Avatar of Nephriel
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 629 (0.17 / day)
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    1. Nephriel 10 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current I am really back this time... after YEARS away. Jeeze.... x.x
9 yrs ago
Um.... I think I'm back... Maybe.
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Soooo, basically I've been role playing for... fifteen years? I've been writing longer than that though... more along the lines of thirteen years. I'm 30, have a kiddo, and am happily married. So, I'm probably older than the majority of you on here but I love to write... I'm odd. I love to set and create ideas in my head but I don't really like to GM... I'm more of a throw everyone together and see what happens sort. Also, because I do have a kiddo my schedule is a little unpredictable. I can't promise much though I try to post at least once a day.

I enjoy high fantasy, mystery, drama, and romance BUT I don't do smutty play. I prefer to fade to black when things get steamy... Partly because I'm happily married and partly because I don't want the main focus in my plays to be smutt. I have several characters I adore and can't quite lead myself to give up on... I love expanding and evolving their stories so feel free to ask me about them and some of my roleplay ideas.... I have many.

Most Recent Posts

Seb let out a breath as Gunner's fists slowly unclenched and he gained some color back to his face. Anna glanced up at Gunner as he spoke and nodded, she knew this would probably be hard for him... As Serena encouraged her to go Anna looked down at the child one more time, longingly, and then passed her gently to Serena before standing. "I'll be right back..." She moved to Gunner's side and rubbed the back of her neck, "Let's go..."

She guided Gunner into her tiny room and shut the door before seating herself on the bed with a sigh. "It's good to be back..."

She glanced at Gunner, "They probably won't let me keep her anyway..."


Seb watched the two of them go and looked at the tiny baby in Serena's arms... It was like a sneak preview into their future and Serena was glowing too. He kissed her cheek and as he sat with her he leaned against her shoulder to look down at the tiny little one. Her eyes opened just slightly and she yawned toothlessly...

"She's so tiny..."

Sure, he had a younger sister but to be honest he hadn't spent much time around her when she'd been this little. It was basically all new to him. She squirmed and fussed a little before making a face... Seb promptly made a face shortly after, "Did she just... go potty?"

((Couldn't resist. :P))
Anna smiled somewhat at the other girl, the truth was that though she wanted to keep her she didn't know if the Queen would allow it. A Dhampir raising a Moroi was something that was likely to upset quite a few people. She took another breath as she stepped into the room and Gunner saw the baby. This was the other thing that she'd been afraid of facing, she wasn't sure how Gunner would react. As she watched his fists clench and his jaw work she shifted on her feet uneasily.

"I don't know... She doesn't have a family anymore, we didn't have spirit users with us and I'm not even sure which was her mother... but I doubt the Queen will let me raise her." She glanced at Seb, "She's Moroi." She glanced down at the baby as she squirmed again and yawned hugely, Anna smiled... that warm flutter taking over her heart again at the sight. "I want to..." She looked up at Gunner nervously before she moved to set beside Serena, anxious to try and keep Gunner from melting down.

"The best I can tell... she's maybe almost two months old..." She glanced at Serena and pulled the blanket down away from the baby's face and sighed softly, "I don't even know her name..." She leaned on her friend's shoulder, emotionally worn out.

Seb was busy watching both Anna's and Gunner's auras, trying to gauge the situation as best he could in case he had to get Gunner out of there to breathe for a minute. when his friend's hands went into fists and he seemed to pale a bit Seb moved to his side. "Let's take a walk. I need to visit the feeders anyway," Seb offered. He was trying to give Gunner a chance to escape for a moment if he needed to and Anna a chance to steady herself.

He could see how much she wanted to keep the baby, it was all over her aura... she was glowing like the sun but underneath that was worry and sorrow all mingled up together. She didn't want to hurt Gunner, was scared he would make her choose between he and the child... was scared the Queen wouldn't even bother to give them that choice. Seb knew what he could do for them.... how he could help them keep her but it all rode on how things worked out with Gunner. There was no possible way Anna would be allowed to raise the child on her own.

