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    1. Maxim 10 yrs ago


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(Dang double posts, why isn't there a delete button)
Hmm...I think Gremlock's vote will go for the Imperium. If it doesn't get enough votes he'll go for Rhinefield instead.

On a side note: Sorry I haven't been too active recently, I'm not really sure how to approach the ball with this character, and I still need to fix his sheet. If anyone wants to do a collab I'd be up for one.
Green Goat said
--She of the Silver Eyes
Those born with silver eyes were almost always regarded as an omen of good luck, and bringers of good fortune. While most of the story were just old wives' tales, she does have a mild resistance to evil. Though this does tend to draw evil to her sometimes.

Not a bad trait, but just noting that silver eyes are the signs that the character is a vampire.

Brovo said
Note that out of all nine missions (which will have more information than their summaries, obviously), you can all only do a maximum of five. This means you will have to choose four to leave to their own devices. As well, since these missions are no longer tutorial missions or otherwise, the stakes are much higher. Not taking a mission results in very harsh consequences for that nation. Such as not taking the Underdark Coalition mission will result in the coalition falling apart and the Underdark altogether being weakened and vulnerable to demonic incursion. Failure to help the Amazons will result in the loss of their entire civilization. So on and so forth.

Uh, I understand that this is supposed to be a sadistic choice and all...but if not taking one dooms the civilization...I personally think that's stretching things a bit. Combined with the fact that it's kinda hard for all of these things to be happening at the same time, and that it's somewhat of a steep jump in stakes from the tutorial missions...TPK anyone? :P

Just my opinion on the matter.
Brovo said
@Maxim: I like it so far, but need dat second school of magic and all that jazz.

Glad you like it! I did end up choosing Fire magic as my second school, simply because it...basically handles all of my offensive needs anyway (sans stuff against fire elementals, but I can always add another one later). I'm also considering changing the second to "Holy" magic, but I'm not really sure since I would imagine holy magic is ostracized after the whole banishing the gods thing, thus would be difficult to sell. Of course, the only reason I'm considering this is because it would add healing to buffing...I think.

Also, I've decided to try and fix the grammar. It'll take me a little while, but hopefully it'll be much easier to read once I am done with it.
Brovo said
@Everyone: I'll read Maxim's sheet at work and give a "Word of God" on it later. For now, just make sure y'all remain civil and all that jazz, but you have been so far, so. Just early an early warning, blah blah blah, the old guard knows this routine already.

*Checks watch, then goes back to tapping foot impatiently, then notices he misread later as 'later tonight' and moves to grab a soda*
Tempest said
I'll just outright and say a few things after -trying- to read your sheet.Using improper grammar, throughout your entire CS is like an eye-sore to read. Its painful. Its hard to get what you mean. Its not fitting the purpose that a CS is meant to have... IE) Introducing your character, giving a quick and easy layout of their talents, what they are, etc, and to demonstrate your writing capabilities.Your 'second school of magic' isn't really a school of magic at all. It is also taking what is actually someone else's unique ability. Which is unique.Mechanist weapons, aka) Guns naturally have a ridiculous reload time. They're 1 shot flintlock weapons. A normal one takes about a round to load in order to fire off safely. Leave alone a massive one like an elephant gun... Furthermore, I'm not sure how much your elephant gun kind of seems off... Its a massively unwieldy weapon and of very powerful nature given its basically a small cannon. I don't know what to think because for one of my characters, I used a unique to get a specially mechanist blunderbuss with AoE and fire properties... You're asking for one with increased damage, a heavy weight you can apparently heft around as a small goblin, and the ammunition to do so... with a rather fast reload speed for the weapon given its size, munition and your size...

Well....nuts. Why did nobody say anything when I posted this months ago, crap.

Anyways, going over the issues one by one.

