Avatar of Necromantic
  • Last Seen: 7 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: heirofmind
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 108 (0.03 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Necromantic 7 mos ago
    2. █████████ 10 yrs ago


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I think I'll just lurk in case someone decides to step out for a bit
Would posting a character sheet pic with an actual MOC made of real parts be acceptable? I'm on a Linux machine and it looks like bricklink studio isn't supported by Linux and i'm not aware of any programs that are

Absolutely! I just wanted to give everyone who may not have access to all their pieces(who I am one of) a resource to still build
Yeah no worries, I don't particularly care what program is used, but happy to have it on board!
@Charlie Foxtrot

Yeah. At least at first. I'm trying to start from around the beginning, and build off of that sense of wonder and mystery of exploring a new alien world and slowly unravel its secrets. Other elements may come in to play later, but for the first bit, I'm looking for just a beginning phase as the world is explored and discovered
I assume you are pretty much filled for the time being?

I know not everyone has a CS up yet, but I don't wanna take the spot from someone else who was here first


These words resounded loudly, deeply, through the entire world. As it glided across the rolling plains, shook the jungle leaves from their branches, bounced off the mountainsides and reverberated through the testing cave systems. It penetrated the dark waters, disturbed the peaks of frost and snow. And it rattled the volcanoes which spewed lakes of fire and brimstone.

These words were spoken by the world and as such they were spoken by us all.

The world, all as one: Omna-Nui was alive

But there are others among our paradise. Paratas, who feed off of the energy of the world. These parasites only destroy. Whatever they consume steals the life from Omna-Nui, and as we all are a part of him, from us as well. And so we must call upon the power of Omna-Nui to grant us our protectors, the Toa. Ancient guardians of lore. The stars foretell of their arrival! Go now! Matoran of Ta-Omna, Ga-Omna, Po-Omna, Le-Omna, Onu-Omna, and Ko-Omna! Return with the Toa and save our people and Omna-Nui!

So my hope is for this story to span a few chapters. However, at the start, I am looking for 5 more players to play as a Matoran which (plus myself) leads to 6 Matoran from each of the elements of Fire, Water, Earth, Stone, Air, and Ice. For FC's I'm currently looking in to making MOCs using Bricklink's Studio App.

It's free, but if you're not interested in doing that, I would be happy to help with the creation. Alternatively descriptions also work. I'm currently working on writing up more deep lore, but not everything will be revealed all at once. Anyway, let me know if you're interested!

With their run finished, Anise slowed to a clumsy halt and placed her hands on her knees, bending down with exhaustion to catch her breath. She was sweaty and breathless, and had a side stitch like you wouldn't believe, but she was ecstatic! "Eugue!" A light and breathy laugh followed the exclamation in her infernal tongue. "Oh that was nothing like I expected my first class to be like! I was ready for the drab and dreary. A no nonsense orator with no sense of humor or excitement! But that was dangerous and exciting!" She said to her running partner before the introduction to the next assignment: Combat.

She watched as the Drow fencer took the lead against the dummies. That was the interesting part of this however. If she had to hazard a guess it was some form of "dancing" enchantment as she liked to call them. Basically a more complex animation spell that follows certain steps. She was so enthralled with the complexity of the movements of the dummy that she neglected to really watch their instructor.
Well at least until each and every poor mannequin was horribly dismembered by her. When she called out to have them take on their own, Anise looked up. Oh yeah. She would need to fight a little wouldn't she?

She saw a table filled with weapons for the students to take in order to fight. She picked up a dagger and felt it in her hand. It was light and sharp. But too complicated. She'd need to be right next to them to stab it in them. She looked at all the weapons. A sword seemed difficult to manipulate, a spear looked like it needed two hands. She didn't feel like hugging her enemy to strike them with a knife... Her hand aimlessly wandered in the opposite direction of her eyes, as her fingers wrapped the rounded handle of a simple metal rod wrapped in leather.

She looked over at what she grabbed. It was a simple mace with a small ball with in jagged plates. This should work. It had a little heft behind it. All she had to do was swing it at the person to hurt them It was simple and effective. She turned around to be stared down by the faceless automaton of the mannequin before her. "Um... Hello." She said as she slowly approached it. It took up a fighting stance, but did not strike. This Mannequin was unarmed, unlike some of the others. With no other idea, she raised her mace and brought it down to strike the wooden frame.

