• Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Akrilix/Deathrayne1
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
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    1. Marduk 10 yrs ago


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”I do not have that choice!” Marduk said scathingly in reply to Hayate. The dragon did not directly answer the question of his own safety, though – instead he looked away, his eyes resting on the mosque. He was listening, but somewhat distantly. Would the crusaders destroy this beautiful building? What about all the other holy places in the city? After a few long moments, Marduk folds his ears back and turns his back to the mosque. His voice nearly cracking, he glanced to the rolling clouds above and whispered a small plea. ” Ya Allah Sa'edna.”

He made no attempt to conceal that prayer, and afterwards cast a furtive look toward Rhiannon. “I… if you think it will work, I will not object. You know these folk better than I; I know only the tales I hear which make it over the sea. But I have heard very nasty things, and I’m… quite afraid of what might happen to me. I-I want to flee. To get out. But a siege is a siege; that’s the whole point, isn’t it? There isn’t any escaping.” Marduk might have continued, but at that moment the Hebrew man came running back sans his coat, shouting that they must flee. Now –that- hadn’t occurred to him; he felt it would be some time before the army reached their position. It may in fact fail to breach the inner walls! But sure enough the streets were flooding with people now; many were scrambling for shelter.

On the street corner, one man mounted a stack of crates to gain height and raised above his head a sword that gleamed in the rising sun. The knot of Arabic that spilled from his tongue would prove to work a number of peasants into a furor. Soon the crates, having conveniently been placed beforehand – this after all was not a surprise attack – were broken into and dozens of weapons spilled into the streets. Spears, mostly, maces – few hammers. Cheap wooden bucklers. The crowd scavenged these in minutes and, just barely avoiding a melee among themselves, began to move through the street to rally anybody they could find. Similar scenes played out all across Jerusalem as the city roused herself to fight. Most men, however, would be fighting with whatever they could find in the streets – there were only so many weapons to go around.

Marduk, of course, blanched when he heard what the mob was shouting. Quickly, he shoved his nose into the small of Rhiannon’s back and shoved. “You heard Mordecai. Wherever we’re going, let’s get out of here.” If she didn’t walk on her own, he would push her forward! ”But quit running!” He snapped, glaring at the man who was just rejoining them. Come to think of it, he hadn’t ever noticed the man leaving! Where had he gone? ”There’s a lot of scared people out right now, and a lot of angry ones too. The last thing we want is to start everybody panicking. We’ll be crushed.”. Well, being a dragon, he’s probably not too easy to trample. But that’s really not relevant to the point he’s trying to make. A small part of him said that maybe he should be rallying with the others. But a much bigger part of him said that spears were sharp and probably didn't feel very good.
Interesting. Every single person I know in my town has come down with some sort of chest and head cold. (Admittedly, I only know like seven people and they all keep close contact, so they probably picked it up from each other).

Though I think such outbreaks are by nature localized - I can't see them affecting the entire Guild!
Wweeeelll.... it's been three days since the last IC post! :(
Hayate had kneeled before Marduk, and the dragon had no idea how to react to this. He was beside himself, ears back against his head as he struggled to fabricate a response that would be appropriate. Finally he steps back from the knight and urges him, failing to completely quell the distress in his voice. “…Stop that… it’s… you’ll make a scene. Please.” He glanced over his shoulder, nervously twitching his tail. After a moment he returns his attention to Hayate. “…It says in the Quran… "Argue not with the People of the Scripture ..., save with such of them as do wrong; and say: We believe in that which hath been revealed unto us and revealed unto you; our God and your God is One, and unto Him we surrender." His tone clearly indicates quotation, although he stumbles translating it. Latin is not exactly his language of choice. “…It is not my place to pass judgment. You follow Allah in your own way.”

Mordecai’s reminder of the army waiting outside was not a welcome one. Marduk frowned, following the Hebrew’s gaze. The Mount of Olives was indeed visible, her slopes decorated with knights by the thousand. Or rather, the retinue that traveled with the army itself. The silhouette of the siege tower was just visible, outlined by the rising sun. If one looked very closely, it could be seen to roll forward – inching toward the walls.

