Avatar of Markofkri
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    1. Markofkri 9 yrs ago


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In Prithv 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The hitter
Name:Max Race: anthro Class 4lvl barbarian 8lvl fighter alignmet: CN

weapon: halberd
In Prithv 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Name: Cynn Ebon Race: 1/4 succubis Class: 12lvl sorcerer

Favorite quote: "I'm blasting their ass"
In Prithv 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The leader!
Name: Johnathan Silverleaf Race: Half Drow class: 4lvl bard 8lvl rouge Alignment: NG

favorite weapon: cross bow
Insturment: guitar
In Prithv 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay

In the world of PRITHV, there is wonder, magic, and danger. A land of floating islands and Sky ships. a land of pirates on the high seas and bandits in the woods. A thick rich bio diversity runs free. In this lush world many new and wondrous sights can be found. As well as many ancient places overtaken by the forests, or sunken beneath the waves.

Tribe of humans fight for the right to exist among the war nations of meta humans. As of now the technological race is of course the gnomes. Having no real fortifications they have teamed up with the smiths of dwarves and are now the ruling technological nation called mountain forge. The elves deciding it was time to be closer to the planet magically blended with various creature to produce the nation of anthros called Utopia. The sage nation of Thia exists among the mountain peaks here are trained the arts of spirituality and of the mind. To the east are the giant nations few have ventured and none return. In the south beyond the sea is the ocean of sands along the coast lies the city of Ciaro with its monoliths and ancient structures stands as a powre nation of trade and commerce. Because from here are where rarest of gems and metals can be found. Deep in the ground rages a war like no other between the deep races of the world. They rage a never ending war for resources and territories. The most predominant nation among them is Gromgo'l here life is short and only the strong survive.

No answer, Shawn's mind screamed out in scenario's. He was too far out to make it back in any reasonable time to give her aid. "No, stop it Shawn she is fine. Just in a bad spot at the moment. She'll call ya. Just you wait and see." At risk he left the radio on and turned the volume up. Exhaled he stood back up. Shaking his head and giving the side of his cheek a few slaps. Shawn moved on trying to pick up some lost time.

Making his way out of the the ally Shawn saw a gold mine but it had a scout in front. The guy didn't see Shawn but Shawn wasn't geared to take on a desperate guy armed with a rifle verses his nine mil with only three rounds. This was a choice Shawn would hold on. No way he could make the shot across the street and not raise alarm to the group holding the area. Looking up for a moment, If there were spotters Shawn couldn't see them. Doubling back meant more lost time, but to go around unseen was the only choice. "Shit." Shawn whispered. Slowly he backed up only to find a second scout had flanked him from behind in the alley.

This scout was younger, mid twenties and dirty. He had the look of a hunter that saw prey. Not too trained, the scout put his dirty fingers in his mouth and whistled out. Over ten feet out Shawn had to do this quick. Taking full advantage of the whistle, Shawn shot the kid in a quick draw. The round hit the scout in the gut and he dropped but not before reflexively squeezing the trigger on the tech nine he was holding. A spray of bullets rang out as the scouts arm raised a line of impacts raced to Shawn across the ground. Shawn veered left as he rushed forward. The scout cried out, Shawn tackled the guy on his way down. Putting the gun to the guys face, the scout gave up the fight. Or so Shawn thought. A click of a trigger pull at Shawn's side let him know his luck held for now. Grimacing from the future that could of been Shawn cracked the scouts head in with the butt of his own gun. Then again for making Shawn shoot him in the first place. This happened in the ticks of the clock. Shawn had no time to check the body he dipped behind a dumpster a few feet from the fight.

The second left his post from the front of the shop and came into the ally. "Chris! Hey Chris?! Aw, Shit man!"

The sound of footsteps in retreat was Shawn's que to get out now! Stopping he did a quick pat down to find a spare clip with ammo and some keys. Shawn took them and left quick. Running was sloppy but he didn't know how many there were in that group and although that Chris guy was alive when Shawn left him, gut shots were a fifty fifty. Running North to the turning point hoping she would either answer by now or... ducking into a door way to key the radio it was 941 AM.

"Olivia, not sure if you're receiving this. I'm running behind, this side isn't safe. There is still a group here. Olivia..."
"Looked like you had some cookies too." -stretches.- "How are you?"
Awakens from coma cookies. Smiles politely. "Good cookies!"
In Long road 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay

It was a recent game that distracted me from the repetition of my life. Musing for a moment to reflect the start of this cat and mouse game so many years ago. In part it was my own fault for being lax in my attention of the neighboring town. How I had fallen into the stereo typical monster dwelling in an abandoned castle I still find amusingly curious. It was my families and I had just fallen into a deep slumber. The ages to their toll on my original clothing so it wasn't entirely unexpected that curiosity and lore would result in this village to have the one curious visitor.

He was gruff and far older then my body suggested. Dark hair and fur trappings against the cold winds. His mistake was leaning close enough for a kiss. His breath flooded me with memories. He was a spark that ignited life once more into my body. Moving on their own my arms and legs wrapped around him crushing bones. Causing him to exhale more. My eyes still closed, I could see everything. My soft skin pressed against the fur cloak. His body shriveling in my embrace. It quickly crumbled to dust. Leaving ash on my skin, I cried out in the night, a shriek echoed through the crumbling keep. Looking around for the first time in years with my eyes. As adjusted inhumanly to the dark surroundings I saw the sad state of things. Most of the holdings to my estate were ransacked. Those that were left behind now decayed under the weight of time. Obviously the village had helped themselves to most of the outer stone fortifications to help construct a wall for their sheep and some new homes. I mused at the similarity.

