Avatar of Mendicant Bias
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    1. Mendicant Bias 4 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current He poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague onto our houses


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Interested in getting in on this
<Snipped quote by Mendicant Bias>

Any chance it could be out loud, albeit to herself? It’s just kind of our style in MR, along with some convoluted lore reasons.

sure thing
<Snipped quote by Fractured>

A-ah! What the hell!

*I winded my eyes before closing it as I hold onto the closest thing to me, lowering my head to feel any impact.*

*after some time following the sounds, hears the sudden yelling and ears prick up and zero in on the location*

Shit, its now or never

*rushes over to the area, revolver in hand, sticking to the shadows as she gets closer to the source of the voice*
<Snipped quote by Mendicant Bias>

Alright. I hope it doesn't mess anything up for you, but we don't really do OOC or character thoughts in the IC. We try to keep it limited to the things that a camera with a decent intuition could observe.

I was more or less doing it provisionally until she could meet someone to interact with
*ears twitch as Rai hears some sort of commotion off in the distance, her left ear turns to get a better listen*

[Voices...something off is transpiring in that cave over there.]

*unholsters revolver and gets closer to the cave mouth, keeping her hat off to listen around*

[That way...something's up and I don't like the sound of it]

Note:[] will be used for thoughts and internal monologue
@Mendicant Bias

Did you have a place in mind for Rai or are you just looking to hook into one of our things?

Nowhere in particular, I was just going to have her run into the group and get caught up in things
Meanwhile, on a far away world

*cocks gun and kicks down the door to a decrepit temple in the middle of the desert, spying a surprised thief clutching a burlap bag holding something heavy and bulky*

Bad move coming here, you would have done yourself well to have covered your tracks, and chosen something more than the most obvious landmark in the entire area.

*holds up gun to the shocked thief*

You took something that my employer has a great interest in, and now I've come to take it back.

*as the thief reaches for his own gun, fires off a couple of shots, one hitting the thief in the arm, causing him to drop the bag and for the artifact to fall out and tumble into the groove of a helixical structure carved into the ground. A second shot hits the thief in the head, causing them to fall over, bleeding out into the same grooved structure*

*goes to pick up the item but notices that it has rolled into the center of the structure, as the blood from the thief has pooled into the area, causing the structure to begin humming and emitting strange light. As if in a flash, the structure lights up, and the artifact explodes, opening up a portal that begins to pull in everything around it, including Rai. Rai fights back but is knocked off her feet by a piece of debris and sucked into the portal.

Somewhere Unknown

*a portal opens, hurling out large chunks of dust and stone before also flinging out Rai, who lands tumbling onto a dusty patch*

*cough and dusts herself off, checking to make sure she hasn't received any injuries*

Damn, lost the artifact. What just happened?

*looks around*

Where...am I?

*tucks her gun back under her duster and begins to walk off into a direction*

Sun's pointing that way, judging by the position this way must be west. Let's see what we can find.

*removes her hat as she walks, leting her ears stand up and flick for a bit, getting any dust out and letting them get a stretch*
@Mendicant Bias

<Snipped quote by Mendicant Bias>

How is Rai intended to interact with everyone/how did she become interdimensional? Also, are you comfortable with our posting style?

İ intended to have her chase down a theif into a temple in the desert and get trapped in a cross-dimensional incident after an artifact that the thief took is activated.

And yes, i can work with it
@Mendicant Bias

Hey there! Have you read the rules, and do you have any questions?

I've read the rules. No question on my end
Rái Dèw

Age: 22 jò (roughly equivalent to 31 years old)

Species: Yin

Height: 6 ji (eqivalent to 182 cm or 6 feet)
Weight: 12.5 humi (equivalent to 85 kg or 187 lb)

Appearance: Of Hendian heritage, Rai has green eyes, light brown skin, and black hair. Her hair is kept short, falling to the level of her jaw, tied back and away from her face by a red banana worn over her hair. Her facial features are defined by rather thick dark eyebrows, brown eyes of the "monolid" type with epicanthic folds, a round face and a nose with a rather flattened bridge. Of a rather stocky build, with wide robust shoulders, a rather long torso with wide hips and rather short legs. Her ears peak out of her bandana when not wearing her wicker sun hat. Rai does not wear makeup of any kind, finding it to be a quick way to get dust sticking to her face. The most striking thing is her red scarf that she wears draped over her shoulder and across her chest, and her brown leather duster.

Biography: Born in the far eastern end of the Commonwealth of Henda in the year 1489 (1489 years after the fall of the great Naal Empire, in many ways on the same footing as our worlds 1800's in terms of technology), life was hard from the beginning for the young woman. The Commonwealth had begun the process of conquest and settlement of the "savage" deserts that existed to the east of the continent of Kenas for some time now. Their efforts had done little than to create wild, lawless settlements in the desert, plagued by insufficient communication and trade routes back to the capital, and little ability to farm or ranch in the hostile desert. Constantly harrassed by native tribal peoples, as well as marauding bandits and raiders who stalked the deserts looking to pillage the towns they came across, life was a constant battle for survival.

