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Good morning! (Am I cool now?) Have to go to an appointment with a neurologist today I'm not looking forward to, so I'll try to get a post done before that.
This RP has been fun so far, and I'm looking forward to what will come of it.

And as for the language thing I apologize... I'm trying make Heidi only speak in Finnish to Bannik, as that is his only language. I've been trying to put an italicized translation next to what I writing, if that helps. Her English is okay, she just hasn't had much chance to use it yet.
Vicier said
Just react to it, both teams will have an encounter, it will just make it a little easier on me to do one big detailed post than two x'3

Alright, thank you!
A few words in English she didn't quite catch and was that... a smile? Heidi blinked back her surprise at that and readjusted the heavy water bucket nestled in her arm. Well, so far this was going better than she had originally hoped, and her smile became more genuine. She took a step toward the two young men when she heard the snapping of branches and the deep, low snuffling of a beast. Slowly she turned her head towards the noise, her heart quickly growing heavy with dread. At that moment a huge dark dog-like creature burst from the bushes, snarling and snapping at the three hunters, abysmal eyes flashing in anticipation and hunger. It was a horrible, terrifying beast, bigger than any dog or wolf Heidi had ever seen. And she had hunted wolves, and brought down big ones. This daemon was unlike anything she had ever seen before in her entire life.

Heidi nearly screamed. She looked beside her at the boys for help, except her eyes found the blazing blue orbs of flame of one of the boys' daemons. Both daemons looked ferocious and eager to battle the beast. Frantic and terrified of everything going on around her, she stumbled back and spilled some of the water from her bucket down her front. Then an idea hit her, an idea that just might help them. "Bannik!" she said to the strangely calm little daemon upon her shoulder, "Ämpäri! The bucket!"

The daemon let out a sigh. "Ajattelin et koskaan kysy. I thought you'd never ask." He touched a long claw to the water in the bucket, instantly sending the water inside to a scalding hot boil. A refreshing burst of steam flew up from the bucket and into Heidi's face, and it seemed to fill her with a burst of strange, almost rejuvenating confidence. With her free hand she withdrew her axe from its sling and held it in her left, the boiling water held firmly in her right. She was ready for anything. Strangely enough, Heidi's heart wasn't pounding in fear anymore.

It threatened to burst from her chest, not in terror, but in excitement.
Yay, another first year! :'D

And regarding the ground team's encounter with the hellhound daemon, can we go up and begin fighting it or do we just react to it being there?
Vicier said
I have friends there!!! Well, their more like family actually, loll

Oh, wow! Cool! I had a friend who lived in Australia once, and I think she might have gone back there in the past few years. I've heard it's a beautiful place!
Minneapolis! Think I've got you beat. Minnesota is the true winter wonderland. And by winter wonderland I mean temperatures reaching 60 below and five foot snowdrifts.
Vicier said
Don't mind at all; though campers usually only have one legacy, I will allow you to have the two cause they are so similar, welcome to the camp!

Ah, alright. I have yet to read the books, so I got most of my information from the Wiki. Sorry about the double legacy, Orpheus is a mortal demigod and son of Apollo in Grecian mythology, and I mentioned him only to specify which child of Apollo he descended from. Basically, rather than embodying other aspects of Apollo through his children such as medicine (Asclepius), war (Troilius), or agriculture (Aristaeus); he is skilled in music and the arts through his ancestor Orpheus. I meant it only to be one Legacy.

Sorry about that, I can just change it to Apollo if you'd like.
Heyo, hope you don't mind me popping in with a CS... this sounds fun. If anything needs to be changed, just let me know.

Personal Information
Name: Nikolas Giannoppoulos
Alias/ Nickname: Nick, Wheels, "Cripple" or "Legolas" if one is feeling especially cruel
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Cabin: Counselor of Cabin Nine

Godly Parent: Ἡφαιστος - Hephaestus; God of fire, metalworking, stonemasonry & the art of sculpture.
Human Parent: Filippa Giannoppoulos, Small Business Owner. Runs a hole-in-the-wall Greek bakery in Metropolitan New York.
Legacy: Descendant of Ὀρφεύς - Orpheus; son of Apollo and "Father of Songs".

General Information
Personality: Nick is a very light-hearted and goofy individual, and seems to almost constantly high on life. He is rarely seen without a smile on his face. He loves innovation and discovery more than everything else and sees each day as a gift to witness or create something new. Optimistic and humorous, he can often be found doing tricks on his wheelchair and telling terrible jokes to his many friends and acquaintances. Trusting to a fault and fiercely loyal to his friends and loved ones. A famous proverb can sum him up quite nicely: "The loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do."
Likes: Building, tinkering, music, sports, jokes, any and all foods.
Dislikes: Watching and not doing, sitting on the sidelines, bullies.
Talents: Wheelchair tricks and wheelies, inventing, building, tinkering, archery, mixing music.