He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling the tension in the room fizzle. He glanced at Serena, "We'll give you girls some time on your own... unless Gunner wants to stay?"
It was nearly a week before Anna returned... The weather was dreary and the skys were full of rain the day she finally got back. With Gunner's help from the map and his call they'd decimated the strigoi army in the caves but their numbers when they returned were significantly reduced. Quite a few had died in the battle but in the end they were victorious. Anna stepped out of the vehicle and pulled the blanket around the bundle in her arms tighter, pulling it up against her chest to shield it from the rain. She knew she'd have to face the Queen in a day or two but they'd been given a reprieve so that they could recoop from the fight they'd just been in.

As Anna dashed inside she glanced down again at the tiny bundle in her arms and felt both sorrow and an unknown warmth swell in her chest, one that had been growing since she'd discovered the little thing and had taken her in. She moved up the steps and towards the door of their apartment like rooms before taking a breath and knocking. She wasn't sure what her friend's reactions would be, what Gunner's reaction would be. She knew she didn't have to knock but she felt like she shouldn't just drop this on everyone all at once...

The tiny bundle squirmed and made a soft complaint at the noise before Anna bounced it up and down and hummed softly to it, shifting nervously on her feet.


In the week that Anna had been gone Seb had managed to talk the nurses into a wheelchair for Serena so she didn't have to be completely bed ridden all the time. He made it a point to take her out and about whenever possible and their tests and check-ups had gotten closer and closer together. Seb had asked that he not know the gender of the baby till it was born, he wanted it to be a surprise and was positive he'd be happy no matter what. As far as Gunner went, he'd been trying to spend as much time as possible with his friend also and what had made it easier was telling Airen she wasn't needed anymore and placing Gunner as his temporary Guardian despite his protests. As he'd told him, they were at court and in little to no danger from strigoi while on the grounds and with Serena in her current state that wasn't a problem. Also, Seb needed someone with Serena when he couldn't be there... someone he trusted and despite Airen's seemingly mellow attitude toward Serena something told him it was an act.

The day that Anna came back Seb had been disappointed that he wouldn't be able to take Serena outside so he'd called up a nice meal for them and was about to go get her to help her into the wheel chair when a knock came at the door. "Serena, Gunner! I think Anna's back!"

He went to the door and opened it and for a moment was extremely confused....

Anna found Gunner talking to the doctors again and a small wave of guilt struck her at the thought of having to leave him. He'd do better and get worse and repeat but mostly he was just as shaken up as that first day she'd brought him back. She wished there was something she could do, some way she could help him feel like himself... She knew what it was like to feel weak and broken. It's what she'd had to get past in order to go after him because feeling helpless wasn't something you wanted to go at Strigoi facing. She nibbled at her lip and moved to his side, her hands slipping into her pockets after tucking a stray strand of hair from her pony-tail behind her ear.

"Hey Gun..." she gave him a small tired smile. "Everything okay?"

She knew about the day terrors, knew what PTSD could be like and honestly she'd considered suggesting that Gun be put on the same anti-anxiety meds she'd been on a while back... but she knew he might not agree with taking meds. She shook her head, "The Elites called..." She sighed, "They need me... They're finally doing the raid on the caves and the Queen is calling for every able bodied Dhampir in the area... I have to go."


Seb knew Serena was frustrated, he imagined being stuck in bed and having a little person kick and punch and do summersaults inside you wasn't exactly pleasant. He'd been trying his hardest to make her comfortable. He'd been opening the window to let the air in, he'd been helping her set up so she could watch tv, he'd brought her books, he'd made her breakfast himself, he'd even gotten desperate once when she'd gotten depressed and had turned on the radio and danced around the room half naked and singing into a hair brush just to make her laugh. All in all he was just about as worn out as she was but he kept it very carefully hidden because he didn't want her feeling guilty.

He'd made runs to the cafeteria late at night for odd cravings and he'd brought her flowers and Anna and Gunner had come and played cards with her whenever possible. Still, he was pretty sure that she was about to scream. Their bond was dampened but he could see her aura well enough and he knew she was antsy... She wanted up and he wished he could let her but after that last scare he nearly had a heart attack every time she rolled over.... He hid that too.

