Avatar of Odysseus
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    1. Odysseus 9 yrs ago


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Robert, Frankie and Seth are all accepted! Although, ideally, I'd like to see you expand a bit on Robert's personality and related flaws, RPforthatPR. Also I'll say you can create 1-3 characters.
Um, not quite yet. Read the sample character sheets of Dr Foster and Wong, those provide a good template of what I expect from a character sheet.

What would you sacrifice to save the world?


A refuge houses several dozen people in the middle of Stony Ridge, New York - a town otherwise abandoned to the walkers. The place was Redman's Tavern, which was Stony Ridge's main attraction, before. It was a large, spacious area - if a bit overcrowded. Nevertheless, you are more comfortable there than you have been in the past year - ever since the dead wouldn't stay dead. It was heavily fortified, keeping out any walkers that tried getting close. For the most part, you try and keep your head down and not make a scene. Maybe, with luck, you can just ride the apocalypse out here.

Until one day, when an SUV rolls up to the refuge. Walkers are hot on its' trail, but the driver spots the lookouts on top of the tavern and gets out. He is an older man, accompanied by a woman of similar age. She is holding something large, maybe the last of her belongings. The couple run up to the gate, begging to be let in. You spot the ordeal from the window. Normally, your people would hesitate on letting the strangers in, but something was different. These two were wearing lab coats. The gatekeeper opens the doors quickly, and the couple dash inside as walkers curiously probe the SUV.

Everyone gathers around the couple, and stares at them in shock. The woman was not carrying her belongings. She was carrying a child. A plump, healthy looking boy of around 3 years of age is dropped roughly by the woman.

The elderly couple are out of breath, unable to speak and obviously scared witless. You exchange a glance with the others. Is this a joke? What's going on?

"We... were testing..." the man begins. You shift uncomfortably.

"Testing...?" Someone asks, warily.

"Blood." The woman offers. You frown. "Our team was taking blood samples in the City. Looking for... the thing that has infected us all."

"We found... him." The man gestures to the boy.

"Is he infected?" Someone calls out. The couple immediately shake their heads.

"No. He is immune." A tense silence hung in the air. "He is not a carrier. In his blood lies the cure for this outbreak."

The boy begins to cry. The male doctor kneels quickly to comfort him. It is clear that he has a lot of experience with kids. The man tries his best to comfort the kid, but nothing seems to work. The child only cries harder.

"My name is Beverly Foster," the woman announces over the boy's wails. "I am a scientist with the United States government. For the past year, we've been looking for a cure to this madness, and we've finally found it. The military was going to escort us to safety... but they were overrun." Beverly hangs her head. "There is an active military base in South Carolina. Shaw Air Force Base. If you take us there, not only will you be protected by the military, but you will help us end this plague. Who will help us?"


Your character, however incredulous of this supposed cure, believes that trying to reach the military is the best course of action. They agree to join the scientists in the long trek from New York to South Carolina. You can create multiple characters, but expect this roleplay to be similar in lethality as the comics or TV show. That is, your characters can and probably will die. If that happens, you can create a new character(s) that finds the group and joins them. It's possible that by the end, the group that reaches Shaw Air Force Base will be completely different than the group that left Stony Ridge.

Age: (16 is the minimum age, there is no maximum age. You can create a character under 16, if accompanied by an adult character of yours)
Appearance (Description is fine, or realistic picture if you prefer):
Skills: What you are exceptionally skilled at. Could be zombie fighting-related, could be applying makeup. Any skill is ok.
Personality: A brief description on what kind of person you are.
Flaws: Include at least two notable flaws your character has. Mental, physical, etc.
History (Pre-outbreak): A bio on what you were or what you did before the end of the world.
History (Post-outbreak): Bio on how your character survived in the zombie infested world, and how they settled in a fortified tavern in a small New York town. Were they there all along, with no experience in the "real" new world? Or did they have a group, and settled as recently as yesterday?

The Roleplay

I want this to be high-casual. The posts don't need to be a certain length, as I value quality over quantity. That being said, character development will be everything to this roleplay. I expect your characters to be realistic, with flaws and weaknesses, and I would like to see them grow over the course of the RP.

Otherwise, standard rules apply. I don't think I need to list them out here. Combat will be decided mainly on the situation and how you respond. You can deal with most combat on your own (start and end a fight with walkers), but if I think you're in a situation where you cannot possibly win, I will intervene and cause harm to your character.

Very rarely, I will roll dice for characters in trouble to see whether or not they live or die, to keep the atmosphere of character death alive.

The roleplay will focus on the theme of morality. We'll be making many difficult decisions as a group, and the scientists that are escorting the child are much more than they appear. There will be no right or wrong in this roleplay, only what you decide is the best course of action.

The Group

Cool, I'm glad to hear so much interest. I'll get an OOC up hopefully tonight. Note that I changed the timeline, and it's now 1 year after the outbreak. If you want to make an outline of your character and fit in the specifics of the setting when I get the OOC up, here's a character skeleton:

Age: (16 is the minimum age, there is no maximum age)
Appearance (Description is fine, or realistic picture if you prefer):
Skills: What you are exceptionally skilled at. Could be zombie fighting-related, could be applying makeup. Any skill is ok.
Personality: A brief description on what kind of person you are.
History (Pre-outbreak): A bio on what you were or what you did before the end of the world.
History (Post-outbreak): Bio on how your character survived in the zombie infested world, and how they settled in a fortified tavern in a small New York town. Were they there all along, with no experience in the "real" new world? Or did they have a group, and settled as recently as yesterday?

