Avatar of MST3K 4ever
  • Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: MST3K 4ever
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 897 (0.24 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. MST3K 4ever 10 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Moving on. One foot in front of the other.
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3 yrs ago
You do you know if you don't try? If you try and succeed...awesome! If you try and you don't succeed...at least you didn't let fear and doubt dictate your actions...
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3 yrs ago
You ain't always gonna win, but you ain't always gonna lose either. Stay strong, Keep the Faith, and do your job.
3 yrs ago
and the beat goes on...
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4 yrs ago
Okay...let's see what happens one more time.


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Russell wasn't exactly comfortable in large group settings in most cases. He felt like if he got close to someone they eventually would die in some horrible freak mishap, or they would die in some way that involved Russell. He felt that it would only be a matter of time before someone at the agency would suffer the same fate as anyone else Russell met and got close to. This group though, they all had issues that weren't exactly run of the mill. They all had their stories and they chose to share that part of their lives with one another. Russell had to admit that he admired that in a way about this group, and it was in that admiration that he felt a sense of comfort and hope with them. Each person standing within the group got either a "good evening" greeting or a slight tilt of the fedora towards them.

Bernard was someone who Russell felt like he could have beer with and just spill his guts to and it would be all right. Bernard was a man of the cloth and that earned Russell's respect. In spite of the misfortune that had followed Russell he had still had Faith. It was all he had left. He felt a certain kinship towards Serena. She was a police officer, and though Russell had been off of the force for sometime the credo was "once a cop, always a cop." That was of course if you didn't do something to disgrace the shield. Just going on first impressions Serena seemed like the kind of cop Russell wouldn't have an issue being a partner with. She was younger than him, but Serena had a presence about her that made Russell feel confident in her abilities. Emily bringing cookies to the group was a welcomed addition to the evening. The granola bar would only last so long, so the cookies would be just the thing to help Russell make it until he got home. He knew that Keandre's issues ran deep but he also recognized that Keandre was strong. Keandre was reaching out for help and that gained a large measure of respect from Russell. Every group had that one person who was a bit stand-offish and liked to keep to themselves and in this group that role was filled by Valerian Nico Alvarez-Knight. His life was one that Russell had dealt with on many occasions in the NYPD. Tragedies enhanced by personality disorders. Russell knew also every situation was different so trying to deal with Valerian like all the others could do more harm than good. So he let Stanton figure this one, and promised to support Valerian anyway he could. Alex was a puzzle though. Each time it seemed like she was getting ready to let Russell or anyone else in she would shut it down. Russell again would support where he could, but he knew there was something big going on with Alex.

The elevator ride was uneventful and it seemed like everyone was ready to get on with things once they got in the room. As they approached the open door Russell had a feeling of Deja-Vu creep over him. He couldn't put his finger on it, but there was something up. Just then the whole tenure of the evening changed as they saw the grizzly scene. Stanton was dead, and every cop instinct in Russell's body screamed, "murder!" Russell looked around and while he wanted to drop to his knees and scream, "Not again! No!" Russell knew that wouldn't do him or anyone else any good at that moment. He took a step back from the group and then heard a commotion. As though someone was leaving in a hurry. He turned to Linda and said, "Call this number..." He showed her a number from his phone and said, "It is my former partner tell him that I am on the scene. That we have a 10-14 and engaging in a 10-80. After that start taking inventory of anything unusual or missing or out of place." He took two steps towards the door and said, "No sign of forced entry." Russell then reached into his jacket and pulled out from a shoulder holster a 45 auto-mag. He turned quickly to Serena and said, "You up for this? I can't be the lead on this one, but I'll back you up. We need you Officer Gomez."

