Avatar of Lullyn
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 319 (0.09 / day)
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    1. Lullyn 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current I've not run off, but rl very hectic. Will post tomorrow to all those waiting!
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9 yrs ago
Playing Mass Effect for the first time.
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9 yrs ago
Every character, and every rp, has a song. Find it and no matter what you do, that song will put you back into it.
9 yrs ago
Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?


I'm Lullyn, or Lu. I'm interested in having lots of fun RPing on this site, but haven't made a decision of a particular genre. I'm very open, so ask. I'm happy to go with someone else's idea and play through from there, or give ideas of my own. All my characters are different, most of them created specifically for the RP I'm in, and I play male or female characters.

Song that makes me feel great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAVTWer5gx4

Oh, if you like my rp style (see what I've done before) by all means message me and maybe I can RP with you. I'm pretty much up for anything. PM me for more details ^_^

My lastest anime - I'm re watching Accel World



Most Recent Posts

I'm going to get so confused, since my character is called Wolf and not another one is :s
Kes stirred in her sleep, rolling onto her back from her side, which Lupo, half awake and ear pricked, seemed to take as an open invitation and moved so that he climbed onto her chest. This woke Kestral, but with a smile and not a start.
"Morning," she murmured, putting a hand to the pup's head.
Lupo, taking this as excouragement began to lick her face, clear affection.
"Stop," she said quietly, pushing his nuzzle away. "Yes, I need a bath, but you don't need to give it me."
She pushed herself up slighty, Lupo hopping off, and then pushed herself the full way, rubbing her eyes.
It was then that she noticed Jube was not where she'd eft him, but a quick scan of the cave relieved her concerns and she moved to join him, mirroring his actions.
"I am going to find a river soon," she told him, washing her face and neck with the water. "I need to bathe, and wash my clothes."
She had enough for now, but she had no intention of walking around like a beggar.
In New Moon 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Maria smiled quite happily.
"Really? You wouldn't mind?" she said, looking past him at the rest, then looked to Del. "Wht do you think?"
Del shrugged. "How often do you get invited to stay at a party after you crash it?" she said with a grin.
Maria turned to look at him, clearly happy. "I'm Maria. Since you're inviting us, you should probably know our names. And this is Del."
Del half raised a hand, not a wave but like she was volunteering herself.
"We're hoping to explore the reserve in the morning," Maria continued. "Maybe you ca give us some pointers?"
In New Moon 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"I....," Maria began, as he backed away apologising, hands up like he was pleading guilty to a crime. She stood rather mute and surprised that he told his friend to leave. "No, don't worry about it. I just didn't see you. You startled me."
She gave quite a sweet smile, her cheeks having little dimple in them that made her look somewhat cherubic.
"We didn't mean to crash your party," said Del, looking over at Maria. "We thought... well doesn't matter. We shouldn't be gate crashing."
Maria nodded, and smiled again.
"Well, we should probably get back," she said sheepishly. "We're staying at the resort, we just thought our friends might be out here."
He was kind of cute, Maria thought, blushing a little as she stepped back to join Del. She seemed to have something on her mind and spoke it without hestiation.
"Were you celebrating something?"
In New Moon 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Sorry for the delay in posting, and for the length. I swear they will not all be that long ^_^
In New Moon 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Delilah, known as Del, and Maria had met whilst Maria was visiting her cousins in the area. She'd come from Seattle, where it rained more than is did anything else combined. Her uncle lived a few miles outside Forks, which was just under half an our drive from La Push and the reservation, but was well over 3 in a car to her home. Luckily been able to fly into Fork's airport and be picked up there. This meant no car, and she had been starting to regret her haste in choice before she'd met Del.

Her cousins were mostly younger than her, but none were actually her age. She'd been persuaded to go by her parents, who told her she should go and enjoy herself before she started work. She had 2 months until she moved to Florida to work in a hotel, a job which her father had secured for her. It was for a friend of his and she had been pleased at the time, but annoyed too because she didn't want people to think she couldn't get a job herself.

So this was supposed to be a vacation. Sure enough, her aunt and cousins had entertained her in the house for the first few days, but since most of them were much younger than her, they soon got bored as the novelty wore off. She too, felt trapped.

Her aunt was sweet, dropping her off at the Timber Museum in hopes this would occupy her. She spent time looking at the chainsaws of different ages, and smiling politely as the volunteer talked to her of what he believed were the fascinating points to the museum. She left in a daze as soon as she politely could, buying a postcard for her collection.

It was too early for her aunt to collect her so she walked back into town, for it wasn't far. which was when she saw Del, who was sitting in her truck and listening to music. She'd asked the girl directions and had gotten a lift instead, the girl asking her questions as they drove. They ended up talking outside her Uncle's place for some time, and Maria arranging to be picked up the next day.

Del had moved there with her step-father 2 years before. He owned a local store where Del worked most days, but she loved to be outdoors in nature. Some would have been angered at being dragged into the back end of no where, but Del seemed to love it, and through her eyes Maria began to appreciate it. Del had a couple of friends, but not having been to school there were whole life, she had struggled.

A few days later, they went to the Ranger Station and then Marymere Falls and she'd enjoyed it.

It was Del's friends who mentioned they were going to stay at the Quileute Oceanside Resort, which was situated on the Indian Reservation at La Push. Del said that although it was an easy drive, it was a good excuse to hang out without having to worry about their guardians. Maria happily agreed. It was going to be 3 nights and she was fascinated at the idea of an Indian Reserve.