The most important thing to note is that all of your characters agreed to escort the scientists to a military base in South Carolina. This interaction will be our opening posts.
Interest check for an RP set in the world of the Walking Dead. Not the most original, but I still feel like it'd be enjoyable for all and The Walking Dead leaves so much open for interpretation. The concept is basically, what if we were to get into a situation like Eugene's story line, but in this scenario, there really was a scientist who claimed to be able to cure the pathogen that was causing the zombie apocalypse? What lengths would you go to to end the apocalypse?

I'd mainly want this RP to deal with character development, questioning what is moral and what isn't, and facing constant difficult decisions that make you question if everything is worth it.

Character death would be very real here, and I'd expect you'd die and create characters as the RP progresses, introducing new ones to replace the old. You could have multiple characters. You'd be travelling as a group, all trying to supposedly deliver a cure to the Walkers to a military base in South Carolina, from New York state.

Setting: One year after the initial outbreak

A refuge houses several dozen people in the middle of a small New York town otherwise abandoned to the walkers. The place was the local tavern, now heavily fortified and protected by a few volunteers and local leaders. You're trying to mind your own business. Everyone is. You've survived this far mostly by keeping your head down, and this group has been the closest thing to civilization you've known in two months. Most everyone you know is dead, and you see no end in sight to this hell on Earth.

Until one day, when an SUV rolls up to the refuge. Walkers are hot in its' trail, but the driver spots the lookouts on top of the tavern and gets out. He is an older man, accompanied by a woman of similar age. She is holding something large, maybe the last of her belongings. The couple run up to the gate, begging to be let in. You spot the ordeal from the window. Normally, your people would hesitate on letting the strangers in, but something was different. These two were wearing lab coats. The gatekeeper opens the doors quickly, and the couple dash inside as walkers curiously enter the SUV.

Everyone gathers around the couple, and stares at them in shock. The woman was not carrying her belongings. She was carrying a child. A plump, healthy looking boy of around 3 years of age is dropped roughly by the woman.

The elderly couple are out of breath, unable to speak and obviously scared witless. You exchange a glance with the others. Is this a joke? What's going on?

"We... were testing..." the man begins. You shift uncomfortably.

"Testing...?" Someone asks, warily.

"Blood." The woman offers. You frown. "Our team was taking blood samples in the City. Looking for... the thing that has infected us all."

"We found... him." The man gestures to the boy.

"Is he infected?" Someone calls out. The couple immediately shake their heads.

"No. He is immune." A tense silence hung in the air. "He is not a carrier. In his blood lies the cure for this outbreak."

The boy begins to cry.


Note: The reality of the setting is much more than it appears, which will later play into the morality issues theme of the RP. The Scientists have a cure, but are not telling you the full story.
I'd agree with the regional dialects.

One months ago
Streets of Boston, Mass.

The cars zipped by him, all eager to get to their destination. The red one turned on first street. It's probably going to work. The offices are that way, Joshua thought. The young man stood on the sidewalk, back slouched but head held high, viewing every detail of what was around him. The men in their suits and women in their dresses walked briskly by him, never paying him a passing glance. At first, Joshua was confused by this. He thought there was something about him, something everyone was able to see, that made people stare. That's what it seemed like in Arkham, anyway. Everyone stared at Joshua when he ventured outside his home. Everyone knew he was different. But in Boston? Nobody knew. Or nobody cared. Either way, Joshua liked it. Everyone was different in the city. Joshua liked to think that, in a way, that made him the same as everyone else. That was something he never was able to feel in Arkham.

It's getting late, Joshua realized as he saw the sun dripping lower into the horizon. I'm far out from home. It'll probably take around 22 minutes by walk. I better set out now. Joshua's friends were coming over tonight. Johnny and Patrick, two members of the Dunn gang. They said they liked Joshua because he was different. Nobody ever said that in Arkham, either. Every Wednesday the three played cards, even though they complained Joshua always won. Tonight, Joshua considered letting Patrick win. Patrick never wins.

Two months ago
The York Apartment

Joshua arrived, 25 minutes after he had set off. He would have been exact, but there had been a fire that blocked off a section of the street. Joshua had to walk around the block. When he closed the door, he noticed that Johnny and Patrick weren't waiting for him. Strange. I'm ten minutes late. They should be here by now. He stepped into his apartment, when he saw the figure on the couch. "Press!" Josh exclaimed, stirring his brother from what was obviously an alcohol induced sleep. Preston groaned, but when he saw his brother, he smiled and staggered up from the couch.

"Hi, Joshy," Preston murmured, as Joshua ran to embrace his brother. Preston had been away from Joshua for weeks, travelling from town to town to spread the Dunn brand. It was the longest the brothers had been apart in years. "I missed you,"

"I missed you too," Josh smiled, releasing Press from his hold. "I thought you'd be away for longer. Also, have Johnny and Patrick stopped by?"

Press nodded. "Yeah, they came up just before you got here. I sent them away."

Josh's face dropped. "Oh." He paused, unsure of how to continue.

"I'm just stopping by, Josh, because I want you to come with me to my next stop. It'll be a road trip!" Press smiled. "That's good, right? You'd like that, bud?"

Josh backed away from Press, his face still. "Um. Yeah. Sure. I mean, I've really enjoyed Boston..."

Preston cut his brother off. "Forget Boston. It's too big for small town guys like us, I think. I thought I'd like it here, but I think I'd prefer a smaller town to settle down in. And I can only imagine how you feel!" Josh pursed his lips, but didn't respond. "We're going home, Josh! We're going to Arkham! Wouldn't it be great to see our old haunts again?"

Josh began to breath heavily. He looked around, lost for words. "I really enjoyed Boston..." He repeated meekly, but Press waved him off.

"Yeah, but you need a break. Pack your bags, Joshy. We're leaving tonight."
Update: I made a political map. The neanderthals are not featured on it, as they have no settled lands yet. For future tribes, territory can slightly overlap (especially with nomads like the Riza).
It is opened, anyone can post.
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