Avatar of Mister Thirteen
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 467 (0.20 / day)
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    1. Mister Thirteen 6 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current Or link an audio file of it rather.
4 yrs ago
I legit want someone to read @Raging Ghost’s status below (the one with all the profanity) aloud in a Scottish accent and upload an audio file of it on here. Do it! Someone do it I dare you.
6 yrs ago
Happy Thanksgiving
6 yrs ago
So has anyone else ever spent several hours on an RP, reviewed it, posted it, and then thought “This is garbage.”?
6 yrs ago
Once my drawing and sketching abilities improve a little more, I intend to start incorporating my own art into future RP’s of mine.


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Eh’ I’m not going to get an answer.

Hello, Welcome, and Thank You for your Time!

This is a concept for a Low-Fantasy Roleplay I've had in mind for a short while now. It is a story of greed, treachery, vengeance, and dishonor. It tells the story of a young princess, future Queen of the Kingdom of Alvion, whose whole world is turned upside down and her birthright stolen away by her evil aunt, and how this forsaken princess cuts a bloody swathe across Alvion as she looks to reclaim what is rightfully hers and take revenge against her aunt, the Serpent Queen of Alvion. This will be a very dark and morbid story, a tale of vengeance by blood, and redemption at the point of a blade. Though it will have it's high points of morality and empathy, for the most part this will be a very brooding Dark Fantasy RP.

Read below for further details.



The primary protagonist, or main character of this RP, is the princess, whom my partner will role as. The princesses' father, King William Alderton of the Alderton bloodline, rules the Kingdom of Alvion from within the royal capital of Dalhorst. A widowed King, his only remaining family is his daughter, his sister Malva, and his young nephew Malcolm.

When King William's wife died in childbirth, instead of resenting his daughter, he named her that day as the rightful heir to the throne on his death, much to the bitterness of his sister Malva and her husband Ambrose, who died several years later after the birth of Malcolm. Since her birth, King William as raised his daughter as any King and any father should. He saw that she was tutored and highly educated, well mannered and properly tempered, and taught the duties and traditions of courtship and princesses. He showered her with love and gifts, at times at the behest of his advisors and the castle servants, not wanting the princess to be overly-entitled and spoiled, which she never was.

The storyline begins at a tournament. The King, the princess, Malva, and her son Malcolm are watching a jousting tournament on the day of the Spring Season Festival, a yearly festival held on the first day of Spring. Amidst the events, the King is poisoned by way of wine and dies within minutes right in front of his daughter.

After the King's funeral, the question of succession comes up. The court declares the princess to be the rightful heir, declared so by the King. Malva however argues the princess to be too young (she is aged between 13-16) and states that she must take the title of Queen of Alvion. Many of the nobles support Malva, as do many amongst the common-folk, believing such a young girl to be unfit for the title of Queen and easy to manipulate.

In the end, despite the King's wishes, Malva becomes Queen of Alvion with the help of her supporters, as well as additionally gained support via bribery and blackmail.

On the day of her coronation, an assassin makes an attempt on Malva's life, though he fails and escapes. Evidence is found in the princess's chamber (a forged dossier planted by Malva) that falsely implicates the princess in plotting to have Malva assassinated. The princess is arrested, tried unfairly, and jailed.

The story then basically time skips up to the princesses twentieth birthday. Malva arranged for the princess to be executed when she turns twenty, as her supporters stated it unwise for Malva to have a child executed, the former heir to the throne no less, immediately after her coronation as Queen, a title many believed she had wrongfully taken. Basically, for these past 7-4 years (character age dependent) the princess had rotted in the dungeons of Proud Spire Castle, a prisoner in her own home at the doings of her power hungry aunt.

Basically, on the day of her execution, the princess is freed by unknown allies whom soon reveal themselves to her, and promise to restore her to the throne as the rightful heir to Alvion. A feat this young princess will carry out with a bloody vengeance.


So then, I require a female partner to role as our unfortunate princess. I require someone who isn't squeamish or hesitant towards violence and negative character transformation. Someone who isn't bothered or conflicted by a pampered little princess becoming a vengeful, vindictive harpy. This RP won't be built solely upon violence and revenge, as I said far above it will hold other elements as well; innocence, bliss, romance, drama, and ect.

So, I await eagerly and hope to hear from someone, as I'm rather self-hyped about getting into this! (EDIT: Eh’ who TF am I kidding. I won’t get a partner.)
So I’m at a loss. I’ve been here for a good 9-10 months and my luck with Roleplaying has been ZILCH. I really don’t know what’s going on. I’ve been patient, diversified concepts and ideas, and even reached out to people. I have at most had 2 RP’s the whole time I’ve been here. One of them died within 2 weeks and the other one is aging to death via slow and half-hearted posting.

I have over 35 concepts (I archive all of my Interest Checks after releasing them.) and they’ve all proved to be flops. As far as the “community” is concerned anyway. I’m not sure what it is. It has to be something other than I’m just not hitting the right notes.

I’m honestly debating on if I should resign from here or not. All this site has really been for me is a complete wrecking ball in my confidence as a writer and a vent of waste for my internet data (I OP off of an iPad.). I just don’t know. Do I have this reputation I’m unaware of? Am I being actively boycotted? Is it because I don’t kiss-ass in the discord? Again; I’ve been patient and diversified my IC’s and I can’t get any partners. Perhaps I’m just underrated (as usual).?
I’ve even tried loosening up on my personal policies and writing styles. Pretty’ fishy.

As pompous and frustrated as I sound I mean again; WHATS UP?

I’m asking for feedback or PM’s. Not 3rd grade “fag” jokes and one-liners please.

Consider this post as venting heavy frustration and a statement of confusion.
Hello, and thank you for your time!

