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@Ciaran Yeah, there's a lot of potential with Jasmine's power. It's why I'm glad that one of her limits is that she can't directly affect the Awakened, she'd be able to instant gib the bad guys too easily otherwise. Though, while she theoretically can steal and give any amount of momentum, it isn't always practical to do so. She can only affect complex objects as a whole, which is why her mountain presence upgrade lets her target specific bits. Because of this, the inside of whatever she's targeting is still going (though I'm gonna say there are special exceptions so I can cover my bases if need be), meaning blood is still pumping within an organic body, passengers within a moving vehicle are subject to whiplash and everything else that would occur if it suddenly stopped, and vehicles would technically have all their functions still operating.

So basically, it would cause some serious destruction to steal momentum from a car, let alone from a train. If Jasmine were a little more amoral, it possibly wouldn't be a problem for her, but if she knew what the consequences were for doing something like that she'd likely refuse unless it was a desperate situation. The safest way for her to use her Abstraction would be for small scale and/or simple things, though of course that's not going to get her a whole lot of momentum a lot of the time. Figuring out that sweet spot is going to be key for her in order for her to reach her max potential.
@Mike73 I may have hilariously misread one of your earlier posts. Want me to edit or roll with it?

Oh lol, no worries. I'm fine with either option tbh, I'll leave it up to you.
Sorry for the auto-dodge, I hate doing that and usually try to avoid it but figured it was either that or Jasmine died.

@Surtr Inc
Grand Ridge Academy - Outside the Conference Room

"Yes, I-"

Grant abruptly stopped motioning, cutting his answer short. He cocked his head to the side slightly a moment or so after he paused, his eyes scanning Lynette's facial expression. What she just asked him...why would she ask him that? Did it have to do with what she knew?

"I never said I made the sound go away," he told her. He didn't appear to be accusatory, just curious in her thought process. "I didn't think I caused it, I thought something just happened to me. But I said 'yes' anyway. That doesn't make sense."

His hand reached for the strap of his book bag and held on tightly as a thoughtful look appeared on his face. Why would he say yes? It never crossed his mind to think he had any pull on what had happened to him, yet he answered so...automatically, almost. Did he actually do it then? Furthermore he was now agreeing that he'd made the sound go away, even though he'd said he'd gone deaf. What the hell?

All the while, the muffled yelling in the Conference Room appeared to escalate as he saw somebody enter the room, and the light coming out from underneath the doorway even went out for a second or so before returning, only for the yelling to return once more and the arguing voices to become more emotional. Grant's concern over the situation only grew more as their conversation went on. Combined with how puzzled he felt about his situation, he felt more than ever that he needed some answers. But he couldn't push too much, Lynette was the one who'd invited him out here after all.

"Lynette...why are we here? What's going on in there?" Grant signed after thinking it over, "I get the feeling you know what's happening to me, and whatever it is, it has to do with why we're here."

Farmer Hill - Downtown, Near Sucre Café

Strangely enough, Jasmine couldn't see anything when she tried to look down the alleyway. It was still daytime though, so why was it so dark? And specifically in this alley as well? But one of her other senses did pick up on something. There was noise, the sound of heavy footsteps and something fleshy that was dragging along the ground. The darkness suddenly began to fade away once she heard those sounds, and from within the darkness stepped out...

Jasmine felt her breath catch in her throat as she stared down- no, up at the monstrous entity before her. A massive bloody blade was held in one hand, and in the other, the body of a dead woman. She looked familiar, was she a student? She didn't personally know her but she was sure she'd seen the victim before. But now she was dead, and the killer was right fucking in front her. He dropped the body, and the thud of it landing on the ground was the only noise Jasmine could hear. There were no people, no cars, nothing. Just her and the monster, alone. She took a step back, unsure if running was even an option here, but then the behemoth raised his blade with the intent to cut her down.

She threw herself backward and off to the side, scraping her arms up on the pavement in the process. Even if she only had a low chance of escaping, there was no way in hell she was going to just let herself die. She didn't know how narrowly she had avoided the attack, but she didn't give it any thought and instead scrambled up onto her feet before booking it away from the killer as fast as she could. She didn't have a goal in mind, she just knew she had to get away, and happened to be making her way towards the original destination of Sucre Café.

"Help! Help! Somebody help me! Please!"

The screams ripped out of her throat, purely on instinct. Adrenaline rushed through her body as she pushed herself as hard as she could in getting away. She continued to scream, and glanced back over shoulder to see just how far (or more likely, close) her pursuer was while still going as fast as she could.

As she ran, unbeknownst to her, a symbol had begun to take form on her abdomen.
<Snipped quote by Mike73>

she'll get axe murdered

RIP Jasmine

Though I'll probably have her power activate if Scott uses a ranged attack or something not Awakened threatens her, since she can't directly affect him anyway. She wouldn't know how much potential her power has yet due to it being so new and crazy to her.
I will as well. I don't plan on Jasmine having access to her powers right away though, hopefully she'll be able to get by as a normie for now.

