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Hey! I'm Sophie and I mostly prefer 1x1s. I love to talk and make friends, so if you ever feel like talking for whatever reason I'm totally chill with that. :) Have a fantastic day and thanks for reading. :)

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I found a knightship oath from this book on King Arthur.

The confirmation sent a crazed smile to Alice’s lips. The first person she’d felt those feelings for and they were going to move forward! What incredible luck she’d been blessed with.

But then Melissa reminded her of the gloomy clouds coming in on the horizon of fate. Yggdrasil! That was it. And the Ultimatum! That’s what the Jester had been speaking of. Yet there was hope. The white-haired girl had been a part of their organization. Yes, this was a unique advantage.

“Alright. Then we must move quickly, because the Jester seemed cross, and he doesn’t seem the type to forgive quickly or easily.”

The blonde rushed to her desk, inking her quill and scrawling quickly the rest of the oath record. Melissa, having previously been a knight, probably already knew it, but Alice was in the habit of keeping extensive records. It was easier to prove things and remember them if proper records were taken and kept. She finished swiftly and signed the paper at the bottom to mark her approval of it’s officiality.

“Quick, let’s do the oath now, then I’ll write up another document appointing you my personal guard. That will give you more liberties of action than most, and you will serve directly under me, instead of under other knights doing trivial tasks. Then we will have to go right to work mapping and strategizing. You’ll be key in this whole thing, but it’ll still be a lot of work between the two of us.” By the end of the spiel, she had trailed off into merely thinking out loud. Looking back up at Melissa, her eyes were alive.

“We can do this. Ready?”

Alice fetched a book of the holy teachings of the Dytenziextity and held it out for Melissa to put her hand on so the oath would be presided over by Him.
Titania regarded the events that occurred before her with a pensive expression. She didn’t seem too terribly surprised by it, but she didn’t look glad that her personal guard had been slain either, along with many hall guards. Hmph. It’d take a great rally to replace them all. How inconsiderate of that girl to give her so much work to do! Nevermind, at least Cedric had stopped her before she could move any further. Maybe he was good for something.

“No, no. Stay your sword. Let us keep her in the dungeon and question her. I want to learn more about that magic-neutralizing sword of hers. And if Ulric and his men were so easily slain by a single woman, well… Better off without them. Will you take her on your back and walk with me down to the dungeon, Cedric?”

He didn’t seem to want to, but he did anyways once shot with one of her death glares.

“Oh, and will you please let everyone planning on seeing me here today know that we are very sorry, but we must postpone the meetings, Henry? Thank you.”

So the fat man and the unapologetic woman went down to the dungeon together. Once there, the heaving Cedric plopped Sable down unceremoniously and Titania was forced to shackle the prisoner herself due to sheer shorthandedness. When she was done, the Red-Eyed Ghost was fastened to a vertical board by her wrists, ankles, torso, neck, and forehead. There was no way to escape, and that’s just how the princess liked it.

“You may go, lord of fools and cowards,” she muttered quietly though venomously.

“It’s time that you died a tragic death, isn’t it, Lady?” Titania could hear his dagger being unsheathed, though not a sliver of worry perforated her calmness. Even though her back was turned to him, she knew he hadn’t the courage to so much as touch her. Time passed and the princess laughed.

“Do I lie, Sir? Do I perjure in saying that you are a coward? Now go socialize with the filth here. And don’t let any other unholiness to do with my assassination taint your mind, lest I have you put to death for treason.”

He scampered away silently while Titania’s eyes saw him out. When he was gone and the door was shut, the princess approached the unconscious Sable, scrutinizing her.

“It’s a real shame, you know. You could have been wife material,” she mumbled to herself, taking hold of the other girl’s chin with her thumb and first finger on either side of it, squeezing firmly. “With skin this pale, it’s a wonder you don’t burn and die in the light.” With her auburn hair falling in her face already due to a hastily-done bun, the woman shook her head, smirking slightly. “It’s a shame. Just a shame.”

