Avatar of nymian


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10 mos ago
Current Eagerly counting down til the contest entries are posted. I can't wait to see what everyone entered!
10 mos ago
You're an hour ahead of me, but i'll take a puff to help celebrate
10 mos ago
30 in 54 minutes. Farewell, young adult status
10 mos ago
@murdervictim same! I turn 30 wednesday
10 mos ago
i got to pick out my engagement ring :3


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I vote for The Starless Kingdom. It is a quite an adventure, a well written and complete story in limited words, I didn't feel anything was missing besides cutting some corners. The transition from a havoc creating nuiscance, loathed by the staff to a friendly rescuer and love interest was a bit sudden, but for the length of the story it worked.

That is completely fair feedback. I joined the site with about a week left of the competition, and I goofed the deadline time because my mind read CST not CET lol.

I really hoped to flesh out the nuisance bit a little more, and make it more of a turning point of realizing he could drop the act and mature but I had to rush it. Even still, I was happy with it. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
As the two newcomers and Starfire stood in the kitchen, she noticed Alrick and someone who looked familiar to her crossing the living room, seemingly headed down to the basement. Was she hurt? Alrick usually headed to the basement for medical supplies. Her head cocked to the side in curiosity, she called out to Alrick. "Alrick, you did not tell us you were expecting a friend today. Please, who is your guest?" She asked, gesturing to Soleil.

Soleil froze when Starfire spoke. Remember why you're here. Remember your story. You're Alrick's cousin. She thought to herself. Soleil became aware of the frozen look on her face and she fixed it quickly. "My name is Soleil." She said with a smile. "I'm Alrick's cousin. I'm visiting from Seattle. It's been a few years at least since we've last seen each other, and I surprised him with a visit. He didn't know I was coming today. My apologies for intruding if I am, I was hoping if it was a low crime day that maybe he and I would have a chance to catch up, hang out.." She wondered if what she was saying was believable enough.

Starfire's eyes closed as a huge smile spread across her face. "Welcome then, friend! Your cousin is of great help to us, and we are pleased to have him as part of the team. Alrick, please enjoy your time with Soleil. We will call on you if you are needed." She told him. She continued to study the girl, however. Something about her seemed familiar and she couldn't place it. She looked a bit like... Robin. But with a similar color hair to that of her own. Who was Soleil, and why was she really here?
Soleil froze hearing Starfire's younger self. They were probably about the same age at this point in time. A mix of emotions boiled within her, but she took a deep breath and steadied herself. Alrick's voice penetrated her thoughts, snapping her back to reality. They were going to head down the basement, likely crossing paths with the rest of the Titans.

"You got it, fam." She said, nodding to him. "Now, are you going to show your cousin around, or are we going to sit here in your room all day?" She asked, selling it just in case anyone else still happened to be around. "I can't wait to see this place." Soleil grinned, winking at Alrick. She lowered her voice so just Alrick could hear. "Thank you."

To be serious for a moment, she had to come up with a quick backstory. She was from...? Seattle. She'd just say she was from Seattle. She had just finished watching Grey's Anatomy reruns. She loved old classic medical dramas like that. Marathons of it were broadcasted on the Oldies Channel. Okay, she was from Seattle and she was here to see Alrick. It had been quite some time since they last saw each other, and he promised to show her around the tower and Jump City. That she be believable enough.
Oh dang I missed some stuff

Just a lil bit lol

I took Star just so we have a canon for now, and we have Robin and Raven joining us soon!

It's been a long time since I've played Star. She can be fun to play, but I forget how proper/weird she speaks. I might just have to watch a few episodes to refresh. I might actually just watch the movie if I can find it. I used to have a copy but I've moved several times and lost it.
testing this color

Starfire smiled, and clapped her hands together. "Ah, yes, Robin has been expecting you, Gracer! Please, come in. I am sure Robin is here, but at this moment I am not sure where he is." She stepped aside so that Gracer and Pulse could step in. "Do you have business with Robin as well?" She asked Pulse. "Robin only told me of one arrival." Perhaps Robin just hadn't had a chance to tell her yet.

"I was heading to the kitchen for some light nourishment if you both would like to join me. I am not sure where Robin is off to at the moment, so it might be a while." She offered, trying to be hospitable. "Are you of thirst or hunger?"

A tall, slender, red-haired girl floated through the tower effortlessly. Her time amongst these halls not nearly as long as the time spent back on her home planet of Tamaran, but the giant T-shaped tower was still home to her. "Come along Silkie! We are heading to the kitchen to get a small bit of nourishment, or what everyone refers to as a 'snack'." As the two alien creatures made their way down to the kitchen, they passed Alrick's room. The door was cracked, and Starfire did her best not to intrude on other's privacy, so she didn't look. Though, the door was cracked, it was cracked just enough to block Soleil standing just on the other side of it. Starfire stopped just on the other side of Alrick's door and called to him. "Alrick, Silkie and I are going down to the kitchen for a snack if you would like to join us." She offered.

The doorbell rang, diverting Starfire's snack plans. "Oh, a visitor. How wonderful. I will greet them!" Starfire floated off to the tower's front entrance. She made her way to the door, and opened it to two gentlemen standing at the door. "Greetings, friends! How may I help you?"

I'll go ahead and take Star for the time being

**If you come in and want Star, I will happily hand her over :)**
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