Avatar of NobodiesHero
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 262 (0.10 / day)
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    1. NobodiesHero 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current One of my five year students just punched me in the face. I'm so proud of them. (I teach martial arts btw)
6 yrs ago
Even companies like Netflix are against the removal of net neutrality. Why did it get voted out? Political bullshit. They know what would have happened if they put it to a public vote.
7 yrs ago
Two older guys are sitting in Starbucks next to me, loudly insulting their frugal friend for his small TV and the fact that he doesn't eat take out. People are stupid.
7 yrs ago
@LordofthePies I call my sister Moo-Doodle.
7 yrs ago
Hit my word goal for day one of NaNo, just 29 to go. Hahahaha.


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So I may or may not have watched the entire first Season of Seven Deadly Sins since the interest thread was put up. Oops.
Here's my writing sample! Also, here's a picture of Mana, since she's so important is this.

I'll be the first to admit, the ending sucks. I knew if I didn't end it there, I wouldn't be able to stop writing and then it would be super long. But I'm happy with the way the rest of it turned out. If there's any wierd line skips, it's because I wrote this on a tablet, and it likes to make things end up really funky looking. I think I fixed them all, but sometimes they change after I submit.

Here's my character! I hope you like him.

Still in the need of Holy Knights? I've only seen the first few episodes of the anime, but I've been planning on finishing it anyway.
Mana's expression made no changes at Kazuma's pathetic excuse of an insult. In fact, she made no acknowledgement that she had even heard it. She simply continued to mess around with the colorful cube. The only thing that gave away her irritation was a phrase said so quietly that nobody was supposed to hear it. "Do we really need him?" Everyone knew that when Kazuma eventually died, Mana would be the cause. She hated him almost as much as the hero that killed her brother.

Two people entered the bar, causing tension to immediately rise. Mana recognized Whitesnake, but not the girl he was with. She listened in on the conversation for a few moments, only to lose interest. New recruit, and didn't speak neither Japanese or English? Why was she even here then? Ryuuji, being as polite as ever, offered to teach the useless girl Japanese. Mana wondered why, it wasn't worth it when she'd probably die. The only thing interesting about her was her hair, which was a brilliant red color. Yellow and orange flowers would make it look like fire. Mana had her next target for her boredom.

Two more familiar figures made their presences known. The first was Panopticon a figure that Mana usually paid very little mind to. Because she found his presence to be incredibly unsettling. The second was that disgusting, perverted, Chika. Number three on Mana's list of people that she hated. The woman spent all her time locked away messing with her stupid machines. She didn't even bother to use personal hygiene until Shade Walker had basically forced her. That was where the digusting part came in, and the pervert part was even worse. She had this habit of leaving her stupid cameras everywhere, including the bathroom.

Mana was a very private person. She had been changing in the bathroom one day and had spotted the little device. Thankfully she hadn't been fully unclothed, just her top half. But the thought of somebody being able to see her in her most vulnerable state had set her off. Mana had torn apart the camera and then had to spend several minutes composing herself before leaving the bathroom, and dumping the remains of the camera on Shade Walker's table. Chika had the gall to get mad at her for destroying the camera, when she was the one to blame for it.

In her state of not focusing of the colorful cube, she had actually managed to make some decent progress on it. But, like when she had been a child trying to solve it, she was losing interest. She had a much better solution than pulling the stickers off this time. Focusing on each side, tiny flowers began to grow on the cube, each side a different color. Because the cube was so small, as were the flowers, it took only thirty seconds or so for the task to be completed. When she was done, each side was covered in the tiny colorful flowers. A child's solution to something they couldn't solve. With a satisfied expression on her face, she set the cube on the table, presenting her work to Ryuuji.
Sheik handed the two blue rupees to Linkle, before clasping his hands behind his back. He was too proud to show it, but doing something that dangerous had been scary. His hands were shaking slightly, which was why he hid them. He didn't want anybody to see, especially not Mido or Linkle. Though his reasons were very different. Mido was a jerk and Linkle, well Linkle would have been worried and he didn't want to see that.