After a while, she tired of looking at the girl and instead walked around the perimeter of the stone prison, chuckling as she remembered who each of the blood stains had come from. Perhaps she was a bit of a sadist…

Nevertheless, it was fairly necessary in her day and age to be a bit of one at least. What with all the messiness involved in nobility, no wonder she’d developed the philia in order to cope with the near-constant bloodshed, even in the era of relative peace.

“It’ll be nice to get back into the swing of things down here. It’s been a while since someone’s done something this deplorable, and I even had the pleasure of seeing it all with my own eyes. Ha! What a glorious day, huh?”
Ahaha. That last part is hilarious. Anyway, I'm all for it.
Alice’s face fell when Melissa reminded her of the fact that she’d basically robbed her of any life goal or purpose. What a mess she’d made. Besides that, an extremely powerful man had declared war on her country. What had he said? Hail pig dragon? Hail big dragging? Hail…? Oh, nevermind!

When she was brought to her feet, the blonde struggled to find her equilibrium, but she didn’t fall. Well, not literally. Metaphorically, though, she fell and fell and fell. Into what? Well, into the darkness of reality. The reality of knowing that she’d single-handedly unleashed the wrath of an unknown threat, freed a possible con artist, and realize her own unholiness.

And woe befell her, because she found in herself something bubbling up. What was it? Freedom, rebellion? No longer was she chained to the restricted life she’d led before. In a perfect storm, she found reason to smile, and be joyous despite her dire fate which certainly entailed untimely death whether in body or in soul.

Melissa’s words brought her out of her thoughts, though not unpleasantly.

“I don’t know. I’m not thinking straight today.” A beat. “But maybe that’s a good thing. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

She smiled with a little too much of her gums showing, but it was at least real. It was more beautiful than her perfect ones because her eyes did too, and the happiness bubbling in her stomach went untamed.

“Would you allow me to court you?”
You can do it if you want to. I sort of posted a wall of text, so adding more would be... Well I'd feel like I was controlling everything. XD

If you want to control them, just try to keep in mind the Cedric is pretty much an opportunistic asshole, and Ulric is just weird and creepy but a pretty solid guy (if that comes up). But yeah, feel free. You can move Titania around too for convenience if necessary. I'm pretty chill about controlling any NPCs I bring up. :)
“I hate people.”

The nurses rolled their downcast eyes as they dutifully washed and scrubbed her feet and legs to silky pale smoothness, though they weren’t very dirty to begin with. It was actually considered a luxurious job in the castle because it required comparatively little work and wasn’t necessarily unpleasant but for Titania’s actual presence.

“Fine! It’s fine! Begone!” The nurses stifled their groans as she kicked them away carelessly, paying no mind to the hard work they’d devoted to her. Why should she? She’d grown up with her every beck and call answered, so why would she ever consider that one day she might not be so fortunate?

“Shoes!” she called out to her nurses who she’d just sent away quite rudely. “Bun!” she continued her yapping. Indeed, at least among the castle workers, she was very completely hated. The only reason people weren’t defecting and the kingdom wasn’t crumbling was out of fear for her. They’d thought that a husband would calm her and reign her in a bit, but that was not the case. She became even more fearsome, making it a tradition to break new knights to the point of tears before acknowledging them.

However, despite all of her yelling and her rudeness and her complete disregard for the hard work of others, Titania was intelligent, brilliant even. She’d been educated in all things deemed appropriate since the age of four by the best tutors. Philosophy, art study, music, mathematics, basic science, public speaking, debate and argument, Greek, Latin, and religion were all tools in her box, and this was all besides her natural affinity for analyzing people in order to find their weakness and exploit them. This made her a fearsome leader of a country which was pathologically obsessed with justice and order because her only concerns were money, power, glory, and success. Well, other than comfort. Living in the lap of luxury since birth had a way of making people particularly averse to leaving that lifestyle.


Enter a stout man with greasy brown hair and a raspy beard akin in appearance and texture to a bird’s nest. “Yes, Milady?” he asked breathlessly.

