Avatar of LizLegend
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  • Posts: 215 (0.06 / day)
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    1. LizLegend 10 yrs ago


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Current Holy crap I'm alive
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8 yrs ago
I'm not supposed to be awake. Why am I awake. I have a final in a couple hours.
8 yrs ago
Perks of-- o-oh ok
9 yrs ago
I should really be typing a rough draft that's due tomorrow but my attention span is literally just like- oh hey what's this...
9 yrs ago
The urge to be creative is very...urging


It's been two years

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While her hands were resting on her luggage handle Koken looked to the woman, newly introduced as Ms. Shiba, as soon as she felt that aura pressure. People might have taken this aura as 'scary' or whatnot, but Koken on the other hand was fearless towards it. It was extremely intimidating of course, but overall it appeared Koken was not phased. Although, that does not make her cocky either. Sure she should probably be worried as hell if she's in some sort of fit with her, but Koken was smart enough not to mess around with this Ms. Shiba persona.

Koken moved in front of her luggage to sit on it, leaving the luggage standing up as she leaned slightly back and crossed her arms. It was shortly after when Koken lightly tugged on her hoodie, feeling a sudden heat. Koken's head perked slightly, another aura pressure perhaps? Koken slowly glanced around to find the source of the pressure being emitted. Eventually she took notice of the young man. Dark hair, blue eyes and all. Staring at him who was talking to the short blonde girl for a short bit, it was probably right to assume the heated aura pressure was coming from him. Koken cracked a smirk as she closed her eyes and slightly shook her head while looking a little downward, 'Psh. Show off,' she thought as she did so. Externally, she even let out a small chuckle. Koken was actually kind of tempted to emit some of her aura herself, but she decided against it rather quickly. Although it would be entertaining to see some reactions, she didn't really see a real reason to do so. Besides, it might serve better for later. If worthy, that is.

Around now some people started socializing with one another; Koken didn't bother to join in, yet. Koken usually refers to herself as somewhat antisocial. Only somewhat because it's true that she usually isn't the one to go up and start conversation, but if talked to she doesn't mind. If she were to ever go up and start talking first, she probably has some kind of a good reason. In all honesty, she switches off every now and then. More like once in a blue moon, but eh Koken does whatever she feels.
This the life. Just sitting back, relaxing, keeping eyes closed to enjoy that darkness. Nothing beats a good-- 'WHO DARES TO DISTURB MY NAP FOR I SWEAR I'LL-- oh we're here,' was the first thing Koken thought after waking up from a rather pleasing nap on the long plane ride. As the crowd formed in the aisles Koken took her time to stretch from where she sat before wiping some drool off her face with her black sleeve; and then adjusting her stylish but plain black cap, or her 'traveling' cap in which she calls it and literally just bought it for this occasion, as it appeared crooked on her head. After a short bit of waking up Koken stood and waited almost impatiently to get out of the plane. It kind of switched in and out every now and then. Impatient, then not, impatient, then not, rinse and repeat. That's bipolar for you, or something like that.

After finally getting off the plane it was off to baggage claim. Koken did have a backpack as her carry on, but alas there's one more piece of luggage. After all of that was done, it was time to find and meet up with whoever. Through...all of these signs... So...many signs... Koken stood there looking at them all, scratching the black hair behind her head as she blinked, "...What's the name of the school again?" she muttered to herself. How in the hell she forgot the name of the god damn school is anyone's guess. But soon after some looking around more closely a sign that would seem to represent the school would catch Koken's attention. 'Scarlet Academy' was basically what it was. "...Yea that sounds about right," Koken muttered to herself once again before shrugging her shoulders and walking on over. She tilted up the visor of her cap upward to reveal her eyes a little more, but not like they were hidden in the first place or anything. A few students seemed to have been there already, but the one that temporarily caught Koken's attention the most was the girl standing in front of the woman in the suit. Some kind of problem was probably being caused. Maybe. Who knows. But then as she was walking towards the group in general she heard the girl say something like 'Because I'll punish you,' or something like that. Unplanned, Koken snickered as a substitution to hold in a chuckle as she walked past her and the woman in the suit and turning her head away slightly as well. Koken actually found the 'punish' part funny, or at least the fact that she's saying it to someone who's obviously in charge. Anyways, aside from that. Koken stood around the general area of the group slightly off to the side, seeming that the only thing to do now is stand around and wait.

