Avatar of Lost in my Mind
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Lost in my Mind
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 199 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Lost in my Mind 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Well it has been a while since I updated you folks so hey there! It has been a great day. That is all.
9 yrs ago
It's been a rough couple of days. I'll be replying to posts tomorrow though, sorry for the delay.
9 yrs ago
Not sure if any of the people I am in RP's with will see this but I have been without a computer for 2 weeks. That has finally changed.


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Lost's Retinue of Totally not Sterotypical Characters!

Daisuke Yama

With both Chokashi and his father assuring him that they weren’t upset at him for the outcome, Daisuke soon banished his worry about that and turned his attention to a more pressing matter his dislocated shoulder. This was not the first time he had to deal with this injury, and likely not the last. Normally he would go in to get it checked, but given that it wasn’t a severe seperation and the fact that he still had to help with the setup he opted to reset it on his own. As he did his jaw clenched at the sudden pain, it wasn’t until the sharp pain subsidded into a throbbing one that he finally relaxed again.

While he rolled his shoulder a few times, Daisuke suddenly felt his head become heavier as Aoi leapt up and balanced on top of his head. Without moving his head he glanced upwards, just in time to see the juice box that the harliquin was offering him for his victory. Reaching up slowly, making sure not to sway too much, he took the drink and drained it quickly as his ‘captain’ told him the other part of his reward. Being unable to shake his head he instead let out a slight sigh, though he wasn’t surprised in the slightest that she would give him something that he was going to do anyway as his mission. A thought abruptly formed, and as he spoke he glanced up again even knowing that he wouldn’t be able to see her. ”Since this is my mission, that means you are going to pay me for it right? Otherwise it wouldn’t be much of a mission.”

Before he could get a response out of the clown another man made himself known as he spoke. Keeping his back straight, Daisuke turned around to face the shorter man that was apparently displeased with the prospect of having Daisuke aid in the setup. He caught the duffle bag and peeked inside of it while the carpenter lit his cigarette. Upon seeing the clothing he closed the bag, not bothering to take them out. With Aoi balancing on his head it would be impossible to change his attire, and he could work in what he wore easily enough. He waited until the Akimichi was finished speaking and had already begun leading the way before he responded as he followed his temporary boss. ”I am not a master of the craft, however I do have experience with it. When I was away I built the small cottage that I lived in. I only hope that my skill is enough that I am able to be of assistance Fugaki-tōryō. And as long as Aoi-sama is as talented as I believe having her on my head will to prove to be a problem.”
Daisuke Yama

Chokashi wasn’t the only one to experience pain after the collision, Daisuke’s strength and jutsu may have been enough to stop his opponent but that didn’t change the fact that he had just punched a massive rotating object. As his adrenaline began to ebb away the injuries he had recently taken, his dislocated right shoulder and his own cracked ribs, flared up again. Dropping his left arm to his side he quickly ended his jutsu which caused his hand to return to its normal appearance. He knew he wasn’t necessarily safe yet, as Chokashi was struggling to stand and continue the spar and Aoi had yet to call the match. He didn’t make any movements though, this was not an actual combat scenario and there was no reason to attack his comrade when he was down. If Cho managed to stand then Daisuke would continue the fight, until then he would wait.

He didn’t have to wait long, as Chokashi finally gave in and called the fight, before promptly emptying his stomach twice. Even though he had won, Daisuke did not smile or show any indication that he was pleased about the outcome because he wasn’t. He had never used the Hammer on a friend before, but with his other jutsu out of commision due to the loss of mobility in his right arm he didn’t have any other choice when Cho came in with the Human Bullet Tank. As the Akimichi declared he was going to take a nap, Daisuke slowly turned his gaze towards the current head of the Akimichi clan and Aoi hoping that the former wouldn’t be too upset with his victory.
Daisuke Yama

Daisuke’s satisfaction upon his knee slamming into Cho’s stomach was short lived, as shortly after he was clipped by the attack he had been attempting to dodge in the first place. As the Okasho released half of it’s chakra into his side he felt pain explode from two different areas. The first was of course his left side ribs, which were at the very least bruised from the Cherry Blossom Impact and likely cracked. The second tore through his right shoulder, it had finally been pushed too far when the Akimichi leaned on it and it popped out of the socket. While most of his right arm went limp he still retained his hold on Chokashi’s armor, preventing him from sliding as far as he would have if he had released it.

