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If I die young...bury me in satin...

The lines of the song washed over Genesis without her hearing them, hard rock music full of screaming and drums pounded to the beat of her heart. Her eyes were closed as her feet swung and tapped to the beat. Oblivious to the noise she was making, Genesis didn't see the guy settle beside her and order a coffee. It wasn't until Bridgette set down a large T-bone steak and over easy eggs before her. The steak was easily the size of Genesis' palm, and blood seemed to be pooling beneath it and seeping towards her no doubt perfectly cooked eggs.

The sharp knife of a short life, oh well
I've had just enough time

Only once her food arrived did the young woman pull both ear buds out of her ears and wrapped the cord around her miniscule music player. As she had turned her head to remove her left earbud there had been a new addition to the counter. It was only a short moment, but she flashed him a perfectly white smile before she turned her attention back to her meal.

"Ya need anything else, hun?" The brunette server smiled at her but Genesis shook her head before cutting into her bloody steak. It took her no time to shovel the first mouthful between her lips. An appreciative sort of sound come from the young woman as she chewed, the taste making her happier than anything she could possibly think of, well at the moment anyways. The guy beside her was new, a traveler she could guess, maybe he was the one who had drove the old RV through town last night. Thoughts of what she'd seen on her large surveillance screens last night made her nod to herself before she cut another piece of steak and forked it into her mouth.

...Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song...

The song was so depressing, Genesis rolled her eyes as she chewed.
It started slowly and then happened all at once. As soon as she heard the first shot fired, Kelisandra closed her eyes tight, had her hands been free she would have covered her ears. But the worst part was knowing it was going to get worse. She was no idiot, she knew the state of things and she knew it had to be HYDRA out there trying to take her. From the talks of her guards when she was within earshot, a major betrayal had happened and caused a divide. The way the men spoke, it was as if HYDRA were the bad guys, but from Kelis' view, SHIELD did not act like the good guy. Part of her wished to be liberated, but the unknown was much scarier than the hell she had come to know.

They had transported her with the promise of safety upon their arrival, they had promised to unshackle her, but the collar, they told her, could never come off. It was a fair trade to the young woman, after all she was their prisoner, who was she to refuse? Most of the men thought she was deaf as well as not being able to speak, some mocked her in the prison she had been in, and it had smarted, but Kelisandra kept her resolve. Those monsters didn't need to know that she was fully capable of understanding every command, but chose not to. The men in the transport though, had been more gentle than aggressive and it pained Kelis to know they would likely die trying to keep her from falling into the 'wrong' hands.

The blast knocked Kelis back, her head slamming into the metal panel meant to protect the driver. Stars exploded in her vision as everything seemed to tumble to the side and go still. Smoke filled the prison cell, and a cough was trapped behind Kelis' lips. Her hands were cut and oozing blood, and still encased in metal shackles. The crackling of something on fire filled her ears as she weighed her options. She could stay here and die of smoke inhalation, or face what was outside. Either way, she was helpless. More fighting and gunfire sounded outside and all Kelis could think about as the fresh air taunting her outside of the now blown open truck doors. Slowly, and with an inward wince, the young woman in the gray scrubs emerged from the truck and tried to look for somewhere to hide.

A little bell chimed as Genesis entered the diner. Most of the locals looked up in interest, some of them murmuring about the latest escapade the daughter of the Jones family had gotten into. About a month ago she had been caught with the son of a local Catholic Minister, as if that hadn't been bad enough, it had been during mass in one of the confessionals. True it hadn't been very tasteful, but it wasn't against the law, so no one confronted the girl about it. Instead they were happy to gossip amongst themselves.

Genesis could feel their eyes on her as she swayed into the diner, her headphones still in and blaring so she couldn't hear their annoying buzzing. A handful of stools at the counter were free and Genesis slid into one, her feet swinging playfully as she flipped through the plastic menu. It didn't take her long to decide on something and pop a headphone out.

"Hey Bridgette, orange juice and... steak and eggs..." she smirked as she leaned forward on the counter and closed the flimsy menu.

"How do ya want ya steak cooked?" Bridgette had been behind the counter, tending to the two gruff looking guys down at the end of the counter. Two seat separated her from the men. As the brunette whipped out her little notepad, Genesis thought for a moment.

"Uh...rare." she nodded, garnering her looks from the two men.

Growing up in the Jones house, rare meat was the norm. Her mother refused to consume anything that wasn't still bleeding, and Genesis didn't know why, but it had rubbed off on her. After spending most of her teen years trying to insist she was 'vegan' her mother wouldn't have any part of it, and if Genesis was being honest it never satiated her. No matter how much rabbit food and quinoa she consumed, nothing tasted as good as a bloody steak.

