Avatar of Mystery Bard
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 71 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Mystery Bard 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current If I had the money to spare I would have plastic surgery done on my face in a split second. Then I would try dating again. Ha, zing. (It's true though sadly.)
6 yrs ago
Guy Rejects Girl ~ "Your an asshole! She liked you you idiot! Such a jerk!" Girl Rejects Guy ~ "You don't own her you pig. She's a strong independent woman! Get over yourself. Your ugly anyways."
6 yrs ago
If Oprah Winfrey runs for president and wins we're screwed. Well, men are anyway. It will suck to be a man in an Oprah-run dystopia. Trump is a fairy princess compared to how bad she'll f*** us.
6 yrs ago
First test of the semester and the professor weighs down the hardest question with a 30 point value. As a self harming individual, knowing that I missed it, out comes the hammer tonight.
6 yrs ago
Your phone has a volume lowering button, FUCKING USE IT. This is a library by the eight.


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Most Recent Posts

(I cancelled this because I posted this check and the minute I looked at it after posting I thought "What a pile of $£\+.)

Apologies for cluttering the Interest Check thread, chaps.

"The shadow is the slayer of innocence."


So then, I have been inspired to write a low-fantasy Roleplay centered around an assassin and their perilous, bloody story.

Unfortunately, I have a list of different premises and story lines, and I am unable to choose which one I like the best.
More importantly, I can't decide which one might be the most appealing to my fellow writers and would draw their interest and attention.

So, I have decided to list them below separately, bear in mind that I am totally open to any one of these, so if any of them interest you, then please make your decision and contact me, preferably through PM.

There are three separate story lines to choose from.

Please bear in mind that what you see below is only very basic descriptions of each.
I will have a more in-depth rundown and a deep plot-line description for when I am contacted.

I also have maps, lore, and basic information about the world and setting, which I will disclose to those who contact me and convey their interest.

So then, let's have a look below, eh?





So then, there you have it, the three separate stories centered around this assassin themed Roleplay.

Hopefully one of these catches some fancy, as I am very eager to hop into any one of these.

By the way, please remember that there is more detail and information already prepared, from maps to currency to races and so forth.
I did not include any of that in this thread so to keep from bogging it down and diverting attention from the primary setting.
Do not worry, everything is ready and waiting, all you have to do is contact me if your interested and we can proceed forth with character creation and so forth.

I await contently yet eagerly!

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...


Terror! The entire galaxy is at the mercy of the evil GALACTIC
EMPIRE, which smothers the scores of systems and worlds under a shroud of oppression. Far and wide the EMPIRE spreads, conquering and enslaving worlds and stripping the people of all hope.

But there are many who would face this evil, and soon words of REBELLION are heard across IMPERIAL territories.

One such rogue world is the stormy planet of JABIIM along the Outer Rim, far from the influencing fringe of the Imperial core worlds.

As injustice grows and resentment spreads, the wavering flame of independence begins to burn brighter on Jabiim.

But as the Empire tightens it's iron grip, it soon becomes clear that only the bravest will be willing to stand against such a colossal threat...






I'll PM you shortly. 📩




PARANORMAL AMERICA, the newest ghost chaser on the list...




Valmond stood frozen behind the counter, looking back at the Vampiric woman with unconcealable awe at her unnatural strength. Though not in a state of complete shock, his mouth was slightly parted and his red eyes had a sort of flair to them.

He had heard that Vampires were riddled with power, both common and alien abilities alike. But it still could not register with him. This fragile, petite looking girl handling that thief like a child's rag doll.
It was abnormal.

Valmond mentally refocused himself on the present.

He grabbed the coin she had placed before him and crouched down behind the counter. He used his master key to unlock the iron strongbox he kept on the bottom shelf and dropped the zloty in with a slight clink.

After closing and locking back the strongbox, he stood and reached for a nearby quill that was perched in an inkwell.
After slightly dabbling the quill in the ink, he began scribbling away at the open ledger before him.

Suddenly and subconsciously realizing he hadn't responded to the woman, he spoke, though without lifting his gaze from the ledger where he continued to write,"Thank you for that, if you would be so kind as to to replace those on that shelf for me, please."

He finished the last but he was writing and then placed the dripping quill back in the inkwell, and then closed the ledger.

He spoke again, looking directly at her,"Now, regarding your question about my choice of career, there is a multitude of reasons I chose the profession of alchemy. The good pay, the usefulness behind the craft, the scientific thrill, I could go on still yet. Not to sound coarse nor rude, but why do you ask? Curiosity is it?"

On a different note, what exactly is the name for the currency used in Volstryggr?

Alagaësia has crowns, Skyrim has Septims, what does Volstrygrr have?
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