Avatar of Multimind
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 52 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Multimind 7 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Yeah it’s official Nation States FUCKING SUCKS.
3 yrs ago
Anyone else ever made a fuck up in a game and accidentally caused a beloved character to die and just kinda paused the game to bawl for a minute or two? Even if it was a noble like death? Just me?...
3 yrs ago
And I’m not talking therapeutics
3 yrs ago
C&BT is the shit WHOOPS...
3 yrs ago
2020 not only fucked us all, but then kicked us to the curb without offering a drink or even a shower.


Hello and welcome to my profile, I am Multimind!

Below you will find a brief summary about me as well as my interests and role play genres and a set of my own personal regulations, rules, and expectations, so feel free to have a look!

Roleplay Interests

Personal Rules and Regulations

Most Recent Posts

At minimum I expect one paragraph. At minimum. I generally prefer 2-3, but I do understand that content sometimes demands otherwise.

As for your character preference, a Vampire would be fine, but less ancient yes, let's say someone who was turned just in recent years.

And I also understand and agree with your Whiterun suggestion.

I hope you can partake!
"Stop blowing holes in my Prius!"

~Captain Jack Sparrow

Hello and thanks for stopping in! :D

So, as is stated by the title, this will be an Elder Scrolls RP set in the realm of Skyrim.

It will be designed as free-willed and open world as is standard for fantasy media.

This is only a very skeletal design however, as there are several things to be "put to vote" here and discussed.

So, without further ado, let us begin...



Should this RP be set on the exact date that the actual game of Skyrim began? (4E, The 17th of The Last Seed)

Take note that this is the exact day that Alduin the World Eater appears at Helgen before burning it down and ushering in the return of the dragons. This of course would stretch our own characters' stories along somewhat similar paths and force upon them decisions that those within the game were faced with.

OR, should we set it exactly one year before the events of the game? This of course would give more leeway and make for a more potentially unique and diverse set of stories.

However, I realize that many would wish to wage battle against the dragons, who would not be put into play should we use an alternate timeline.

Also, many would wish to partake in the Civil War and join the Empire or the Stormcloaks one, and while the Civil War was in full effect just a year prior to game events, very little along the lines of battles and skirmishes had taken place.

Needless to say, the timeline issue is the first thing to address.



I have partook in many, many fantasy RP's, and one thing that I have discovered that can totally kill off an RP of such structure is Location Diversity.

Meaning when you have, say, 8 players and all eight off them choose totally isolated and far off locations, that sets them far apart from one another.

The players eventually get bored with tinkering with GM controlled AI's and NPC's and grow frustrated with trying to come up with reasons to meet other players in distant realms, and they just sort of fade away.

Meaning, I propose that we all start within a decent radius of one another. Perhaps all in the same Hold, just in different parts of the lead city or in separate nearby villages and hamlets.

What say you all?

And, If we all agree here, we must now choose a hold.



Let me just make this VERY CLEAR , should we choose Skyrims' canon timeline and year, NO PLAYER CREATED AND CONTROLLED CHARACTERS CAN BE THE DRAGONBORN.

The Dragonborn will exist mind you, but he shall be a rarely encountered NPC masterminded by me.

He will be encountered here and there and will usually have a presence in areas where rumors say that dragon attacks have occurred or dragons have been slain, as well as some other areas of high interest and important events.

This is not up for debate. This is more of a declarative general statement.



This I need some help with.

I have a basic skeletal design set up for ability increase and leveling up.

Each in-game day you can train, or practice, a certain art or skill.
They are;

•Focus (Magical Connection)
•Physical Ability (Speed, Agility, Strength, and Stamina)
•Weapon Skill (All Weapons aside from bows.)
•Intelligence (Reading) (This affects charisma, cleverness, and speech.)
•Meditation (This strengthens your mastery of using your Voice, IF that is you have learned any words yet.)

•Crafts (Practicing a certain craft and bettering yourself in it.) (Such as smithing, alchemy, cooking, tanning, ect.)

Note: You can only practice a one craft a day.

And again, I need some feedback and assistance with this, please.



No one starts out with a Voice.

You have to learn the words wherever you may find them etched, written, or carved and master them over time.


Alright, let us begin the planning and discussion.

Remember, this is an interest thread entirely open for feedback, discussion, and opinion, so fire away!

Any other issues or points of discussion that come up will be added as need be.
"This is ARKANSAS!"

~King Leonidas

Nei-Eh, no, not at all.


Fun Fact: I actually attempted long hair once.
I was going for the post-apocalyptic Rick Grimes hair; down to my shoulders and curly.
It reached about halfway down my neck and I finally caved in and cut it all off.

The hear retention, shagginess, and the fact that I look better with short hair all broke my will.
And then there are those of us who just like short, neat looking hair...

And then there are some that can't work long hair.

And then there are some who would be bothered by or inconvenienced by long hair.

I myself can't stand having long hair as a person who lives in an uncomfortably humid sub-tropical climate.

But ah well, everyone needs some thing or another to pointlessly gripe about eh?

Its simple, you can either change one word OR add one word. Not both mind you.


"Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Iraq anymore."


"You don't know how hard I found it signing the order to terminate your life Vader.

~Grand Moff Tarkin

Hello and Welcome,

This RP is a murder mystery RP that revolves around a series of disappearances that take place prior to Christmas Day.

The RP starts on December 16th, 2017, and will progress on from there.

On this very day, four children have disappeared, having been snatched away from their parents in extremely crowded public areas, which have been a mall, a festival, and a city sidewalk.

All three of these children were the children of single parents and vary from specific age, as well as race.

Due to this daily disappearance string, the police department has put this case on top priority for all detectives and available police officers.

This tragic case has already made local and international news, and the parents and law officials both find themselves constantly swarmed by reporters and media personnel.

With time ticking and the taken children's lives possibly in danger, as well as the possibility that more will be taken, law enforcement and the frantic parents alike find themselves racing against the clock and all odds to find the children and as well prevent any further kidnappings.


1. My role play/writing style itself is predominantly 3rd person.

2. My level of writing ranges from low casual to low advanced.

3. I am very in depth and heavily emphasize even the smallest of details in my writing.

4. I do not write/role play about smut/XXX material.
I keep for mentioned sex scenes very discrete and veiled.

5. I do not role play via chat windows, private messaging, or any other private locales, I stick to the forums.

6. I am usually online every single day at some point or another.

7. As for any questions, feel free to ask!

If interested, please drop a comment/post below and PM me!
I'll have another little catastrophe prepared tonight or tomorrow.
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