"Here's ya juice." Bridgette placed the cold glass before her and Genesis smiled, nodding her thanks.

The waitress nodded and wrote up the rest of her order, sticking it to an old fashioned spinning order wheel, the cook went to work straight away on her food. For all their gossiping, it was obvious Genesis wouldn't wait long for anything she asked in this place. Bridgette knew better than to keep the Genesis waiting, the sooner she got her food, the sooner the girl would be out of there. And not to mention the big tip she left, almost always a $100 bill was left for even the smallest of tabs, so no one on the staff would be caught gossiping and screw that up.

Without a second thought, the young woman popped her ear bud back in and went back to nodding her head to the beat.
In the back of the large truck, a young woman sat. Her hands were shackled together before her, and their gold color matched the monstrosity of a collar around her neck. Many times she had been told by various SHIELD operatives, that it was a good thing they had that technology now. Asguardian, they had called it, but the young woman had never seen anything like it. Entirely gold, the thing circled her neck and ring after ring of metal stacked on top of one another until it reached just below her nose. The thing clutched tightly to the young woman's neck and made speaking impossible, but Kelisandra would never have tried to speak anyways. The young woman was clothed in plain gray scrubs that seemed to swallow her thing figure.

Her head was bowed, black hair cascaded in waves over her shoulders. She had been in the same position for so long it had caused the guards some issue, thinking she might have died. But in response she would make a small movement, and the guards would go back to talking about who they couldn't believe had been HYDRA. But while the prisoner had kept her head bowed, she had been trying concentrate on her thoughts. Her thoughts were the only thing she had in this place, or in the hell she had been before. How sorely she wished she could see the outside, she had never been to New York. Everyone always talked about the sky scrapers and street food, but Kelisandra could see none of it from her well armored metal box.

Very suddenly the prisoner's head popped up as she felt the truck roll to a stop. Someone got out, but no matter how much she strained, she couldn't hear anything. It was a few moments before they began to move again, but Kelisandra couldn't push the feeling of uneasiness away, something horrible was going to happen, and not just to her. The truck rumbled down the road and slowly, the prisoner lowered her head once more. Their caravan would wind through the city by smaller streets, and Kelisandra wasn't sure that was such a great idea. She sat with the uneasiness welling in her stomach and waited for the inevitable.

...Something is going to happen...
On the other edge of the town, looming dark behind the local grocery store a mysterious building stood. Though it was a small shop, anything would have been dwarfed by the 20 story steel and black glass monstrosity owned by Jones Pharmaceuticals. Genesis hated the eyesore, but it just went to show you if you had enough money people would over look everything. Last night Genesis had managed to duck her mother, but this morning she wasn't so lucky.

"I don't understand why you can't just do as I ask."

Genesis groaned as she swept her tousled hair out of her eyes, "Because I don't need to go to college... we are richer than god..."

"Genesis! Watch your language." Maurine scolded her only daughter as she crossed her arms over a blood red blouse. Maurine was always immaculately dressed, and this morning was no exception. Her crimson blouse was complimented perfectly by her curve hugging skirt in a darker maroon. It didn't matter that it was 9 in the morning, her mother's face was perfectly made up.

As if reading her mind, her mother stalked forward. "You know..my little bird, it wouldn't hurt you to take care of yourself better...look at those bags..." her mother pointed to her face and Genesis hid it in the pillows once more. "Now, get up. You need to get your things-"

"I have to go into town today, Martha got some books in for me..." she told her mother convincingly. It wasn't that Genesis didn't like reading, it was just a lie she used to get out from under her mother's watchful eye. "We could send Jamison to do it. I mean honestly-"

"Mother, if people think we act better than them, they aren't going to see the company in a very friendly light," Genesis sighed, as if reciting something for the fifth time to a child. Just the mention of the company was enough to stop Maurine's trail of thought. "Fine, if that is your goal, keeping up appearances. Go find yourself something at that clothing store..." Her mother disappeared and soon reappeared with a $100 bill in hand. She tossed it onto the bed and patted her daughter on the head.


Within an hour Genesis was seated in the back of a black sedan that was winding the downhill path to the city proper. Once within the city limits, the young woman had Jamison pull over and let her out. He would wait there for her for as long as she wanted. The young woman exited the car and slung her leather bag over her shoulder. Her clothes weren't as...civilized as her mother's, but her style was current. A cut off blue shirt bared her lower midriff and tight jeans hugged her hips, her blonde hair hung free and her feet were clad in an expensive pair of sneakers.

With a pause, the young woman slipped some earbuds in, rock music blaring into her ears as she strode down the sidewalk. She was hungry, and the only place in the whole town even open this early was the diner, so that's where she headed.

