Avatar of Midna-Phobia
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    1. Midna-Phobia 10 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current A productive day CAN include a nap and if you think otherwise we can't be friends anymore.
7 yrs ago
Going on hiatus for any partners I may have sorry guys </3


24 years old | Eastern Standrd Time

Most Recent Posts

In Blue Moon 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
It felt like he had been waiting for an eternity, though really it could only have been thirty seconds or so. He couldn’t help but smile as she opened the door and grinned at him. She looked more than a little cute in her sweat pants and a tank top. A small chuckle escaped him as he followed her inside and she tried to excuse the mess and her clothes. He couldn’t say he was dressed particularly nice or anything like that, a loose blue shirt, some black board shorts and a pair of sneakers could hardly be called adult attire.

“Don’t even worry about it; the mess is what I’m here for. As for the clothes, you’re up early from your thirty hour nap as far as I’m concerned. I should be honoured.” He followed her up the hall before finding the kitchen and letting himself in. Truth be told he wasn’t entirely sure what an IPA was, it took a bit of investigation into the fridge to discover it was beer but he really wasn’t much of a drinker outside of special occasions so he left it be, taking a seat as he looked around the kitchen casually as he waited.

Boxes were strewn about the kitchen, the same as the hall. There didn’t look like too much really heavy lifting from what he could see, though there might be more elsewhere in the house. Really he’d only seen the hallway and kitchen. For a moment Chase wondered if her roommate was around and he looked around suddenly anxious. It was silly, to be so nervous about her but he wasn’t exactly the most confident person around strangers. maybe one day he'd get over it though, as unlikely as it was.
(Sadly not a Zelda RP)

I am seeking a partner for an epic adventure to protect the world!
-Females or Males welcome
-Can range from fairly PG to M
-Alternate worlds plot so
-Modern day/ slice of life/ medieval/ fantasy/ all the genres rolled into one
-Lots of action and chances to get super creative
-I am looking for someone who will help contribute to the story with me :)
-Feel free to PM with any questions/ interest/ etc

And, as always, thank you for your time <3
The sky was overcast, gray, a light rain fell from the sky, coating the ground in shallow puddles that shone slightly in the light, water spraying up as cars drove by. Some would call it miserable, dull and dreary. But Jacob rather enjoyed it, it was home, it was familiar and comfortable. He would never understand why Evie had been so eager to leave. It had to have been, what? Three years now? That sounded right. She had left fairly soon after they had finished high school. He had seen her a few times when she’d come home from the holidays but other than that he barely heard from her. He didn’t even know where abouts in the world she was at this point. Suddenly he felt someone bump him and was quickly drawn back from his thoughts, looking up at the woman.

“Oh! Pardon me, I-” His words caught as he looked at the woman and took in the world around him. The streets of London; gone! The cobble roads and taxis, the noise the hustles and bustle the rain and clouds. Now he was in some kind of park, the sun was shining and birds were singing. Green, soft grass below his feet.

“Monsieur? Est ce que tu vas bien?”

“What?” now that he was looking at her properly he realised this woman did not look like she came from England. She certainly didn’t have the accent and she was not speaking English. It sounded like… French? “Sorry… do you speak English? Where am I?”

“Je suis désolé. Je ne comprends pas.” She smiled slightly but shook her head. “Bonne chance, monsieur.” Letting her hand gently touch his shoulder she continued on her way, allowing Jacob a moment to look around once more, his eyes widening at what he saw.

A large metal structure, spanning several dozen stories high. This wasn’t just any park. That was the Eiffel Tower! Walking rather unsteadily towards the Parisian landmark the man was suddenly knocked off his feet by a force wave. Slightly winded Jacob coughed as he climbed to his knees. The tower itself now looked decidedly unstable, many of the support beams buckled worryingly in places. But that probably wasn’t the thing they needed to be worried about. At the base of the tower now lay a large, circular… glowing disk, he supposed was the best way he was able to explain it. With, what looked like, white glowing chains criss-crossing over it, blocking it up.

People were beginning to crowd now, phones out recording and taking photos while others ran, screaming in fear and confusion. Caution would tell Jacob to not get too close in case the unstable tower decided to collapse. However caution, aka Evie, was not here. And he was far too curious to keep back. Quickly approaching the large crowd he began pressing through the crowd, trying to get a better look at the damage to the tower and that strange glowing thing! Sirens were beginning to blare in the background as Jacob shoved his way through the crowd towards the front.

What he hadn't expected to see there was… a girl? He assumed it was a girl. She looked like a girl, mostly. There was definitely something off-putting about her though, something that sent waves through him, telling him to get as far away from her as possible. But he had gotten very good at ignoring those feelings over the years. A sudden loud groan of failing metal rang out over all the noise of the crowd and the tower itself tipped a noticeable number of feet before being stopped by the remaining structure. But it wasn’t going to last long at this rate. And that girl was right under it.
A war has been raging for centuries. And you've never seen a thing. Overtime a world has been torn from a utopia to a land of fear and enslavement. And you didn't notice. Because the world you've know has always been the same. It might not be perfect but you'd hardly call it a hell hole. Only it's a lot harder to remain blissfully oblivious when this horror is looking you right in the face. And it has teeth. And claws. And is rather large and angry looking. And now the responsibility falls to you to help seel the rifts and prevent more of this Other World from leaking over into ours.

General Concepts
-Modern Setting
-Alternate Worlds
-Saving the world

-About 3-6 paragraphs per post
-I would love to have someone who is willing to help me with the plot/ ideas and is willing to contribute
-Feel free to PM me with interest/ questions or a more in-depth look at the concept
@Bayaz Yes please :)
Hello! So I've been playing too much AC recently and was thinking maybe it would be fun to do an RP following the assassins. I don't really have a plot or anything like that so on the plus side, feel free to suggest pairings/ settings :) On the downside I'll need someone who's ready to work with me on plot/ world/ ides/ etc.
Before everything else:
-I would prefer to RP over PM but will do thread if you're really against it
-I'm looking for a minimum of 3 paragraphs (300 words) per post, sometimes less is okay if it's an actiony scene or required because of other reasons (I usually do 300-600 words depending)
-I am open to time periods/ settings as long as it's set in the past some time and realistic.
-Please Pm with interest

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