Grand Ridge Academy - Courtyard --> Outside Conference Room Hallway

From: Lynette
Can you meet me by the conference room?

Grant's eyebrows rose in intrigue when he read the message. The conference room...? Why would Lynette be over there? Maybe she felt it would be secluded enough for them to talk privately, or perhaps there was something in there that she was wanted to show him in the first place. But then, what could she possibly have to show him that had to be kept at school? He had no idea what to think in all honesty, but it seemed important and he had no reason not to show up.

To: Lynette
On my way now.

Once the text went through, he slid his phone into his pocket as he made his way inside the school building and headed for the designated room. He wasn't too far away, so it didn't take him long to arrive. As he turned the corner he could see Lynette down the hall, waiting for him a bit away from the conference room door. He gave a slight smile in acknowledgment as he nodded at her, glad to see she really was there. Maybe he really could get some answers.

"It's nice to see you again," he signed, seeing as she was one of the few people in this school that he could fluently communicate with in person, "You've found something, haven't you? Something..." He paused, thinking it over to find the right word. "...Incredible, right?"

She hadn't outright told him that she might know what was going on with him, but she hadn't refuted him or called him crazy either. She knew something, he could tell that much, but he didn't know what. Though before a response could be had, he could hear what sounded like muffled arguments and shouting that seemed to come from the conference room. He glanced at the door for a moment before returning his attention to Lynette, an eyebrow raised in bewilderment and slight concern.

Farmer Hill - Downtown, Near Sucre Café

As it turned out for Jasmine, the cafe wasn't too far away to walk to and she found that she was making good time. She figured she should tell Grant about the short distance so he didn't bother trying to get a ride, so she pulled out her phone intending to text him and reconfirm that he was still going. But as she did, she happened to look down and notice something peculiar on the sidewalk. Little specks of red that she normally wouldn't have been paying enough attention to see were splattered near her feet. She gasped and began to look at her immediate surroundings, but didn't see who the blood could have belonged too. However, she was near an alleyway...

No. No way. She'd seen enough horror movies and games to know where this was going. The side alley was suitably dark and creepy enough to no doubt hold something horrific, if there even was something horrific to be found. And with all the strange happenings that had been going on, there was little doubt in her mind that something awful was nearby. So no, she wouldn't go running straight into the alley, that was just stupid. However, she decided she would peer in from the sidewalk, since if somebody really was hurt they might need help.
Getting off work in a couple hours, so expect a post very soon.

Grand Ridge Academy - Courtyard

Grant was pleasantly surprised to see Lynette text him back so quickly. There was no doubt he'd piqued her interest then; once he read her reply it only confirmed that line of thought. He was glad he'd managed to partner up with her, so to speak, as she was turning out to be rather reliable. Finding out that there was someone with the same goals as him in this town was exciting in a way, as it helped to reaffirm that no, he wasn't crazy, this town really was strange. He hadn't been sure what to expect though when they agreed to pool their knowledge together a few weeks back. Things were slow for awhile, and despite all the weird happenings that had been going on neither of them had seemed to find much of anything that was concrete or important. But now something was happening to him, and apparently Lynette had something to show him that couldn't be said over text. This was something big, he could feel it, so he wasted no time in texting back.

To: Lynette
Still at school, but classes are done today. I've got time so I can come around now.

He hit send...but he knew that wasn't entirely true. He did have plans with Jasmine, but he could get out of it if he needed to, or at least postpone it. Coffee could wait, this was important and he couldn't miss out on the opportunity being given to him. She wouldn't make a big deal out of it anyway, or that's what he would figure.

Grand Ridge Academy - Female Dorms

Jasmine stood in front of the closet in her room, her eyes scanning the contents within. She didn't particularly feel like changing her clothes, but if she stayed out too late she knew it could get cold. But she didn't want to wear a jacket either...

"Hmm...Oh, there," Jasmine hummed before picking out a black scarf. At least if she started feeling a little too warm she could just remove it or let it hang more loosely. Besides, it looked good on her anyway. Besides that, there wasn't much for her to do: no new messages on her phone, no homework to do, and nothing she cared to watch on TV right now. If she just walked to the cafe now then she'd likely make it there within the hour, well, probably sooner. She mentally shrugged, figuring she had nothing better to do, and soon enough she was heading on her way.

'What was it called again...? Sucre Cafe, right?'

She wasn't sure if she was mentally pronouncing it right, but she was sure that was the name of the place and knew she'd recognize it if she saw a sign for it. It wasn't like Grant could pronounce it when he mentioned it to her, after all. It was just one of the many, many shortcomings that came with his disability. Jasmine fell solemn for a moment due to the thought, but forced herself to shrug it off. There wasn't anything she could do about that, all she could do now was be there for him when he needed it.
I'll post tonight. I wanted to wait a bit so I wouldn't back-to-back post, but I'll do it anyway if it helps keep the flow.
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