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Jacob nodded at her statement. So she would be heading home for the night. Jacob couldn't blame her, it was pretty late. He imagined such a ship would be quite a shock to an innocent princess like her. He guessed that one ship visit was enough for the day, and that she was a tad overwhelmed. Feeling a bit relieved, he wished her goodbye. Jacob was about to turn around and leave, when she stood up on her toes and remarkably, kissed him on the cheek. Jacob was stunned, and after the kiss he stumbled back a step, his eyes wide. The only time he'd been kissed was from his now-deceased best friend, a female pirate who was almost as notorious as he was. She died in a huge battle from a pistol shot in the chest. Jacob held her while she had her last breaths, and even though they never confessed their love to each other, anybody who witnessed their friendship would certainly see that it was obvious they had a connection.

Overwhelmed with emotions, Jacob said goodbye quickly and went downstairs, into the sleeping areas. He passed the crew's lodge, and entered his own private area, where only he and Pierre slept. Pierre was there, completely focused on writing down things in his notebook. As Jacob harshly threw open the door and fell onto his bed in a heap, Pierre looked up at him, and tilted his head questioningly.

"Something wrong, sir?" Pierre asked. There was no answer. Jacob's face was stuffed into his pillow, something that one would not expect out of a 30-year-old, but rather of a 10-year old. Pierre sighed. He'd get words out of his best friend. "I heard you talking to someone upstairs. Anybody of importance?" Pierre spoke a bit louder and a bit clearer, as to give off the message that he was very determined to figure things out.

Jacob let out a long sigh and rolled onto his back. He stared at the ceiling and ran his fingers through his hair. "I talked to the princess of Solomon. She was fascinated by the boat, so I let her on deck." Jacob explained quietly, refusing to look at Pierre. "Nothing bad happened, I just remembered... the memory on the way downstairs." Part of what Jacob said was true, but some of it was a lie. Yes, he remembered a memory, but he didn't dare say it was because of the girl. The less Pierre knew about this, the better.

Pierre sighed. "Oh dear, Jackal. I hope you've not been getting into too much trouble. We need your full focus on the days ahead. Look." Pierre stood up, and gave Jacob the book he was writing in. Jacob propped himself up in his bed, and read the paper. It was money calculations. Jacob's eyes widened as he saw the huge amount of gold his crew had acquired. Jacob looked up at Pierre as if to say 'is this even real?'. Pierre nodded as if he read Jacob's thoughts. "We've multiplied our profits by enormous amounts. This is good enough to feed our crew for a month!"

Jacob nodded, and after he gave the book back, the two men fell asleep to the sound of the waves. Not another word was said that night.

Jacob stepped onto the ship, yawning. The day was full of shenanigans. He talked to local pirates, set up deals, and learned about the area. He even ventured into the forest to hunt for a bit with Pierre. Pierre did most of the bow-shooting, since Jacob's shaky hands could never hit a wild animal, not in a million years. After that, they hit the pubs, and eventually, many shanties later, they returned to the ship. "What would a pirate be without a little drinking?" Jacob said to himself as he walked on board, rubbing his head a bit. That alcohol sure hit him like a rock. He was feeling much better than he was earlier, though, but complicated tasks would be nearly impossible for him in this state.

Jacob began to walk to his room, but then stopped. He wanted to head to his office and write in his journal. He'd forgotten it the night before, and even though he wasn't feeling the best, anything would do for him at this point. Grabbing the keys from his pocket, he opened his office, not noticing that it was already unlocked. He stumbled while entering, but then quickly regained his balance. He was extremely focused, and he sat down in his chair, and pulled out his book. Dipping his pen in ink, he started to write, but then quickly gave up.

"No, I'm too tired..." Jacob groaned, and leaned back in his chair. He pushed it back from the desk, when all of a sudden, he felt a bump. "What?" he exclaimed, and immediately leaped out of the chair. Stumbling, he grabbed his cutlass and drew it out, pointing it at the intruder. A feminine-shaped stranger was standing by his treasure, their pockets full of his earnings. "What!?" he yelled, but louder. His eyes were now threatening, and he pointed his cutlass more forcefully.