“Go and inform the guards of my readiness.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” He left her chamber to follow her order, though Titania could hear hear him say “the witch is almost here”. Nevermind that, she had bigger fish to fry. Namely, the leader of a smaller neighboring nation (if it could even be called that, because it was more like a city-state and not one of the four great nations), who she intended to convince to convince was under attack by a third nation. After the war which the city-state would surely lose, she would occupy the land and expand her own empire, all the while saying that she intended to rebuild and restore what was lost in the “tragic” war. In reality, she had no such sentiments for restoration. What was some provincial structure to the princess of a successful nation and a budding warlord. Forget that, she was God!

Although religion had been adequately shoved down her throat, she had no respect for the Dytenziexitity or the people who preached his “teachings”. Mindless sheep were how they appeared to her.

Once her shoes were on, the princess stood. Her dazzling purple silk dress shone while the gold leaf trim sparkled. All of it was lost on her as she took one last deep gulp of air before she would be forced to...smile...and laugh.

She plastered a smile on her face as she left her chamber, and set a brisk pace to the ballroom. Titania, unfortunately, had to address the inquiries of commonfolk and other visitors before her meeting with the pigeon-brained Duke Clifton of Aelston and his sanguine advisors.

There seemed to be a suspicious lack of guards around. She didn’t comment on the blood staining the floors in the halls they passed, instead noting it for her reference. When they got down the room, she looked around. No one out of the ordinary around. The princess wasn’t buying it, though. The likelihood of all of her floor guards ditching work to have party and spilling copious amounts of wine in various places was pretty low. There was something awry, and Titania was no fool and much too proud to be shown up by some shadowy invader.

She stayed standing, refusing to sit in her throne. She was taught well enough that the most common place for assassins to strike was there, where every royal was sure to go, and in precisely one spot. It was easiest for archers, and the easiest place to hide because regular people didn’t dare go very close to the thrones.

Suddenly, an idea struck her and the princess struggled to hide her smirk.

She put her hands together in prayer, and uttered a common one among believers, the fools. When she was done, she looked up, muttering some nonsense about always looking up in her heart toward the Dytenziextity. A bit of movement. Ha! An assassin wearing a cloak. That nearly made her burst out in mad laughter. It was best to be unassuming, wasn’t it? No matter. She’d located the vermin, it was just time to exterminate it.

“Dear, would you mind fetching Sir Ulric for me?” Her voice was sweet enough to give anyone a cavity, and Cedric nodded agreeably, fearing her despite the face that she put forth.

A few minutes passed before a man dressed in a modest brown tunic was brought forth. He still had some breadcrumbs in his stubble, suggesting that he’d been beckoned from a meal.

“Please excuse my interrupting your eating, but there seems to be a...spider...up there above the thrones. As you know, I’m extremely phobic of them, and I couldn’t possibly address the people with one threatening to drop down on me at any second.”

“As you wish, Highness.”

Of course both of them knew it was not a spider. That was the fun of having a personal guard who was only loyal to her, teaching him the art of being diplomatically discreet.
Yep. Sounds about right.
Her head was pounding. Bringing a hand to her temple, she noticed small scrapes from rubbing them against rough things, probably. Those could be attended later. Despite the pounding in her skull, she chuckled a small, controlled chuckle.

“I acted very improper just now.”

The hormones pumping through her from the fear had subsided, and the insanity from before had too. Though she was still a bit on edge, it was mostly pain that she felt. And embarrassment. Her cheeks heated up with flush, and she turned her face away from Melissa’s to look at the debris on the ground nearby, though she wasn’t particularly interested in it.

“You know, I might have been intoxicated with insanity, but I didn’t say anything that wasn’t already on my mind before,” Alice whispered quietly, tentatively. “That’s how fear magic works, right? It just amplifies what was already there.”

She wriggled around, but to no avail. Heaving a sigh of effort, she covered her face in her hands.

“I understand if your faith in me is shaken. Don’t feel obliged to continue with this kingdom. Either way, I already wrote up the official document to free you from your charges, so you’re at liberty to do as you please.”

Alice carefully opened her fingers so she could spy up at Melissa’s face to gauge her reactions.
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