Instantly her sparring partner sprang to life, grabbing her arm and forcing her to drop her weapon. She looked down to the ground in surprise. This one was surprisingly nimble. So much so that that split second that Anise looked away was a huge mistake, as she was suddenly punched in the stomach, causing her the keel over with a low, growling "Fuuuuuuugh" only to be met with an elbow strike to her back, knocking her flat on the ground. The dummy climbed atop her and pulled its arm around her neck in a choke hold. Anise was now stuggling for something. Her hand reached for the mace again, her fingers barely able to touch the tip of the weapon. She needed to do something, as she let out choked grunts and groans.

She needed to get closer, which means she needed to roll over. She rocked back and forth as best she could, but man that mannequin was heavy! Still with a few rocks back then forth she managed to get enough momentum to grip the mace and roll the mannequin off her. She sat up on her knees and raised the mace over her head before smashing in the wooden face of the mannequin before it could react. "You stupid termite farm!" She grunted as she struck down on it one last time before standing up, technically victorious. "I take back the exhilarating part..." She complained to herself this time.

Interactions: @ChaoticLaw

Athena beckoned her awake, as Anise lifted her head up, readjusting her glasses. Her hair was flattened to one side, and she the side of her desk and arm was wet. It seemed to really had just passed out on her desk. This wasn't unusual. In fact it was perhaps the most comfortable place for her. It reminded her of all the times she spent late into the midnight hours studying whatever left over tomes Krampernap had left over. She groaned as she stood up from the desk, stretching herself into a more appropriate posture. She was supposed to be heading to class real soon.

She pulled herself up and flicked her wrist, letting her magic gather her clothes for her as she washed off her face fixed her flattened hair. Still didn't seem to have anyone else in her room. She wondered if anyone else was alone in their room. There had to be others, right? I mean its a big school. She was still slightly asleep as she walked off in the direction of her first class. The Hall of Combat it seemed. Everyone she was with yesterday was there. Rodrick, Lorelei, Selena, Valencia, Finn, Cal, even that Ixius was here. She yawned, still dozing off as her teacher began speaking.

Something about no magic, not failing, and not falling behind? Whatever, follow the crowds. Everyone is all together now. Save your energy, no need to exhaust yourself. She started running at a modest pace, as many of the more athletically inclined started passing her by. That's fine. This is all physical training. Everyone has their own threshold, and while she wasn't unable to keep up with a few others, she didn't feel the need to at this moment.

That was until the first shot was fired, and Anise was startled fully awake by the sudden ftwang of the bow string and the comical cry of the student who thudded on the ground off the track. Dear lord, this Sir Vermont person was mad!... Mad was just the thing that Anise was used to! She let out a little cackle as she sped up. This was no longer a simple run. This was a game. And boy did she love games.

She sped up and soon found herself running at a similar speed as her fellow tiefling, who was clearly in distress. "Quite thrilling yes? You get the surge of adventure to some degree without the fear of actually dying!" She looked back to see the rude mage from before, Ixius in the back. this put a little smirk on her face. She watched in anticipation, expecting to see the arrow fly true, but her gaze was stolen by the gilded haired chef as he hurried back the other way hurry and, with much panache, sweep the mage off his feet, and then proceed to gain upon them again. This turned her smirk into a pout. "Drat... I was hoping to see him get knocked down..." She looked back at Rodrick. "It looks like their gaining on us. If that happens we'll be two people closer to being next in line for Master Dex, yes? Though if that were the case I wouldn't think twice about leaving my kin to the wolves!" She let out another light-hearted cackle and sped up her pace, moving past Rodrick.

Anise was happy to have Selena interested in her. It made her feel a little better for what happened earlier. Of course that moment was short lived as some giant imbecile came by and knocked Selena flat on the ground without any regard for the poor girl. She was just about to stand up and say something, but was quickly overtaken by half the table. They all really seemed to care for her. That was good at least. Anise didn't feel she was needed in that matter any more. So she stilled herself, and let them take care of everything else. That said the idea of a duel sounded enjoyable. "Well I'll have to clear my schedule for such an event. I wouldn't want to miss it." she quipped to no one in particular.

The professor informed them it was time for the feast to come to close. That was fine with Anise. She had quite a bit she wanted to write down on her own from the group. She gave them all a wave goodbye and returned to her room, though she did take note of the drunkenness of her fellow Tiefling (as well as the curious spectacle of the vibrant haired woman taking him with her). There was much to note on what had transpired today.

As she returned to her room, she was quick to change out of her uniform and into a simple dress designed for lounging and relaxing. The uniforms felt incredibly comfortable, though they were new and different. She preferred the the feel of her old clothes. However, she took a moment and sat down at her desk, pulled out her tome, an inkwell, and a quill and untied the straps, dipping the tip of her quill in the ink and started scribbling away with drawings and notes of those she met.