Daisuke had experienced this level of pain before, though not often in the year since his parents passed away, but that didn’t prevent him from clenching his teeth at the sensation. If he could get his arm out of Cho’s grip he could force it back into place, but that was clearly out of the question due to its weakened state and the fact that his opponent had tightened his hold on it during the dual collision. Instead he began channeling Earth nature chakra into his left hand, similar to what Chokashi had done just a moment ago, but rather than simply build up chakra the area from his hand to halfway to his elbow began to take on a stone like appearance. Daisuke pulled his arm back, prepared to unleash Hammer of the Mountain, but stopped part way through as his thoughts drifted. This fight couldn’t last much longer, the setup for the BBQ had to be finished soon.

This momentary lapse of focus proved to be enough of an opening for the Akimichi, as he pulled back the hand that had just glanced Daisuke’s side and began preparing for another strike. For some reason Chokashi decided to release Daisuke’s dislocated arm and attempted to push him back, perhaps to try and give more power to the Buddhist Palm, however Daisuke used the push to his advantage and leapt backwards during it, causing him to easily get clear of the tremendous palm thrust that Cho had been building up. The entire time Daisuke had continued to pump earth nature chakra into his hand, and during his backwards leap he had built up enough for a full powered Hammer of the Mountain.

Upon landing and skidding back a few feet he focused his gaze upon Cho, who had just finished the partial expansion jutsu and was beginning to start the Human Bullet Tank. Rather than wait for Chokashi to reach him, Daisuke lunged forward with his left fist pulled back before he launched it forward just before the two massive men collided. ”HAMMER OF THE MOUNTAIN!:
Daisuke Yama

Daisuke mentally cursed as he felt his arm trapped between Chokashi’s arm and stomach. That was the very reason that he never went on the offensive, he was designed to trap people in a very similar manner to his current predicament. These thoughts quickly vanished as he once more asserted control over his mind. He was in a dangerous situation and he couldn’t afford the distraction. He also couldn’t rely on instinct, simply because all of his instinct revolved around him being in a position of defense. As he began to formulate a plan he noticed Chokashi’s right hand beginning it’s swing.

Without the time required to come up with a proper plan Daisuke sprung straight into the barely coherent idea that he had been forming. His right hand grabbed a hold of the back plate of Chokashi’s battle armor with an iron grasp while Daisuke whipped his body to his right, Cho’s left. As his body twisted to the side he would attempt to lift the Akimichi slightly off the ground and use their combined momentum to swing the heir in the same direction that Daisuke moved in. A sharp stab of pain would shoot out from Daisuke’s right shoulder as it not only pushed against the arm that restrained his, but was also forced to lift and swing his opponent. While he pulled his opponent he would lift his left knee so that he would end up slamming Chokashi’s stomach directly into it.
Daisuke Yama

Daisuke nodded in response to Chokashi’s declaration, though he did no such thing in response. Instead he took in the area around them, an area perfect for close range combatants as expected in the Akimichi compound, and the distance between them which was a little too far given that this spar would basically be the equivalent of a brawl. Keeping his actions non aggressive he took a few steps forward, shortening the distance enough that it wouldn’t take much effort for either of them to clear it. He inhaled deeply as he cleared his mind of all other thoughts, even if this was only a spar he would not allow himself to lose just because he was distracted. He began to shift his body, settling into the starting stance of his family’s Taijutsu style.

However as he was getting into position he noticed that Chokashi was already in a defensive form, which temporarily threw Daisuke off. Given the Akimichi’s exuberant claim of not holding back he had expected the heir to charge in and take the offensive, which suited Daisuke since his style primarily relied on being on the defense. He stopped halfway into his stance as he tried to figure out what he was going to do. This is not good, not in the slightest. The only time I take an aggressive first move is when I use a jutsu, but I refuse to resort to that in this spar unless it is my only option. I have to do something though. I have to get him to get on the offensive as soon as possible.

Already in a half crouched position from his earlier attempt at getting into his stance, every muscle in his lower body tightened for a moment before he launched himself forward. Due to his earlier steps the distance between them wasn’t all that long and he cleared it fairly quickly. Upon entering Chokashi’s zone Daisuke struck out with a right jab aimed at the Akimichi’s lower left side ribs. As he thrust his right fist out, he raised his left arm up and angled it diagonally so that his hand was level with his face with the palm facing Chokashi. Whether he landed the hit or Cho dodged he would snap both his body and right arm back, placing the arm horizontally in front of his stomach it’s palm also facing his opponent completing his guard position.
Daisuke Yama

One Week Ago

As Daisuke stepped outside he took a moment to gaze up at the clouds, the rain splattering against his face. Now the he was aware of the reason behind the rain it no longer worried him. He hadn’t had enough time to process the little that Aoi had told him about the events preceding his arrival, but the rain itself was not a concern anymore. Even with one mystery replaced his shoulders still grew taut as his body tightened. The clown had managed to disengage most of his overly alert behavior while they had been catching up, but now it reemerged. Daisuke leveled his head when he noticed Chokashi catch up to him, and surpass him by a few steps. He was completely content with letting the Akimichi take lead.

