Avatar of MafiaM16
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    1. MafiaM16 9 yrs ago


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Hey folks,
The name's Shawn and I'm twenty-three years old. I'm Portuguese from the Great White North and I've been roleplaying since I was seventeen or so. Making it around six years, give or take. I prefer a more casual style, but I've been known to put in the extra work for advanced level roleplaying when in the mood. Although I think for now I'm going to hang around the free section due to time constraints and other such reasons. Don't mind to add me on Skype (shawn.alexandre22) to talk and discuss roleplay! Make sure to state what your forum username is though!

I'm currently a manager at a local reptile store which I have been working for nearly a decade now and some of my interests include: Video games, comics, fantasy, the supernatural, art, paranormal, music, sports, outdoor activities, swimming, hunting, collecting knick-knacks, cooking, paleontology, zoology, reading and many other things. I live alone, but have two dogs and two cats, and various reptiles. I'm currently working on a large-scale original causal-advanced RPG known simply as: The World of Caelum.

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"Ah, a mutual agreement. I see..." Balerion paused for a brief moment, looking out at the sea of gold in front of him. He collected his thoughts before turning back to Smaug. "How much do you trust, Drumagth and his claims? He proclaims he wishes to destroy the Rose, in which I do believe him, but I fear there is more to the story that he is not sharing." He sighs for a moment before continuing. "I agreed to help him in his quest... For I know what the Rose is capable of. I seen it first hand many years ago. If it returned to power I fear the entirety of Aiskore would be lost. While I kill for the sake of killing, I do see the larger image here. I am no idiot, that is for certain. Watch your guard, Smaug the Golden... while Drumagth's words are like that of honey, I fear there is some injection of poison in it's sweetness." Balerion stopped and looked away, turning back towards the entrance of the Lonely Mountain for a brief moment. He thought he heard something, the distant flapping of wings maybe, but he wasn't certain.


"Drumagth wishes to have council with us?" Libra said with a bit of a surprise, turning to look at Graguth to see his reaction at the mention of his sibling. He then waited for Besimious to finish her speech and once she did Libra fell silent. Something told him that there was some bigger image at play here. For this was certainly random, an out of blue moment if you will. Libra was hesitant to reply, but alas he spoke, "The Rose has been silent for countless millennia, Besimious. Unless you know something we do not... What makes your lord so certain it would awaken once more?"
Situated within his small, closed off office in the Lycan's main headquarters seated the infamous Romulus Capitoline or better known as Luke Williams. He is a very aged Lycan that was born sometime during the Roman Empire, around 80 BC, give or take a few years. Thus making Luke over two thousand years old. The old Lycan has seen many pain during his long life and had felt even more, but he did not let his 'human' emotions get the better of him. He is level-headed and knows how to hide away his true personality which was sweet and kind. He preferred a more dominant persona, one that screamed 'leader.'

Currently Luke was looking over the morning newspaper while listening to the radio that was turned to the local police station's frequency. This was how he spent most of his days, keeping tabs on the city and elsewhere. Right now he was dealing with a brutal murder that occurred a little over a month ago. A young child, a girl at the age of nine was violently killed when she was abducted right under the watchful eyes of her mother. The child's body was found with her a couple of her bones broken. Her neck was nearly torn from her torso and she was drained of her blood...

The police told the press that she was attacked by a stray dog, but Luke knew better. This was not a mutt's doing, this was clear to him and anybody else who had inside information. What killed the poor girl was none other than a Vampire, a bloodsucking humanoid parasite that has been around since before the time of man. Luke could gather a lot of information from all of this, but no hint to who could have done the murder was in mind. Luke thought some feral Vampire did it, judging from the way she died and how she was simply left there to rot. Feral Vampires are without a doubt the most dangerous Vampire archetype. They are not protected within a coven and so they must fend themselves on their own.

Taking a long and deep puff from his e-cigarette (Luke was trying to quit smoking) he continued to peer through the papers until he violently threw away the imposter cigarette. This case was a frustrating one since it occurred directly under his nose. In anger Luke said to himself, "I need a smoke... a real smoke." Reaching into his pocket, Luke took out a pack of cigarettes and pulled out a single cigarette, putting the box away. Inside another pocket, Luke took out a lighter. He placed the tip of the cig in his mouth and lit it. He took a long inhale and let out an extended soothing sigh, "...Ahhhhh..."
@GhostWing Do not stress yourself! They're more important things than roleplay - specifically real life issues like your health and wellbeing. I am not sure about anybody else, but I can certainly wait. I am in no rush to get this started. So do not apologize and do not feel pressured. Take your time and of course, I hope you feel better!

Balerion passed under the large rock archway into the Lonely Mountain. The entrance way was grand, able to let pass even the tallest and largest of dragons with utter ease. The mighty hallways were also wide, enough so that Balerion could walk without hinder for he was quite the wide dragon due to the vast size of his wings. As he pressed on, following Smaug into his home he couldn't help, but gaze at all the gold and fine jewels that seemed to be literally everywhere. Countless hills of gold coins, sparkling gemstones that were as if Balerion was staring at billions of stars, valuable trinkets scattered in between famous weapons and armour of old. Smaug's treasure horde was truly monstrous and it seemed to never end. Balerion however was not here to view at Smaug's gold. He was here for conversation...

