Avatar of Navy_Vet
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: rhodes626
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
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    1. Navy_Vet 10 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Discord: Navy_Vet#9971


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Great post McHaggis, They can be along if you wish. I have my Chief Gunner's Mate coming in place of my First Mate because we are taking on some supplies and stuff. I just haven't posted that IC yet. I may go back and add some more to my post.
Ship Assignments Navy HMS Defiance Navy_Vet - Captain Taggart Kirah - Julius Edwardson May- Jeremy Robin Matthews - HMS Defiance -Navy HMS Dragon Orcus - Captain Archer Merchant El Marees McHaggis- Captain Amir Baraka Gendarme - Albrect Shuster Kirah - Elisabeth Wakefield Dragonbud - Olivia (Ollie) Pirate Du Morte AngelNoire - Captain Null L'Ange Wonderkin - Molly Wennstretch McHaggis - Siobhan Blackmore
OK I read that wrong dangit give me just a minute to fix it.
Kirah the meeting is between the captains and first mates, but I need to PM you because you will be there with me.
OK here we go Angel will not be on here too often so I have a proposition. To keep the RP moving what if we the pirates are all on the El Marees, McHaggis's ship. The following three people do not have ships Wonderkin - Molly Wennstretch Pirate Gendarme - Albrecht Schuster Merchant Dragonbud - Ollie Bentham - Merc/Pirate Pirate Ships El Marees McHaggis, Du Morte Angel , Merchant Ship None Navy Ships HMS Defiance HMS Dragon We do not have a player controlled Merchant Vessel, based on the backgrounds I think all three should just go to one of the two pirate vessels.
Let me double check and see who still needs a ship
Captain Taggart paced the room, his ship the HMS defiance was currently taking on supplies in the ship yards. A three day Parlay had been declared in the Keys so this meeting could take place. Tag stood in the front of the room as the other ship captain's slowly trickled in. Some he knew by their faces others by their reputation. He had paid a hefty sum to get messengers out in the area to make this meeting happen. The last several months had been rather treacherous for the Air Ship Captain, many of the major countries had formed a semi-alliance when it came to piracy. They decided to let merchants receive a marque and bounty for taking down pirate ships and their crews. The impact had been rather surprising as merchants found they could make more money hunting pirates than shipping goods. The merchant trade business had suffered and created a demand for more traders but that was not the issue that forced this unlikely meeting between Navy Captains, Merchants, and Pirates. Though he despised the pirate captains, he knew with certainty that events in the near future would force them to work together whether he liked it or not. There were larger events happening in the grand scheme of things that had frightened him enough to make this meeting happen. Luckily for him though, Tag had many friends in the Navy, simply due to his years of service, and they had been able to provide more concrete information than the rumors he had heard. He looked at the room slowly filling and gathered his thoughts and prepared to give his speech. It wasn't a grandiose speech, he wasn't into those kinds of things but what he did have were facts and those were frightening enough. Clearing his throat he said, "It looks like we are waiting for one or two more Captains. As soon as everyone is here we will begin. There are glasses and a single pitcher of ale at each table, please feel free to help yourselves."
((All Characters Accepted, Story begins IC in the Florida Keys with all of the captains meeting together))
We will be starting tomorrow. I just spoke with Angel who has given me the green light on Co-GM
Yes but you probably only have 5 or 6 bullets.
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