Avatar of Lost Shadow
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 38 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Lost Shadow 8 yrs ago


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"Fifty years ago, scientists focused their time and energy on trying to discover the God Particle, hoping that it would aid them in unraveling the worlds mysteries. Though their research was quickly abandoned, with the discovery of Data. Broken down to it's most basic level, further than atoms and molecules, everything is made up of data. Humans, trees, the ground beneath your feet... We are all connected through Data.

The world began to change, seemingly, for the better. One could hardly tell the difference between what was real and what was artificial anymore. Man could create plants and trees, but scientists still were not satisfied. They thought that they could act as Gods. They began tampering with the genetic code of man, in search of eternal youth.

The consequence of a failed test subject was, arguably, worse than that of death. Men lost themselves as their data was corrupted. Some even turned into fiendish beings, appearing as demons. They were aptly given the name 'The Corrupted' and they were not easily killed off or controlled by normal means. It was only a matter of time before one of them took to the streets, bringing chaos and destruction with him.

People began to question the works of the scientists. They begged the scientists to stop their research. The scientists did not listen, they continued their work, shielded by the government. As more incidents occurred and the death count rising, the cries of the people turned into action. Their rebellion eventually sparked a war between the people and government.

Between the war and corrupted running rampant, the world became a giant battlefield. It was no longer a beautiful paradise, that world fell to ashes. The new world became known as Purgatory."

Key Points About The Present
-The rebels are currently living underground

-A strange girl has fallen from the sky and is in the possession of the new world government. After examination, it's believed that the girls data is made up of that of gods.

-Government scientists extract data from the girl, using it to create powered troops and continue their research to elevate themselves to the status of gods.

-A mole placed within the ranks of the government returns to the rebels with information about the girl and a composite disk containing some of her data.

-Rebel leaders decide to keep the information a secret, as most would oppose them using the data.

-Rebel leaders hold exams to determine candidates for a secret battalion, whom they will use the girls data on (our characters)


-I imagine the powers our characters will receive to be more like devil fruit user abilities in one piece.

This is still a pretty rough idea, so I'd love to see your thoughts and suggestions! :) Feel free to ask questions and I will try to answer them as best as I can. Our characters won't be starting off with any outrageous abilities, there will be development. Also, remember that our characters would be the only ones of their kind (on the rebel side). So some of the survivors may be repulsed by their existence. Kind of like the x-men (or just mutants in general) being shunned by the very people they protect.

Soooo....yeah! Who would like to play?
Hmm...I'm thinking of possibly claiming Gambit and Rogue as parents. I'll work on a cs as soon as I can
I'll drop my interest here
Storm wasn't the quickest to jump on the ship, after receiving his letter. At first he was sure that it was a silly prank, but that didn't really explain the dragon. He definitely wasn't dreaming or on some kind of acid trip, he doesn't even drink or do drugs. All rationality was quickly thrown out the window. Nevertheless, the letter mentioned that he had twenty-four hours to decide and he took full advantage of the time limit.

The twenty-fourth hour was just around the corner. Storm sat in his room, guitar in hand playing a soft tune, blankly staring at the letter which sat on top of his computer desk. 'To go or not to go?'. The question juggled around his mind. This was actually quite strange for Storm. Normally, he would be the first to jump at the opportunity for adventure. So what was holding him back? Surely if whatever is waiting for him will have more strange things like that dragon, this would be the greatest adventure of his life.

He already had bags packed, so that he wouldn't have to waste any more time after deciding to go. Finally, just before the twenty-fourth hour hit, Storm made up his mind. He recalled the letter having mentioned that all he had to do was discard it by any means. So, he simply tore the letter into tiny pieces and tossed them in the trash. He patiently waited, with his bags and guitar, for something spectacular.

He was not disappointed. It was just moments later when a bright orb materialized in the center of his room. He didn't catch much of the teleportation process, since he closed his eyes and took a deep breath as soon as the orb appeared, as if fully submitting himself to his fate. When he arrived to 'the other side', wherever that was, he was greeted by a rather small, pastel, blue dragon. "Welcome Storm! I was beginning to worry that you wouldn't show. Please, follow me, you're pretty late."

"Well, you know...The coolest people are always fashionably late to the party" he responded with a soft chuckle as he followed, running behind the rushing dragon. They came up to a castle and the pace slowed to a speed walk. Storm let his light green hues wander, in amazement, as they entered. "Where exactly are we?" he mumbled. As they passed the dining area he noted half-eaten plates already being picked up. A sigh escaped, saddened that he missed one of the best parts.

