Avatar of my Lalia
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: my Lalia
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 934 (0.25 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. my Lalia 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
just watched the last episode of Poldark..... OMG I can't wait for the next season!!!!!


A little about me;

-I am female
-I can roleplay both genders
-I write two or more paragraphs (I tend to mirror my partner though)
- I am a mature role player, so R rated themes don't bother me.
- I am able to be get on at least 1-3 times a week

Most Recent Posts

@Ever No problem, RL comes first

And to everyone I'm going to be really busy today and tomorrow..... I will try to have a forward moving post up by saturday
No worries I'm not upset or anything, I know how life can get. I was lucky to even get Brea's post up when I did. :)
@Mt Paragon Thats okay and I'm just waiting for @Ever@Avanhelsing@MidnightFox to post. Though I may move it along in a bit. If you want you can do a short post for Atticus :)
David O'Kendle

David had only taken a swigs of his ale when his attention was caught by a young man that looked around his age. Though the young man looked maybe a bit more youthful than himself, not that he cared about looks, but the mans accent. He certainly wasn't born in the kingdom of Tur, this alone caused David to tilt his head slightly to the right before a small smirk played on his lips. "One could say that." David said coolly but not in an unfriendly matter. Though he was taking many mental notes, he wasn't going to let that embarrassing moment happen again.

It was in that instant that a trio of young men, who were obviously triplets, had entered the pub patio and called to the man that sat across from him. Sabine, an interesting name. David thought before he straightened slightly, as he was fully aware that he was under the triplets watchful gaze. Shifting in his seat slightly so that he was both facing Sabine and the trio, he then placed his right fist and placed it over his heart and bowed his head slightly. "David O'Kendle, my your sword arm be strong and your resolve stronger, Sabine and friends." He then sat straight his face kind though one can plainly see that he was a knight or at least one before taking the final vows.

"I take it that you all know each other." David said more as a statement and not so much as a question, as he wasn't dumb. He suddenly wondered then if this was their second or last time they could go through the Right. If it was their second there was a chance that he would train with them for one year before they are either chosen or go off to what ever they wanted to do. But if this was their last chance then this would be the last that he would see them. It felt a little odd being the new comer, as he was pledged to the Royal Knighthood since birth and thus was trained since he could hold a sword. So he was never ever really a new comer when he climbed the ranks in his training. But here it was different, as for the first time he felt out of his element. Maybe this was part of his knight training as it forced him to adapt, though a good training tool, David seriously doubted this was part of training.

"Pray tell, do you wish to be riders?" He asked before he took a swig from his drink. He wished to see if they were forced to be here like he was. Though Sabine obviously not being from Tur lead him to believe that they were probably given a choice. Was he the only one that had no desire to ride a great beast that could rip you from limb from limb and not think twice about it? Maybe he was.

Brea Hadlin

There were many courtyard and hidden places to hide and to practice alone, though Brea's favourite place wasn't the most private. It was a large semi-circle that was rimmed with large pillars and trees, some of which seemed to be growing around some of the pillars. There was another small semi-circle in the wall of pillars and trees, which held a large statue of a water dragon holding a water pot which was bubbling water into the onyx water basin. Vineous flowery plants grew around the statue, giving the the whole courtyard and magical garden feel. It was beautiful and a perfect for Brea to practice, though it wasn't far from the Village which meant others could hear her. And to top it off since it was on the edge of the Village it meant those with dragons could visit is as well. Not that she minded she didn't mind "performing" for others.

She took her place in the middle of the courtyard, there she stood silent for a minute. She closed her eyes slowly before slowly pulling out her short blade. It was a light blade with near perfect balance, the hilt of it fit near to perfect to her hand. As she opened her eyes she began to swing the blade in slow and slightly exaggerated movements. Slowly she bagan to move her body, pretending that she was fighting an opponate in slow motion. But a part of her hated practicing in silence, with a small smile she began to hum.