"Drop it." he hissed, narrowing his eyes. "Drop everything." Jacob looked at the door to the deck, and it was wide open. He knew if he needed any help he'd just have to call to Pierre, who was downstairs. His eyes darted back to the person, and he struggled to make out the face. He was partly-drunk, and the fact that the intruder had a cloak made it that much more difficult to make them out. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice fierce.
It's okay!! I'm gone all tomorrow because of a provincial volleyball tournament, but I'll likely be back after 7:00 PM tomorrow.

But today I actually doubt I'll get a reply up. I'm busy from 4:00 to 6:00, and then at 6:30, I'm away until 10:30 PM.

I'll try to squeeze it in, I'm sorry!
Of course, hehe, I appreciate it a ton. uvu

And yup! Have a nice night, see ya!
Of course! Feel free to speed things up if you wish. uvu

I won't be able to reply again tonight, but I promise I'll get one up tomorrow!
Mm, yes, I just so happened to be using Safari on my brother's laptop. I guess that was a mistake, haha. I love my Google Chrome! uvu

Also, I left out a little part about getting the ship, but I just added it again. Sorry about that!
Jacob looked over to Annabelle, and smirked. "Maybe one day you will know, sooner rather than later. It all depends on how it all plays out..." Jacob said, and eyed her jokingly. At first he felt guilty for not telling her his name, but the more he thought about it, the more reasons he could think of as to why he shouldn't reveal it just yet. She was a princess, and she had many connections. His name would likely not stay a secret for very long, and with how sweet she seemed to be being, Jacob didn't fully trust her. Something was off, but he couldn't understand what.

Jacob nodded. "I'm glad you understand." he said, and put his hands in his pockets. "It seems as if both you and I have experience in being more on the wealthy side, but you know, I deserve it, too." Jacob's face suddenly became slightly more serious. "I worked very hard for my money, and I don't like being called a selfish man. I'm sure you understand." Jacob sighed, and began to walk.

"I got this ship from some other captain. We got into this huge all-out fight, and in the end, my crew ended up victorious. It was a marvelous victory, and we repainted her and made her our own." Jacob explained proudly. His ship was truly huge, and it fit way more than 24 people. Jacob just liked it when it was less crowded

"My quarters it is, then." Jacob declared, and led her to the door, and then let her follow him inside. There was a royal red carpet on the floor and two bookshelves on either wall, filled with historical books. There were paintings on the wall, and none of them were very important. They only had scenery of some serene landscape or some kind of old pirate or army leader. At the back of the quarters were large chests with treasure, but they were locked by a simple metal lock. In the middle of the room, there was a large table with a huge map sprawled on top of it. There was also a small painted portrait of Jacob's mother and father. Jacob would have taken it down sooner, because he hated his dad, but that one photo was the only way he could remember his mother that well. He longed to see her soft, pale face once more.

"So, this is it." Jacob said, and then sat down in the captain's chair behind the desk. He opened up the drawers, and a mess of papers were visible. "See?" Jacob said. "All maps. I've been to many, many places. Your kingdom being the most recent, of course." he flashed her a smirk and closed the drawers before anything else was visible.

Inside, there were also his personal hand-written documents. In the back corner, there was also a journal, where Jacob wrote his experiences from the day. It was a way to keep his memory in check, and it was a very important routine to him.

Jacob stood up, out of the chair, and rubbed his scarred shoulder. "Let's get moving, then." he said. Jacob led her out of the room, and then stopped on the main deck, and turned towards her. "We can go wherever you want next, but if you want to leave now, you're free to go."

