come up with a name of a person she would like to spend some time with, Kiyomi realized something. Why didn't she just spend some time by herself? It wasn't like she never had done that, but that was mostly just training and studying. It was time to do something exciting. Something that had nothing to do with being a jounin or the one that managed the Konoha Guardians. No, it would have to be something that she had not done before to pass time.

Walking towards the door of her room, Kiyomi thought about her options. Somebody was snoring and she noticed Samehada in the corner of her room. Maybe it would be best if she would go alone for now. Matatabi was most of the time silent, so she wouldn't need to worry about him. Opening the door and closing it softly behind her, a smile was growing on Kiyomi's lips. She was dressed in her casual atire, but she carried no pouch. No weaponry at all. This time she would spend time on doing something fun. And harmless or well, almost completely harmless.

Exiting the house, Kiyomi felt a bit excited. There were many things she could do. Realizing that there were most of the time ANBU following her actions, Kiyomi thought differently about it. Remembering that she had gone a bit worried and angry over it, only to turn indifferent towards it, she thought of something. She had her own invisible escort. That would come in handy!

Though she still had the dark thoughts in the back of her head, she managed to slowly distract herself. Now all she would need to figure out was what she would do. There were some things that were going through her mind. Like jumping off the Hokage Mountain? Though then she would need to use ninjutsu or tools to not jump to her death. Thinking about some other options, Kiyomi was absent mindly walking through Konohagakure. Biting on her lower lip, she noticed something. She had to step aside as a carriage was heading down the street. While she would step aside, she saw the horses. Not really though an expert on the animals, they brought a brief experience back. One that she had enjoyed. A memory she cherished.

''I could do that.'' Kiyomi mumbled to herself as she would then head towards the main gates. She had to pass the inner gate of the inner wall, but she had no problem with that. At least being infamous had a plus at times like that. Heading towards the merchant quarters, it was not that busy as usual. With the evening most merchants weren't really as active as they were in the noon or afternoon. Still, there were some places that were still trying to sell or were just open. Hearing the sounds of the animals, Kiyomi started to smile. While she was heading towards a stable, Kiyomi wondered for a brief moment. She was thinking about her being half a Sato. Did that mean she would get a rush and joy from riding a horse? That was what most nomads did, right? One way to find out, she thought to herself.

Entering the stables, she noticed some horses. Some of them were quite big. Curious, but yet careful, Kiyomi approached a big black colored one. He was in his pen and eyed Kiyomi curiously. ''Hey there.~'' Kiyomi softly said as she stretched her hand. The horse's nostrils widened as the animal seemed to sniff her hand. Slowly taking a step towards the curious animal, Kiyomi smiled. ''You're a pretty one, aren't you?~'' Then she had to jump back. Surprised, she quickly examined her hand. The horse whinnied as it throw up its head and for some reason Kiyomi thought it was mocking her. ''That wasn't nice.''

''A wild one, he is.'' Hearing the voice, Kiyomi looked over her shoulder. Noticing a man with a pitchfork approaching her, Kiyomi tried to flash a smile. ''Sorry, I didn't mean to trouble-'' But the man raised his free hand and shook his head. ''No, no. Don't worry lass. I was just going to set him and two others in the meadow nearby. Just need to wait for my sons and daughter to help me out to bring the horses outside.'' The man said. He smiled at her as he nodded with his head. ''What is your name, lass?''

Feeling a bit embarrassed as she had almost been bitten by a horse, Kiyomi smiled and answered back. ''Kiyomi Sato-Hon, sir. Pleasure to meet you.'' The man seemed to frown. Rubbing his chin with his free hand, he leaned more on the pitchfork as he seemed to ponder. ''Familiar name, that is.'' He mumbled briefly, on which he then cleared his throat. ''The name is Lee. Lee Akaike. Pleasure to meet you too. But what brings you to the stable?'' The question made Kiyomi a bit shy. She wasn't sure how to phrase it and started to realize it could be a bit rude to just enter a stable and then ask to how expensive it was to rent a horse for an evening. ''I wanted to see...if I could like..''

''Try to ride a horse? Hahahahaha, sorry miss, but that is quite funny. I have been in the horse business for quite some time. But never have I met somebody who just approached the wildest stallion and then express she wanted to ride a horse.'' While the man laughed, Kiyomi felt a bit shy and embarrassed. She wanted to mock him back as she got the idea he was doing that. But she remembered her lessons well. Trying to look calm, she then tried to answer back in a serious tone. ''I would love to rent a horse for an evening. What is the price for that, mister Akaike-san?'' Kiyomi asked.