When the place came into view the clan heir almost immediately began gushing over the place. Daisuke couldn’t help but chuckle a bit as his current companion went off, even if it weren’t for the heir’s size there would be no doubt that he was an Akimichi. ”It has been quite some time since I ate out, I never really had the chance to since I left. Even if the place was half as good as how you describe it, it would still be the best place I have eaten at in years.” Daisuke faded into the background, as well as a man his size could, when they entered the place. It became clear that their young hostess seemed to know Chokashi quite well, which was no surprise, and he felt that it was best to allow them to catch up. After the grilling the hostess gave Cho, they were quickly lead to their table. While he sat an approving smile formed on his face, it wasn’t often that there was seating suited to his size and he was pleasantly surprised to find a place that did. Without knowing what they served he knew for a fact that he would be coming back here regularly.

With menu in hand he gave the young woman a slight head bow, before scanning the list of dishes. Even though his eyes danced along the various words and images his mind could not grab hold of them, it was preoccupied with the upcoming spar against Chokashi. He wasn’t concerned about the fight itself though, more so with how he should approach it. Forcing the thoughts away he set the menu down, to signal that he was done looking, and as the hostess from before returned. ”I would like two Dragon Rolls, and a glass of water.” As he spoke he lifted the menu for the woman, making it just a little easier on her. He had already decided that he would leave a good tip, he knew that her quick service was likely due to her connection to Chokashi but good service was good service.
Daisuke Yama

Daisuke’s mouth curved upwards slightly as he felt Chokashi bat him on the back. He was sure that to many the pat would have lead to a bit of pain but being around the same size as the Akimichi it did little to faze him. He could certainly feel the power in the hit though and rather than make him wary of the upcoming spar it managed to excite him. It was rare that he fought someone with a similar style and he was looking forward to the event.

He was brought out of his thoughts by Aoi speaking and returning their papers to them. As the excitement calmed down and he focused his attention back on the clown his lips fell into the neutral line they usually kept. ”I think that would be an acceptable time for the spar. It gives me enough time to get used to being home again and perhaps even train a bit more. With his acceptance for the time he folded his documents and placed them in his pocket, deciding that he will sign and deliver them later on given that the only pen he could see was currently in the possession of the clown and she had not looked pleased the last time he had taken something from her without asking.

Daisuke was just about to turn and address Chokashi when Aoi mentioned an individual who might be looking for bodyguards. He reached into his pocket to retrieve his cellphone when she brought up giving him the man’s number but he was stopped short when she jumped up and slapped his forehead. Momentarily stunned his eyes took on a hard, a mixture of hurt and borderline anger, edge before he noticed the edge of the paper. His gaze returning to normal he removed the paper and glanced at it briefly. Seeing that it was what he presumed to be the number he soon slipped it into the same pocket as his documents, making sure to fold it to ensure that it didn’t become attached to the other papers.

Her next words caught him a bit off guard, he had been calling her kohai out of reflex despite the fact that she was in fact his senior in rank now. Realizing his mistake, and even knowing that she likely wasn’t that offended, he quickly bowed his head. ”I apologize Aoi, I will try to remember not to call you Kohai from this point on regardless of the outcome of the spar. It is a disrespectful act and I hope you will pardon my error.”

As Daisuke lifted his head Chokashi began speaking to him. Instead of responding immediately he held his tongue until the heir had finished speaking with Aoi as well. Returning Aoi’s bow, this time with a full one rather than just his head, which he understood to be her dismissal he faced Chokashi fully.

”Of course I have no issues with helping set up for the event, it is the least I can do to partially repay you and your kin. As for joining you at the hibachi I could use something to eat. I believe I know the way, I am fairly certain that I based it on the way here.” Figuring that Chokashi would follow him, and given the Akimichi clan’s love of food likely pass him by, Daisuke made his way out of the Jounin Lounge and the mansion in general.
Daisuke Yama

Daisuke sighed heavily as he and the Akimichi heir exited the booth. He rubbed his temple lightly in a vain attempt to force down the slight headache that was forming. He didn’t have an issue with Chokashi’s friendly attitude, and in most circumstances wouldn’t have been bothered by his actions in the booth, but he had a strict schedule he was trying to keep. Perhaps it would have been better to stay in the line after all. Just thinking about the line caused him to shudder, forcing him to realize that he had in fact picked the better alternative despite the bumps.

