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    1. LookingGlass 9 yrs ago


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Name: Hitori
Nickname: The Kindly Stranger
Race: Kumiho
Age: appears 25, is 400+
Gender: Male

Appearance: Hitori has Long Limbs and Pale Skin. His eyes are Turquoise and His Hair is White. He has a Cheeky Smile and his canine teeth are slightly more pronounced than a humans, likewise his hands end in sharp claws and he has a pair of fox-like Ears as well as five long Bushy White Tails. His Forehead has a Smooth Turquoise Gem imbedded in the center. (Picture to come soon)
Proportionality: Hitori is Long, Lean, and has enough of the classic seductive Kumiho Curves
Weight: 210
Height: 6’6
Frame: Lean
Use a hider.

Personality: Can Coy and Flirty but a little Volatile at times, can sometimes let their emotions get the better of him and will sometimes act before thinking things through. Also has a Slightly alien thought pattern to those who are not Kumiho that can come across as strange .
Job: Street Performer, Bar Owner, and Information Broken

Fighting Style: Capoeira

Weapons from strongest to weakest: - Scythe, Steel infused Ribbons, and Dolls
Armors/Outfits: His Clothing is a Mixture of Traditional Flowing Silks associated with the Kumiho and the Tight Leathers found in Bandits. He will wear Silks only for more Formal events while his clothing with be mostly leathers or Rubber infused cloth if in combative scenarios.
Weight Class: Light

Familiar: Siren

Takes the form of a Lovely woman with pale blue skin, long seafoam colored hair, and bright iridescent eyes. Her lower half is a long set of Eight pearly white Tentacles while her mouth is filled with needle sharp fangs, wears what appears to be a gown made of Exotic Jellyfish.

Familiar Abilities: Water Black Magic and Gravity. Water Immunity/Absorption, Can Call forth Combative Tentacles, Enchanting/Destructive Voice, Fire Resistance, Weak to Lightning

Movement Type: Floating Swift Motions, Swims through the air

Familiar Size: Medium
Relic Weapons: Crystalline Violin made from Prismatic Shimmering Water

Relic Armors: Flowing and Gauzy Silks and Laces made of Mist and Water in the Colors of Seafoam, pale Blue, and Lavender

Trance: Beware the Kindly Stranger

Hitori's Trance State causes his Silks and Leathers to become Flower Petals that flow around and Caress his Body, His limbs become longer and his Face becomes Gaunt. His Turquoise Gem Becomes a Third Eye while his Normal Eyes widen and his Pupils slit. His Hair, Ears, and Tails Take on a Brilliant Gold color. In this State Hitori gains access to Fire and Wind Black Magic.
Pros- Standard Kumiho Abilities, Swift, Auto-Scan, Nature Magic, and Bewitch.
Cons- Illusions have minor Flaws

Racial Strengths- Longevity, Auto-Scan, Illusion Casting, Glamour
Racial Weaknesses- Hungers for Livers, More prone to Berserk states, Weakness to Ice as an Arboreal Race

Sets: Leave this blank for the time being. All this is, is equipment sets. Usually just outfits and items that you switch between.

Background: Born in the Forests Near what would one day become Lindblum, Hitori has always been inquisitive; He wanted to experience everything and spent most of his time exploring the Woods and befriending spirits of all kinds, the Elders of the Forest said that he had the Potential to become a Great Shaman but Hitori wasn't Interested in that. Once he'd seen almost everything the Forest had to offer he began to wonder what was outside the Confines of the Forests and yearned to Explore what was there. His Elders eventually Relented and Showed him the Forest Heart, the Point where all Forests link together and become one, Hitori was over joyed and used the Heart to Travel every where he could. It was once he was outside of his Forests that he was both awed and horrified by what he saw.