Her question caused the man to slowly stop laughing as he then seemed to think about something. ''I know a good deal. Come back over ten minutes. Then you can ride with me and get a ride for free. Only, you need to ride Kazeya.'' Lee nodded towards the horse, who snorted as he shook his head. Looking sideways at the black stallion, Kiyomi thought about it. Then she decided to take the chance. ''Mister Akaike-san, I will see you within ten minutes.'' Kiyomi flashed a smile as she would then quickly run away. She had something in mind. Lee looked at how she ran and chuckled. ''Poor lass. Well, time to saddle some of you, heh.''
Ten minutes later.

''Everything is ready, pa.'' One of the boys said. Three boys and one girl were checking if the horses were saddled up like they should be. Sitting on top of a grey mare, Lee looked at his children. He scoffed. ''Well, seems the lass-'' But then he heard somebody. ''Here I am!'' Kiyomi came running around the corner. She had a pair of apples in her hand and a shoulderbag. ''Well, seems she came after all.'' One of the boys said, grinning. Two boys exchanged a grin after they had examined Kiyomi. Kazehaya snorted as he shook his head before he eyed Lee. ''He is all yours, Miss Sato-Hon.'' Lee said, gesturing to the stallion. Kiyomi frowned as she approached the horse, who was much bigger than the others ones. At a few steps away from the horse, she raised up her left hand, offering a red apple to the horse. It bowed his head and sniffed at the apple and then took a bite.

Even while she was pleasantly surprised, Kiyomi was on guard. Nearly had she pulled back her hand, but she managed to control her nerves. Lee chuckled and then gave a signal. His children mounted the horses they were supposed to ride. ''Go on ahead. I will try to help Miss Sato-Hon over here.'' This earned the laughter of one of the boys and it annoyed Kiyomi. Focusing her attention on the horse, she tried to whisper things. Instead of telling him how pretty or big he was, she just talked about stuff. About how she would like to have Hayate here or Midori. That she knew a nomadic clan and then just started to whisper about the Sato Clan. Not that she had in mind that it would help to convince the horse to let her mount on him. But if she could distract him with the apple and whispers, it was better than just trying to jump on his back.

Interested, Lee watched how Kiyomi offered the horse another apple, this time managing to do so without worrying too much of getting bitten. Approaching the side of the horse, Kiyomi patted the neck of the animal. She continued her rambling softly about the Sato Clan. How she had played a very fun game with Midori, on trying to jump on the back of a horse.

Then finally, as Kazehaya finished the second apple, Kiyomi slowly mounted on his back. Not that she was a stranger to a horse back as she remembered the few times she had been on them. Mostly just for travel or to chase a target. And the last time just for fun, though it wasn't probably fun for the surprised horses. ''Well done, Miss. Shall we proceed?'' Lee asked amused. Nodding, Kiyomi took the reins and then softly tried to instruct Kazehaya to move forwards. Instead the animal shook his head as he then whinnied. ''You need to show him who is the boss, Miss Sato-Hon. Creatures with such fierce attitude don't tend to listen to soft words and actions. You need to force him.''

Though she nodded, Kiyomi felt a bit in conflict. Why would she need to force him? It brought somehow back the memory of when she had tried to force Matatabi into trying to open a bit up to her. No, forcing Kazehaya wouldn't do it. ''Mister Akaike, may I suggest something?'' Kiyomi asked, on which the man nodded and frowned. ''What about a race?'' She asked, patting the neck of Kazehaya. The question of Kiyomi made the man burst out in laughter.

''A race? Good miss, I think that would be unfair. This mare is the fastest of the stable. I don't think Kazehaya could keep up with her, not as long as he won't listen.'' Shaking his head, the man beckoned her to try to use force. Almost had she done it, but Kiyomi decided to give it another try. Straighten her back, she smiled. ''But if it isn't a problem, then why not give it a try? I think somebody might surprise you, Miss Akaike.'' Kiyomi said, though she didn't feel that confident. But somewhere, she had the idea that it could work.

''Fine, I don't think I can see much harm in it. Though, if you fall of the horse then it is your own responsibility!''
Outside the gates of Konohagakure.