@Zoey Boey
TJ had heard the crap that Joe was spewing out. He heard it from his family and a few others at the University, but TJ had learned to block it out. TJ had seen enough paranormal activity to know that it was as real as the trees that were around the orphanage. Just the sounds that TJ had heard over the years from paranormal activity would've made Joe crap his pants. TJ merely glanced over it Joe and said with a tone of sarcasm, "Noted. Thanks for your well thought out conclusion." The silence as they walked was not entirely unsettling there were times that TJ forgot how truly beautiful in all of it's splendor sounded. He was a scientist but TJ also knew when to appreciate the beauty of creation and not be so analytical. Just then all Hell broke loose.

TJ had seen demonic possession before. On video usually but he did see it once when he was consulting, off the record of course, with the Local Roman Catholic archdiocese for a case they were struggling with. Seeing Denise act the way she did TJ said under his breath, "Oh my Lord." Every fiber of his being wanted to run towards Denise but he also knew running in head long without some caution could make a dangerous situation into a situation of certain death. TJ followed along as close as he could without compromising the situation further. He had his reasons for believing that Denise wasn't in mortal danger yet, but TJ realized that could change. TJ was more concerned about the damage to Denise's psyche more than anything else.

Once he saw it was over and Phillip was trying to comfort Denise TJ made his way back to the van quickly. He grabbed what appeared to be a black duffle bag, a bottle of water, a granola bar, a first aid kit. TJ didn't run because he didn't want to show any signs of panic, but Daniel was already doing enough of that. TJ stopped next to Daniel and said very slowly, "Pull it together. Denise is already in a fragile state you panicking is not helping her. If this thing wanted to kill her or us it would've done it already." TJ motioned towards the van and said, "Take five at the van and pull it together and get back to setting things up." TJ shrugged his shoulders and said, "Or if you don't think you can handle this I'll arrange for a pick up. No harm done and not gonna hold it against you. Your call Daniel." TJ hated playing the "no feeling scientist" in front of Daniel, because the truth was he was just nervous as any of them. TJ's breathing and vocal tone were saying "Okay that wasn't normal and I'm somewhat concerned." However, the situation called for someone to take back some control for them and not let the situation spiral out of control any further.

Walking over to Phillip TJ said, "I'll get it from here. Gather her clothes analyze them and the area near the stones, but do not go to the stones." He patted Phillip on the back and said, "Good job. Try to keep everyone else away from here for the moment. Especially Joe I'm not going to turn this into a peep show for him or anyone else." TJ knelt very slowly in front of Denise and showed her the first aid kit, the duffle bag, the granola bar, and the water. TJ then slipped on a set of rubber gloves. He said moving his hand towards her and touching her shoulder, "Denise, I'm going to treat your wounds first. Inside the duffle bag is a pair of sweats and running shoes you can get dressed once I've treated your wounds. Lastly, I want to eat the granola bar and drink some of the water." TJ nodded and said, "I realize that you may not be hungry right now, but your body has been through a tremendous amount of stress and strain to say the least. Which means your blood sugar is going to start falling rapidly so this is to avoid you having a diabetic emergency." TJ opened up the first aid kit and said, "I'm going to get started. Just try to relax and know that it's over for the moment. I'm not interested in questioning about this right now. Just try to take it easy."



Russell had just finished his report for a divorce case he and another P-I had been working on. The case took six-weeks but they finally nailed the husband, and Russell's boss Eric insisted he take a week off. Otherwise Eric threatened to revoke his key-card and change the password on his computer if he didn't. Russell was closing down his work-station when his Fitbit buzzed letting him know he had an hour and a half before his Stanton therapy sessions. Russell looked forward to this group in many ways. One he found Dr. Stanton to be effective at helping Russell, even though Russell didn't always admit it but Stanton at least gave something to think about that kept Russell moving towards a step in the right direction. Hearing the problems of others also made him feel like he wasn't alone in his pain. Russell did some quick calculations in his head and said, "Yeah I can do this."

