Avatar of Lurking Shadow


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12 mos ago
Current I love hunt showdown. nothing like talking shit in prox chat while having a friendly cowboy shootout over a bayou bounty. Now I just need to acquire skill over ungodly amount of hours playing the game
1 yr ago
It's crazy to see another furry in the wild. Well, back to my hidey-hole.
1 yr ago
Angus McSix and the Sword of Power is a pretty damn good album. I was hesitant about Thomas Winkler's new band after being booted from Gloryhammer but my worry was unfounded. He is def back one better
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3 yrs ago
What's all this about DnD, where my CoC bois at who enjoy the game where every encounter can be a TPK, never use magic unless you want to die, and where you never save the day but delay the inevitable
4 yrs ago
Kane Lives
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I've been watching a lot of the DC cartoons lately so I'm kinda stuck in this Schick of supers right now. On top of that, I just recently got my Hellboy RPG book, so role-playing a super hero/Villain sounds fun! Would we be able to play a Villain instead?

(I'd like to move discussion here from the interest.)

I am currently not allowing anyone to play a villain, seems I need to clarify that. At least not with certain restrictions. Another has shared with me a amoral character, won't divulge as it was a secret of the character, which I am fine with but I will note the same things I said.

This is a 'group' RP, the plan for the story accounts for a more or less cohesive group to fight together and overcome challenges. For the group to stick together, there must be some factor to them, some redeeming quality, that the rest of the group would like. If a character were to go around and rob banks, murder civilians, or otherwise be villainous, I don't see how the other characters would put up with them and they would get kicked out of the group. Which will cause problems towards the 'endgame' of the RP with matters concerning the story and the climatic final battle. I have told the other person is that it is fine for characters to not start out heroic but they should grow as a character to be at least around 'anti-hero' as the RP progresses. But if you really want to play a villain, I might be able to fit it in with restrictions. PM me and let's see if we can work it out.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, I will edit the OOC to clarify this.
RP is up. please direct all new inquires and questions in the OOC. for those who have a (pre)approved CS, I made two small changes. 1) personality section was added. 2) I split limitations into two separate sections, limitations and weaknesses (I have provided an example of each but generally limitation is something your character will probably overcome as the RP progresses, weakness is something that disrupts your character's ability). Please adjust CS accordingly and then you are free to post it to the character tab.

link to ooc
Grailham City, founded in 1884, was originally created as a hub from which to launch for archeological expeditions throughout the world. The expeditions had varying success over the next few decades, that is until the ill-fated Carlyle expedition in 1919. Led and funded by millionaire playboy Roger Carlyle, the expedition traveled to various places around the world including Egypt, China, Africa, and Australia among others and perform several excavations following a tip from an undisclosed source. Over the next two years, a trove of artifacts from early human history was sent back, though some were rumored to be not of human origin. In August of 1921, the expedition traveled to the African wilderness and vanished. In October of that year, the gruesome remains of the expedition was found by a search party hired by Roger’s sister. While rumors suggest that their demise was from inhuman hands, ultimately blame was pinned on Nandi tribesmen who were tried and hanged. Despite the tragic end, the findings of the expedition were groundbreaking and brought wealth into the city and some of the artifacts remain on display at the posthumously named Carlyle Museum, one of the largest museums in the world.

The spike in money flowing through the city naturally attracted more than just archeologists as corporations in the tech, medical, research, and many other fields either moved in or were founded. As the century came to a close, Grailham City has transformed drastically from its simple beginnings and into one of the largest cities on Earth with a GDP to rival many small countries put together. Naturally, as wealth poured in, many criminals begin to take notice and the city’s first supervillain The Pallid Charmer emerged in 1946, shortly after the city’s first superhero Incognito emerged to challenge him. Ever since, Grailham City became a popular place for both heroes and villains to emerge, earning the nickname ‘The Crucible’ from some of the locals as the battles between heroes and villains became a regular occurrence in the city by the end of the century.

Fortunately for the citizens of the city, there always seemed to be enough heroes to deal with the villains and the heroes were usually pretty good at being heroes. Not to mention the villains never seemed to ever group up and try to dominate their foils with numbers, whether it was pride, principle, or a general feeling of superiority over the ‘lesser’ villains that ensured any cohesion did not last. Until recently that is. A mysterious newcomer has shaken things up in the criminal side of the city, somehow managing to sway others under his cause through trickery, bribes, intimidation, or something else. Whatever the case, it seems almost, if not all, of the villains answer to this mysterious individual. Something big is going down, and whatever it is is can't be good.

This RP is about a group of novice heroes teaming up to overcome difficult odds, discover and subvert a grand scheme that may potentially doom the world, and learn to harness their powers or master their abilities. Heroes may rise from any origin, whether they inherited their powers, harness futuristic technology, come from outer or inner space, from the distant past or even other dimensions. You may have any origin and any power (or martial skill, some of the greatest heroes can be exceptionally talented but otherwise mundane individuals) save for certain restricted ones that will be listed in the Rules below. As this is a city filled with as many villains as heroes, you may also create a villain character for yours or someone else’s hero to foil but this is optional.

Much of the same requirements for the Hero CS applies to the Villain CS, usually the only difference is the nameless goons they can afford to employ with the occasional named one. Feel free to add some new sections of your own.

Note: Villains are NPCs for our heroes to fight. If you would like to play a villain, I might allow it. PM me with details.

For more convenient communication, there is a discord server. I would prefer for those involved or interested in joining the RP to join it but it is optional.

@Crimson Flame ah, kind of like booster gold. Would be interesting to see how everyone else would react to being on camera.

@Unkown58 Looks good
@Crow I forgot that man exists, he kind of looks like he is pissed at me for forgetting him.

@Crimson Flame Looks good, I appreciate all the description. One question, is there going to be camera crews following him around for a tv show or am I just assuming?
@The Forgotten In the city, heroes and villains are common enough where people would not pay him to much attention besides a glance and the occasional stare. He might initially draw some concern as people won't know if this is a good costumed guy or bad costumed guy until he starts to do notable things.
@Crow no worries, still working on the OOC anyways.

I apologize for the wait, I got a bit of other stuff on my plate and I generally overthink things too much that makes these things take a while. Got a long shift at work ahead then a lot of time on saturday/sunday.
@The Forgotten looks good.

@Abstract Proxy Grailham City. It is one of the largest cities on Earth and has been a popular spot for villains and heroes to emerge and fight, whether they originate from the city or travel from afar, for much of its existence and has earned it the nickname 'The Crucible' by some of the locals. It also boasts a GDP greater than many small countries combined. I have not pinned down an exact location on Earth so local environment/weather can change somewhat depending on need of the plot but it is safe to assume somewhere in North America with access to the ocean.

And even if Random question, I have no problem with answering them if any more come up.
@Vega7285 feel free to shoot me a PM when you've got something to discuss or want help with nailing a concept down or figure out a way for your character to be involved with the world/plot.

Fair enough. I can see the humor in a Caterpillar Of Unusual Size being stubbornly persistent in following the group around. I just was not sure if there was some mechanism for communication I missed or something.
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