• Last Seen: 6 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Jett Ryu
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 4318 (1.14 / day)
  • VMs: 33
  • Username history
    1. Miraboreasu 4 yrs ago
    2. █████████ 4 yrs ago
    3. ████████ 5 yrs ago
    4. ██████████████ 5 yrs ago
    5. ████████ 6 yrs ago
    6. ████████ 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
And I'm supposed to care because…?
4 yrs ago
Well, that's illegal in the civilized world, so I hope someone doesn't own you. Unless you both consent and have a safe word.
4 yrs ago
@Inkarnate— The symptoms are most evident in long-term Tumblr, Twitter, and Reddit users.
4 yrs ago
Being (insert oppression olympics qualifications here) isn't a personality either, and yet I see that all the time.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Oh, I thought wiccans were witches, but more emo and into goth stuff.



Most Recent Posts


The City of Milasai

This was the first time that Rui had ever been to the capitol. People and every type of Kinbeast made their way through the streets. However, many were giving them a wide berth. It was easy to tell by her armor and gear that Rui wasn't from anywhere near Milasai. And she couldn't fault the Herbivores, like Aptonoth and Kestodon, for being skittish around a monster that was a natural predator.

But having undergone the Rite of Channeling enough to change a Kinbeast's element was uncommon. And transferring enough genetic information to change any Kinbeast's element to Dragon was difficult. As a side effect of the process, the Fulgur Anjanath's body had taken on new colors. The normally orange-and-white scales on his body had taken on a crimson hue, and the fur-like feathers across his body had blackened. Though not visible now, his fins and nasal crest would glow with dark red once angered.

But Rui didn't mind. She knew that, despite Druk's fierce appearance, he was a sweetheart. Until you threatened Rui, anyway. Then all bets were off.

She was here for a reason. In her bag was the summons from the Riders' Guild. It took some asking the locals, but she eventually found her way to the Riders' Guild HQ. Passing through the gate, she could see other Riders coming and going, or even just standing around and chatting. Rui dismounted, and lead Druk to the stables. After speaking with a stablehand and giving him about 200 zenny to take care of Druk, she made her way inside. The Guildhall was packed with humans and Palicos, as well as the odd Wyverian, Troverian, and Grimalkyne.

At the reception counter, she was greeted by a young woman who smiled cheerfully. "Welcome to the Milasai Rider's Guild," she said. "How can I help you?" Rui dug into her bag and presented the letter. "Oh, so you were summoned by the Guildmaster. Right this way." She put up a sign on the desk that read, "Temporarily closed. We appreciate your patience." The young woman lead Rui up a flight of stairs. "So, Miss Tomoe, you've come a long way."

"Please, call me Rui," she insisted.

"Ah. My name's Artemia. It's nice to meet you." She gave another smile. The sounds of the main hall faded away until they came to a large, intricate door. Artemia banged her fist against the thick wood, and the deep, booming sounds caught Rui off guard. Clearly she was a lot stronger than she looked. Without waiting for a response, Artemia opened the door and ushered Rui inside.

It was simple, but Rui could appreciate it. But all of the books! Rui had never seen so many in one place.

"You're supposed to wait for someone to answer the door, Artemia." Rui looked up the balcony to see a Wyverian woman looking down at them, an open book in hand.

"Never know if you're absorbed in your research," Artemia chuckled. "Anyways, this is Miss Rui Tomoe."

"Thank you. We're waiting on two more for the time being." The woman closed her book and made her way to the ground floor.
@Sanguine Rose Alright, I'll get to working on the first post either tonight or tomorrow.
I'd like my username changed to Miraboreasu. Thanks in advance!
Bump. Still looking for an imouto.

I figure for now I'll just get the Forest/Grassland monster list linked, since our investigation will start there.
Monster list completed. Just going to get links for them.
Monster List

Map's been added to the IC page, though I still need to finish it. A list of monsters will be added to the CHAR page as well.
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