"On the wind I hear you calling
From the ocean far away
Whispered as the light is falling
You gently call my name......"
(Rest of song)

The words of her song rang gently through the air, in an almost haunting magical way. She was often asked to sing at the Village pub at night as some entertainment. She didn't mind though, as after all some of her instructors pegged her as a bard, and thus trained her in some of the fine art of strealth. Plus who doesn't like some good music.

Still as her slightly haunting voice echoed through the air, her movements began to become more fluid and graceful. She moved as if she was dancing on air, light yet slow. She spun slowly, yet quick enough that her sleeve made a rippling sound in the air. She plunged her dagger into an invisible foe before falling backwards and rolling so that she was in a crouching position with her dagger outstretched and above her. She hummed the last of her song before standing and putting her blade away.

As she placed the blade back onto her hip, she felt her nerves begin to shake. This was her second chance at a dragon and she trained hard the past year, and she felt ready! Or at least she thought she did up until that moment. The Right was only a few hours away and she felt more nervous now than before.

Hey everyone, I will be posting Brea either late tonight or tomorrow. :)
I doubt she would know David but Brea sure since she has been there a year :)
@Mt Paragon Its a good post, only thing I would like to mention is that the "Village" is inside the Keep itself. Thats just how big the Keep is :)

@Raafling Nice I will add her to the character tab :)
David O'Kendle

One could not fathom just how large this Keep truly was, sure people have heard and told stories about this keep. But to see it in the flesh was a whole other story, the way the towers reached into the sky, the wideness of the corridors, the vastness of the court yards, there was so much to take in and all at once too. This place was bigger and more grand than David could even dream, and he spent time in the capital city of Bristar. That was the jewel of the kingdom of Tur, and one that he had been hoping to stay in for the rest of his days. He was after all in training to become a knight, but here he was in the Winged Defenders Keep.

When he had gotten there that morning, he was told that he wouldn't get a room until after the Right. Appearently those that get dragons go to a special part of the Keep and those that don't get choosen go to what those here called the Village. It was a part of the Keep that housed those in training that didn't have dragons, and thats where he was headed, at least thats what he thought he was heading to. But in truth he had no idea where the Village was or even if he was close to it. It had to be close to the south gate right?

"If you are looking for the Village lad, it's that way."

David turned around to see a woman on the back of a stoker class dragon pointing to the south-east. He nodded his thanks before heading in the direction that the woman pointed, he didn't so much as say a word to the woman though. His was mind was racing with the fact that he didn't hear the woman or the dragon come up behind him, how could that be? It was a medium stoker dragon, bigger than air class dragons, he should of felt the earth shift or the wind move but he felt nothing. He was in training to become a knight and one of the first rules was to always be aware of your surroundings, so this shouldn't have happened.

This is a great start. David thought sarcastically as he began to notice that the stone path wasn't nearly as wide nor were the arch ways. He was obviously close to the Village now, this seemed to put his mind at ease a bit as things began to look a bit more normal. There were houses, shops, a bar (which had quite a bit of seating), and many more other things that David was use to seeing. A small smirk came to his lips as he walked over to the bar and sat at one of the empty out door tables. He was quickly met with a bar maid and once he ordered and got his drink, he sat there and pretended that he was back at home.

He never wanted to be a rider let alone meet dragons, sure he thought they were great for protecting the kingdom. But he always wondered when these beasts would turn on them, after all he knew the damage and carnage they could inflict. So when he was told by his superiors that he was going to Winged Defenders Keep, he argued with them. But at the end of the day he obeys orders, no matter how much he didn't like it.

Still he hoped that the Right wouldn't work on him, he had that at least. A small chance of getting out of here without a dragon.

(OOC: Will post Brea after others have posted)
@Zetsuko@MidnightFox@Ever@EldarionI@Mt Paragon@Avanhelsing@ReusableSword

Alright I think we have enough characters to get started.

So to give you guys a starting point, everyone is at Winged Defenders Keep and its three hours until they (our human characters) enter the Pool of Tears. There is excitement and anxiety in the air.
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