Nikolas was born as a happy, healthy child to a single mother in a Greek-American neighborhood in Queens. He grew up helping out around his mothers Greek bakery, whose only real customers were neighbors and friends of the family. They struggled to make ends meet but they lived a relatively happy life, with Nikolas excelling in little league baseball and beginning his first year at a local public school and his loving and adoring mother cheering him on all the way. He grew to become a state baseball champion in middle school and became quite popular among his peers. However, around his fifteenth Christmas he woke up one night unable to move his legs. He was brought to the hospital where he was diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome, and quickly took a turn for the worse. For days he was unable to breathe or eat on his own and had to be put in the ICU where he almost died. During this desperate time, he had the strangest dream that celestial beings had spoken to him, and curiously called him the son of the God of Fire.
When Nick finally recovered, he had little to no use of his legs, and was forced to enter extensive therapy in order to re-learn how to walk. However, he never fully recovered use of his legs, and was forced to wear painful leg calipers in order to walk. He grew to hate these leg braces and the constant fatigue from walking, and opted instead to use a wheelchair to get around, as his upper body had fully recovered its strength and vitality. He slowly returned to his former life, though it had been changed forever by his sudden disability. No longer star athlete and now permanently crippled, it was a severe blow to his popularity and many of his friends slowly drifted away. Soon he became an outcast, despite his efforts to return to the person he had been before being struck with GBS. Even after becoming a social pariah and freak of the school he never once stopped smiling, as he was happy just to be alive.
However, he was unable to bear the loneliness and difficulty of his situation, he soon dropped out of high school and threw himself into helping out his mother with the bakery, and took to tinkering with his wheelchair and other machines around the bakery. His mother disapproved of his decision, but couldn't help but feel it was her fault. A year after he dropped out she sat him down and explained to him that he was truly the son of Hephaestus, god of the forge, and was likely the cause of his condition. Not for a moment did Nick believe her story, however, and thought it was some cruel, sick joke and misguided attempt at making him feel better. Hurt and confused by his mother's bizarre words, he left home but didn't get far, as he was mugged on the streets just outside of his neighborhood. Too weak and injured to crawl back to his wheelchair, he laid bruised and broken on the ground of a dark alleyway until his distraught mother finally found him and brought him back home. Soon after this incident she sent him to Camp Half-Blood for his own safety, and to be among other demigods like himself.
After a year at Camp Half-Blood, he has somewhat come to terms with who he is -- though he thinks it's still nothing short of insane -- and has found a true home in Cabin Nine. He has become quite skilled at modifying weapons and building new and different machines and contraptions, and he has found friends among the other half-bloods.

Theme Song:

Weapon Information
Weapon Name: πυρκαϊά, Blazing Fire | πίστη, Loyalty
Weapon Type: Great Warhammer | Crossbow
Weapon Appearance:
Attributes: Made of Stygian Iron, used to utterly destroy monsters and mortals alike in a blaze of fire. The souls and power absorbed from this hammer are used to forge extraordinary and unparalleled weapons and armor. It is a huge, hulking weapon and is difficult if not impossible to wield. | A handmade crossbow made of wood and normal iron. It uses five rough bolts made from Celestial Bronze that are enchanted to return to the handler upon their target's death and/or destruction. Though it is slow to reload, it is quite powerful.
Other: As Nick is limited to a wheelchair, a warhammer is beyond useless to him, and so he created his own weapon he can use even from his wheelchair, a crossbow he calls "Loyalty".

Kedir-Ine, Warrior Priestess of the Moon

Age: 43

Patron Goddess: Dwayna

Home Island: Eve

Personality: At first glance, Kedir-Ine seems like a bizarre amalgamation of all three Islanders, with the stoic elegance and appearance of a Rosilian, the connection with nature and natural dexterity of a denizen of Eve, and the merciless brutality of one from Kantle. She is a peerless warrior and a devout priestess, and will not hesitate to cut down anyone that might get in her way. She appears to be a very cold and heartless woman. However, she will not under any circumstances kill children. She believes firmly in duty and in justice... as well as in vengeance.

History: Kedir-Ine grew up in the Sisterhood of the Moon, a secretive order of priestesses serving the goddess Dwayna, and lived a relatively peaceful life as a pacifist priestess for nearly twenty years. Frustrated with her life and its lack of adventure, young Kedir fled the sisterhood to the nearest settlement, where she learned just how hard and cruel the world could be outside the monastery. She was forced to find a place in a town that labelled her a pariah. Eventually, while working as a maid in the local inn, she caught the eye of a travelling merchant, who asked her to come and travel Eve with him right then and there.

Knowing no better, the young woman accepted his proposal and ran away with him, travelling around Eve until she became pregnant with his child. As soon as this news came to light he abandoned her, leaving her stranded in an unfamiliar city. Alone and afraid, Kedir slowly and gradually made her way back to the monastery to beg forgiveness and pray for re-entry. Pitying their former sister they allowed her to return. Once there, she bore a son which she named Lodran. She and her fellow sisters raised and adored the boy in the monastery until he grew into a young man. With Lodran grown and ready to make his own fortune in the world, after loving and tearful farewells he left his mothers. It was there Kedir stayed, praying each and every day for her beloved son's safety...

... until the Kantle army came and slaughtered the Sisterhood. Kedir only barely survived the attack, and that day vowed vengeance on each and every man and woman who took up a sword for Kantle for the deaths of her sisters. She took up a sword and wooden armor made from the strong, durable trees surrounding the monastery. She also has taken up another quest: to find her son Lodran and protect him from the same fate her sisters suffered. She now searches all of Eve for him, and mercilessly murders any Kantle soldier who dares stand in her way.


>> Kedir's weapon of choice is a zweihander.

>> Little does she know, her son Lodran had wandered onto the Island of Rose before the roads collapsed.

(( We can have more than one character, correct? I'm thinking of making Lodran my second. Would that be alright? ))
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