They came up to the incubation chamber and without a word the dragon just left. Storm observed the room and made a quick assessment. A room full of eggs, other humans, and a giant dragon? The dragon must be pretty important and the others must be more chosen ones. He seemed to have figured things out, as his body went into autopilot. He passed a woman by the door, that seemed slightly more confused"Well, whatcha waiting for?" he questioned, continuing aimless down the aisles of eggs, not really sure what he was looking for.

Storm came to a sudden halt after setting eyes on a particular egg that called to him. He couldn't help but get closer, to place a hand on the egg. The egg was of varying shades of blues, with crystalline spots protruding from it. It was a thing of beauty, but his eyes grew ever more starry when it began to crack. A nose poked through and nursing dragons quickly came to assist. Before he knew it, the egg was fully hatched and what lied inside made him scream inside like a little belieber at one of Justin's concerts. The dragon was rather large, but he couldn't help picking up the dragon made entirely of crystal. He grinned from ear to ear "what's up little buddy? You must be Xyalor"
Name: Storm Wolfe
Age: 24

In-depth Physical Appearance: Storm stands at six foot two and has, wavy, cinnamon brown hair complemented by light green eyes. His choice hairstyle is the undercut, which he tends to comb back or leaves messy (This typically depends on the situation and how much time he actually feels like spending on his hair). Facial hair is usually left at a five-o'clock shadow. He has an athletic body-type, with a soft tone. More noticeably, his, lightly, sun-kissed skin is coated with a layer of ink. An approximated seventy-five to eighty percent of his body is tattooed. He also sports a few piercings, which include: 00 gauged ears, nose and tragus piercing. His clothing style is, for the most part, urban, casual, and trendy. Though he does suit-up for the appropriate occasion.

Personality: Storm's personality contradicts the violent nature of his name and bad-boy appearance. He is a free-spirited, outgoing, individual, living his life by the strictly by the four agreements (be impeccable with your word, don't take anything personally, don't make any assumptions, and always do your best). He doesn't care much for drama or gossip and associates himself with others that emit positive vibes and gets high off life. He knows how to appreciate, and enjoy, the simple things in life. Humiliation is not something that exists within Storm, as he is often times quite silly; though he never over does it and knows when to be serious. He follows his heart and has no problem being the black sheep or going against the social norm. While friends are good and all, Storm's happiest place would, arguably, be in a secluded area with his guitar where he can freely express himself and release any troubles in his mind.

Hobbies: skateboarding, surfing, writing music, going on spontaneous adventures, playing guitar, singing

-Usually carries a pocket-sized notebook and pen where he writes songs/ ideas
@Aspen Wren
Sweet, I'll get to work on a post.
Name: Storm Wolfe
Age: 24

In-depth Physical Appearance: Storm stands at six foot two and has, wavy, cinnamon brown hair complemented by light green eyes. His choice hairstyle is the undercut, which he tends to comb back or leaves messy (This typically depends on the situation and how much time he actually feels like spending on his hair). Facial hair is usually left at a five-o'clock shadow. He has an athletic body-type, with a soft tone. More noticeably, his, lightly, sun-kissed skin is coated with a layer of ink. An approximated seventy-five to eighty percent of his body is tattooed. He also sports a few piercings, which include: 00 gauged ears, nose and tragus piercing. His clothing style is, for the most part, urban, casual, and trendy. Though he does suit-up for the appropriate occasion.

Personality: Storm's personality contradicts the violent nature of his name and bad-boy appearance. He is a free-spirited, outgoing, individual, living his life by the strictly by the four agreements (be impeccable with your word, don't take anything personally, don't make any assumptions, and always do your best). He doesn't care much for drama or gossip and associates himself with others that emit positive vibes and gets high off life. He knows how to appreciate, and enjoy, the simple things in life. Humiliation is not something that exists within Storm, as he is often times quite silly; though he never over does it and knows when to be serious. He follows his heart and has no problem being the black sheep or going against the social norm. While friends are good and all, Storm's happiest place would, arguably, be in a secluded area with his guitar where he can freely express himself and release any troubles in his mind.

Hobbies: skateboarding, surfing, writing music, going on spontaneous adventures, playing guitar, singing

-Usually carries a pocket-sized notebook and pen where he writes songs/ ideas
I thought I should express my interest in this RP, instead of just lurking around in the shadows. I should have a cs posted for you soon! :)
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