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  • Old Guild Username: Nobunaga Jin
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 41 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Nobunaga Jin 10 yrs ago


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Name: Alvin Callaghan (AKA Gentleman Jack)

Race: Human (Midlander)

Appearance: As an assassin, he wears a red cap, a mask, and a cape that covers his entire body, hiding away many of his instruments and tools. Underneath that cape, he wears his civilian clothes which consists of a redvest and white undershirt, with black dress pants and shoes.

According to which appearance he has on, he uses different sets of equipment. As an assassin, he hides 6 throwing knives on the upper left part of the inside of his cape. He also hides several vials of poison on the upper right part of his cape. A dagger is strapped in its sheath beside his hip, and a quiver of arrows is strapped to his back. He holds the bow most in hand most of the time.

As a civilian, he sheds off the mask, cape, dagger, quiver, and bow to hides them in his bag of belongings (save for the poisons, which he keeps in a smaller bag that he has on him as a civilian). The only piece of equipment he uses in this guise is a saber.

Other details about his appearance includes Heterochromia (having one eye green, and the other blue), mid-length black hair, light skin, and a thin, but durable, physique.

Text of Whatever:

Assassin said It doesn't matter if they're a king or a slave. They can die. That's what I'm here for. To send them off to the Reaper.

That's what another assassin said to me during a job that included four of us. He wanted to sound cool, but it just made him sound like an idiot.

I am Alvin Callaghan...at least that's the name I go by as an assassin. If anyone saw me without my mask and cape, they'd see me as someone else. The man with amnesia who goes by the nickname, "Gentleman Jack." I put up quite a convincing act, though it's difficult to keep up sometimes. Well...I guess it's not entirely an act. After all this time, switching between Alvin Callaghan and Gentleman Jack, I can't remember who I was before.

I guess it doesn't matter, though. I don't have any interest in retrieving any lost memories. I'm just here to kill for the ones who hire me. My clients range from young to old, across the land. Their reasons for wanting someone dead doesn't interest me, and if they regret it afterwards, it's not my fault. Using this type of thinking has set me for life, so there really isn't any need for me to continue as an assassin.

In truth, I don't really take on clients much anymore. I just travel this land, and only take on a client out of boredom...Hm? I seem to be rambling. I'll stop here for now.
Should I tell him? Or do you still need help with stuff?
Did my friend help you out?
Sorry. Busy week. I should have a character by tomorrow.
I'll try this out. I can ask a friend of mine to help you with lore. I'll help out with other aspects that you need help with
In Vahara 2 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
As he was in the past:

As he is now:

Birth Name: Valdus Tarrant
Name origin: His name was given to him out of his father's high expectations of him.
Alias: Towering Warrior
Gender: Male
Skin tone: Dark
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 8 feet 5 inches
Body Build: Muscular
Faction: Mad Queen
Affiliation: Nuetral
Backstory: Valdus was born in a family of Blacksmiths and craftsmen. His father was strict, and had the intention of turning Valdus into a blacksmith like himself. Just like his father before him, and his grandfather before him, and so on. For many years into his life, Valdus was forced to train his strength, so he could carry heavy items with ease. He was taught how to wield the hammer, not only as a tool, but as a weapon as well, in case someone was foolish enough to attack him. By the time he was 16, Valdus was already many times stronger than his father.
When he reached the age of 20, terrorists had come to his village. They attacked and butchered everyone they found. Valdus' mother and father were killed in front of him, and attempted to take his life as well. He managed to escape and hide in a forest, but he had to watch as his village was burned to ashes. The only things that survived were his father's tools.
For years afterward, Valdus wandered the land, working as a blacksmith here and there, but never staying in one spot. Throughout his travels, he had come into danger time and again, so he fashioned a set of armor to protect him. As time passed, and materials were gained, he crafted a large greatshield. As more time passed, he created a lance to fight back. He didn't even look the same anymore.
The time he settled in the Kingdom of Night, was the time his profession as a blacksmith and craftsman ended. There were already enough of them within the city, he would just be looked over, so he had no other choice.
Valdus became a criminal. Robbing and threatening any he felt deserved it. For a while, it helped him live on, but a man with his armor was easy to spot out. He was arrested and imprisoned within the dungeon, but not before fighting back. He took down many before being overwhelmed.
Valdus spent a few months imprisoned, listening to the prison guards. He caught a bit of information that the previous queen had died. Not long after that had reached his ears, Valdus was released on the condition that he joined the new Queen's forces. He agreed, and now follows commands. Whther they be related to combat or smithing, he will follow his orders to keep his freedom
-Armor is large and heavy, so he can take a few more hits than the normal soldier.
-acquired great strength in order to use and carry all of his equipment.
-armor is easy to get out of, whenever he needs to make a hasty retreat.
-Equipment is heavy enough to make him slower than Normal soldiers.
-his size makes him a large target for ranged warriors.
-Size won't allow him to fit through tight spaces.
-Stamina is less than the normal soldier.
-Absolutely needs to return to where he abandons his armor, otherwise his defence is as weak as a civilian with a lance and great shield.
Religion:Believes mainly in Infelix, Bene, and Solum.
Birth Month: Infelix
In Vahara 2 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Ok, I'll have my character up by night, but I have a busy day today, so please be patient with me.
In Vahara 2 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I discussed my idea with Oto, and we came to a conclusion that it wouldn't make much sense. If I come up with a different one, I'll try to think it out a bit more.
In Vahara 2 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Alright, I'm here now. Let's see what we got here. Mortality? Deaths based on chance and probability? Sounds interesting. I'll join in, if you don't mind.

EDIT: Also, Pluto and Oto said something about Faction creation. Can I present an idea?
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