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    1. Malik 10 yrs ago


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Katsuro Sakuma | Being interrogated

Katsuro saw someone come up to the door. He was hoping they would go in and be the first to test the waters. Unfortunately, they took his sitting outside to suggest they might not be able to go in and decided to ask first. "Oh we can go in. I just like to stare at doors. This one's got a great varnish." He was grinning the whole time he spoke, indicating he wasn't being serious. "I don't actually know, man. We could be allowed in, but I've intruded on enough works in progress to know they can sometimes be a little unreasonable about people hanging around. So I thought I would sit here and wait for someone else to take point.....and take a verbal beating if one was waiting for them." Katsuro was speaking from experience, obviously. Maybe these drama folks were more reasonable, but he wasn't big on gambling. "Tell you what; you can waltz right in there and see if they don't mind your presence. Don't worry; I'll be sure to recover your body if they bite your head off."
Oh okay. I haven't seen that movie, as you might've guessed.
Time for something to go over my head.

What is that?
That one went over your head, I take it?

You were suggesting Leiko's milkshake was bringing the boys to the yard.

I was saying Katsuro just wants to do drama, mang.
Is Katsuro the only one that just wants to do drama?

Katsuro Sakuma | Auditioning for Drama

Although his meeting with Sachiko the other day had ended on a strange note, Katsuro wasn't too bothered. He was concerned, but he wasn't the type to sit around pondering it for too long. Today was the day to start considering which clubs he really wanted to join. He had to pick carefully, or his folks would scream his ears off when they found out. But sometimes Katsuro wondered if he wouldn't mind losing his ears if he could just carry on acting the way he wanted to.

After class had finished, Katsuro made up his mind to go visit the Drama Club. He was obviously interested, and if he didn't make the cut, his parents would probably be pleased, so it was win-win to at least have a go at it. He didn't mind if his acting sucked, he just wanted to have a go and see if anything would come of it. He went over to the auditorium and had a peek inside. The people that were already there were busy as bees, going to and fro preparing for the auditions. Assuming that they weren't ready yet, Katsuro stepped back and relaxed against the wall nearby. If anyone else went into the auditorium and didn't get thrown out, or if they announced they were ready, Katsuro would be going in there himself.
Cuco said
Collabing.Anyway, I'm completely ready for a timeskip now, if Malik doesn't object.

It's okay. I was struggling to come up with stuff to write myself.

I'll just twiddle my thumbs again until something happens.
Lag on this site is ever present.

Which classroom is Katsuro going to be put in, by the way?
Katsuro Sakuma | Less serious business

Katsuro pretended to look extremely serious and intense. "Sachi, my dream is to be the prettiest princess in Warakuma. If you're in the Idol club, that makes us enemies."

He held that expression for a while, before bursting out laughing. "Haha, yeah, no. I think I would spark the great Warakuma eye gouging incident if I made earnest attempt at joining an Idol club. I'm sure it won't be so bad for you though, Sachi. This stuff usually contributes to a girl's popularity, far as I can tell. Just sit there, smile, look pretty, and it will probably all come to you naturally. Not trying to be sexist, by the way...." He was a little worried someone could easily take his comments the wrong way.

"I could always come cheer you on, if you wanted me to. In a totally platonic and non-perverted fashion, of course." Katsuro was a joker and an idiot a lot of the time, but one thing he never tended to be was a pervert. He would make jokes about doing weird shit till kingdom come, but he never actually did anything that could be associated strongly with a wide variety of anime stereotypes.

I'll just be here.

Twiddling my thumbs.
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