Kiyomi took some deep breaths. She looked at her side and saw the son of Lee that had laughed. He sat on top of the mare as he had switched with his father. Maybe for the better, Kiyomi thought as she hoped she had more of a chance now. Not that winning was important. But the rush of sprinting with the stallion and just being a bit outside, and near, Konohagakure would hopefully clear her mind a bit better.


The daughter of Lee looked at both one of her siblings and Kiyomi. Both nodded to signal that they were ready. ''I will promise you something. If you do your best, I will buy you more apples.'' Kiyomi whispered as the daughter started to count down from five. ''Ride with me and not for me. Okay? We can win, together.'' The stallion turned his head a bit, like he was giving her a glance. It was hard for Kiyomi to understand what kind of look he was giving her, but she noticed the ears were down. Was that a good or -


The boy with the grey mare shot forward, like an arrow shoot from a bow! Kiyomi blinked with her eyes and then she felt a gust. Gripping with both her hands at the reins, she only realized a moment later what was going on. Kazehaya sprinted, trying to keep up with the grey mare. Trying to ride as best as possible, Kiyomi gritted her teeth. The boy was more experienced and they were so fast! They were gaining a growing distance between them. Squinting her eyes, Kiyomi tried to adjust herself to move better with the horse. Kazehaya whinnied as he lowered his head a bit, trying to move faster to keep up. ''Come on, we can do this.'' Kiyomi mumbled, trying to move her body a bit closer to the horse instead of away.

They were racing down the dusty road, away from Konohagakure. With the forest at the sides, Kiyomi focused only on the back of the grey mare and the boy. Tighten her grip, she smiled. The rush of the wind, the race and the speed were just breathtaking. Not the kind of adraline that rushed in her body when she was fighting head to head against a strong foe. Then she heard something, which made her head whip to the left. ''See ya!'' The daughter of Lee grinned and winked at Kiyomi. Surprised, Kiyomi noticed how she and the other boys were passing her. Like it was easy! Frowning, she then tried to more her best. Kazehaya snorted as he then almost slowed down. ''Come on! Kazehaya! Quick as the wind!'' Kiyomi said, on a loud tone. The horse shook his head. They were losing the others!

''Let show them, together!'' The horse then gained a bit more speed as the road would soon split up. The children of Lee took the left and Kiyomi followed, trying to keep up with them. The horse then shook his head again, turning his head to try to eye at Kiyomi. She then noticed what was wrong. He looked like he was in doubt or that was at least what she guessed. ''Together, promised! Now lets go! We got to show them who is boss, right?'' The stallion shook his head and narrowed his eyes briefly. Beaming, she noticed how the distance between her and the few others became smaller. They were catching up!

Smiling, she passed the first two sons of Lee and winked at one, who looked surprised. Then she had just to catch up with the daughter and the remaining son, who was riding on the back of the grey mare. They were still at some distance, but she noticed that they were catching up. Getting more excited, Kiyomi started to mumble that Kazehaya should try to go faster. Try to live up to his name. Like she should.

The thought surprised her a bit, but she managed to stay focused. The daughter looked over her shoulder, noticing that Kiyomi was approaching and catching up. Squinting her eyes, she then whipped her head to try to do her best to remain ahead of her and Kazehaya. But eventually, Kiyomi and Kazehaya caught up with her. ''Bye!'' Kiyomi stuck out her tongue as Kazehaya whinnied. Earning a surprised look from Lee's daughter, Kiyomi noticed how Kazehaya went even faster. It seemed that he was going to give everything he had left!

''A little bit closer!'' Kiyomi mumbled. She leaned far forward. There was just the grey mare and the boy. If they could pass them and then gain distance, they would have won the race. ''Go Kazehaya! You're awesome!'' Kiyomi said, with quite some enthusiasm in her voice. ''Nearly there!''
An introduction to the Vault,
Secrets and information being hidden away from the light.

A collab between Little Alice and Lesli.

Part I

A talk with the leader within the shadows.
Summary :

This is part is about Kiyomi and Meisa discussing about some subjects and shed some more light on the dynamic between the two. It is also shows information about a secret project that is only known to a select group of ANBU and the higher ups of Konohagakure. The project Vault.

Mika Hayashi.
Kirigakure Jounin,

The First Steps.