“My favorite view to look at? ...The sight of my eyes closed of course.”

Name: Koken Irie
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Soul Weapon: Mokuteki (Meaning: Purpose)

Magic Element: Darkness
Personality: Withdrawn, (somewhat)antisocial, manipulative(if she wants), semi-quick-tempered, bipolar, witty, (Occasionally/rarely)deranged/loopy(certain things trigger this)
Other: She will immediately wake up and hiss at you when you turn on the lights while she’s taking a nap in the dark
Hates wearing skirts (Oh boy)

“My favorite view to look at? ...The sight of my eyes closed of course.”

Name: Koken Irie
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Soul Weapon: Mokuteki (Meaning: Purpose)

Magic Element: Darkness
Personality: Withdrawn, (somewhat)antisocial, manipulative(if she wants), semi-quick-tempered, bipolar, witty, (Occasionally/rarely)deranged/loopy(certain things trigger this)
Other: She will immediately wake up and hiss at you when you turn on the lights while she’s taking a nap in the dark
Hates wearing skirts (Oh boy)
Zircon watched Amber's reaction while awaiting for the response, she could tell that he thought about whether to share what happened or not. In the end, he decided to share. Although Zircon did feel a tad bit nosy, but only because she was concerned. Zircon kept her eyes on him, not really paying that much attention to the people coming and going here and there. Well maybe partly paying attention. Zircon's gaze then slowly shifted from Amber's face to his hand as he reached back for something, to show Melanite's gem. Zircon's eyes widened slightly; she hadn't even realized that Melanite ran out, although it was probably obvious when multiple people ran out in the beginning far back. Zircon started to slightly bring her hand up as if to feel Melanite's gem for herself, but her hand only wound up just hovering beside her side no higher than her hip. She looked back up to Amber's face and then back to the gem when he said he didn't think Melanite was broke, and hoped she wasn't as well. Zircon hoped the same thing. She looked at the gem from where she was in examination; luckily the gem didn't seem cracked from what she could see. Zircon silently swallowed before speaking, "W-Well she seems alright to me... She just has to..." Zircon's fingers made soft snaps as she quickly tried to think of the right word, "Regenerate... She should be fine hopefully..." Zircon focused her vision back to Amber directly "It was good that you were there at least...before anything else bad could happen," Zircon tried pulling up a light, easy close-mouthed smile, to at least lighten the mood in some way or to put Amber's worries somewhat at ease.

Zircon glanced at the entrance of the temple before looking to Emerald who asked about something. Wait, when did Emerald get back? Okay. Don't question, just answer. He had asked about where everyone else had went; Zircon took a quick glance around the room, seeing who was here and who was not and also taking notice that some human walked in. Aside from that, Zircon scratched the back of her head, "They're...out I guess." Zircon tried answering the question as accurately as she could, "I know Aquamarine went to look for the others, and some other guy that was here also walked out somewhere. Same with Bloodstone. Other than that..." Zircon took her hand away from the back of her head and then slowly shrugged her shoulders.
@Kronshi Shhhh I'm a shadooooow xP I can try, I've been thinking of doing so. May or may not need help with ideas
Zircon remained silent for the most part; she felt like it was not her place to say anything for awhile with the interactions between Mars, Bloodstone, and Aquamarine. Mainly between Mars and Bloodstone. It seemed to be a personal business between them and them only. There might have been times where Zircon wanted to speak up at the time that would at least seem appropriate, but she either decided against it or didn't know what to say exactly. Let alone, she was not entirely sure how to react to this. For awhile there was tension in the air for sure, but that eventually started to subside when Bloodstone quickly transitioned back to normal from an emotional breakdown with the sympathy of others. That, and Sodalite's words hung around her mind while it was still fresh. Zircon's view on Bloodstone as the 'bad guy' was deteriorating. For that day, at least. Especially that day after everything. Zircon grows a slight paranoia of what could happen in the future, but her focus is on here and now. Here and now, being what matters more in Zircon's point of view. Although, her thoughts on the subject were a bit...jumbled.

