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I want to apologize for my grammar. I am still not used to English as much I would like and some sentences are giving me hard time...
Shepard has never thought about issues Quarians had with their nutrition. So many problems just to satisfy their most basic needs. If Shepard had to the same thing every time she wanted to have a snack, it would soon drove her crazy. Once again, she felt pity for Zeto.
"I am sure that Tali will give you some of her rations, if you ask her. And you don´t have to worry about ruining my tastes. My food will already take care of it. There are many good thing on Alliance military, but food surely isn´t one of them," Shepard sighed
It was true. Rock hard protein bars drowned in sauce that resembled oil in more than one way couldn´t be called gastronomical miracle by anyone who had better appetite than Vorcha.
There even was a well known army legend about soldier fighting in Skyllian Blitz, who sharpened edges of his protein bar so much that he could gut Batarian with it.
"But it´s still a food I suppose..." she added after a while. "I will be going now. You can meet me at cantina table, fighting with my food..." and with that, she came out of cabin.

She went to her locker and picked out small box where she kept her ration packs. Shepard was a biotic so her rations were little bit bigger, but they tasted just as terribly as normal ones.
She took one of them and prepared them on small tray, disgusted just by site of hated bars and sauce. After that she sat on a chair behind a small dining table.
At first, she wanted to wait for Zeto before eating, but the hunger soon overwhelmed her.
I will definitely keep eye on this Rp. Not sure If I will have time for another roleplay, but you surely got my attention.
This looks very intriguing and promising. Definitely interested!
Shepard never doubted that Zeto will agree to her terms, but she was still glad when she heard it from Quarian own "lips". If Zeto really was as good as she said, she could be a great asset to the team. Chakwas was terrific in her job, but still... it never really hurt to have another medical genius on board.
"I have no problem with you staying here, there after all isn´t a better place for medically skilled person in here. And I am sure dr. Chakwas won´t mind it either. She is pretty open mind in these things and I am sure she will appreciate any help she gets. You will just have to figure out details with her."

She wanted to add something else, but her attention demanding stomach interrupted her. Only now, Shepard truly noted, how hungry she actually was and almost blushed, embarrassed.
"Sorry," she apologized, than a thought came on her mind. Qurian was probably as hungry as she was. Well maybe not quite as hungry as Shepard, she was biotic after all, but still... she had to be starved to the death.
"I am going to eat something. Would you mind joining me? I am not sure what exactly do you Quarians eat, but we surely have some non-human food in here."
Shepard hoped that Qurian will go with her. She always tried to have close relationship with people she served with, and there was no better place for a little chat than a dinner table. She also hoped that speaking will divert Zeto´s attention to something else than death of her crew.
Lilian followed the commander in a total silence. Not that she would be all that shy, she was just still a little bit overwhelmed by the opportunity she get. Kid from the street get to fight evildoers. It was just like from some kind of infantile, science fiction movie she never had a stomach to watch. But she was here, in headquarters of top secret organization fighting villians that didn´t know they belonged just to comic books.
She almost laughed aloud when she recalled her friend, saying that when she stops with drugs, there will be less weird shit happening to her. Here she was, clear like a lily in pack of wet tissues but the shit around her was weirder than ever.

Commander Black looked like a strong woman. Strong, strict and straight. To man S if you asked Lilian. She didn´t know what, but something told that their relationship won´t be all that sunny. She and authorities just doesn´t get well with themselves.
Her new comrades also looked like quite an interesting bunch of people.
First there was this woman. She looked like Black, in some ways, but much more predatory. She looked like someone who eats Mexican luchadores for breakfast and drink it down with tears of hardened veterans from legion etrangere. If there was anyone Lilian wanted on her side, it was her. There is no friend like the one who can gut a bear with bare hands.
Beside the woman, there were also two guys, rabbits. None of them looked like anything extra. First looked like if somebody just pissed in his morning cofee and second one... was just so high she had to check if his feet actually touched the ground.
And she was supposed to work with material like that...

She remained in silence even in main lobby. There were no particular questions on her mind. She didn´t really cared about what had the room to offer or who were her predecessors. She was she and they were they. Whatever happened to them, for Lilian waited another fate.
The room itself wasn´t very appealing to her. She disliked the everpresent light of neons. They were just too cold for her.

The storage room was way more interesting. Lilian could finally see what was the equipment everyone was making so much fuss about.
Honestly, her first impression was dissapointment. She excepted something hi-tech, something that will yell "I am bad motherfucker!", and the suits were quite different from what had she imagined. But she still tried one on.
Suits might have looked little bit silly from distance, they have even looked a little bit silly from close, but wearing it was like nothing Lilian ever experienced.
It reinforced her stance, toughen her muscles and sent a wave of energy trough her body. She felt like she could nail a concrete wall just by punching it.
She hated that phrase, but nothing more fitting came on her mind. "This is coool!"
Zeto´s sudden change of stance quite surprised Shepard. Surprised and even more convinced her, that there was determined and willful woman ready to fight for what she thought was right. She might not see her facial expressions but her stance and something in her voice, even distorted by speakers, gave her intentions away.
She longed for justice and that was something Shepard could identify with. She still remembered her thirst for batarian blood after that slaver raid on Mindoir, or righteous rage she felt after disaster that happened to her old unit.
Face to face such a determination, Shepard had to hold herself to not nod immediately. Could she really take her? Could she really trust her? If she would let anyone to join her little crusade Normandy would be soon crowded...
But it was pretty much how Tali, Garrus or Wrex get on board, so she couldn´t really justify to reject the Quarian. And if she was a medical genius, as she said, she would surely be an asset to the team.
Council could have some objections, but Shepard doubted it. They cared little about how had she done her job, results were all that mattered.

