Avatar of Metal Zeta
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  • Posts: 103 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Metal Zeta 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current backstreet's back, alright
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i'm here and im queer and im ready to steer straight into sadness and unfulfillment

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Okay, I think we have a good basis! A few suggestions if I may?

-Merge the dark Continent nad machine island into one? From what I know of SKL, it should fit right in with a only a bit of changes
-Maybe make Saotome Labs and Axion Foundation Labs ether partners or rival labs? They are both in the business of robot making!

And what's the relationship between the PLANTS and Zeon? Friendly I wold presume, but perhaps also a bit shaky?

As for Originals....hmm. Perhaps one of us could have a "real" original from Real Earth, and the other original could have one from Super Robot earth with a super robot?
Alright then!
Helio 7 is a rad as hell name and I am down with that.

And that's right, we could! INfact, that would be pretty neat, I think
yeah,, yeah, sounds good to me. Perhaps we could merge Heliopolis and Side 7 into a single colony, and have the two "gundam projects" be competing or sister projects? No need, but I kind of always wanted to do it that ay if I were to write a crossover, so might be indulging myself a bit.
Yeah, yeah, I think that would work!

We probably COULD have Original Gundam and SEED Take place in the same world, however, with some creative retooling. Which is part of the crossovering fun, IMO. But besides that, that seems lke it work to me!

EDIT: oh man some drama happened. Teach me to not refresh! Still, I stand by what I say! It should probably work!
I've played bits of OG 1, Z2 and L, and I've finished J and W! So...the opposite of you, I guess!

And the last time I did a RW 1x1, doing too many series led to a LOT of them just being background characters, so perhaps we should keep the series list small? But, I'll probably use TTGL, Getter Robo, and....original Gundam, I think.
oh man I love me some SRW. I am for sure interested.


Gundam(mostly the Original and G. Despite my username I have not watched Zeta)
Getter Robo

just to name some!
Twinklemoon hasn't posted at all in three weeks, so yeah, I would call it dead! at least till he comes back, if he does
Oh! I am good at at fleshing out stories! And can do post-apocalyptic or samuraixnoble!

Or a number of other ideas, really. But those two caught my interest.
As soon as Sun heard Catiel, his face flashed to life, with a large smile. "I'm doing way better!" He said, getting out of bed, and stretching. "...H-hey! Where's my shirt?" He asked, freaking out. "It was torn up. Racky went and got your spare clothes." The healer said, gesturing to a table. Sun nodded, walking over and changing. "Man, all I needed was a good nap! I feel better than I was before!" Sun told Catiel, facing her and smiling.

"A good nap and about ten bottles of medicine." The healer corrected.

"Only ten bottles this time? See, I was perfectly fine, if that's all I needed!"

The healer sighed, shaking her head. "Anyways, you're free to go. The crab paid me already."

And with that, Sun smiled, grabbing Catiel's hand. "Come on!" He told her, leading her out of the healer's house. They exited right into the middle of the small town, one or two people giving them looks, but most going around their business.

It was a small, beach side town, with little in it. A general store, a healer's house, a bakery and an inn it's main places of note. Not many people visited, and most everybody know everybody else. "Hey, let me show you around town!" He told her, dragging her off.

The first stop being the bakery, getting them both something to eat. "Here!" He reached out his han, offering some fresh bread. "Eat you, you must be hungry."
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