The below echoed through the opulent manor home, and was answered by resounding silence. No one was in the house at the moment, well save for Maurine and the help. Genesis was situated on the edge of the property, hidden away in a decrepit greenhouse her mother had let fall into disrepair. Over the years of hiding from her mother, Genesis had made this her haven. A full computer setup hummed in the corner and a plush chair was situated in the corner. It was her own slice of heaven, and she intended on keeping it that way.

With her blonde hair tied back Genesis was tapping idly on her keyboard, flashes of surveillance cameras coming up on her high definition screen. Nothing else, but this, is what Genesis used this little set up for. Being a little spy was easy when you had everything in the city at your disposal. A small notebook lay open beside the screen, names and dates were scrawled across the page. She had so much dirt on everyone in this goddamn town. The comings and goings of every teacher and police officer had fallen under her view in the past three years since the cameras had been installed. It had won the public in favor of Jones Pharmaceuticals by promising them that it would increase their safety, and it had done so.

Every once in awhile Genesis would alert the local police chief if something horrible passed through, but to date she could count less times than she had fingers. It was late, and acrid smoke swirled through the greenhouse. She knew she would have to head back into the house soon, it was about that time for her mother to demand she eat dinner with her. Genesis groaned as she checked the time and went about shutting down her little operation, dreading heading back into the house.
Name: Genesis Jones
Nationality: American
Age: 17
Profession: Spoiled Brat
Biography: You know the expression 'keeping up with the Jones's?' well, they were talking about Genesis' family. Local royalty, everyone knew of the eccentric family that owned most of Hemlock Grove. The largest supplier of jobs in the small town, Genesis' mother ruled her empire with an iron fist. Distant and cold most of the time, Genesis does what most privileged kids do, be broody and spend mommy's money on drugs. As an only child her mother, Maurine, doted on her when they were together, but for Genesis it was too little too late.

Around school she has quite the reputation for being a trouble maker as well as someone who could get their hands on any drug they wanted. Genesis just didn't want to deal with kids her own age. More times than not you could find her somewhere on her family's vast grounds, the rear of which let out into a large forest, spanning for miles or at least that's how it felt to Genesis. Her family specializes in healthcare, her mother having studied genetics.
Still looking for all of these story ideas! Bump~
There is a secret world that no one knows about. A secret society that has mingled in with regular people for centuries, a two groups of people only spoke about in the Holy Books of different religions. Angels and Demons. They live in a world where a peace needed to be brokered, a place where appearances are everything and money talked. Though divine and hellish in nature, these beings don't show their true forms in the Upper World. Everyday they would pass among us, looking like normal humans, no one ever knowing their true nature.

Of course Demons were in charge of illegal fighting rings, and counted among the leaders of most drug cartels. On the Angelic side of the coin, they held offices of great power and reputation, numbering among them some congressmen and women.

For 500 years communications between clans had been strained...at best. Young men and women alike fell to blade or had their wings taken for acting against the best interests of the clans and the greater good. Romance and fraternization were not just frowned upon, they were punishable. If an Angel laid with a demon, they would have their wings taken and would become a Fallen. Neither demon or angel kind could interact with them, in fact, they wouldn't even be able to tell whom was one, after their fall.

Wings were cumbersome, and tended to garner unwanted attention, so the leader of the Divine Kismet Clan came up with a solution, a small brand placed on every Angelic being, a small pair of wings on a chosen part of the body. Nothing else would alert anyone to their heritage, and that was the way they liked it.

Whispers have been heard of an upcoming engagement of Jeremiah Tresaint to a daughter of the Kismet Clan. The match would bring together the two most powerful divine clans and has left some demonkind whispering of being overthrown. That is until one of the demon's number does something that none of them would expect...

So I've had this idea for awhile, and would love a talented rper to write this with me. The premise is Romeo and Juliet with Angels and Demons. The character I'm looking for would be a sort of loner in the demon world, probably born to one of the prominent demon clans. The story would have the characters meet in a seedy demon club where the angel would be looking for some mischief, and the demon would be happy to provide it until he finds her branding. I don't want this to be a cheesey 'oh I'm in love with you, kthnxbai', I would like a build up, all culminating in a large engagement party that the demon would escape with the Angel, saving her from her fate for the time being.

I need someone who will be a active creator in the story with me. Though I have the gist, I haven't been able to find someone to flesh this out with just yet. I'm looking for a few paragraphs per post as well as pretty active posting, I'm thinking about once a week. IF you're going to be gone longer, just a heads up would be nice! I'm also looking for someone who can use proper grammar and spelling.

So if you're interested, please PM me! If you have any questions about all this, let me know!
I'm looking for someone to do a joint post with, if anyone hasn't gotten a post in yet and are interested, let me know :-)
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