Marduk did not immediately register the movement of the tower to be anything of significance. This section of the wall was sparsely defended, her guards only now rousing themselves for the day ahead. The alarm went up then and spread through the city like a wildfire. Jerusalem came alive all at once, soldiers swarming up the guard towers and peasants pouring into the streets to confirm their fears. With a resounding boom, the tower’s bridge struck the outer wall – a furious battle cry rising from the crusading army that could be heard all through the city. The invaders struck up torches, bathing the besieged portion of the wall with flickering light that needed only to last as long as it took the sun to properly rise. It would not take long.
The few soldiers on that section of the wall scattered, those that stayed falling swiftly beneath the crush of bodies. It only took seconds for reinforcements to arrive, men pouring in from both sides of the breach. But the crusaders’ foothold had been established – they would not have to fight from the tower. Man after man swarmed up the siege engine until not a single soul more could fit on the walls, and they who dared not try to squeeze into the fray instead picked up their crossbows and opened fire over the heads of their comrades into the back lines of the Fatimid garrison. Visibility might have been poor, but it was hard to miss a whole platoon.

Looking on, the dragon’s heart sank; it had begun. Marduk lowered his head, now more conscious than ever that he was in the presence of armed Christians. His voice is shaky when he speaks, and he cannot quite bring himself to look at them. “…You had better go to the Sepulcher.” He said quietly. “...It is for you they fight. I imagine you will be safe enough.” The obvious implication being that he, of course, does not expect to receive such amnesty. The tension between their faiths was bad enough, but with the traditional European view of dragons being as negative as it was, he rather anticipated a purge should Jerusalem fall.
And this was not a happy thought.
Sorry for the delay, folks! I'll get to posting. I suppose I'll go ahead and take Mordecai's opening to start the siege. :b
That could work just fine~ any preferences about how long you'd like to wait before the transition occurs? A couple rounds from now, or during my next post?
Given the reasons everyone is using to not be with their significant others, it may in fact be more prudent to begin the invasion tonight. Depends; what do you guys think?
Sounds fair enough~
Mmhh... I was in the middle of writing my post, in fact! I got SUPER distracted though, because I had to research islamic views on magic, possession, methods of exorcism.... what the hell a Jinn is, why the sunni sect doesn't have imams while shi'a does....
Well it was sort of a case of "one thing leads to another". Eventually I just closed out all fourteen thousand tabs and went back to posting, and lo', there's another post!

I would definitely agree that we need to be more careful about post order. It's one thing to skip a player who is taking far too long to respond, but by interjecting like that, it makes it hard for anybody else to respond to your previous actions - because they're no longer the most recent thing you did, and going back to retroactively respond to everything just creates a messy chain of things that nobody can react to because they're buried chronologically.

The dragon is, admittedly, reluctant to move under the pall of silence. Nervously, he pushes his nose into the knight’s fingers – unconsciously seeking comfort. Was the woman in fact a sorceress? Her own account implied a much greater evil. Would it be safe to stay alongside a woman who was possessed? But then, could he trust the word of Christian priests in the first place?

Well, if nothing else, he was glad that they had found a common tongue. Marduk pulled away from Hayate’s hand and stands up – his eyes slightly turned away from the knight, his ears angling back a little bit again. He was embarrassed! Clearing his throat and summoning his courage, though, the dragon would interject himself into the wider conversation. “…It is not ours to judge. She may as easily be blessed as cursed. As it is, even if she is ill, her will seems to remain intact. She is not… dangerous, no more so than a knight with his sword.” Here, his eyes rest briefly on Hayate. “If she abuses her gift, and uses it for evil, then Allah will judge her so when it is her time.”

He sighs, then, when Mordecai himself appears to absolve her of witchcraft. He… really is not certain what to think of this. Having gained some degree of confidence, though, he moves on to address Hayate. “As for you… I am uncertain what to think. You have interrupted my prayer with a threat most dire, and now you act as if nothing had happened. What were you thinking? What do you hope to accomplish? You would be jailed if you had been seen, or with franj crusaders like yourself besieging the city itself, perhaps killed on sight. In fact, you are still violating the laws of the land. Dhimma cannot arm themselves as you have!” Here, Mordecai earns a glance as well. He hadn't missed that bow! It’s a little difficult to tell from his tone, though, whether he’s angry or concerned. Frankly, he’s not sure. Maybe a little of both.
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