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    1. MsMellow 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current "A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's: She changes it more often. "
8 yrs ago
"In the beginning the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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9 yrs ago
"Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!"
9 yrs ago
I have the power to travel through time, the only limitation is that I can only travel 1 second per second.


Hi, I'm Ms. Mellow! I'm an avid fan of many things, including Firefly, Star-Trek, Sailor Moon and many more. I'm usually interested in fantasy, sci-fi, or post-apocalyptic type games...but the right team can make any game fun.

I'm an artist, photographer, vocalist... I'm married to @The Kid Lantern and we have an awesome, dorky 6 y/o who keeps us company on our journey.

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I kinda wanna try a canon character, but at the same time it will be so hard not to live out my fantasy and make Castiel do the pizza man dance with me, HAHA. I do think I could probably nail sam, dean, and bobby without trouble, however...if the occasion arises. I will think about it ( a new CS ) tonight because I want it to be something completely different from what we have going on now!
I have been thinking about adding another character..is there a certain archetype you think would be a good addition? Most weeks I have a lot of extra time on my hands and I'm pretty good at making each character have their own distinct personality.
You guys are awesome! <3 Hopefully there won't be as much of a delay as there was this month, my RA doesn't hit that hard most times...but ever so often it catches me by surprise.
I already love this group of players so much, lol.
Updated CS, and did a bit of editing. I was up late last night, lol. Love the posts I see so far, I think this is going to be an amazing game!
@MiddleEarthRoze posted! and are the CS changes okay? If so I will go ahead and edit it now!
Mia had just arrived home after killing her 3rd demon, and had gotten herself a broken hand in the process. The little bitch had possessed the wife of a business associate of hers; unfortunately she wasn’t able to save either her associate or his wife in time. She was sure this would do wonders for her already less than spotless reputation. As soon as she got in the door she slid back against the adjacent wall and began to cry. Though she never showed her emotions in public, Mia definitely had a soft side. The past few months had really begun to wear on her. She wiped her face after a few minutes and was determined to get back at these bastards and learn as much as she possibly could about exterminating them before they literally unleashed hell on this planet. She grabbed her mail from the table, walked over to her white leather couch and sighed loudly.

At least she had managed to steal a Hand of Glory and a few other things from the house in the process, she could only assume her associate’s extensive collection was part of the reason his family was targeted. That should fetch a pretty penny, or at least come in handy sometime in the future. She figured with an impending apocalypse at their heels she could use all the protection she could get.

“Fucking demons,” she said as she casually flipped through the envelopes until she came across one that was sealed with wax and had only her first name written on it. “Curiouser and curiouser,” she mumbled to herself. She read the message quickly and then jumped to her feet. The message had referred to some information she desperately wanted to know for much of her life; the story behind her adoption and the name of her birth parents. She was very suspicious of the whole situation and the fact that someone even knew enough about her to send her this letter. She grabbed her pistol and looked around apprehensively, heart pounding and breath coming much faster now. She quickly decided she would carefully investigate this location offered, and see if there was any merit to this claim or if she could find some way to get a one up on the sender before going in blind.

She grabbed one of her many pre-packed cases and quickly put on a short blonde wig and a casual outfit before she tossed on her black leather jacket and hid knives around her waistband then reloaded her pistols. She also refilled her water bottle from the stash of holy water in her ammunitions room, supposing that most likely she was going to be trying to skirt a trap. She had no choice but to follow this lead, however, if there was even a small chance she could find out the truth about herself.

Taking less than half an hour to prepare, she left her house again, a feeling of sadness as she locked the door. She rarely had any down time in the past few months. With a glance back at the archway of her beautiful home she let out another sigh as she hopped in the favorite of her small fleet of vehicles, a 1964 ½ powder blue Mustang. “Fuck it,” she said as she cranked up Joan Jett and took off toward a possible discovery, or a perhaps a cluster-fuck.
Sorry it took so long for a post guys, thank you for being so patient! I am feeling much better and should be more active in the coming weeks!!! I'm excited about seeing where this game goes!!!
Collab w/ @The Kid Lantern

The Rangers began morphing once the tree creature took shape and uprooted from the ground beneath them all. The ground quaked, the green crystals in the monster glowed, and the putties managed to flee. The Red Ranger got a nice slash in on the creature before the Pink Ranger came seemingly out of nowhere flipping through the air and taking a few shots with her Power Bow.