The Spirits of the Outside world were nothing like the once he saw in the Forest, Some were Beautiful and Majestic while Others were Warped and Dangerous, He also noticed something he hadn't seen before; There were People who Lacked souls, their livers were tasteless and carried little Spiritual Power to them, this greatly bothered him as they seemed wrong somehow. Still he would ignore or avoid them if given the opportunity, in the mean time though he had to learn how to adapt and integrate himself with this world. He became many things, Courtiers, Witches, Thieves, Assassins, Apothecaries, Craftsmen, Seamstresses, Actors, anything he could do to experience the world from a new perspective while wearing different faces. He's met several powerful and influential people and has even dabbled in politics from time to time just out of curiosity and intrigue, currently he is the Proprietor of a Bar in Alexandria though he yearns for something new. The Recent appearance of the Black Mages and the Disappearance of the already Rare Lumyian People have begun to make him uncomfortable enough to warrant this desire for something new.
-wrong space-
After complying and following the group to retrieve fresh water and leave this tainted forest Hitori felt a presence that made his hair stand on ends before witnessing the Massive Hobgoblin arise, it was in that moment that something clicked inside Hitori. He had seen this before...somewhere....he couldn't quite remember but this situation seemed far too familiar...Oh well, best not to dwell on such thoughts right now. He however did Notice the Randy person was trying to head back to the wreckage of the ship and stopped him, "Not today Mr. Randy, Today we help slay the beast and earn our keep." He said with a Smile as his Limbs lengthened to their "proper" size and he manifested his Scythe.

While the rest of the Crew was preoccupied with the Hobgoblin, Hitori stealthily sneaked behind the Rancid Beast while it was being distracted by the Rats, Cassius, and the Wylde One. With his Gem he saw varying weak point in the Armor and took his opportunity. With a Cleave of his Scythe he Took the Hobgoblins Forearm and giggled with Glee as he watched it gush with the horrible ichor that flowed through its veins. "We aren't done just yet Sir Hobgoblin, the Emerald Mother will take you back into her all consuming embrace." He Revealed a Small Seed Pod covered in Spines and Rushed toward the Creature to implant it into the wound, dodging blows that came his way.

Once the Seed had been implanted into the Oozing stump of the Hobgoblin Hitori got the Fuck out of the way as Vines began to grow from the seed and bore their way into the Howling Beasts Body, slowly draining its life force bit by bit and Redistributing it to Hitori and others in the group to help perk them up a bit. It wasn't much but hopefully the Green Magic would give them a slight advantage over the creature.
Hitori had been curled up, hidden beneath his Tails and dreaming of the place where all forests were one; relishing in fond memories that felt like they were a lifetime ago. Ada poked his head up from the Tails and cheerfully warbled a Good Morning to the Princess who had been trying to wake Hitori up. He saw Hitori was being a Lazy Bones and with all his Dolly Might he began to slap Hitori's face senselessly to wake him up. The Sensations of the Princess poking him, the Karn woman nudging him, and Ada slapping the fuck out of him awoken him and unintentionally startled him. He had forgotten where he was and saw all these people around him and panicked, causing him to grab Ada and rush to another Corner before he finally realized what was going on and calmed down, "Oh....Good Morning...or whatever time it is... Sorry I was just a little lost in my dream..." He said as he began to piece together what was going on Again. Ada's muffled warbles were only barely heard as the Doll began to squirm and flail to get out of Hitori's grip, Hitori noticed and stopped squeezing Ada, "I'm Sorry Ada, I didn't realize I had you so tightly." He apologized to the Doll who then bopped him on the head and pouted, warbling something about Hitori needs to calm down.

After hearing a lot of bad and loud noise Hitori noticed the tension was high and walked toward the Princess, "The Cassius Man, he hates us doesn't he? I mean I wouldn't mind if it was only me, I'm used to that by now but...He has no reason to hate the rest of you...I don't understand the hate in his heart at all." Ada heard this and sighed as he climbed onto Hitori's shoulder and sat down, petting his ears.
"Oh He'll be fine, I assure you the Flavor is no different from Strawberries. Besides we needed to be quick and I just...really don't feel comfortable outside with the Mists. Besides it's going to help him in the long run, it was packed full of essential vitamins and minerals." Hitori assured Cassius, "I know the Growing process is not pretty but it really will help you." Hitori told Randy to try and make him feel a little better about having to eat the Fruit.