Jacob didn't feel like he needed to show her everything, and as a princess, Jacob figured she'd had enough. If she asked, Jacob would show her more, but he liked giving people choices. It made him feel in control, more so than if he were to only give one option. He was a rather complex, odd person once you get to his core.
Yeah, I totally thought it'd work but this time it was blank. Anyways, I've redone it, and I'm about to paste it (I did it in Microsoft Word this time, haha.)
Sorry, I was going to reply tonight and I worked really hard on a long reply, but then my computer froze and then reloaded the page, resulting in a total loss of work. I'll try and rewrite, but my apologies if I don't get it up tonight.
Jacob chuckled lightly at the girl's joke about his name. She was smarter than he had originally anticipated. He knew that this interaction would certainly be worth his while. As he watched her while she seemed to be thinking, Jacob couldn't help but think about what her thoughts might be at the moment. Did she know who he was? Certainly, she had to, but a small feeling inside of him made him uncertain. She had given no confirmation, no signal to let him know. That put him on edge a bit, but he brushed it off. He had better things to be focusing on.

"Why, that's what everyone is to address me as. Jackal's the name, but," Jacob paused for a second, and let a smirk on his face. "Perhaps one day you'll know my full name." The pirate couldn't let her know it just yet, and he explained why. "Nothing personal, really, it's just that I can't just say everything to everyone. Who know who you might tell? In the world of pirates, if another rival knows your name it's that much easier to track you down. Words spreads rather fast, you know." Jacob explained. "But it's nice to meet you, Annabelle."

As he listened to her talk about the Black Tortuga, Jacob looked over, into the horizon. They were slightly elevated, and Jacob could see part of his ship from here. It was still on the dock, and it seemed as if there were almost no lights. Jacob figured his crew was either sleeping or drinking their heads off. Most likely the latter. Jacob felt a bit of pride. "Why yes, the Black Tortuga is certainly a sight for sore eyes. The finest on the sea, if I might be so bold to say." Jacob turned back to Annabelle, and caught her gaze. He smirked at her, and for a moment, actually enjoyed the company. Finally, someone he could talk to. Someone who had intellect.

As Annabelle laughed softly, Jacob felt warmer. It reminded him of his mother, who, unfortunately, was dead. She had nearly the exact same caring laugh, and that made Jacob feel very nostalgic. He choked on his words before saying, "That must be very nice." Jacob looked at her, and she seemed to be uncomfortable under his gaze... or was it something else? Jacob had no time to think it over for Annabelle asked him another question.

Jacob paused for a second, and then nodded, slowly and carefully. "Yes, if that is what you'd like." he replied, and then stood up. He stretched his muscles, that even after a day of relaxing, were extremely sore. He figured it was because of stress. "We'll be quick, though. I'm not sure if the king and queen would like you away from the palace for that long... with a pirate." he chuckled, and led her down the path to the ship.

As they approached the dock, he turned back towards her. "You're lucky you have a charming and convincing personality. It's not often that people are privileged with the honor of seeing the Black Tortuga up close and personal. She's a 'beaut." Jacob said to Annabelle. He seemed quite proud of his ship. As he led her onto the deck, he motioned with his arms. "Here we are!" he said. "Up there's my wheel, and if you enter under the deck you'll get to the sleeping areas and where I keep my... supplies. In addition, the room under the wheel is my office, my quarters. I spend most of my time there."

Jacob turned to Annabelle, and placed his hands in his royal jacket pockets. "So, where would you like to go first?"
I love the idea of random powers. Here's my CS, and I hope you don't mind if it's short. Usually I write extremely long ones, but since I think you said it was alright if it was shorter, I'll just get it done quickly.

Name: Suki Arakida

Age: 14


Personality: Suki is very artistic. She enjoys creating things, and quite often she has periods in which she has a very strong desire to create. She is a social person, and loves making jokes, although when the joke is turned on her, it can hurt her quite a lot. Struggling with self-confidence for a long time, she just recently gained a huge boost in confidence and ego.

History: Suki grew up under a lot of stress. Her parents always pushed very good marks, and she often had to use the arts as a way to escape the harsh reality of her grades. She got many good marks, most of which were over 90%, but her parents wanted more and constantly yelled at her for getting anything below their expectations. Through lots of practice, Suki became very good at drawing and playing the flute. She takes a lot of pride in those two abilities, and she uses them as a way to boost her confidence when she's feeling low.

Powers: Can turn clothes into weapons.
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