Balerion would walk to Smaug's side as the two peered out at the endless ocean of gold. He turned his neck towards him and asked, "Is it true then? Did you truly join Drumagth's rebellion against The Order of the Black Rose?" Balerion waited for his reply, not knowing if what Drumagth told him earlier today said was true or not.
[My Fourth Dragon Character. Accepted by @Amelian Draco ]


Name: Niv-Mizzet the Firemind


Skills: A primary magic user, Niv-Mizzet has no special or unique skills. He does have a long, powerful tail, nasty jaws and sharp claws, but he generally prefers to fight with magic that he has learnt over the years.

Magic Abilities: Niv-Mizzet knows a wide range of magical abilities from nearly every type of school of magic except for conjuration which he views as an evil school. His most used classes are restoration to heal himself and his allies, alteration that is used mainly as a defensive school, illusion to trick the senses of his foes, and at last destruction for dealing out damage using fire and other elements.

Backstory: Niv-Mizzet the Firemind is the draconic leader and king of the Pahyrst Kingdom and is at least one hundred thousand years old. His intellect exceeds the intellect of standard mortals by several echelons and he is claimed to be one of the most intelligent dragon upon Aiskore due to his vast age. He is also probably the oldest dragon still alive today, but this is uncertain for a fact. He is known for many ingenious inventions of both magical and non-magical that currently serve the citizens of Aiskore. Niv-Mizzet shares a very close bond with the desert dragon Tsim and has been known to converse with the Elder Council.

Holdings: The Pahyrst Kingdom (Pahyrst the City of Illusions (the capital), Cajaman Jungle, and Kepool).

Current Location: Pahyrst the City of Illusions

Allegiance: Wishes for equality between all races.

Personality: Niv-Mizzet is an extremely old dragon. He is a wise individual and has vast intelligence and knowledge about all sorts of matters about Aiskore's history and past. He always tends to speak in a calm, relaxed and soothing tone of voice for he has no need to speak loud and violently, for that is simply not his way. If a conversation with Niv-Mizzet grows long and tedious he tends to stray from the topic at hand. He enjoys lengthy conversations about life, magic, and everything about the world that he lives in. A loveable dragon, he has no known enemies, except for those of the Black Rose order. He dislikes the group for the evil deeds that some of its members are known for. Niv-Mizzet wishes for peace amongst all the races of Aiskore, he has no preferred liking to any race. Dragon, man, dwarf, and elf are all treated equally and he judges a person's action rather than who they are. He cares not for war and would always try to solve issues without violence, but even Niv-Mizzet understands that sometimes violence is the only answer.

In honor of Rylarth.

Balerion listened carefully to Smaug's tale in full. He did not dare interrupt the red drake and allowed him to tell his story without interruption. The only movement from Balerion came him tilting his head or neck at certain aspects of the story. While the only sound that escape his maw were 'hmms' and 'ahhs.' At last Smaug finished speaking, finally giving Balerion a moment to reply. The black dragon said, "I honour you, oh Smaug. You spared no small detail of the affair and thus my curiousity has been quenched fully. What a tale it was!" Bellowed Balerion loudly. "The battle shall be sung by men and dragon alike for countless generations to come! Beyza was considered a respectable dragon by many and too see him fall... No matter. The deed is done. I am pleased that you won, Smaug the Dragon Slayer. I knew you were not to be underestimated for I had seen you in action many times. I still recall the days of when you were a Fire Drake, but alas... I had not only came to know of the battle. There is another matter that we should discuss. Not out here. It is a sensitive topic, perhaps we could enter the mountain? I do not wish for prying ears to hear of what I must say."


"And what business is that, Besimious?" Roared a mighty, powerful voice from in front of the Three Hopes and Graguth. It stayed within the shadow of the mountain, but the voice of the dragon echoed throughout the Sundered Peak and the lands below as if some form of magic was making the call more pronounced. Stepping out of the shadow of the peak came forth a massive figure. The dragon's blue scales glistened under the sun and his golden underbelly shined more brightly in the light of the sun. His wings were outstretched, showing his vast wingspan and his head was held up high, deeming of such an authority figure such as he. His silver armour glistened and his tail swung behind himself. For this dragon could only be one of the Elder Council and specifically he was Libra, leader of the the Sky Dragon.
I've only seen five Anime in full. Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT, Inuyasha (my personal favourite), and lastly Attack on Titan.
@Saarebas Ah, yes. I believe @GhostWing mentioned that to me. Totally forgot. The Biography has been changed.
@Victoriangirl11 I sent you a PM. :) Oh, and I would think this should have been placed in the 1x1 Interest Check board, but I'm not too sure...
Well, finally uploaded my character for the RPG. Take a look at it and tell me what you think of him. :)
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