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  • Old Guild Username: Demeter
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    1. Neon 10 yrs ago


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The slaughter shall commence! We RPers are hungry creatures and we demand blood!
Lee saw some of the others scurry for their homes to gather supplies and belongings. He was in no such rush. His tent was not far and he didn't exactly have much to gather and no one to say goodbye to. He kicked aside the empty food cans littering the floor and scooped up his single spare magazine. 12 shots in total. With that done he could at the very least spare a few minutes to his hygiene. He stripped down, gave himself a quick once over with a scrap of material and soapy water, then changed into fresh clothes. His hair was still a damp as he stepped out and into the darkness but he doubted it mattered.

He walked slowly towarss the heavy, bolted doors to the Maze. Behind them lay the unfathomable labyrinth that had held such mystery to these people for so long. He supposed he was going to see if the rumours and whispers were true. He wasn't the last to arrive, the portly man followed soon after him. Lee had taken a position leaning against the nearest wall, his sucken grey eyes staring at the beckoning doors and imagining the hell that could lay within. He deserved no less than damnation, he who squandered the life he was unworthy of. He could practically feel the time ticking down with each beat of his heart.

The portly man - Bishop - was trying to stir conversation with them. Lee felt like cringing. He didn't want to hear any of this, he didn't want to be walking into another slaughter with friends. It was easier with strangers. He said nothing, instead pretending that he hadn't heard him.
Lee had already resigned himself to his fate. As far as he was concerned he was already dead, he had been for months now. It only seemed right to make it official. His time was counting down and he did not yet know how long he had.

He followed at the back of the group as they were marched like condemned criminals into the building. He said nothing and kept his head low. He'd barely taken a second glance at any of the others, he wasn't interested in becoming at all attached to anyone. There would be no point. He was going to remain as distant as he could, without offending anyone. He had no intention to come off as rude but he would prefer not to form any sort of bond with anyone. It would save both them and him a lot of pain. Despite how much he was intent to keep to himself he was aware of what was going on around him. As such he did notice when the only woman in the group gave was a wide grin. He didn't have enough time to respond until she turned away and so just stared blankly back at her. He furrowed his brow a little, unsure as to why she seemed to cheerful in what was such a dire situation. He could never understand optimists.

He listened to what the Governor had to say, feeling a tension rising in the room as they all came to terms with what they had just agreed to. Lee wouldn't allow himself to turn back now, he'd called himself a coward before for not pulling the trigger but down there... well, perhaps he wouldn't have to. Even if there was nothing down there if they got lost or delayed for too long then they may not make it back in time. Death certainly seemed to be looming with an ever growing presence.

Lee said nothing once the Governor had finished his little 'prep-talk', if it could really be called that. He turned to go back to his tent and retrieve his holster and the rest of his ammo. Chances were that they'd need it. He was aware of how terrible he probably looked. Personal hygiene seemed so pointless when he had nothing worth living for. He skin was pale from lack of sun, his brown hair messy and greasy, and he suspected he didn't smell all that great either. Well for the sake of the others he could spare a few minutes to at least make an effort to fix some of that.
Alright. Almost done with this damn post! Sorry it's taken so long, haven't been on my writing A game today.
Guess so! I'm still really interested in how this whole thing is going to play out. Should be good!
So once they're in the Maze will we get some floor plans?
Oh and will there be a designated Team Leader?
Lee stood silently in the sidelines of the crowd, listening with his brow furrowed and his left hand still twitching. He clenched it and tried to keep the nervous tick under control as the Governor spoke. He didn't want to mingle in with the rest, there was no point in pretending he belonged. He didn't want to seem approachable, he didn't want friends, he didn't want any one else to mourn for when they died. He saw the portly man arrive with a cart full of children. He watched as they dispersed to their parents in their own little clusters.

The situation seemed dire indeed and the only hope was flimsy at best. The chances of survival - if there was some form of creature down there - were low. He didn't need much more convincing than that. He'd go. There was no one to miss him in the Colony so no one would have to feel guilty about sending him to his death, nor did he care if he came out alive or not. Perhaps if there was nothing, no danger or monsters, then he would just end it regardless. Better there were he wouldn't be a burden even in death. They could just stuff him away in a corner and forget about him within days.

Without so much as a single word of announcement, or even a raise of his hand, Lee walked around the crowd and up to the front. He stood alongside the rest, his expression giving no sign of any sense of the solemn responsibility some of the rest seemed to be displaying..
I'll hopefully be getting back to you with a CS later today. This sounds like a lot of fun!
The blanket was corse, its bristle like fibers feeling more akin to needles. Nonetheless Lee pulled it tighter around him. The mattress could barely be called that - an old sheet wrapped around a mix of fabric scraps and what little feather down could be spared. His tent was small, built only for one. What few belongings he had were scattered beside his bed, the rest of the space bare and empty. His holster was empty. A single magazine missing from the set. His hands, clamy with sweat, grasped the gun beneath the blanket. The cold maw of the barrel kissed his jaw, directed to his brain. His finger lingered on the trigger. He wouldn't be the first to find escape from this world and doubtless he wouldn't be the last. Just another name on a growing list. What difference would it make, hardly anyone would notice he was gone. Here for a month and then gone. Within weeks no one would even remember his name... Yet he hesitated. He lowered the gun and let his finger fall from the trigger. He was scared. Too afraid of what he would face after life to let himself embrace the end. Another day, another wasted attempt.

He ejected the magazine and let it fall with a clatter onto the floor. The gun followed, empty and harmless. He lay there, the blanket prickling his skin, the noise of the late evening merely white noise to him. He hasn't left his bed for three days now, he'd barely eaten either. Condemning himself to an empty, lifeless stupor. Despite his permanent residence in bed he'd hardly slept. Death seemed to have already accepted him despite the beat of his heart. His grey eyes, sunken and heavy, gradually drifted shut and he welcomed sleep for the first time in days.


The screaming hit with the power of a shotgun, his heart leaping at the confines of his ribcage with the force of a wild beast. Lee was jarred awake and fell from bed, his belongings scattering as he kicked out, panic striken. Although he was now awake what he was greeted with was like a nightmare. The screaming rattled in his head, shaking lose the memories of that night: the mad rush among the scuffle, crawling through the mud, desperately searching for light, having to claw his way over the bodies of friends in the hopes of escaping the madness...
It was several minutes until Lee could bring himself back to the present. He found himself hyperventilating, cowering and curled up in a corner, drenched in a cold sweat . The flashback had hit him hard, then sudden screams a shock to his system. He fought to calm himself as he slowly rose to shaking legs. It was only then that he noticed the distinct absence of light. Now he understood why the screams had rung out, no lights meant they were vulnerable. He heard the tail end of the announcement and assumed he should do as told. He pulled on his combat pants and vest before scooping up his gun and a magazine from the floor. He took his first few steps outside cautiously, trying to avoid crossing anyone's path. Hs flicked on the monted light on the gun and used it to guide his way in the darkness. Once he reached the square he lingered on the edge of the crowd. His skin was likely palest white and sickly looking but now wasn't a time to be concerned with such things.
I was just working on mine. I should be done pretty soon.
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