1. Bad Grammar: The idea was to make it a bit different from other character sheets and to give a bit of flair to it. That said I can definitely see where you're coming from. Given the ridiculous length of the CS though...I'd really rather avoid rewriting all of that before hearing what Brovo has to say about it. :(

EDIT: Actually, would it still work if I just swapped everything for proper grammar versions? Or is the first person perspective also bad?

2. Magic School: Yeah I was afraid of that. The thing I'm having trouble with is, he's supposed to be something of a utility magic character, able to make potions and such and not be really a powerhouse. The main trouble I'm running into is I don't know how he's supposed to be the kind of adaptable utility caster with exactly 2 magic schools to his name, without bending the rules a bit. Also, LoR 2 had an Arcane school, which (I think) did roughly the same thing, possibly with more versatility. If you guys have any ideas for two good magic schools I'd love to hear them though. :)

3. Firearm: Ah, I didn't quite realize it took that long to reload the weapon. I'll probably have to rethink his specialty weapon then. The thing I'm wondering is...if they take that long to reload the normal type ones, why would you ever actually use it as opposed to a bow, which you can fire plenty fast? Personally I disagree that it'd be too strong for a small character, as long as it's proportioned right. Otherwise you'd be horribly hampered just by using a small character (well, moreso than normal :/).

Just my thoughts, please don't eat me. :P
Just put down a post, showing Marvin getting onto the evac trailers. Also made a reference to LimeyPanda's raider character, so if I got something wrong just let me know.
South West-Marvin Walters

At this point, Marvin just ran. He knew he couldn't stay here much longer before the wolves overwhelmed them all. As much as it pained him, he couldn't even stop to slow down the advancing wolves, otherwise he'd have to stop and thus get promptly overwhelmed. Fortunately, while his mech was slow, it was apparently enough to make it out alive, and with barely a dent to his mech as well! He was thankful to the evacuators, even if they did use those accursed trucks that made his electronics go haywire. Fortunately he made precautions to make sure it didn't fry the electronics this time, so he figured he'd be all right.

His mech slowly lurched up the ramp to the nearest trailer, and he heard the familiar metal "THUMP" from the mech being stuck to the magnetic plate. The screen fizzled a fair bit, clearly despite his precautions weren't quite enough to make the mech fine with this, but it didn't short this time at least. He took a deep breath, hopefully this would all be over soon. With any luck this was the last time he would ever have to take a mission within a Shadow Zone, though he somehow doubted that. Marvin reviewed the mission within his mind, it had gone pretty smoothly all things considered. The biologist made his way back safe and sound, though he didn't seem to like being back at home base...ah well, nothing he was concerned about. The Missiles worked out just great, but the Narrow Beam Laser, while precise, wasn't terribly well suited for escorting a man back to home base. Perhaps he should switch back to the .50 Calibur rifle. He could never really decide upon which weapon to use, as the Rifle was great for covering fire, but not so great if he had to take down a nasty target, while the Laser was just the opposite. Sure, he could use both, but then he'd have to give up his missiles, which made him feel safe, as if all things went wrong, he could generally blast it away with a well timed missile.

Satisfied with his work in the mission, Marvin was about to go to sleep before the trucks took him back to the bunker, but then he noticed something unusual. Was that David Anders, the priest? Marvin had met him a few times, the man was an ex-raider who had found solace in the Bible, though it didn't seem to help his bloodthirst at all from what Marvin heard. He had gone to Ander's church for a few months, but his opinion of religion soured considerably when he was told in no uncertain terms that his family was cast away. Why? For the simple fact that his family hadn't ever gotten ritually baptized by water, which apparently was an instant consignment to Hell despite their actions.

Brushing these thoughts aside, Marvin laid back in his chair, hopeful to get some shut eye while traveling back to the bunker.
My character is ready for action!

Only question I have is, my upgraded unique trait added an anti magic belt to prevent early potion discharge. Is that going to mess with my spells in a massive degree? If so, is there any alternative you would recommend?

EDIT: Woo! Post 400.
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