With that Russell bolted from the offices of Calvin & Steele Investigations to his vintage Mustang, and sped off to the gym three blocks over. Russell found that jogging on the treadmill before each Stanton session helped him relax and be more forthcoming. Mainly because he was too tried to put up any real defenses. Russell scanned his pass-card into the gym and within 10 minutes Russell was on the treadmill putting one foot in-front of another as the music of Bruce Springsteen filled his ear-buds. After forty minutes Russell was done as he paced around the treadmill catching his breath. He looked at his Fitbit and said, "Well looks like dinner is gonna be a granola bar and water." Nodding Russell said, "Worth it though."

Grabbing a quick shower Russell then slipped back into the clothes that made him look like a P-I from the 1940's right down to the fedora hat and trench-coat. Russell prided himself on looking professional when it came to his job. Even if he did have to take the occasional fashion jab from Gloria the P-I he was usually paired with, but there was more than once Russell could tell Gloria was staring at him as he walked by. Russell took it as a boost to his ego that he could turn the head of a younger lady, but he wasn't looking for a relationship. Russell stopped at the vending machine in the lobby and bought himself a granola bar and a bottle of water and said, "A feast fit for a king." Russell ate on his way to his car and looked at his Fitbit being very conscious of the time.

Russell parked his car about half-a block from the Soldiers' and Sailors' monument and he chugged his water. Once he finished Russell checked his look in the rear view mirror and said with shoulder shrug, "Satisfactory." With that Russell exited the car and made his way over to the monument where he saw Bernard and Keandre with Stanton's assistant Linda. Russell liked Bernard because he had a pleasant nature about him, and also because it meant that Russell didn't feel like the old man in the group.

Once he arrived with the group he gave a slight bow to Bernard and Keandre and said, "Gentlemen." He turned to Linda, pulled on the front of his fedora and said, "Evening."

The Atom

Atom prided herself on always trying to be cool and calm in any situation. That wasn't always easy when a house-cat at times could be as threatening as a mountain lion, but Atom usually didn't allow emotions to get the better of her. In this case though, she was almost ready to shout for joy. First off, she was going to be involved with some of the heavy-hitters within the group. A lot of times she felt like she was a "B-Lister" in the sense of the only time she saw this group was when she was six-inches tall. They looked imposing and impressive in any setting but at her size they were downright God-like in many ways. Secondly, Atom was going into where the action was. Usually she was relegated to sciences or the covert-recon but this was going toe to toe with someone. Lastly, Wonder-Woman knew she existed! Sure she was part of the team, but at times Atom felt like she would get lost in the crowd.

Upon arrival Atom's feeling of joy and excitement quickly faded to one of concern. The embarrassment of earlier in the day was starting to feel like a warm memory compared to what she was seeing now. Grundy was a force of nature casting leaguers aside like they were tissue paper, and now there was a question for Atom. How in the world was six-inch her going to deal with someone who was the size of a small mountain chain for regular sized league members? The goal was to get him away from the populated area and then Atom had an idea.

She tapped her communication device in her mask and said, "I think I got an idea. What do you all think of a group of us annoying him enough he goes after us and we lead him to an ambush by the heavy hitters? Does anyone else have another plan? If so speak up now. He's getting close to the heart of DC and cars are just sitting there waiting to be pulverized by him."
@MST3K 4everIntriguing fellow you have there. Let's put +1 to Sixth Sense through the "Detective" talent. This bonus would more about just noticing hidden things. +1 to Engage In Combat when using firearms. And +1 to Act Under Pressure when driving a car. Make a note of these bonuses somewhere in your character sheet.

Done. Should I put him in the characters tab?
I like this one. I'll get a CS done by Monday night at the latest.