He entered the room, carefully balancing a stack of movies. "So, romantic comedy, action thriller, fantasy adventure...?"
Anna smiled, "I'm happy for you both... though I hope I get to feel her kick soon. I bet it's amazing..." She noticed Gunner falling asleep and smiled somewhat. She was glad he was getting rest... it hadn't been easy being shifted from strigoi back to yourself again. Not just emotionally and mentally but physically it was draining. As they all laughed and talked Anna slowly started to feel at home again. When the Guardians came to get the map, Seb was nice enough to take it to them and afterwards Anna urged Gunner up and into the bedroom. She couldn't leave him alone, not with all those monsters lingering in his head, so she curled up with him on the bed. She didn't talk to him about his time as a strigoi, instead she hummed quietly to fill the silence and played with his hair with her free hand...


Seb grinned great big and leaned down and planted a kiss on her tummy, "About time..." He straightened up and noticed Gunner falling asleep and after the elites took the map he followed Anna's suit and urged Serena to bed. He let her get comfortable and then ran his fingers up and down along her side gently. "Maybe things will get better now... We've faced my parents, Gunner is back, Anna seems better..."

He kissed her shoulder and neck gently, "I love you, Serena."


Another month passed as Anna allowed Gunner the time he needed to recoop but she couldn't put off going after the kids forever and the Elite's numbers were thin as it was. She knew the Queen would urge for Moroi help again even though it wasn't a popular move since most of the children taken had been Dhampir and not Moroi. Still, there were those willing to help on the simple knowledge that trained Dhampir Strigoi would be a force to be reckoned with once they were old enough to turn.

Anna frowned as she hung up her phone, it was the second time in a week the Elite's had called for her assistance and she couldn't keep saying no. With a sigh she bit at her lip before going to find Gunner. She had to go, even if he couldn't... which she would understand... she had to go. Those kids were probably terrified and they'd waited too long already. That wasn't Gunner's fault, they'd needed a month to build up the forces they'd need to take out the Strigoi in those caves, but now they were ready to go and despite her need to stay at Gunner's side right now... She HAD to be part of fixing this... part of her still blamed herself for Gunner being turned Strigoi to begin with.
Anna hugged Serena and smiled softly, "I'm sorry, I'll try to stick close as soon as we find these kids... I'm worried what might happen if they stay there much longer." She sighed, "I wish I didn't have to be gone so much... I want to be there when you pop. Hopefully, this will all be over soon."

As Gunner finished the map she turned and looked it over before nodding, "I should get this to the other Elites..." She looked between he and Serena and shook her head, "I'll call them. They can come here and get it... It's not a long walk."

She sat down beside Gunner and slipped her hand into his, twining her fingers between his... "I missed you... I wish it hadn't taken me so long to find you."

She ran a hand through her hair, she knew she'd said that already but she meant it... She felt like maybe if she'd found him sooner then she'd have saved him from some of the guilt. She glanced at Serena, "How has my adopted niece been doing?"


Seb fed and as soon as he was done and felt like he could manage it he stood and joined the others, slipping his arms around Serena as he came up behind her. He heard Anna's question and smiled, his hands straying to Serena's belly as he rested his head on her shoulder.... He was happy to have everyone back together again.
As they headed back to the room, Anna couldn't help worrying about Gunner. She knew how being a strigoi warped your thoughts and twisted the things you loved into something dark and possessive. She'd only experienced for a few short moments but in that time she'd nearly turned Gunner into a Strigoi so she could have him all to herself forever... even knowing he would hate it. The thought he'd hate it made her want to do it that much more because it was making him feel something, anything, for her and that was all she cared about. She rubbed the back of her neck at the memory and caught up with he and Seb just as Seb was opening the door and half stumbling through.

Airen, the new Guardian, basically caught him as he nearly fell into her and she frowned before she noticed Gunner and Anna behind him. "Both of you are Guardians and neither of you thought to help him?"

Anna's eyes narrowed on the woman who was already quickly earning her way onto Anna's shit list. "Mind your own," her voice was almost a hiss.

Seb cleared his throat, "It's fine Airen, Gunner was... wounded and Anna was making sure he was alright. I told them I was fine."

Seb brushed past her and Anna locked glares with the girl before she followed Gunner into the room and smiled at Serena. "Hey..."

Seb had moved to her side and basically collapsed next to her tiredly, the circles under his eyes were deep and his face looked a bit sunken and paler than usual. Anna frowned, "You need to eat..."