Gathering the over sized clothes from the ash I donned what I could. Moving through the silent halls finding room after room had their contents stolen. Even my fathers room was looted. Grateful I saw the secrete wall still held up through age and scrutiny. Pushing aside the knocked over and splintered wood, and soon found the key stone pushing down the wall slid open. Behind was the chest a four foot by two foot box with a lock that was too rusted to take the key needed to open it. Not that she had it. Shrugging I took hold of the lock and squeezed until the metal broke. The chest held the family fortune of gems and gold doubloons. Closing the lid after removing a few handfuls of coins I slid the wall shut again.

Getting down to the village was easy. The sun was cresting the horizon. The light was stunning in its beauty. Walking down the main street as shops opened I saw the new styles of clothes that they wore. The dresses were more form fitting they no longer contained the larger metal rings to make the fabric balloon out. The tops were also form fitting with a wide square opening exposing most of the chest and shoulders. Unaware of my lip biting I moved on to the general goods store. Walking in I turned my face into a fake smile.

The shop keeper was an older woman in appearance and she had a concerned look at my current outfit."Goodness, Can I help you find something perhaps?"

I was still new to this age so I decided to play the role of the new comer. "Yes, well I need clothes. What do you have?" I hid a smile as I used an accent from the west. I thought about how munch time must of passed but this was not the setting to ask. The shop keeper brought out various dresses. Looking them over I chose the styles with more alluring fronts. Making a few slight modifications and foregoing some of the various undergarments. Soon even I had a admire the image before me. "I'll take them."

"Good. I'll get om boxes. But first with the alterations the cost will be.." Before she could finish I handed her a few gold coins. "Ye..yes that will do." She pocketed the coins and went into the back to return moment later with the boxes.

"Oh my!" The store clerk stammered as she saw me nude and putting on the first dress with the square front. i had donned the skirt first and had the blouse top over my head when she returned. I felt her push me into a corner of the shop and watched her extend a thin wooden wall to block my view of the store. This new age was so modest for the clothing they now wore. She helped me with the tying strings and getting the fit right the alterations on the blouse made it fit perfectly. The corset was still a part of fashion unfortunately. The store keeper now had her knee to my back and pressing hard as she tugged on the strings making me grateful I was no ordinary woman.

Leaving the store now armed with clothing more able to camouflage me in this new age I began my search for answers...


Topic: Over Population

Discussion: The current population is now to large to be policed effectively. Employment is unable to effectively provide jobs to every person in the country. Steps must now be taken to reduce the current numbers to acceptable levels. The current virus initiative to combat the annual increases are proving ineffective. Therefore a more aggressive approach is warranted.

Resolution: Begin a conflict with a rival nation to,
A: Reduce current population
B: Increase global control
C: Stimulate the economy
D: Support national interests abroad.
E:Erase national debt by over throwing primary supplier of nations imports

Here is the current sitrep.
Instead of promoting industry in your own nation it was more profitable to the ruling powers (via private donations) to out source factory work and tax imports. We start by initiating a confrontation with the primary competition. Using the equipment and resources in this conflict will promote the nations objectives. Thanks in part of sending the enemy misinformation in effort to insight a military response, they have begun to raise the threat level against your country to the point of firing warning missiles in the direction of you allies located near the enemies boarders. The combine forces of your opposition out numbers your current active forces by 5 to 1. (China, North Korea, Philipines, Russia)

Unfortunately by over extending your current military forces.(Iraq/Afghanistan/South Africa/European forces/North American defense force/South Korean forces/Embassy defense forces/and a small contingency to train new recruits) You have a large deficit to your fighting forces. The options given by INSA are.
A: Position remote offensive missile launchers in ally nations to deter opposition.
B: Destabilize neighboring nations in close proximity to your objective via espionage through violence against their populace.
C: Conducting military drills in neighboring countries as a show of force to intimidate them into complacency.
D: Create a situation where your forces/population was assaulted during a routine patrol through neutral territory.
E: enact a broad sweeping conscription order to include women, every person with a green card, ignore prior service completion, and have the age of conscription be 18-41. (Disarming the population would be preferable before enacting this option. Giving pardons to some non violent felons before hand would also increase conscription numbers.)
F: Your nuclear option currently holds multi warheads on each projectile. 5 devices per missile each device to yield 5 megatons(Fat boy was 21 kilotons) total power of each missile to 25 megatons in a large shotgun like spread over their designated targets. Some of your forces will be acceptable losses to collateral damage. ( Warning... The devastation to the planet will reduce its ability to sustain life. Destroying the biosphere completely, increasing global warming by 60%, and the counter attack would reduce the population of your own country by 70%. To low to effectively maintain a defensive posture for your territory.)
In Long road 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Victoria stood quietly, slowly like a cat this woman was in everything she did. Some magical property made her hair shine and move the way it did, naturally and yet not. By time she silently made her way to me I had removed all of the outer clothing and was working on my shirt. Her fingers interlaced with mine taking over the process of slipping one button free after the next. I felt so helpless. Her thin smile never left as her eyes focused on my shirt till the task was done. Her eyes cast a slow gaze up at my face. I felt my skin flush slightly from the attention.
"Please. I, I can't." Her finger rested under my chin.
Without saying a word I heard the soft words in my mind. "Yes, You will."
With some invisible force my body moved on its own against my will. I laid down over the bed covers. She took off my boots and sat on the edge looking at me. My heart was slow as I was accustom to her abilities. My mind however raced as to what my punishment would entail. I had also the diversion of formulating an escape plan.
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