The village was a small one. Rather desolated if one looked at the number of people and location. It was far away from any shore and there were no shinobi located in the village. Other than the current two. But those two held no direct affiliation towards Kirigakure anymore. They wouldn't serve the Mizukage any longer. Walking down the street, Mika was heading to the house where the leading figure of the village resided. The man was called the village's leader cause he had been able to rally the farmers against a bandit occupation. Now he rallied them into working together as one small community to keep themselves alive and making small profits of their trade. However, like many other small communities they were growing uneasy. Civil unrest was slowly increasing after certain incidents.

Walking towards what seemed like a normal home, like the many others, Mika knocked on the door. Waiting, she was soon answered as the door opened. A man at the age of what one could say to be fourty five opened the door. The wrinkles and trimmed grey beard made the man not look older, but sterner. A bit wiser, but mostly stern. ''You have returned.'' The man mumbled. Mika nodded. With her hood and lower half of her face covered, she stared at the man. ''Come in. We may talk.'' He stepped aside and Mika nodded again as she would enter his home.

''The child is well. Right now she is sleeping, though she has tried to stay awake until you would have returned. Quite the curious one.'' The man mumbled. Knowing of whom he spoke, Mika smiled a little. The home of the village head was comfortable and yet quite simple. There were a few paintings and other decorative. But nothing that seemed to be too much. A nice home to have in a small village like his.

''I am sorry that she is bothering you. But I can't risk her to go with me. Can she stay longer here?'' Mika asked, turning around to look at the man. The man rubbed his chin as he then pointed to the nearby table and chairs. ''I have thought about and have considered to join this revolution of yours. Only if you keep your promises.'' The man said, taking a seat. Like him, Mika took a seat as well. Slowly she would lower her hood and mask. ''I intend to stay true to my words.'' Her calm words seemed to ease the man a bit.

''Good, Then we will provide shelter for your pupil and shall try to provide information and some scare resources that we can miss.'' He shook his head lightly. ''I dearly hope that you know what you're doing.'' He mumbled. ''I am fairly certain what this will cause, but right now it is the perfect time. The current Mizukage deems herself so wise and powerful that there is nobody left to keep both Kirigakure as the Water country in check. Civil unrest is spreading like a wildfire and I am certain that by the time you and your village will be discovered that it will be too late. For them.'' Mika replied with a calm voice. She could understand the man's worries. He had to look after a whole village. How many lives counted on his leadership? A few dozen? Still more than she ever had taken care off.

''That might be, but I will see how it will go. Right now I have sent a couple of trusted messengers to the other villages on this isle. The other heads of most villages respect me well enough. Hopefully you can continue to work on building to gain their trust as well.'' The man said. His words made Mika think about something. ''I will be traveling to another island to gather support. I will soon contact you through the means we have spoke of before.''

The man seemed to think about something. ''You seem certain of your cause. But how will you and a small girl gain success in something like this? Or are you going to rely on the commoners?'' The question was asked with a small hint of doubt. Mika had to resist to not sneer at him from being a coward, but she too felt doubt every time she thought about her actions lately.

''I am going to rally support of several people who have been wronged by the Mizukage. That and to try to build up what one may call my own army.'' Mika said, with a clear voice. Though she was a bit surprised by her own words, they had a certain affect. The stern looking village head frowned at her last sentence and then smiled. Slowly he brought his right hand, formed in a fist, to his chest.

''Then I salute you now. You can count on this old sod to help you out. To the end, but for the better of Kirigakure.''
Asami Sanosuke,
Raikage Assistant,

Initiating the order.
A new change for Kumogakure.

Sitting in her own office, Asami was reading the paper. The whole week she had prepared the resources and requirements. There were still a lot she had to do in order to make it happen, what the Fifth Raikage wished to happen. What she had been ordered wasn't a trivial task. There was the gathering of the requirements, giving information to the Guard Commander and then overseeing the process. It was a bit tiresome, but never the less it was something she was eager for. The new system that was developed by the Raikage would help in many administrative branches of the current government.

The whole plan was to make a kind of dog tag for every civilian and shinobi. With their names, birthplace and chakra signature coded in numbers and letters. In that way a person could be searched up a special and secured ledger that would be overseen by trustworthy people. That would shift from locations from time to time, to ensure no local problems would arise, like petty corruption. Asami was a bit skeptical over the order of the Raikage. Sure, it would ensure a better and precise view on how many people lived in a place. Or were born here or there. A lot of new opportunities, so to speak. Next to that, it could improve the counter-intelligence as it would be very hard to crack the code if a person didn't know what to write on a tag. Then they could be filtered out, captured and be interrogated. A nice system to aid Kumo's security.