"About that." Sheik said slightly sheepishly. "I can get us to the area where the sword is, but I don't know exactly where the sword is in that area. We'll have to look for it, and keep an eye out for rupees." Impa had told him about the sword, just in case he had need of it. But she didn't tell him the exact location, since she had never been there herself. Apparently she was passing on knowledge from the Great Deku Tree.

Regardless of that, it shouldn't be too hard to find the sword. Right? Sheik led Linkle to the maze of fences that the Kokiri liked to play in and to the secret tunnel in the back. The small hole would have to be crawled through. "All I know is that the sword is back there somewhere. Beyond here, we're both blind to the dangers that may be there. Be careful."
Holidays have kept me busy. Should be able to respond either tomorrow night, or Friday.
Mana's expression didn't change at all when Captain East caught himself, completely unharmed and then proceeded to turn on her vines. She didn't flinch when Shade Walker cut them, or even when he threw the knife at her. She just let out bounce off her harmlessly. She was too useful for them to kill, and she knew that. She didn't even acknowledge the scolding she got, instead her focus had shifted to Kane, who had just walked in and was far more amused by her trick than anyone else. She returned her precious meatshield's nod and smirk of approval with a small smile of her own.

Her face went blank once more as Ryuuji actually came over to her table, following Shade Walker's order to keep an eye on her. She nodded in agreement to his comment about drunkards. Captain East was a pathetic piece of shit, and that's all he'd ever be. The threats of someone so worthless meant as little to her as his life did.

Mana tilted her head to the side curiously as Ruuji disappeared then returned moments later with a familiar, colorful, cube in his hands. He offered it to Mana, setting it on the table in front of her. For a moment all she did was stare. A memory popped into her mind of trying to solve one of these with her brother. They had spent so much time on it without any success. It had gotten to the point where there had given up and instead of actually solving it, they had just pulled off all the stickers and stuck them on so it looked like they had solved it.

Mana felt a tug at her heart that she was oh so familiar with. The uncomfortable mix of grief and anger that always made it's way to the surface when she thought of her brother, of Akito. After that moment of hesitation as the memory hit her, Dark Druid picked up the cube and with the same focus she had shown when messing with Captain East, began to try and solve it. Or at least play with it.

Mana's ears were open to the conversation around her. She was listening to the uselessly long explanation that Shadw Walker gave, though she didn't care. Her hands stopped moving as Kazuma began to speak. Trainees, poor little brainwashed souls that thought being a hero was the only thing they could do with their Quirks. Some of them would be genuinely good people, not in it for the glory and fame, but rather to actually help people. Not like the worthless son of a bitch that had killed Akito.

"Kazuma, shut the fuck up, your stupid is showing again." Mana said suddenly, looking up from the cube as she did. It was practically the only thing she had said all day. The last time she had spoken was hours ago, when she had asked the bartender for tea. With her piece said, Mana's eyes drifted back down to the cube and her hands began to move once more. Her focus drawn back towards the pointless game.
There was a reason Sheik hadn't gotten the ten rupees yet. It was stuck in a branch that was a good twenty-five to thirty feet off the ground. It was going to be dangerous. But if it meant Linkle would stop stealing things, then it was a risk he was going to have to take. Sheik led the way over to the tree. Colin noticed and came runnning over. "Are you going to get the rupee?" He asked. Sheik responded with a nod. "Hang on, I'll be right back." Colin said before running off.

He returned a few minutes later with his brother in tow, with a few other Kokiri children as well. Apparently they all wanted to see Sheik climb the tree, or fall out of it. It seemed that it was time for him to start. Sheik took a deep breath, and then before he could talk himself out of it, started to climb. It was easier than he had expected, his Sheikah training him agile. It was only a few minutes before Sheik found himself staring out at the branch where the rupee was stuck. This, was going to be the hard part.

Very carefully, Sheik inched his way out on the branch, until finally he was close enough so that when he stretched out, he could reach the rupee. Now was the matter of getting down. Much more slowly than before, Sheik climbed down from the tree. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding when his feet were finally back on the ground. He held his hand out, showing that he had actually gotten the rupee. Wordlessly, for he was shocked that Sheik had even tried to get it, let alone had actually managed to do it, Colin's brother put another blue rupee in his hand.
Can we respond again, or would you rather us wait until everyone's had the chance to post once?
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