Zircon let out a slow exhale before taking notice of Amber's return, her ears barely catching his first couple of words before cutting himself off and asking what's going on instead. 'Something happened.' Curiosity and concern rose. Looking around at other people in the room, and seeing Bloodstone and who seems to be his ally starting to talk it up, Zircon thought about asking Amber about it or maybe just to clarify if she heard him right. But it was probably that there was a better place and time to ask, considering the recent events of tension having previously filled the atmosphere of the room. Knowing Zircon she wanted to at least ask as soon as possible, or even right now actually. Briefly getting impatient with herself for trying to making up her mind, Zircon went up to him step by step as she gently cleared her throat, "Y-You said something about something happened...? If I heard right I mean..." She spoke softly enough for concern to be heard in her voice while looking up at big, tall Amber.
I deeply apologize for my absence and lack of communication. My computer time was becoming a little restricted to points where I could only be on for a few minutes lately, mostly because of school and some because of other things like getting dragged by whoever to wherever for however long (which explains why I disappeared literally right after the last time you asked me about getting a post up the other day, my bad, and so sorry again). I admit that a slight procrastination may or may not have been involved as well and again I'm so sorry, there's no excuse for it and I won't let that become a future issue. And as for the time issue, from now on it should be reverted hopefully. I plan to make an IC post by tonight or tomorrow at the least.
A single step into one of the empty second floor rooms, the only source of light being a window off to the side, and a man is stabbed by a sword. He's stabbed right in the back, coming out of his chest by Kojin from behind. It happened suddenly enough for her hood to fling off her head. The man gasped and stumbled forward before falling to his knees. Kojin crouched down with him before forcefully pushing him down to the ground with the sword that was still through him and pushing it further in him on the way down. Kojin got on one knee and foot beside the man as he was wheezing harshly and bleeding onto the ground. The man reached his hand to the side and behind him, frantically but weakly searching for Kojin, or anything really, to fight back in some form. When his hand reached close enough to her Kojin lightly smacked it away and pushed her sword even further into him. The man gasps again, and even coughed. If anyone else was in this building, they probably would've been here by now. But there wasn't. It was a secluded apartment building, so no one really hangs aorund here. Well, except for these two. It was a matter of several seconds until it sounded like he gagged a little, and then finally went limp and passed. Kojin slowly stood up and took her sword out of what's now a corpse and wiped the blood off her sword on the corpse's clothes. With that done, another bounty hunted.

It has almost been a year now since Kojin went into the bounty hunting business, and it didn't take her that long to get used to. There were already similar missions like these at the agency she previously worked for. The only difference: she can work solo. The traveling might be what Kojin needed to. Events and history aside, Kojin just needed to be...alone. Dead people are always alone, anyway.

Kojin returned her sword to its sheath that she carries on her back, the sheath was under her jacket but the hilt of the sword was still quite visible, before she flipped the corpse over on his back to reveal his face as it fell to the side. Kojin got her smartphone out before standing over him, crouching down to grab him by the jawline and move his face forward. With the smartphone, she took a picture of the face and it was sent over to the guy who wanted him dead. Who was this guy that just died you might ask? Probably some terrorist, or criminal, or whatever. Within seconds Kojin got a response read, 'Great. Just give me a side view real quick.' Kojin exhaled in annoyance before crouching down again and turning the corpse's face to the side impatiently. She took the picture quick before sending it over. They reply, 'Alright, nice job. I'll go ahead and deposit the reward in your account. Do whatever with the body.' Do whatever with the body. An easy instruction for an easy confirmation. The one month mark was coming up, and Kojin needs to...have some. When she locked her phone she saw the date on the lock screen, only realizing what date it was now. September 5th.