TJ made mental notes as Pete led them along the tour of the orphanage. Pete wasn't giving them too much new information although it was affirming to here about the stories from a local. Pete's use of the English language took some getting used to, but TJ was able to discern what he was talking about. TJ remembered some on the crew talking about seeing red eyes, and he was certain that what they saw was not a figment of their imaginations. TJ noticed that the inside of the orphanage was scruffy and morbid. Which meant that the red eyes were real, because there wasn't any wires that TJ noticed for running wires into any areas for holographic projections. Besides with the horrid cell signal there was no chance of a wireless projector. The housing areas and stores around them were built old and needed a lot of work just to look passable for condemned. Which meant that the electrical grid could short out if they tried to run anything more than a couple of computers and an I-Pad charging at the same time. TJ also took note that the ground outside was relatively undisturbed. Which meant people avoided this place as much as possible, and that they weren't being set up for some kind of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" situation. The locals were legitimately scared of this place, and that was enough for TJ to accept that there was a better than average chance that there was legitimate paranormal activity happening in this place.

TJ made sure he observed how the crew was taking in all of this. There was a sense of dread and healthy level of fear among them. This made TJ feel a bit more confident in his crew, because they wouldn't be treating this like some kind of training exercise, or like when they would watch some paranormal videos on YouTube. The videos were so cheap and campy that it was impossible not to laugh at them. TJ never laughed at them, because videos like that gave legitimate paranormal crews like them a bad reputation. TJ and the crew had discussed what some of the possible areas for the cameras and other equipment would be. Some of the outlaying areas to be aware of and potential trouble spots. This crew was the best that TJ could have picked to be involved with, and he trusted them to do their jobs without his interference. His challenge was to be a scientist and try to make discoveries, but also as a leader to remember that his crew's well being came first above all else. If it came down between a major breakthrough/discover or his crew, the crew took priority ten times out of ten.

Upon hearing Pete's offer TJ replied, "Sure, but first we need to get our bearings a little more and the tech crew needs sometime to get settled in a bit more. Give us about twenty to thirty minutes Pete."

Thomas parked the SUV behind the bus as he saw everyone disembarking. He thought it was good for the crew to bond on the bus, and while he was on friendly terms with everyone and got along with everyone Thomas felt it was important for them to remember a couple of things. One, his family's company was bankrolling this operation so that made him the de-facto leader. Though he rarely would ever play that card, and only in extreme cases would he. Two being the lead investigator meant that he had a bit more responsibility in terms of knowing about the site, so while the crew was listening to who knows what on the bus Thomas was listening to audio files about the orphanage and the town around them. He reached over to the passenger seat and grabbed his tan fedora. Putting it over his heart Thomas said The Lord's Prayer, and when he finished Thomas crossed himself and exited the car.

Putting on his hat, his leather jacket, and grabbing some folders Thomas was now in what was called "TJ" mode. Thomas mode was like someone who was straight-forward like Agent K from "Men in Black." TJ was a hybrid of Indiana Jones and Captain Kirk. He knew that everyone would be a bit on edge, so TJ took it as his responsibility to set the tone for exploration and science but also embracing a rare opportunity. He overheard Pandora and said, "Between the old man at the gas station and your feelings Pandora, that's probably the nicest things I've heard over the last 24 hours." He looked at everyone and said, "My family once again tried to pull the plug on our 'Ghostbusters' fantasies as they call it, but luckily my fiancée-slash-my lawyer pointed out that if our business fails I'm back in charge of everything again. She had that proviso hidden in the fine print. Also, you all are to receive a healthy severance package from the company." He took a step forward and said looking at the orphanage, "I firmly believe though that at the end of all this..." he nodded and said, "It'll be worth it." Turning back to the crew he could feel the uneasiness from Danny, Phillip and Denise and said, "Keep an eye out for each other and do your jobs. This is the chance we've all been waiting for so let's make the most of it."

TJ started handing out the folders and said, "These are your assignments as to where things should be placed, some more history about the orphanage, and reports about what the locals have seen." TJ turned back to the orphanage and took a couple of deep breaths and thought to himself "Now I just have to convince myself that everything is gonna be all right."

@Laser Kiwi
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