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    1. MtnRose 9 yrs ago


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MtnRose RPG Website - themountainrose.wixsite.com/mtnrosech…

Other RP:
RPG Talminess {High Fantasy Creative Writing} - http://forums.delphiforums.com/rpgtalminess/start
Unknown Lands (FFRPG) {Futuristic Medieval Fantasy RPG} - http://forums.delphiforums.com/cordaire/start
Inspired: A Multiverse Creative Writing Game - http://www.beehiveforum.us/forums/index.php?webtag=INSPIRED

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All I know is I'm eager to begin! :D This is the only other site I've RPed in besides my other one, and it is also the only other RP where I have been writing with more than a hand full of people. So excited! :D Only four more characters to go and we can star! *Jumps up and down, clapping enthusiastically*
@Wade Wilson

Great! I will, thanks! :) So, when are we getting this party started? ;)
@Wade Wilson

I'm not sure of the protocol, but I went ahead and posted my character(s) in the appropriate section. Please do not hesitate to let me know if I need to edit anything. :)

HISTORY: These four young women were born to Charles and Isabelle Warwick. Charles was a professional gambler, womanizer and proper rogue. Isabelle was a genuinely kind, spiritual woman who fell in love with the wrong kind of man. Seven years after Corri, the youngest, was born, Charles was arrested, and taken from their home in the middle of the night. He had finally gotten himself into trouble that he could not con himself out of. Isabelle did the best she could to raise and provide for her four daughters, but times were incredibly harsh, and after holding several jobs at once, she found the only way she could make a decent living was to sell her body at a local brothel. Unfortunately, six months afterward, Isabelle was grotesquely murdered by a psychotic medical man in a dark alley one night, leaving the girls to fend for themselves.

El, having been thirteen at the time, refused to allow her and her sisters to be forced into the custody of the orphanage, and so she had grown up quickly in order to provide for them. It had become second nature, living on the streets, scrounging for food and money, but El wanted better for her sisters, and she knew the only way for a woman to make good in a man's world without having to fall to the same fat as their mother, was to take what they wanted by force if necessary. El began grooming herself, conditioning her abilities with long range weaponry, going so far as to change their surname to avoid recognition by reputation. After making enough money to sustain her small family, she enlisted the second oldest, Esme, into her scheme.

Esme became quite profitable in her own right, using her pretty face and innocence to lure men into her dainty little hands, and milk them dry of every pence she could. Once that had grown old, she picked up on a few tricks of the trade to hustle money from those who believed they had knowledge, skill, and experience over her.

Claire definitely came into her trade on her own, after all, it had seemed so natural. She was able to spot a unsuspecting victim from a mile away within the year. This had lead to her infatuation with the curses and gifts of nature, poisons and the like...and ways to counteract them.

Last, but not least, Corri. While they all knew what they were doing was wrong, Corri wanted nothing more than to survive, and assist her sisters in doing so. One night, as she and her sisters were strolling through town, a young man bumped into Corri. She was surprised at how easily she was able to lift his watch and wallet without the man having even given her a backward glance. It was also through her tasks that she found and rescued her pet ferret, Loki, who became a constant companion and somewhat of a little guardian angel.

El, Esme, Claire and Corri have been living this way for a little over a decade now, but they are continuously sharpening their skills in the hopes that one day, they will be able to pilfer enough to retire them comfortably for the rest of their lives.

NAME: Nefertari Lavinia Violet Ratacitor
RACE: Human
CLASS: Abzoruk Gypsy
AGE: 19
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 125 lbs.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Vini has a small birthmark upon the juncture of her stomach and hip that resembles a female figure consumed by vines of thorns. It is a mark the bearer of the dance is labeled with at birth to determine her place within the Abzoruk community. The position is one of high regard as the proceeds often pay the remainder of the year for the entire caravan.