She glanced at Gunner before reaching in her back pocket and withdrawing the small folded up map she had used to mark the cave systems that Gunner had been hiding in when they'd found him. "Will this work?" She smiled tiredly at him, "I'm sorry you have to do this now..."
As he leaned into her hand Anna's heart thawed... she could relax now. HER Gunner was back, he was back and he was hurting. All the emotion she'd locked down in case she had to kill him came flooding back and as he cried into her she lowered her head and cried too... Running her hands over his back as she kissed his head and his cheeks. She'd been so terrified she wouldn't get him back, that trying to get him back would get her friends killed but she hadn't been able to fully give up on him... Even when she'd staked him that first time in the caves, she'd done so half-heartedly and truth be told if she'd have meant it instead of hesitated Gunner wouldn't be here now and she'd be dead too thanks to his Mom.

"I thought... I was scared I'd lost you..." She took a breath and gave him a shakey smile, "Welcome back Gun..."

Seb was still there, still listening and when he heard the sobs slow he came back around to find Gunner looking up. As he thanked them Seb felt a knot in his throat, he was glad to have his friend back... "You're welcome, Marks..." He shook his head, "We missed you..."

Anna ran her fingers through his hair again and took another breath, "I'm so sorry Gun... I tried to find you sooner but all the information was mucked... We'll put this right though, you and me... I promise."

She glanced at Seb, "You feel okay enough to help me get him out of here?"

Seb nodded, "Yeah... I don't like seeing him down here, and I'm sure Serena wants to see him."
Seb nearly collapsed as well when it was over and done with... He hadn't used spirit in so long that it had nearly wiped him out. He leaned against the bars and sank into a seated position and Anna shooed the other Guards away when she saw Gunner collapse. She'd only been a strigoi a few moments before but it had been enough to make her know the kinds of things you were capable of in that form. As Gunner vomited Anna winced and ran a hand through her hair before glancing at Seb. "Can you...?"

He nodded and struggled to his feet before leaving the cell. He understood what Anna meant, she didn't want him to leave completely... just to give Gunner a moment to recoop.

Anna moved to his side, careful not to touch him. "It's okay Gun... We brought you back so you could help fix it. We'll make it alright..."

She took a breath, "I'm sorry Gun... I wanted another spirit user to do it so Seb wouldn't see you like this... but they were too far and we're short on time..."

She felt horrible, she knew she should be comforting him but she didn't know what to say or if he'd want to hear it... Risking it, she reached out and brushed his hair from his brow.
Anna sighed, his words hurt but she kept the emotion from her face... "I know you Gunner, and this isn't you... Even when you get wrapped up in being the best you've always been the most caring person I knew. So, you can say what you want but you're just a monster wearing Gun's face and I won't let you hurt me or my friends... I will kill you if I have to because Gunner would hate knowing he'd hurt anyone of us. It would destroy him... and you're not him."

She stood, "You can call me Anna Banana all you want 'Pretty Boy' but I know what you are... You might be in control of him now but you won't be for long... One way or the other."


Seb sighed and kissed Serena, "You're wonderful, you know that... Keep an eye on things... up here." He tapped his forehead and then kissed her again, "You're right though... We have to make sure Gunner comes back. He's part of our odd little family."

He wrapped his arms around her, kissed her belly and then ran a hand through her hair... He would be lying if he said he wasn't worried but Anna had to have a plan. No way would she put him in danger without one.

"I love you, call a feeder for me?" He was going to need it by the time he came back...

When he got to the Cells he heard Anna talking and came up beside her shortly after. The minute he saw Gunner he was struck by both the similarities and the differences... He was wearing Gunner's face but the menacing look on it was one Gunner had never directed at his friends... The eyes were the same sky blue but the red ringed the iris darkly and his skin had paled significantly in the time he'd been gone.

He didn't bother addressing Gunner, he knew he wouldn't like hearing the monster talk with his friend's voice. "What do you need me to do?"


Anna turned her gaze back on Gunner, "Sorry Gun, we aren't playing fair... We can't take the risk..."

Two moroi came up to her and she nodded... Earth and stone burst from the ground and wrapped around Gunner's legs up to his hips and then Anna yanked the door open and darted around behind him, catching him in an arm lock.


A batch of dirt flew into Gunner's eyes just as Seb lunged forward and brought the stake down...
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