The men of the town of He worked as miners in the copper mines situated in the mountains to the north. Mining proved to be the only real form of income available to the people who settled the desert. When conflict started to break out between the townsfolk of He and the indigenous Ayatan people who inhabited the area near the mountains, the workers of the mines demanded protection and extra compensation from the mining company that was financing the mining operations. The response was to send armed thugs to harass and shoot at the striking workers. Rai's father was shot in the head during the event, left alive but permanently paralyzed and confined to his bed for the rest of his life. Needing to support her now dependent father, Rai, now 11 jo old (16 years) found work in the town of He as a caravan hand, helping to make sure that tools, food, clothing, and other goods to the various desert towns. Hired as a bodyguard, Rai was trained with how to use a gun and tasked with travelling and shooting any thieves who may seek to rob them. By the time she was 16 jo (roughly 22 years old), her, as well as the other hired guns she worked with, found their trade routes being targeted by raiders and criminals. Together, the group managed to track down and eliminate the raiders. Finding that the desert was plagued by too many bandits and raiders, and that the Commonwealth government was unable to do something about it, the hired guns decided to band together to form their own group devoted to hunting down and exterminating bandits, raiders and outlaws. The group, known as the Regulators, served as a group of rangers who patrolled the known trade routes and sought out fugitives and killed them.

Since then, Rai has been travelling with the Regulators, going where she needs to go.


10 gauge shotgun - A weapon created in the Commonwealth by gunsmiths in 1346 CE (Current Era), this weapon fires a large slug of 1/10 lb that was designed to deal with the desert megafauna. The weapon was adopted by caravan gunners to deal with the thick armor used by various native tribesmen in the deserts. A relatively rare weapon, Rai's belonged to her father prior to his incapacitation for use when dealing with various mountain predators.

.30 calibre hunting rifle - A rifle used by inhabitants of the desert for dealing with large game animals in the mountans. Also proves effective against people as well.

x2 .45 calibre revolver - a pair of sidearms carried by Rai as well as other members of the Regulators.

Ayatanian Knife - An iron knife that was once carried by an Ayatan warrior before he was shot down by Rai. A rather heavy knife, it is suited better for killing than extended fighting.

Hendian Short Sword - A short sword, used by members of the Hendian Commonwealth Army as a side arm. Was swiped by Rai after she and the Regulators came across an ambushed party that had been killed by Ayatan raiders.

Reinforced Steel and Leather cuirass - A modification of a Commonwealth cuirass that became popular among hired guns in the Desert, takes a steel cuirass and covers it in a padding of salt hardened cotton, which is then covered in a layer of hardened Great Mountain Goat leather. Provides excellent protection for the chest and abdomen.

Leather Chaps - a pair of leggings made of Great Mountain Goat leather, cut into segments and fitted over the legs and hips.

Duster - A Leather duster, also crafted from the thick leather of the Great Mountain Goat, and oiled in the oils produced in the goats chin glands, provides protection and keeps sand and dust from getting into the armor and chaffing.

Scarf - a red scarf, a calling card of the Regulators, and provides a face covering to keep from breathing dust.

Sun Hat - A wide brimmed conicle wicker hat, woven to keep the sun from burning the face, and reinforced with an internal layer of leather and cloth to help protect the head and ears.

12 sticks of dynamite - explosives that can be used both as a weapon as well as a tool

Mi coins - coins made from a mixture of silver and tin, distributed by the government as currency. Can also be used as makeshift scattershot in a pinch.

Gathas of Lord Hui - Hui is the founder of the religion called Huispo, which is the dominant religion across Kenas. An organized religion based on the scriptures that were brought by the prophet Hui, one of these collections was the Gathas, a collection of songs and poems that Hui composed under the influence of the Great Father. Rai often reads and meditates upon these songs, and likes to quote them.

5 ampules of Morphine and syringe - a compound extracted from a cultivated plant, serves as a powerful painkiller

Sandgoggles - A pair of eyecoverings that were first used by the native people of the Desert, made of a bone carved thin and with two thin slits cut, and worn over the eyes to reduce glare from the desert and reduce eyestrain and potential blindness.


Sharpshooter: Rai is an expert shot, able to hit targets over great distances with extreme accuracy.

Superhuman Strength: Though not particularly strong for a Yin, compared to a human, her strength easily outmatches a human, being about 2.5 times stronger than a human

Superhuman Speed and Reflexes: Though not particularly fast for a Yin, she can easily reach a speed of 15 mph at full sprint speed.

Hardy Endurance: Just by virtue of Yin physiology, it takes significantly more damage to inflict injury on Rai than it would on a human being.

Investigation Skills: Like the other regulators, Rai works primarily in tracking down fugitives and investigating crimes akin to a police detective. She is very good at finding clues, getting a feel for the intentions and veracity of the statements of others, and making logical conclusions from evidence.

Sword and Knifefighting - while not her primary form of fighting, Rai can easily hold her own in a knife or swordfight

Hand to Hand Combat - Is able to fight hand to hand effectively

Resourceful - while lacking any kind of supernatural power, Rai is very adept at making use of her surroundings and observing the patterns and behaviors of those who she is fighting. She also is a very quick learner, who can pick up new skills quickly.
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