Hitori, satisfied with Randy's condition made his own wound less noticeable and consumed the Vine to regain any left over energy back to help himself heal. Hitori still wasn't quite sure how to assess everyone properly and decided it would probably be better to find a corner and curl up. He cradled Ada and spoke to him, "They are an interesting bunch aren't they Ada? They are contradictory and flighty and strange to me but maybe these ones are mine....I'd like to think they could be. Still I feel they aren't quite keen on me just yet Ada. Do you think I'm being silly Ada?"

Ada Warbled something about Hitori being an Over-grown White Fluffball who over thought things but if they really wanted to get to know these people then Hitori should just wait till they came to him since it would probably intimidate them less. Hitori smiled at Ada, "You really have good advice for a Ghost Doll sometimes, you know that Ada?" Ada Huffed and pretended to pout while secretly enjoying Hitori's Compliment.
Ada sat on Hitori's Shoulder as Hitori smiled, "It seems you survived yet again my Friend, What were they like?" Hitori asked Ada who warbled the story to Hitori who just chuckled, "Well let's see if I can help make this one better. Also I think your Co-Worker thinks I'm just some Animal at best." Ada warbled something along the lines that Hitori might as well be and Hitori just smiled, Sticks and Stones after all. Just Sticks and Stones.

Hitori walked toward Randy and observed Dren as he attended to the Fellow with Potions, Hitori wasn't sure what to think entirely. The Boy was clearly injured but he needed something more than a mere potion. Hitori crouched down and stared at Randy for a moment, his Gem glowed as he began to fully ascertain his condition. Hmmm...a Simple herb would have him feeling right as rain but Hitori didn't have a proper place to grow the herb so he would have to use the next best soil, himself. With a Sharp Talon he pierced his own flesh and planted a small seed, the area on his body began to glow a pale green as a long Vine snaked its way out of the Wound and began to grow a fleshy pod similar to a pepper in shape. Once the Vine had Properly fruited Hitori commanded the Vine to Leave his own Body and Offer the Fruit to Randy.

"It may not be the prettiest of Fruits but it will help you back on your feet and have you right as Rain, Fix your Bones and Cleanse the Toxins from you it will. Please Eat it." Hitori politely asked as the Vine, walking on it's small slightly crimson Root-legs, Offered Randy the Fruit.
Hitori sighed, "It wasn't loyalty that made me seek you and the princess out and immediately take note of either of you. The Mists really had me in an absolute mess of a state and were making it incredibly hard to concentrate with my gem. You two had bright energy patterns I could actually see compared to the horribleness of the Mists. Coming into a Safer area from that....it takes a bit before my senses fully adjust and are able to register everything. Still I didn't want anything terrible to happen to any of you, Despite you all being...... rather stand-offish, I have nothing against any of you." Hitori said before turning to Dren.

"Dren-Wizard.... you have your ways and I can respect that, please respect that I have mine as well and I am trying to help in ways that I can. I am still getting used to being around...all of you..." Hitori said as he gestured to everyone in the room. Hitori by this point was exasperated. The Princess was right though, He did have an unsavory Corpse stink about him and that would definitely be the first plan of action before even trying to show these people that he could play nice with them.

"Now if No one minds I need to do this so I don't offend anymore people with the stench of corpses." Hitori went and stood where he would be out of the way and no where near anything he could give water damage and summoned a wispy version of Siren to cleanse him with her Waters and dissipate the waters back into the air so nothing got soaked or damaged and Hitori would be dry. It worked well enough but it would have to be later that Hitori would be able to entirely remove the bloodstain from his white robes.

