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  • Old Guild Username: Neobullseye
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    1. Neobullseye 10 yrs ago


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I'm really sorry, but I think I may have to take a time-out in this RP. I just can't seem to find the will to post anymore. I'll try to get one or two last posts out to get this battle over, but after that I might take a step back depending on how things go.
xcalx1dw said

Don't talk back to me, young man! *drags Cal out of the room by his ear*
*Sighs*. I can't leave you children alone for five minutes, can I? Cal, go to your room!
So, I did a bit of science... If you somehow manage to lose a battle in the OR/AS demo, it aparently counts as a Game Over, kicking you back to what's pretty much the start of the demo and removing all Exp you had gained after that point. It does give you a bit of unique text, though. Note that losing a battle pretty much requires you to throw the battle on purpose, so yeah. I'm half surprised they even thought of the option at all, let alone threw in an otherwise unviewable bit of text.
Welp, I hope I didn't mess up anything in terms of how GM's computer is supposed to work. I'm mostly imagining something like the character creation thing from the Elder Scrolls games, only way more flashier and high-tech. Just hit me if I'm wrong, and I'll go and correct it.

EDIT: Also, I managed to get a code for the Special Demo Version of Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire! :D. Amusing note: you know how everything in the 3DS menu has its own special sound effect if you just stand on it, right? Like the "turning on" sound effect for GB Virtual Console titles, a unique sound bit for Indie games and whatnot? Well, the SDV (not STD >_>) of OR/AS plays the "you found a shiny!" sound effect XD.
...Well, that was not quite the Basilix he was expecting, that much was for sure. This thing looked more like a... what was the thingie again? Arcadian? No. Something with a shiny... Amber? No, another shiny-glowy thingy. A-a-a...Argonian! Only this one had hair. Also, incredibly evil-looking eyes! To be honest, the stupid thing was freaking Leon out. Sure, it was just a computer hologram, but still...
On another note, apparently GM was really bad in making up names, considering that the being was forced to recycle his nicknames already. Which did raise the question about whether or not the 'Leo' file was about him in the first place. But eh, that was something he could check out later. Right now, Leon had other priorities -- namely, examining the shinies, and making the stupid lizard look less creepy! The only problem was that at first glance, it didn't look like there was any way to edit the stupid thing. Wait a minute though... didn't GM manage to do so by simply touching the hologram? So maybe, maybe Leon could do the same too (hopefully). Well, there was only one way to find out whether or not that was true,and that was Science (tm)!
As it turned out, a good application of Science (tm) showed that this was indeed the case, as touching the scaled humanoid caused several sliders to appear around the hologram -- and an even wider grin on Leon's face. Nex up, finding out just exactly what [i]this[/] slider does!
...The power of Science (tm) quickly proved that said slider apparently regulated the amount of muscle of the creature in question. Right now it was a bit to the right of the middle, resulting in a quite muscly bulk, albeit not nearly as ridiculous as pulling it all the way to the right. It sort of reminded him of the joke pictures of Mega Caterpie and whatnot he once saw. Pulling it all the way to the left, on the other hand, produced a hilariously fragile-looking image for what the creature originally was. Already the beast looked far less threatening than what it started out as. Progress!

Some other sliders Leon examined apparently controlled things like body mass, general length, appendage length and more things like that. The combination of extreme length, extreme thinness and lack of any muscles made one wonder how the creature would even be able to stand. It sort of looked like a lizard version of Slenderman -- which, of course, was still quite creepy if you stopped to think about it. The polar opposite -- that is, minimal length, high bulkiness to the point of looking pudgy and extreme muscles resulted in some kind of lizard dwarf. Of course, both of the two got the voice that would far better match the opposite end of the spectrum, just for the sake of extra amusement. At this point, Leon decided to see if there was a Save As-option under the File tab. On one hand he didn't want to lose 'his' creation, but on the other he also realized that completely overwriting the original file would probably be a really bad idea.
So, random stuff... I'm sure you guys have at least one singer/artist that's either loved or hated by just about anyone. Well, a local chocolate making company decided to take this fact and run with it. Namely, they're going to send one of those people to an uninhabited island, during which he won't be on any TV show in the Netherlands. Which island it's going to be and for how long depends on how much people use the promo site to share a premade message on Twitter/FB -- which means that my country will be free of said artist, and the company gets a ton of free advertisement. Everyone is happy! Well, everyone except for the people who actually like the artist, but details.
What the... It regenerated? Not only that, it actually looked stronger than before. Okay, this was problematic, to say the least. What was also problematic was the toxic gas that was flooding the entire area, making it hard to even breathe, let alone fight properly. This was bad, really bad. If the dragon could just recover like that, then how could they ever hope to defeat it?

It was then that the Azoth finally decided to speak up again. -"Master, I may know a way to beat this foe".
"You do?," Felt called out. "Quick, tell us then!"
-"Okay then. Now, listen closely. There's an Alchemy Item called the Dark Water. It hampers healing techniques and drains away the energy of those affected. In fact, it's quite similiar to the Miasma this dragon is using. If my hypothesis is correct, it should make it impossible for the creature to recover, allowing us to finish it off."
Felt wasn't convinced. "Wait, if it's using the same stuff, then how will it work? Shouldn't it be immune to it?"
-"Possibly," his blade admitted calmly. "The creature might be immune to the effect of the Dark Water. I cannot be sure of this until we've tested this.
"Wait, then why are you making me make this item?"
-"Because obviously simply stabbing it alone isn't working," the Azoth stated.
Having no real counterargument against that logic, Felt gave in. "Okay, so what do I need to do?"

One short explanation later, Felt was focusing on creating the new weapon. Similiarly to how the other items were formed earlier, orbs of mana started to flow from the alchemist's body towards his hand. Unlike how the other items were formed, a sphere of darkness was forming in his hand rather than the shining spheres the other creations made. Regardless, the main process was the same, and quickly a flask-like shape was forming in Felt's hand, some kind of blackish smoke emanating from the opening. Strangely, it did indeed looked suspiciously like the very miasma the dragon was using against them.
"Well, you don't win if you don't try...," the alchemist mumbled, then threw the newly created item at their foe.
Ah, now this was getting somewhere. It still lacked a bit of the amazingness that GM was showing off earlier, but it was better than the bland windows-style thing it was before. Now to look around a bit more in this new thing-- Ooh, a button went all glowy! Without a moment's thought or hesitation, Leon pressed the purple glowing button...

Yay, it was back into shiny-moderny mode again! A wide grin was forming on Leon's face, his eyes practicaly sparking from the joy that is shinyness. Now to actually do something with the thing. Not that he had any idea what was what, but hey. Now, let's see... well, the ones about Rin2 were the wolves, that much was obvious. A memory about him getting mauled in a quite horrible fashion made it so that Leon really didn't want to touch that one. Similiarly, Something told him that it would be a really bad idea to mess with the Leo file, figuring that if that was what the bit that was left of his mind thought it was, he REALLY shouldn't be touching it. That left just one tab... Or rather, it left two versions of what was likely the same thing.

"Let's see. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe... That one!" With this totally logic-based reasoning having finished its task, Leon clicked on the (Mod) version of the Basilix file.
Kaga said
Well no, it wasn't until last night that I listened to him talk for like an hour about religion and his penis. ...At the same time. So um, yeah his childhood was kind of fucked up, apparently.

...Do I even want to know? O_o
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