WEAPONS: Vini is not without her wiles, however, she does keep a dagger sheathed upon her right thigh in instances of real trouble.
SKILLS: Vini has practiced the art of her people's dance since she was old enough to walk. There are very few dancers within the community, and before Vini's birth, the last dancer had died nearly a decade before. It had been a hard time for the Abzoruk. Vini encompasses grace, agility, stamina, speed, flexibility, intelligence, cunning and beauty, but she is quite opinionated...a trait not welcomed by the time considering her gender. Being from a family of fortune tellers, Vini also has the ability to read Tarot Cards and palms, but her focus is on her dancing as the burden of providing for her people lays at her feet.

HISTORY: Vini knows nothing outside of the Abzoruk community. Aside from the yearly fairs and festivals, she has been relatively sheltered. Her father dazzles spectators with his strength and balance, while her mother prepares deliciously mouthwatering morsels to tempt the customer's pallet, as well as reading fortunes. Vini has no siblings, but every person within the caravan is like family. It was her father's hope that Vini would wed Nicu, a young, strong, handsome Abzoruk who aided in the protection of the encampment...but Vini has no feelings for the man other than the love of someone whom she has grown up with, a brother.

Vini is only known by that name to those close to her, which are quite few and far between. To her parents, she is known as Nefertari, named after Nefertari Meritmut, an Egyptian queen, and the first of the Great Royal Wives of Ramesses the Great. Vini's parents strove to raise her in the image of her namesake, but Vini fought them tooth and nail.

It was a no-name village on the outskirts of court...barely a spot in the road, but tonight it was more lively than the King's Palace. The Gypsy caravan had arrived only this afternoon and already they had made themselves at home. The wagons were looped into a ring upon a grassy knoll not far from the main street where the nomads had set up their stage, booths, wares and other services. Those superstitious of the dark magic the Gypsies were said to possess steered clear of the thrall, but those who were curious and wanting nothing more than entertainment were bustling about quite eagerly. This was one of the caravan's annual stops and it brought more revenue to the village a single night than the government could scrounge in a whole year.

While the fortune tellers, palm readers, mystics, magicians, healers, foreign food and entertainers were of interest to the villagers...it was but one act that drew them all to the stage. The wooden podium was strewn with a colorful array of blankets that had been put together to serve as curtains and off to the side of the stage was a three piece band of Abzoruk men and women. A silence hushed the crowds, and their attention was riveted upon the stage as the music began. It was a somber yet seductive melody as only these misunderstood peoples could compose. They felt the music with their very souls and it showed.

Soon, the curtains parted, and an equally vibrant array of skirts began twirling about the wooden planking. The dancer was hypnotic, commanding the attention of every man woman and child...no matter how vulgar the dancer's behavior appeared to be. Every featherlight step drew the soft tinkling of the charms upon her ankle bracelet as well as the chimes strewn about her hips like a belt. Her white blouse was not low cut by any means but the sleeves hung off of her creamy, caramel colored shoulders and revealed far more flesh than any respectable woman would be caught showing. Her thick, glossy sable hair mimicked the flow of her skirts...bouncing and flipping with each twirl and provocative dip.

The Gypsy's eyes were almond shaped and unusually colored...an enchanting violet which gazed upon each spectator as though they were the only person observing her allure, and the full petals of her rose tinted lips teased with a devastating smile. Those lips spirited a secret...a hidden kiss that the young woman had not yet experienced but was branded a harlot for. She was so welcoming...so inviting and yet so mysterious and seemingly untouchable from her perch high above her audience. She was a dark angel. She was the breaker of young men's hearts. She was the woman of a married man's dreams. She was the reason elderly woman craved their youthful days once again, and younger women discovered jealousy. She was the reason wives dragged their husbands away and mothers covered their children's innocent eyes.

The dancer was mesmeric, so much so that hard working men soon found their wages strewn across the stage, and did not even care. When the song had ended, the Gypsy bowed and the simultaneous sound of clacking verberated over the crowd as dropped jaws lifted from their slacked positions and teeth snapped closed. Silence. The Gypsy turned and strode across the stage only to disappear behind the curtains once again, leaving her earnings for a few young Abzoruk children to gather up.
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