With his first objective nearly complete he recalled that Chokashi had extended an invitation to live within the Akimichi compound. Under normal circumstances Daisuke would have turned down the offer in the most gracious way he could, but these were far from normal circumstances for him. He had been thinking about his options while traveling back to Konoha and knew for a fact that he did not relish the idea of renting an apartment in Downtown. He wasn’t a man with many possessions, but he rather not have to replace the few that he did have just because some hoodlum decided to break in.

Daisuke turned his head to the Akimichi and bowed it down slightly, since they were walking he couldn’t easily give the heir a full bow. ”Thank you Chokashi, it is a very generous offer and one that I will accept. I assure you I will only stay long enough to get myself back on my feet. I have no intention of overstaying your clan’s gracious hospitality.”

With a place to stay now taken care of, and reinstating himself as a Konoha Shinobi nearly done, he only had one thing left to accomplish in the day. Originally he had been intending to stop at the bank to check his account and make sure everything was still in order before trying to find a place in the Financial District, but with Chokashi giving him a place to stay for a time he could put off the bank for a little while. All he had left to do was find a job that he would be suited for, which he was planning on bringing up to Aoi before the Akimichi had arrived.

The trip back to the clown went much more quickly than the trip to the booth, though that was likely due to the fact that Daisuke was now further ahead than he had thought he would be by this time. He was slightly surprised by the bungee made out of a strange substance extend towards him to snatch away the documents, but he made no effort to stop it. While he would have preferred to have taken a more professional photo the silly picture was apparently good enough, since Aoi proceeded to attach both of their pictures onto their respective documents.

The smile that had just started to form quickly fell as the harlequin announced the repercussions of the Akimichi’s antics. However there was no way he was going to refuse the spar, he had no interest in dealing with more paperwork than he had to.

”Despite the fact that I had no control over the outcome of the pictures I have no issue with having a friendly match with Chokashi. It will be a good workout, and it will serve as a test to see whether or not my skills have deteriorated from my time abroad and just how much they have. In between Chokashi’s own response and the clan heir inviting Daisuke to the Akimichi’s monthly barbeque, he managed to remember that he had another question for Aoi.

Before addressing the jounin, he turned towards Cho and gave him a full bow this time. ”I would be honored to attend, and thank you for the invitation. Returning his gaze towards the clown. ”Once again thank you for all of your help Aoi-Kohai, but I have one last favor to ask. Do you know if their are any jobs I would be suited for that are currently hiring? I remember when my parents were still around that they both had a secondary job and I doubt that the cost of living has changed since I was last here.”
Daisuke Yama

Daisuke sighed softly at the clown’s suggestion, but he also didn’t have any other alternatives at the moment. Even knowing that he had little other choice, certainly none that would allow his papers to be finished as quickly, he still performed the three handseals needed slower than what was necessary. With his hands forming the Ram seal one last sigh parted his lips before he completed the Henge. Has the jutsu went to work his bald head was quickly engulfed in shaggy, medium length hair.

”You do realize that this means I have to keep this up until my hair actually grows out this long right? If I walk around bald after getting the picture I may as well have not bothered in the same place.”

Placing one hand on the arm of the couch he used it to aid himself in standing, causing it to groan under the pressure. While he wanted to get the picture over with as soon as he could, there was something in Aoi’s smile that unsettled him, he was interrupted by the presence of another rather large man. Daisuke was a bit surprised to realize that the other man was wider than him, though a little shorter. It wasn’t the first time he had encountered such a scenario, but it was quite uncommon. After the man, and subsequently Aoi, introduced himself Daisuke bowed his head slightly. He had of course heard the Akimichi heir’s name before, he tried to familiarize himself with the names of any significant clan member, but he had never actually had time to speak to the young man.

”It is a pleasure to meet you Chokashi, as Aoi-Kohai mentioned I am Daisuke Yama.”

Once more his attention was forced away from his current activity as Aoi began devouring the food Chokashi brought for her with a ferocity that matched that of the Akimichi’s. As if in a daze he slowly lifted one hand to his face before laying his forehead in the palm, shaking his head back and forth slightly. With the distraction brought by the clown fading, simply due to a combination of acclimation and her announcement that both he and Chokashi would need to take a picture, he turned his attention back to the Akimichi heir.

”I suppose we may as well get this over with, this is only my first stop.”

While his voice faded away he watched Aoi quickly sign the bottom of both of their documents. Turning towards her he leaned forward and slipped the papers from her grasp, bowing his head slightly in the same motion.

”Thank you again for your help so far Kohai, I will come back once our documents are finished.” Returning his attention to Chokashi, Daisuke nodded his head towards the exit. ”I have both of our papers, if you would be willing you are more than welcome to take the lead.”
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