Avatar of McFazzer
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: McFazzer
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1088 (0.29 / day)
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    1. McFazzer 10 yrs ago


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So sorry this took so long. The week just kinda escaped from me. Here's Blair for review

Hi. Rather looking forward to seeing all the fun Quirks people think up
I am definitely interested.
@Kuroyomihime I'm going to try my best and have a post up by the weekend, but since I can't guarantee it you shouldn't hold out and wait for me if it isn't.
@CommanderCool Still here. This week has hit me like a truck recently, I'll get my post done asap

Flick’s eyes were unfocused as she sat in the middle of the auditorium near the back. Looking to all the world like a distracted school girl, Flick was ‘watching’ the rest of the auditorium. Antennae twitching the world outside her natural field of vision was indistinct, people appeared painted as if with watercolours and the colours themselves were washed out to match. Still, Flick took notes of each student that went through the principal’s portal to an unknown location. Trying to get some idea what their personality was from their actions and gait. Were any of them cut from the same cloth as her? Did they walk like someone who had brute forced their way through? Did they use guile? Did… did they just annoy everyone into submission? Flick turned her head and tried to discern the nature of the idiot trying to be eaten before just blinking and ignoring it. Watching the class bottleneck at the entrance to the portal, Flick elected to stay in her seat. Once the crowd had died down and she didn’t immediately hear people scream bloody murder from the other side, Flick walked down and stepped on through the portal.


A world of flashing neon appeared in front of Flick’s eyes and around her, outside most other’s vision, an animated Monet painting sprung to chaotic life. It was enough to make Flick wish they had been transported to a volcano. Turning on a dime Flick tried to walk back through the portal, only to find it had been closed off. Teeth clenched, Flick closed her eyes to no avail as he antennae continued to provide details of the world around her, forcing her focus their panoramic vision to overlap with her normal gaze, mitigating the headache a lot.

This town is just so damn loud and bright! I just need to… shut… it… up… Flick’s thoughts quickly coalesced into a plot. Clicking her tongue, Flick knew she couldn't get what she wanted alone. Eyes darting around, Flick’s face suddenly split into a wide grin and walked up behind the little imp all but begging the rich girl for her credit card.

“Hi there… you want to make some real money, Pucca? You see, I want to be able to look around this road lit by neon and not want to tear my eyes from their sockets. You want to make money. So, on my end, I’d love some help in knocking out the power for this entire strip of neon lit casinos. The lights go down and if there happened to be any back-up generators that ended up not working thanks to a mischievous imp… well that would be a shame. And if none of the power comes back on, I can imagine that we can figure out a way to crack some safes and nab some valuables.” Clearly speaking for any of the group to hear, Flick tried to entice as many as she could with the sole goal of getting the damn lights turned off. If things went well after that? Well, that’s just icing on the proverbial cake. If they didn't? Well nothing a bit of old fashioned 'smash and grab' robbery can't make up for. Getting in front of Pucca, Flick looked down at the imp summed up her wants in a simple phrase.

“Do you want to do a heist with me?”
Lemon Soda

Recording his gameplay Lemon Soda was in what was basically a kill zone. They hurled abuse like children, but even a child knew that spraying gunfire from a high vantage point was a half decent strategy. Unable to retreat back to where Gudako was, Lemon was left with little option but to brave the no man’s land the rain of hot lead made.

"Shit! I've seen that movie about Gallipoli! This is bullshit! How'd they get to the high ground so fast?!" thrusting his left hand forward Lemon's drones swept back and forth in front of him. Making a crude defence and as long as the 12-year-olds on the high ground didn't focus their fire on him the drones' armour would withstand the barrage for some moments at least.

"Stupid ass kids! Hey! Why is no one backing me up?!” as Lemon got closer and into denser weapons fire one of his drones started sparking forcing him into more solid and permanent cover of what looked like a burnt-out husk of a car. Stuck halfway between the enemies and Gudako’s cover, Lemon called his drones to him and hunched over them. Activating his repair skill, he was hoping to heal his drones enough to make a break for the base of their cover and then scale the crane to ambush them.

“Can anyone see the fourth team member?! There are only three up there, right? I don’t want to be shot in the back! Umm… ICEY, yes ICEY! You! Can you see anyone?! What about you… Roache?! Shit! I can’t get footage if I die instantly!” cursing his low skill level in repair, Lemon considered using one of the smoke grenades equipped to his drones and make a break for it that way, but he didn’t want to use one of his only two so early in the match. Lifting his MAC-11 over the cover he sent bursts of machine pistol fire towards the cranes.
*is now the Admiral of all these ships, the commander of the fleet*
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