Writing something down, Asami thought briefly of the Chuunin exam. How it would go or perhaps what the outcome would be. Leaning a bit forward, she sighed as she used her right hand to support her head. Somehow she felt a bit more at ease. The exams promised a time of where she wouldn't need to worry as much as other times. When the kages would be present at the event and a time would happen where most would try to remain neutral. A knock was heard at her door, snapping Asami out of her more relaxed pose and thoughts. ''Yes?'' She said, sitting up straight.

A chuunin walked in and made a small bow. ''Lady Asami?'' The man asked, keeping his head lowered. It was the messenger that would deliver her package and information towards the Guard Commander. ''Please bring this to the Guard Commander. She must see to it that the plan of the Lord Raikage-sama. Please tell her that I wish for a meeting with her to conclude the planning and proceed to the next step together.'' Picking up the prepared small package, the chuunin stepped forward to retrieve it. Making a bow again, he would turn on his heels to walk away. With the door closing, Asami sighed. She could use some rest. For now.
Considering that Shadow has been a bit inactive and I asked around, I have gained green light to start my plot for Mika. Those who wish to join it, are free to pm me. If it turns out that I am alone? Then I suppose that I should start to enjoy being hunted. x3
Mika Hayashi,
Kirigakure jounin, part of Team 14.

Making the first move.
The start of Kirigakure's Revolution!

In a remote village, on the island west of the main isle of the Water Country.

Walking into the bar, Mika looked around. Not dressed as a jounin from Kirigakure, she had a different attire, on person. Heading to the counter of the rather small and the empty bar, Mika noticed the owner looking suspicious at her. ''Good afternoon.'' He muttered as a greeting. Mika nodded back as she would lean on the counter. ''What would you have?'' The man asked, not quite politely. Mika glanced at the alcoholic beverages that she could pick out, but decided to drink something. ''Information.'' She simply said. The look on the man's face changed to a more curious one. He then smiled as he leaned towards Mika. ''That will cost you.'' His tone was different as he understood that he could earn some coins with giving Mika some information.

Mentally sighing, Mika would nod. ''I need to know five names.'' She told the man. Hearing what Mika told him, he rubbed his chin. ''Depending on the names, I can try to help you, miss....'' He paused, waiting for Mika to give her name. But she wasn't that naive. ''Mei.'' Clearing his throat, the man would pick out two glassed. Filling them with some sake, he started to talk. ''Well., Miss Mei. Information these days are very valuable. Depending on what you want to know, I can't offer and guarantee the answer or if my information is valid.''

Like if she was that stupid. Annoyed, Mika would glance at the glass filled with sake. Her thoughts went back to Haruhi. But for the moment, the girl was safe. She was even unknown to what would happen or start today. No, only a select amount of people knew what would start today. A change for Kirigakure. Wrapping her fingers of her left hand around the glass, Mika replied back to the man. ''I will take the risk. Can you tell me about the swordsmen of the Mist?'' She asked. Instantly, the man whistled as he shook his head lightly. ''Don't get me wrong, Miss...Mei. But you're asking for names that are quite infamous. Each -'' His words were cut off by Mika's voice. ''I am well known with the state of how the Swordsmen and such. What I want is to know where I can find one.''

It stayed silent for several moments. The man looked with a cautious look at Mika, who took a sip of the sake before he took a sip too. ''There is one at the nearby island. The one that wields Kubikiribōchō. Quite the shinobi if you ask me, Miss Mei.'' The man continued on what he knew about the swordsman and Mika paid attention as she would grab her wallet. Placing some money on the counter already, the man kept talking. His eyes now and then went to the money that was being placed on the counter. The greed was evident in the look of the man, who kept talking on. Information that Mika deemed worth to know as worthless. After a half hour, the man seemed to be done with telling her what was important. ''That was about it. Any questions, Miss Mei?~'' The man asked, wringling his hands together. Then he stretched his left towards the money. Only followed by gasp as a thud was heard.