Perhaps though he could try later to interact with these people, perhaps they were more than horrible shells of Judgmental Flesh. Hitori secretly hoped they were, it wasn't often that people spoke to him with respect and outside of his various disguises.
Hitori frantically began to move, cutting down any straggling Goblin down and not even wasting time to extract the livers, The Mists were rolling in fast and it was making his sensory Gem go crazy with all the conflicting energy readings. He tried to calm down and focus upon any familiar energies that he had encountered which were hopefully in a safer place than the open forest. As luck would have it There were two potent Energies that each radiated off of a different body which Hitori recognized as the Princess Garnet and Cassius, they appeared to be hidden within the wreckage of the Airship and relatively safe. Hitori wasted no time and made his way towards their energies, Ada should be fine and with any Luck the Others have listened to the Little Doll and hopefully be able to get to relative safety.

Hitori finally made his way to the wreckage and found where Garnet and Cassius were. His hands, Mouth, and his White Robes were all stained the brilliant Crimson of Goblin blood and he figured he must be quite the unnerving sight right now, a terrifying long-Limb Kumiho spattered in blood and gore wielding a damn scythe, probably not the best look to go for right now. He made his scythe Dispel and made his limbs more human appropriate but was still dirty from the Goblin blood, "Merciful Forest Lords! The Mists came Rolling in out of nowhere, I told Ada to go and try and help the others though. Forgive my intrusion and my currently Slovenly appearance." Hitori said as he gestured to his blood spattered visage.

"I don't like the Mist, it makes everything feel like it's shouting and too bright and messes with my Gem." Hitori Complained as he huddled under his tails.
Hitori was lost in his frenzy, slaying Goblin after goblin and devouring what livers he could find. He couldn't remember the last time he had indulged in such a glorious feast and let go of his inhibitions in such a way. He however was pulled out of his Frenzy by something off. The Goblins seemed to be retreating, not from their numbers being depleted but by something that was far worse and set Hitori on Edge. He dropped his Scythe and sniffed the air before realizing that he knew all too well what was coming. He pulled out Ada and told him to go and Warn the Others that something bad was about to happen.

In the distance of the dense forest Hitori had realized he couldn't see too far because of a thick Mist that had began to roll in, this was not good at all. He grabbed his scythe, "Everyone we need to leave post haste! Mist is Rolling in!" Hitori shouted frantically as he began to high tail it in the opposite direction.
Hitori rushed toward Cassius and knelt down to him, examining his injury with his Gem and seeing the Bits of shrapnel embedded into him. He sighed as his large claw-like hands began to glow Green "I can fix you but It's going to hurt a lot. It will hurt worse if it goes untreated and gets infected though so please bare with me." He Touched Cassius' wound and it glowed the same green as his hands.

The Blood was disappearing as Small Emerald Green Vines protruded from Cassius' flesh, each with a pieces of shrapnel wrapped in their tendrils which they tossed to the side. The Vines began to secrete a greenish liquid that dissolved them and began to seal and heal the wound they grew from, knitting flesh and bone back to where they should be. Hitori then touched the ground and a Small Purple Flower bloomed, he plucked it and began grinding it in his palms to produce a paste. He took the Purple-green paste and began to Rub it on the healing wound, "This will help numb the pain." He said to Cassius before his ears perked up at the sound of intruders.

He turned, Snarling and brandishing his Scythe, and Noticed the Goblin troops. Hitori dislike Goblins; they were loud, obnoxious, and they would wreck everything they got their grubby little hands on and then start breeding like Rabbits till the area was full of more of their kind and they would start cannibalizing each other to start the process all over again. Absolutely Disgusting....

With a Burst of Speed Hitori turned his Scythe like a hellish Windmill as he rushed toward the Goblins, cutting down as many as he could. It seemed futile though, for each goblin he slayed another one would just pop out of nowhere and take its place. Hitori was beginning to lose their temper and didn't want to let their more violent natures out like this......but the intoxicating smell of freshly slain. Their Blood must be Sweet and their livers would just go to waste.....Maybe a little taste wouldn't hurt. As he sliced into another Goblin he Reached deep into it and removed a plump liver. His Jaw Distended and he swallowed it whole. His Eyes in that moment seemed to blaze with renewed Vigor as he kept going after more an more Goblins, eager to cut them to bits.
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