"Your willingness to help is surely appreciated and I know it will sound a little bit too harsh, but I have no proof of your skills or loyalty. It would be naive of me to just let you hop in without a little test of your abilities. Like I said earlier, I have some job to do close by. It should be easy and I think it would also be a perfect test of your capabilities." Shepard was maybe little bit harsher and colder. when she spoke, but she had to set things straight first. "Also, if you join my team, you will have to accept that I am the leader. I am not very strict about rules or morale, just keep in mind that I have always the final world."
Sorry for a delay. I hope you will find my character sufficient.

Name: Lilian Daskees

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Appearance: http://images.eurogamer.net/2013/articles/1/6/8/0/1/6/3/test-watch-dogs-1401167674821.jpg

Animal Spirit: Moth

Member Colour: Coppery red

Personal Problem: Lilian has several psychological issues when it comes to the fire. To put it simple, she suffers from pyromania and pyrophobia at the same time. When she is around fire, there is as big chance she going to laugh like a maniac as there is a chance that she will just lay on the ground, crying.

Personality:. Those who know Lilian for some time refers to her personality as to a force of nature as much changeable as the fire she adores (and fears) so much. Sometimes she is just like a small, smoking campfire, cheerful and tranquil like an ideal of Zen, but make her angry and she will turn in the hell on two legs. But mostly, she is just like spark. She goes where she pleases, seen by everybody but caught by none. And when someone catches her, he is just going to burn his finger.

History: Lilian was always the weird one. Boys played with cars and action figures, girls with barbies and Lilian? She had a box of matches, a lighter half out of gas and a mischief on her face, and she was a way more happier than anybody around her, making little campfires wherever she liked. Those who noticed her could never say what sparked more, her eyes or the fires she made.
Fire was a way to run from everyday cruel reality. "Life is tough," she said "but there is always something to put on fire at least." And so she did.

Her mother died when she gave birth to Lilian, something her father never forget to mention to young girl. He loved her mother and the loss broke him. He was never able to recover from it. He blamed Lilian for death of his wife and treated her in that fashion. For him, raising a daughter was just an obligation, some kind of debt he owed to his lost love. He never said anything nice to Lilian. Never showed anything even close to love nor compassion.

As years passed, Lilian grew used to it. She was a solitary individual with so few friends she could count them on hand of leprous man. Her only comfort in life was her burning love for flames and even that was spoiled because of her father.
Nobody exactly knew what happened and honestly, nobody truly cared, but there was a fire in flat where Lilian lived, maybe her father forgot to switch off the gas, maybe he forgot to extinguish butt of his beloved cigarettes, only thing known for sure was that he died there, burned to just little bit more than ashes.
Lilian wasn´t at home at the moment, but she arrived soon enough to see the best parts. She was able to hear the last screams of her dying father, able to see his fried body. That experience completely changed her and the way she looked on her beloved hobby. The fire turned from a friend to something way more terrifying

She ran away from her old flat, from anyone who ever knew her. She knew how would it look. An abusive father with pyromaniac daughter killed by fire. Nobody would ever believe it was just a coincidence, even if she had proper alibi, which she hadn´t .
So she just ran away. She was resourceful enough to live on streets. She had a stomach to do things she wasn´t proud on. She had skills to do thing that nobody else dared to do. She survived.
And maybe now, when she get into DF5, things will finally be better....
Shepard´s face changed into puzzled one. Zeto didn´t give her any real answer, she just add a bunch more questions on top of that Jane already had. Sure, Quarian didn´t have to be all that honest, but she doubted it. Zeto´s pain was real, she wouldn´t help her any by keeping a specter in dark.
"I don´t think that any of this suppose to make sense to us. We are organic, they are syntetic. It would no wonder that things work little bit differently in that little flashlights of theirs. But still, why would they need a medic? Engineer maybe, but I don´t think they would have that many uses for someone who works with flesh and tissue, not metal and wires. Maybe it was because of Sar-" she stopped herself before she could finish the sentence. She wasn´t supposed to talk about this things with a stranger, an ununaccredited stranger. But still, it could add some light on the case. She quickly decided. "We have found out, that Geths work on the orders of man named Saren. He is a Turian specter, rough one. Do you have any idea why would Geth work for him?"
Shepard didn´t think that Zeto was wounded in any way, but she had still felt a little bit relieved when dr. Chakwas confirmed it. The Quarian had suffered more than enough for a day, for a lifetime, and an injury could be the last nail to her coffin, especially with immune system as shaky as her specie had.
She couldn´t help herself not to feel pity for the woman. Loosing so much in one day and being left to the mercy of stranger, of an alien, it couldn´t be easy by any means.
"Don´t worry about it. It´s not like we are going to throw you out on the closest piece of rock with solid ground we find. We have just one more important thing to do, and then we will be on our way to the Citadel. You can stay aboard until then," she said and smiled encouragingly, or at least she hoped it looked like that.

"I hope you don´t mind me asking, but what information do you posses, that Geth want it so much?" asked Shepard. She couldn´t help herself, but she was curious about it. Geth were an enemy, and any intel Zeto possessed would be more than useful to her little hunt. "I am specter, ordered to investigate these recent Geth incursions and I could any help I can find. If the knowledge you have was so valuable to Geth, that they didn´t hesitate to make such a ruthless action, It could be vital to my work. I can´t force you to share the info with me... but I would be very grateful if you did." The last part wasn´t all that true. Shepard was a spectre now and there wasn´t many things she couldn´t d,o because of her special status, but she just wouldn´t do them with light heart.
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