Ramming a kunai through his hand, Mika smiled. ''No. We are done.'' Before the man could react, Mika leapt over the counter. With the man being pinned down, Mika would use her right hand to twist the kunai, causing the man to cringe in pain. Before he could scream out, another kunai was rammed. The steel pierced his neck and caused the man to shiver and tremble as his life ebbed away. ''Thank you sincerely.'' Mika whispered as she would pull out the kunai at the same time before storing them back, spinning them before sheathing them back in a fluid movement. Slowly blood was flowing out of the two places where the man had been stabbed. Staring for a second at the dying man, Mika turned her attention to the money on the counter. Placing it back in her wallet, she decided to see if she could get anything useful from the bar.
Pulling the door towards her, Mika's right hand went to the little sign. Turning it before she would walk away, the door would close. With the sign saying that the bar was closed. With a bit more money and information, Mika was ready to take the next step. Her gloved hands went to her neck, pulling up the hood. As she walked away from the bar, her mind was already set at the next few steps. It was going to be crucial to act as quick as she could. The chuunin exams would keep the Mizukage away, leaving enough play room to set up what she would need. And the rumours of that there was some growing unrest made it only better for her goal and plans. Only Mika couldn't say that it was going well. It was too early to yet claim such a thing. What was clear were the reasons for what Mika was aiming for. And the objective.

Walking down the street, she would head to the inn where she had let Haruhi stay. Though she had promised the girl that they would go to the Chuunin exam, Mika wasn't intending on leaving the country. All she had done was managing to get the girl out of the watchful eyes of the ANBU and smuggling her away from Kirigakure. Though Mika wasn't sure if her student was truly behind her, Haruhi could play a rather important part in the times to come. That was if some things wouldn't go as planned, as Mika personally would try to keep Haruhi on the sideline and not being used as some sort of leverage to gain the upper hand. Yet, even with her bond, it was quite tempting to plan and do so. Reaching out to the cloth that was in front of her neck, Mika would pull it up to cover the lower part of her face. The current plan was simple. To leave the island she was on now and head to the smaller island to the south.

The Revolution to free Kirigakure would start today.
One that was aimed to give the people what they deserved.

Freedom, to live their lives free.
Free of Mizukages that didn't know anything else but how to rule with fear, to oppress those who would speak up to them.
Those would who would rise now to do more than just saying what they had on their mind.
Harumi Uchiha
Konohagakure ANBU

Trying to head back.

Harumi kept up the friendly and polite attitude. She had managed to cover some distance, getting away from Kirigakure. But she would need to pick up the pace. Considering that it wouldn't be too long before there would be an investigation of how and why the Six Tails was able to go rampant through the Mist, Harumi wanted to be on ground that was owned by the Fire Union as soon as possible. It would be problematic if she would still be somehow apprehended and caught by Mist shinobi. Yet, the travel towards the western continent wasn't that fast. The ferries weren't always present and with the made distance, Harumi cursed the fact she had to wait for the next. Even a couple of hours mattered.

Though confident that she had covered most tracks and evidence, she knew her chance of escape and getting away with her actions would be greater with the distance from Kirigakure. Heading in a restaurant, Harumi decided to take a lunch. If she had to wait a couple of hours, best to do so without walking seven laps around the small village she was in. Thinking back to her time, which was almost two full weeks, Harumi tried to figure if she had left any evidence. Every time she had made use of ninjutsu, she had either used fires or explosions to destroy any left over evidence. A quite handy to both reach her goal, of creating chaos and unrest as well destroying the traces.

Ordering a small bowl of ramen, Harumi turned her head and gazed outside the window. Her actions had stirred up some people at the small islands. Killing Mayors and other people that were supposed to keep the people in check or else destroying posts of shinobi, Harumi wondered what kind of consequences her actions would have. Not for herself, she was pretty sure that there was little to nothing that could be used against her. She had no infamous name or such. And she preferred to keep it like that.

With the waiter bringing her order, Harumi muttered a thanks as she started to eat. Still thinking about the mission, Harumi was wondering what more would follow. It was clear that it wouldn't stop with her action. Somehow, she had the feeling that after this mission, there was a big chance that she would likely be seeing or hearing that more missions like this would follow. Not that she was worried about it. So far, it was a good success.
Mika Smyth

Mika was inspecting her gear and stuff. It would be a huge pain in the rear if she was missing something she could use or would miss later. After she was done with checking, she heard somebody approaching her. Turning fully towards the boy, she couldn't remember meeting him, but he had something familiar to him. Smiling, Mika replied to Jay. ''Yes, that is me. Pleasure to meet you... euhm?'' Waiting, she hoped that he would give his name.