September 5th.

That day would have important, but it's not anymore. That day hasn't mattered for what seems like forever, but it's only been two years. Two years, a month, and a day.

Kojin put her phone back in her pocket and took out a pocketknife out of the other one as she crouched down again. Time for her least favorite thing to do. She took the corpse's arm and started carving the flesh out of it. She held a couple chunks and a strip of it in her hand, and she just looked down at them. Her fake but basic blue eyes gave a look of slight sorrow; she never like doing this, and she never will. Never. But she had to. Otherwise, she'll lose her mind. No, scratch that. The whole goddamn zombie apocalypse would start. The only bright side to it: at least it's only once a month.

Suddenly, a light. Kojin flicked her gaze towards the window, and a few slow seconds later she carefully walked towards the window while remaining crouched in case someone could see her through the window. She peeked her head up got a better look as she raised a brow, it actually was a light. It was a matter of short seconds when she caught the sight of a girl, falling. Falling. A girl. A girl falling. Kojin slightly squinted, to see if she was seeing right. She could make out her appearance--blue hair, white dress--observations aside though. "What, did she forget her parachute or something...?" Kojin mumbled to herself, a little flabbergasted while being half-sarcastic. Kojin went back to the side of the window, still crouched and thinking to herself. She looked down at the handful of flesh she had and then peeked out the window again to see if the girl was still falling. She took a slow inhale, and then short exhale. She eyed the large garbage bin in the corner of the room before quickly getting up and hauling the body over to stuff it in the bin, and even flipping the bin upside down after putting the lid on it. She hurried over back to the window; she decided to check this out, whatever this falling girl business is. She thought if she had herself multitask it would be easier for her to get herself to eat the flesh she needs to, that usually works anyway. She opened the window and looked around to see if there was anyone around before jumping down carefully. She stuffed two chunks in her mouth before taking off, going through more alleyways than streets for now. Kojin could kill some time anyway.
Name: [Only known to herself]
Nickname: Kojin (ko-jeen)
Age: 19; Looks roughly 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual

Appearance: She wears a heavy black jacket with grey long sleeve shirt underneath along with dark blue jeans, dark brown belt and dark brown boots. She keeps her brown hair in a short ponytail while having blue eyes--that’s what it appears. They’re contacts. The contacts she wears give her a fake but basic blue eye color, but without her contacts she would have clear grey eyes being proof that she is dead. She also keeps a brown leather pouch on her belt.
Nationality: American
Personality: Kojin usually appears as cold and maybe even emotionless and come off as intimidating, but certain things can pull her strings to make her really pissed. She enjoys being a smartass, and she can be very violent if she wants to. Deep down, there's a soft spot with the potential of emerging.
Bio: (Semi-WIP) Kojin originally died at the age of sixteen, almost seventeen, along with her younger sister in a tragedy(TBA). Members of an agency were at the scene and turns out, Kojin was a carrier of the “infection” making her only semi-immune. Semi-immune because whenever she got it from whoever she wouldn’t turn right away, instead she would turn when she died. But luckily, since people were there, they were able to act fast and feed her flesh before she “completely” turned but she would still be a zombie just in control. After that she started working for that agency where she got the codename she uses now: Kojin. She left after about two years and went into the solo bounty hunting business, making her travel around a lot.

Equipment: Pocket knife(kept in jeans pocket), compass(kept in pouch), mini binoculars(pouch), matches(pouch), lighter(jacket pocket), cigarettes(jacket pocket), smartphone(jeans pocket), product that keeps her skin fresh(kept in small bottle, pouch)
Skills: Combat, survival
Abilities: -By eating others' brains, she can obtain their memories
-Enhanced endurance, strength, speed
-Energy slash beams via sword
How would you help Althea?: Survival skills
Other: -Kojin uses a product to keep her skin fresh and has to put it on every other month, so with this plus her contacts she looks normal to everyone else
-Kojin heals via sleeping
-Darkish veins occasionally appear on her skin
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