There had been 8 in total, 5 girls and 3 guys, piled into 3 cars. Del admitted she'd never been but she'd wanted to go before.

They'd arrived in the late afternoon, the rest of their party having gone ahead because Del had to work. She'd tried to pursuade Maria to go without her, but Maria had been adamant she'd wait. By the time they got there, the guys were talking of having a party in their room, but Del, tired after being at work all day, declined and she and Maria chilled in their chalet.

It had been Del who had become alarmed at the fire on the beach, fearing the boys had tried to impress the girls and lit some fire. There was certainly enough noise. She and Maria headed down there, hoping she could persuade them back to the chalet before they got kicked off the reservation, but as she looked at the faces, she realized she didn't know any of them.

That was when Maria gave a cry of alarm that made her start, as she was caught in the arms of a guy that neither of the girls knew or even recognised. She looked wide eyed and scared, though in fact it was just shock.
In New Moon 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Don't worry about making it American. I'm from the UK ;)
In New Moon 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Name: Delilah
Age: 20

Name: Maria
Age: 20
Kestral didn't mind the hard floor, since they would no doubt need to get used to such a thing, but it was a far cry from a bed. She watched as Lupo placed himself neatly between them, curling up close to her.
She looked at Milo, sat alone and away from them, not distant but apart. She wished to say something, but held her tongue, her eyes closing. She thought, as sleep took her, that she'd been unconscious so much in the past few days that she wondered she should be able to sleep, but it claimed her.
|Julian Wolf|

|Location: The Great Hall, then Slytherin Dorms|

Wolf had enjoyed his spectacle, mostly because he knew it would annoy the other houses, mostly Gryffindor. The funny thing was that the chant wasn't as offensive as others, but other houses seemed more and more sensitive to any comments these days. He was glad this was to be his final year.
He didn't look at the other tables, as interested in their thoughts on his actions as he would be a worm. How they would manage in the real world if they couldn't even handle a bit of quidditch chanting was beyond him. They should try a night with Estel.
He grimmaced at the thought of her, and listened to the.... well it wasn't a speech, because it hadn't lasted long enough. He'd have called it a headline, but there was nothing interesting about it.
"Still, it was short and pointless," he said when another student had made a comment. "Better than long and pointless."
It was then he noticed Alyssa wasn't at the table, which was odd. She was in his year but she wasn't there.
"Seen Jessup?" he asked the person next to him, but they shook their head.
But soon dinner was in front of them and all thoughts of her were pushed from his mind. She might have missed the train, or gone straight to bed.
When they'd finished eating, he led the new Slytherin's proudly from the hall, ensuring they were out the doors. They looked like little ducklings following a mother goose, for Julian towered over them, leading them away and to their new home. The new password had already been issued and he spoke it to the wall which transformed into a passage.
The waited until they were within before passing the secret to the first years. He always worried someone might be listening and the Gryffindor prefects were known to pretty much announce theirs to the whole corridor.
Too tired to waste any more time, he headed to the sanctuary of his dorm, and was asleep the moment his head rested upon the pillow.

|Jean Clements|

|Location: The Great Hall, the Ravenclaw Dorms|

Jean heard the exchange between the two boys in her house from where she sat practically at the other end of the table. She wanted to tell them to stop, to speak, but she blushed at the idea, sinking into her chair. It would do no good. They wouldn't listen, even if she had enough confidence to try.
The speech was odd, she thought. Too short. It was Reynolds first year, but not even telling the young first years the rules? That seemed unfair.
Jean had not received a Prefect badge, and she was fine with that, but she wasn't going to leave their new housemates to themselves.
She got up carefully, as the food began to appear, and moved the short distance to the end of the table where the new first years sat, looking wide eyed and puzzled.
"Hi there," she said sweetly, for she was more confident talking to them than she felt in her own class. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Jean."
The first years looked surprised at find her talking to them, but they smiled and introduced themselves. There were only a few, but she was pleased. Those who had gotten in would fit in.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but would you mind if I sit with you?" she said, before lowering her voice to a stage whisper, "it's kinda noisy my end."
They moved up for her, the space where she had been dissolving by other students.
And so she sat with the first years during their first meal. She smiled as they told her about themselves, their blood, their families, and she in turn told them about Hogwarts and some of the rules that would be part of their life.
"And a Prefect will take you to your new rooms in Ravenclaw House once you finish eating," she told them. "They'll help you today, but you need to make sure your ready to answer the riddle. They can be really hard, but if you don't know don't panic. Just wait for someone to come and help you."
Jean had so far never been stood outside the common room unable to get in. Puzzles were one of her favorite things and she spent a lot of time on riddles. It was one of those things she could do under pressure.
Before long the Prefects came to collect the first years and Jean headed out ahead of them, looking forward to sitting in the Ravenclaw Common room. She looked at the doorknocked which yawned at her.
I'm part of a bird,
but not in the sky.
I can swim in the ocean,
and always stay dry.
what am I?"

Jean thought for a minute, then nodded.
"The shadow of a bird," she said.
"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it," intoned the knocker, before revealing the Ravenclaw Common room.
Jeane went straight over to the windows which, in the old school had revealed views of the grounds of Hogwarts. This one was no different and she gazed at the mountain peaks in the distance with a smile, resting her chin on her arms.
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