But with the arrival of Peter, Mika's smile briefly vanished away. The boy said nothing to either her or Jay and had this 'I-am-superior' air and attitude. It really didn't bother Mika that much as she couldn't care about him, but she was wondering how she would be able to ace this if the boy wouldn't be of any use to her. Or even looking like he would want to co-operate with her. Luckily, there was still the unknown boy. Then realization dawned upon Mika as she snapped with the fingers of her right hand, pointing them afterwards to Jay. ''Oh wait. Jay Ahn? Family of Noelle?'' It was a lucky guess and Mika could remember that Noelle had talked before about her brother. That would be rather convenient.
Kiyomi Sato-Hon,
Konohagakure Jounin, part of Team 2 and Hokage Apprentice.

Taking it easy.

From a distance, Kiyomi watched the shinobi work. Though she wasn't up to date what they were doing, it was somewhat calming. Sitting on top of a rooftop, she calmly watched how the shinobi worked in unison together to complete their task. Seeing that she had no release to be off use and even decided to take it a bit easy today, Kiyomi kept watching the activity of the working nin. It had something calming and inspiring, to see such a big group of people, all from different backgrounds as clans and such working so well together.

Holding a bottle of water in her right hand, she raised it up and placed the top of the bottle at her lips as she took a sip. Sighing after the sip, Kiyomi decided she should do something. But what? Hayate was to the Chuunin exams and her newest student was still likely a bit down. Not thus ready for some training, she figured. Still pondering as she watched the working men and women, Kiyomi got an idea. With a little smile adoring her lips, she decided to head down and run to a nearby shop. Though she couldn't use Earth Release or any kind of ninjutsu to help out the shinobi, there was another way.

''Thank you, miss.'' The man said as he smiled. Reaching out his hand, he took a water bottle from Kiyomi. ''You're welcome!'' She cheerfully replied. Though she tried to be careful to not bother somebody with trying to do something she couldn't, like using Earth Release or trying to do some really heavy work, Kiyomi decided to help first out with another kind of work. With a bunch of shadow clones, she was sharing bottles of water to the workers. Considering the warmth of the heavy labor and warm weather, the working men and women seemed to appreciate her aid.

Great. She thought to herself, feeling quite happy with her charity. Only then after some time, while giving away bottles of water, Kiyomi wondered what she would do next. Scratching her left cheek, she looked around. There was a group of people that were using a shovel to help with the construction of the wall. Looking around, she managed to find a shovel. Beaming, like if she had managed to find a new sword, Kiyomi jogged towards the group.

Though she was smaller and didn't had the physical condition of many of the strong men and women, Kiyomi did her best. Not even using Matatabi's empowering chakra, Kiyomi stood next to men and women, using the shovel to help out. After that, she would just follow them and try to help with other work. It was pretty clear that she was soon at the next break quite sweaty and covered in dirt. Smiling, she heard some compliments of people who had noticed that she had helped out. During the break, Kiyomi was however surprised as one of the people offered her to join them with lunch. Getting two simple sandwhices, Kiyomi stared at it. ''Hey, you earned it.'' One of the men said, patting Kiyomi's shoulder. Another laughed as he said something else. ''Yes. Even future Hokage need to eat well, girl.'' Smiling, Kiyomi nodded. She wasn't a bit shy due the fact that they knew her name and her goal. It was pretty obvious if you knew she was the Hokage Apprentice, but it was something else.

''Thanks.'' Kiyomi mumbled as she blushed a bit. Taking a small bite of the sandwich, the people around her started to laugh and made light hearted jokes about it. Though she felt a bit worried about taking a bite from the sandwich, she felt quite happy. Accepted, just like that time with Hayate.
A sudden surprise!
Hayate's past meeting the present?

A collab between Chromehound and Alice.
Summary :

Just a day before Hayate is needed to go towards Amegakure, Kiyomi manages to arrange to meet up with Hayate. However, though it seems like a normal day where they just pretend to be spend time together as mere friends, something else happens.

The newest member of Team 2.
A special protégé of Kiyomi.

Tatsuya and Kiyomi's talk.
A collab between Sketcher and Alice.
Summary :
With Hayate gone to the exams, Kiyomi had been ordered to stay at Konohagakure. Due needing to attend to her newest student.

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