"Hey gorgeous, sorry I'm late. I had a hot date with a few putties at the park entrance."

"Here I thought you forgot what clocks were..." the Black Ranger joked hacking at the elongated limbs of the plant powered creature with his ax.

"Well, you do know me well enough to know I'm always fashionably late. Hit him with your cannon blast while you're close enough to actually hit your target!" Kimley giggled.

"I always forget it turns into a cannon..." he proclaims flipping it around, cocking the handle like a shotgun and taking a blast point blank at the creature's face.

"AAAAAAAAH!", Deadwood screamed, "What do you have against wood?" he asked before phasing out like a ghost.

Only a few moments had passed before the creature reappeared and whipped thorn covered vines from his arms and rooted himself in the ground. The Rangers were being thrown around like some twisted carnival ride. The Black Ranger dropped his ax in the struggle and wormed and wiggled to break free of the large vines. This, however, did not entirely work.

The Pink Ranger managed to get to her Blade Blaster from her hip and shot the vine entangled around the Black Ranger before turning the blaster into a blade and cutting the vine wrapped around herself. She ducked behind a tree and recovered her bow to free the others from a safe distance. The Black Ranger pulled his own blaster and attempted to assist in freeing the other Rangers from a closer position.
working on my IC tonight! i'm excited about this!!!! @MiddleEarthRoze

also, apologies for taking so long but i had a bit of medical issues this past month, but am feeling much better now!

btw is it okay to make a few character changes? I wanted to add a bit and tweak her just a little..

Here are the proposed changes!!!


Mia Castillo: Relic and Ancient Artifact thief and black market dealer, has a vast network of hunters among other things at her disposal. She is starting to lean toward feeling more compassionate about the fight for the seals, however and re-thinking her way of life and has become choosier of what type of client she will work for nowadays because of the impending apocalypse and what that could mean for her and the rest of the world.

Age: 23




Appearance: 5' 11, Curly brown hair with subtle natural highlights that is shaved on both sides, mostly worn down but in the occasional mow-hawk if she ever has down time, which doesn't happen often. She is a little thicker than an average girl, voluptuous one might say. She has gold-brown eyes with a green rim around the iris. She is medium complexion, being half Spanish. When she gets the rare occasion to dress as herself she is in band t-shirts and ripped jeans with converse, otherwise she is in any manner of disguise to suit her needs.

Personality: Sarcastic, and a bit of a lone wolf who has a problem working with others unless there's an angle involved in which she profits from(until recently). Despite her cold exterior, Mia is a compassionate soul, but she has seen enough to try and hide that from the world. She is very guarded most of the time, and has trouble letting down her walls.

Backstory: She grew up in a Foster family who was very wealthy, and home life wasn't exactly picture perfect. Her father was very cold and angry, and when home he was usually drunk. She rebelled against the world after her foster mother died and her foster father disappeared. She inherited their home and quite a bit of money after their death. After going through his things, she realized that he was into some very intriguing and mysterious businesses. She collected all of the relevant information to make herself proficient at spotting monsters and any way to profit that she could from Holy or Demonic relics, and researched quite a bit on her own learning as much as she could about the supernatural. She began establishing contacts first from her father and then learning how to turn on the charm to collect more investors and information from the people she met eventually making a wide network of hunters and many others her rolodex ran the gamut. She became quite the con-artist and makes a pretty comfortable living while knowing enough tricks to keep her out of harm’s way. She has recently begun collecting knowledge on hunting and has put down a few creatures on the way…(though quite a few times getting a trinket or two in the process)

Extra: Her alias and car change as fast as her hair does(and mostly, she's in wigs). Her preferred weapon is a pistol, though she is also proficient in throwing knives and decent in martial arts. She has begun hunting a bit solo, though she still has found a way to benefit from most of her kills so far (which are very few at this point)
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