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At Penelope’s request, Heather flipped the sunglasses upward until the darken lenses rested on top of her head. She didn’t say much else, choosing to sip the black coffee Vee had offered her and listen in one the ongoing conversation. Where in the world is that professor of theirs. “Well, I’m sure we’re not the only lab rats he planned to poke and prod at today.” Heather wraps her hands around the smooth mug as she talks, paying little attention to the marble game that was happening around her. “He probably needed to pencil us in today, right between ranting and raving in front of his captive audience of students and unethically playing god before sitting down to ‘Wheel of Fortune.’” Heather adds a shrug and a casual smile, “You know, usual old mad scientist stuff.”
Heather had been dreading the encounter all day. The reminder was there in the back of her mind during her morning run, through all her classes, through the lunch she barely touched. Amy and Jessica had noticed her quietness angry silence, assumed she was just PMSing and did not try to stir her from her mood. It was probably better that way, there was no way they would understand and heather couldn’t half believe it herself. They parted at three, Heather trying not to appear bothered by her friends’ departure to the training annex Instead, she started toward apartment 214 to wait out the remainder of her time until the big meeting. There was much Heather was not looking forward at this meeting, it seems unlike the rest of the gang, Heather was not very thrilled to have this “gift” forced on her. It was the sensation that alerted Heather to something being wrong the night after she took the little red pill. There was a sensation in her chest, like a powerful pulsing. Then the currents had spread through her body, it felt like hot insects crawling under her skin. In a panic, Heather had tried to call someone for help. The moment her hand grasped her white and gold smartphone, it was drained of all its battery life and it felt as if Heather had fed the pulsing in her chest. Then an explosion of electricity appeared from her finger tips, shattering glass across the room and making the air heavy with the energy. The good doctor tried to explain to Heather what she became, and what he expected of her but the moment he told Heather he would not change her back; she gave in to her temper and would hear nothing more of his experiment. It didn’t help that this crazy doctor kept dropping words like “Fate” and “hero” and that he expected Heather to fight crime. She told Doc to “fuck off” and stormed out of the lab. That was days ago. Heather reflected back on that day and her outburst as she walked toward “The Fresh Pot.” She was a little ashamed to fly off the handle like she did, but Heather still felt so unsure about this new power. She hadn’t used it since it surfaced, going to great lengths to avoid anything that would give her a charge. Heather had ignored all of Rohrbach’s calls and emails for a number of reasons. But when Heather chanced the safety of her laptop and saw email about the meeting, she knew she had to attend. Heather walked into the Fresh Pot, sunglasses still over her eyes, and notices she is one of the last to arrive. “Hello everyone.” Heather fixes the crowd with a polite smile, which was an improvement compared to her behavior at the last meeting. She found a seat at a table on the edge of the group, still unsure where she fit or if she was welcome. They all seem so over the moon about this project, Heather couldn’t see why. She felt the sensation under her skin again, but Heather clasp her hands together and ignored it.
Electrokenisis eh? So its safe to say that Heather will have a very "shocking" personality. hehe Ok, I"ll go write now.....
Darker motives? Ohhh, plot twist!
Hmmm, I would think that they would need to live at the lab just so they can be monitor in case there is any unknown side effects. But I could also see many of the characters deciding to remain in their place of residences, because many of these characters are seem very independent or they would want to retain some normality. How close is the lab to the school?
I feel like bumping this. Hello
She'd probably wouldn't even be in the super hero business. She'd be like "bye" and win at evveerryythhinngg.
I really love coming home to an active OOC. : ) Also, I cannot not wait to start this, and I"m excited to see what Heather gets in power roulette. I hope its not super speed, don't think she needs any faster or her ego will explode.
Name: Heather Wilson Age: 21 Gender: Female
Personality: Heather is very competitive, going to great lengths to win anything she has set her sights on. The only place she is not as competitive is her actual school work. When it comes to other matters, Heather is very focus and is not afraid to be harsh to get what she wants. She is also very outgoing, confident, and loves to laugh, even if it is sometimes at the expense of others. It should also be noted that Heather’s temper is very short and explosive. She is not afraid to snap on something if they set her off, unfortunately this means that she tends to say or do things she may regret later. Background: Since Heather could walk, her parents expected the world out of her. She was captain of the t-ball team, sold the most Girl Scout cookies three years in a row, played softball and volleyball in middle school, and was enrolled in all the honor classes. It looked like the perfect family, but not so much. Her parents fought and Heather always felt her accomplishments were the only thing that kept her parents happy. In highschool her parents finally had enough of each other and split. Without the pressure of her parents’ divorce looming over, Heather decided to rebel instead of obeying. Heather failed out of the honors classes (She cheated anyway) Dropped from almost all her clubs and found that partying with the rich kids was more her style. The only activity Heather remained enrolled in was track, because running was the only thing that made sense. Good thing she kept with track too, because it turned out she was good enough for a scholarship. Heather majored in health and physical fitness with the aspiration to become a personal trainer while running college track, and at first things went well. But Heather started partying again and things began to spiral. Her grades dropped too low, she was placed on probation from sports, and her scholarship was lost. Luckily, she scrapped together enough money from her parents and student loans to remain for another semester. Now she is trying to raise her grades to reapply for her scholarship and trying to live without track for a semester. Maybe this new program will help her take her mind off things and the extra money couldn’t hurt. :Chosen Pill Color: Red Likes: Running is the first thing that comes to mind. After that, Heather likes red bulls, apples and anything apple flavor, early mornings, the occasional joint, and a good college party. Dislikes: seafood, cats, and people who can’t fucking drive.
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