Avatar of nikkinono
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 46 (0.01 / day)
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    1. nikkinono 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Sorry for the absence every one, I was at a convention last weekend and it has been busy since then. I will reply as soon as possible!!


Hello everyone, I am NikkiNoNo (Nikki), and I would like to welcome you to my page. If you want to roleplay just send me a PM and we can talk about ideas/plots/characters. I have been roleplaying for 11 years.

I am a full-time college student and I work in the evenings. Luckily, I am off on the weekends so I wanted to get back into roleplaying.

I hope to hear from you all soon. Bye-bye!

Most Recent Posts


Check it out! New Anime is up!

Diabolik Lovers

Ooo I love the idea for the weapons!
This was supposed to be a 1x1 between the two of us but heck, THE MORE THE MERRIER!!!
Plus I want to see more of your characters and how they interact!
Yay!! We got characters!! woop woop~ Now....

Who shall start?

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock?
In Sanctuary 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Sweat beaded down her forehead and slid down the side of her freckled filled face, trailing down her neck. She was thirsty and tired. The noises would keep her up all night and if it wasn't the zombies it was the people she found lurking around. To think, times like these all people do is take and kill...well Gill couldn't blame them, hell she would have done the same thing if it wasn't for the fear of losing whatever sanity she had left. To survive you had to take care of yourself and that was something Gill lacked in that way of thinking. It might have just been the doctor in her but whenever people were hurt or needed help she would go to their aide in an instant. Sometimes in her travels that almost cost her her life. But somehow she was lucky enough to get out. Stopping she looked around, wondering if anyone was around her. She needed water, her throat was dry and each time she licked her lips she could feel how they began to chap.
"Ah Jaysus, oi nade ter git sum water before oi pass oyt." she whispered to herself, wiping the sweat from her forehead.
As she continued to walk she saw a man. A tall fellow with dark messy hair. She was about to call out but knew better than to do that, especially if the man was armed. Instead she followed. He had to be going to shelter, and shelter meant food and water. There she could strike a deal, who didn't like doctors right?
In Sanctuary 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Thank you very much!
Jaada Minx

(Sorry! I finally got to making the character hahah sorry!!!)
In Sanctuary 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
K I will fix!~

Edit: Fixed!
In Sanctuary 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
sorry I posted so late!!! But I hope to join too!
In Sanctuary 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Gillian O'Callaghan
Red curly hair, light blue eyes, a lot of freckles. Stands at 5'5" and weighs 118 lbs.
Convenient previous occupation/hobby:
Starting equipment:
First Aide kit with antibiotics, on the field surgeon tools (needles, thread for stitches), amputation knives.
Gillian is a mother and a full time traveling nurse who would journey to many places across America whenever she heard word of help. She would leave her daughter with her mother when she had to travel knowing their location was safe enough to return to once things were stable enough at her location she was stationed in. Unfortunately she was working at a refugee camp on the west coast of america where the virus affected many of the people. When the once peaceful community began to go crazy, every person for themselves, she fled back home to what was once the flourishing state of Florida to be with her mother and sister. Her mother decided it would be safe to stay in one of the safe holds in Key West since they were isolated ever since the bombing of the bridge that connected the last island to the rest of Florida. Thinking it was the best idea she agreed but had to leave shortly after to help out in Icarus City where . It wasn't long until the infection spread but before all lines were cut to communicate with them she made sure to inform her mother of the safe hold up in Canada where it was safer to get to by ship. Gillian has no idea if they made it there or not but she prays for their safety and that they did.
I'm interested!
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