So then, since I was a youngling I’ve always loved comic books. And comic strips. From Darkwing Duck to The Amazing Spider-Man, even The Walking Dead comics. But I digress. So, to the point; I’d like to engage in an RP with someone that has a heavy comic book theme to it. I.E black and white sketch-based images regularly included into posts, with occasional text or symbols on the images.

When I say “sketch-based”, I mean just that. Sketches. Now, if you happen to be someone who isn’t a master sketch artist (like me), but are still interested, there are many ways to acquire sketches for the RP (DevianArt, Google Images, etc.). I myself am only a modest sketch artist. While I can draw my own sketches decently well, and copy other sketches marvelously, I’m not to the level of wontedly sketching away my own entire comic strip.

I will be using some of my own art, though predominantly I’ll be referring elsewhere. If you happen however to be an adept or expert level sketch artist; great! Please “HMU” as they say.

I feel like I’m beginning to ramble, so now for concepts and then closure.

The following is a listing of the different types of RP concepts I’m up for in regards to this whole comic book theme I’ve dreamt up;

So then, that’s that. I await eagerly for any possible responses. Please read the “About Me” tab below THOROUGHLY!

John scratched at his whiskered cheeks with his right hand as he studied the church. His narrowed eyes darted about as he looked it over, up and down.
“We’ll worry about the church later,” he said, turning around to Florence,”let’s gather up all that we can essential-wise. Let’s try that
mini-mart first. Be good and I’ll take you to the bookstore.”

John headed down the street to the left, stepping off the pavement onto the narrow sidewalk on the left side of the street. He casually looked to his right as he walked, and noticed the rusted and battered pickup truck parked on the curb parallel to the sidewalk on which he walked. The truck was a rusty brown, and had a rather thick frame and broad front and rear bumpers. John imagined it had been quite a decent vehicle before. Back then.

He looked back at Florence again as he walked, and as he turned back around said,”Man, I do miss my pickup truck. I tell you Flo, if I had that rough rider we wouldn’t have to walk anywhere. Hard enough to find a reliable vehicle back then, damn nigh’ impossible when all the dealerships are permanently closed.”
John walked briskly on, yet not unreasonably fast, but a moderate pace, his boots scraping on the asphalt of the street. “You can judge the time of day by the sun’s position,” John said, regarding her remark about his instinct of time,”at high noon the sun is directly above, and look where it is now.” He pointed to the left, or west. The sun was in a dipping path, but could still be seen over the rooftops of the dilapidated buildings.

“It’s roughly around four o’clock I’d say,” John said,”which means we have about three and a half hours left of daylight.” He walked on, looking back briefly to make sure that Florence was still behind him. He looked to the left, just short of the towering church which they now stood before, then to the right, there were two streets heading in opposite directions. Aside from houses down both streets, John noted other buildings of interest. Down the left street, he could see a bookstore, a mini-mart, and a service station.
Down the street to the right, he could see a bakery, a hardware store, and sportsman’s store.

“And in regards to wine...” John began, looking around at Florence,”I don’t think so. You can try a beer though. Provided we find some that isn’t flat.”

AGE: 48

HEIGHT: 6’1”

PERSONALITY: John is best described as reserved, no-nonsense, and action oriented. He loathes procrastination and tardiness, and will openly show his aggravation at lateness.
He rarely initiates casual conversation, though will gladly entertain it, should he consider it worthwhile. Though distant with strangers, he is loyal and protective of his companions and friends, few as they may be. He can at times be short tempered and occasionally fiery when angered. Despite his rough exterior and aggressive temper, John has his warm spots which surface on rare occasion. He’s perhaps the best friend and worst enemy to have.

WEAPONS: .30-.30 Winchester Rifle, Ruger Vaquero .357 Revolver, Switchblade

OTHER NOTABLE ITEMS: Backpack, Compass, Journal, Engraved Lighter, Pliars, Screwdriver, File, Lockpick (Custom Rigged), Fishing Line, Flashlight & Batteries. (May add more later.)





Bleak. That was the best way to describe it. Or at least that was the best description that John Marlow could think of. He had seen this very same scene so many times since it all ended, since the world ended and the dead had begun to rise and stalk the Earth. It was an abandoned town, a small countryside town in rural Kansas. The large, rusty green sign on the right side of the road identified the abandoned hamlet as “Briar Field”. Beneath the white letters of the town name the sign said “Population 767”. Not anymore. John thought grimly.

John stood in the middle of two lane road that lead straight into town. The tallest building to be seen was the church, about one hundred yards ahead of where John stood. The church was in the best visible condition of all the buildings John could see. The numerous brick buildings that lined the small street were dilapidated and caving in, the bricks faded and sprouting moss, and the doors and windows long gone, leaving only gaping entries into the crumbled structures.

The church stood tall and proud. Aside from a faded look to the white washed front of the building, John could see no major damages or sign of decay. Of course the opposite side and interior could be completely different stories.

John shifted his feet slightly, the sound of his boots seeming to echo through the forsaken town before them, he and his companion to the back. He reached his right hand up and adjusted the gray-black cowboy hat that sat atop his head. His weathered face was sincere and firm. A slight gust of wind whistled down the street and across his face, causing his long graying-black hair to flail slightly at the back of his neck.

In his left hand John held his Winchester rifle, down at his side. He checked his revolver at his right side, it was comfortably placed in its brown leather holster at his belt. He adjusted his the straps of his black backpack. Satisfied, he turned and faced the young lady at his back. His traveling companion of over two years now, Florence Davis.

“Alright, let’s go,” he said flatly,”we’ve got about six hours until sundown. We need to scavenge as much as we can and find a place to lay up for the night.”
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