She wrote what she had learned from Selena, noting that she wished to learn more about these weapons and particularly the magic they used. It seemed to be drawn from the moon, much different than what she was used to. Her own magic drew power from mana and the world, using the mana to turn manipulate the energies of the world. What was different about the moon? There was a lot to ask. She stayed awake late into the night writing and hypothesizing, with only a lit candle to light the desk. The tome ate every word she wrote almost as soon as she had it written down so she was fortunate to not need to worry of running out of pages.

However soon she felt her eyes begin to grow heavy. It was time to close up shop. She shut her book, and tied the leather around it once more, and rested her head against between her arms at her desk. This was all a new experience. She had always been so critical of these universities and colleges. Parts of her were mocking, others were curious, and others still were anxious. As these thoughts swirled throughout her mind her eyes fluttered closed, and she quickly drifted to sleep, resting her head on the desk as the candle burned itself into torpor as well.

Things around her started to feel... Uneasy for her. It was a feeling that was familiar to her. But what was it... She then heard all the calls against her to stop, all the people turning the gaze toward her in annoyance. Then the siren on the row as her spoke something in a tongue that she was unfamiliar with, followed by a jab at her, tearing down Anise's excitement even further. Apparently her expectations of this place were closer to correct after all. "meretrix tacete..." She muttered in the infernal tongue she was born with. She always saved it for cursing.

Everything started feeling more familiar now. She remembered... She hadn't actually said anything in that tongue since she was a child. She always spoke it when she was angry at the other kids. When the made her feel alienated. Perhaps this was all in her head, but in such a case, she was not aware. However, she was far more aware of the social cues everyone else was presenting once she was snapped out of her fixation. And a few of them had made it painfully clear. She felt a tinge of frustration and jealousy. All she wanted was to be excited about learning something new. She already realized she had made Selena uncomfortable, and apologized for it!

She silently bit her lip as an easy way to relieve some of her stress. It had been a while since she felt out of place like this. And the last time she did, she met Krampernap. Ever since then, even if she never really needed to pay attention to that feeling. He made it sound like he didn't want her, but words didn't mean anything. He never shut her out.

They continued to talk about people disappearing, but she had no desire to join in now. She also wasn't feeling hungry anymore. She meant no harm from it honestly. She was just excited. Still, she listened in to the conversation. Mostly seemed to be disappearances. She wondered if any of those could have been caused by. She spoke again, once more muttered under her breath. "So in other words, we really don't know anything do we..."

She huffed and gathered herself. If there was nothing to be gained from suffering through this humiliation then why bother. She didn't look at anyone at the table and started to stand. "I'm not feeling particularly hungry. I'm retiring for the night." She started to stand but was stopped by something.

Selena, after answering Karya went back to finishing her chicken on her plate with a small frown. She looked up just as the blonde haired boy was pushing a plate to her. A bit akwardly in front of both Arn and Finn. Her ears perked up as she snatched one of them with blinding speed and a small smile on her lips.

But that faded when she heard Anise speak up once again. She didn’t hear much of what was said between her and Ixius, but with how she looked annoyed/ hurt. As she stood up not looking at anyone. Guilt shot through Selena once again when she stood up quickly as well. ”um miss anise?!” she asked quite suddenly. Her face turning beat red.

Selena spoke up to her. Anise turned to face her. She seemed embarrassed about something "Hm? Yes, what is it?"

I-I... sorry. But I have questions...if that’s ok?” she gripped her hands tightly and nervously and wrapped her tail around herself, the tip of it wacking Finn in the back of the head. Pointing to her own forehead where Anise horns were. “What... those round things? D-do they hurt? And... and...” she asked trying to keep eye contact but failing. As she scratched her own cheek. “can..um please? Can I touch ? If ok! she added on waving her hands back and forth quickly showing she could say no if she wanted.

Anise was silent for a moment, stupefied by what was just asked. It started with a tiny snicker, giggling to herself, but eventually it evolved into a full laugh as she sat herself back down on the table and started caressing her horns herself. "Haha-No my horns don't hurt at all. In fact, they are a lot more like my hair or my fingernails than you'd think. Feel free to touch them if you'd like." Selena excitedly stood up from her spot at the table and rounded the corner for the chance to touch the strange protrusions spiraling out of her head.

She spoke to Selena, but addressed this question to everyone at the room. "You know, I did introduce myself with 'ask me anything.'" Hopefully this would lead to a different line of questioning: one from curiosity and intrigue.

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